2013-04-02 Commissioners Meeting

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The Board of Commissioners met in the District Office on Tuesday, April 2, 2013. In attendance were Commissioners Mark Graffam, Ron Sandstrom and Mike Smith. The meeting was taped by Tim Hughes.

At 2:34 pm the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mark Graffam.

1. Agenda

Mike Smith makes a motion to accept the agenda. Mark Graffam seconds the motion. Mark Graffam adds policies to “other business”. Motion is called for a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

2. Accounts Payable 3. Minutes

The minutes of 3/21 are reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Mark Graffam seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The minutes of 3/28 are reviewed. Mike Smith corrects a typographical error in the heading

Mark Graffam makes a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

4. Highway Department

Fred Gurley is out today. The department treated roads as needed yesterday morning with the small amount of snow that was received. Some sanding was needed. Roads are being checked and watched for water runoff. Trash is being picked up around the District as it is noticed. The ladder for the sander rack has been secured with a cable and padlock.

5. Road Review
6. Scheduled Appearances 7. Warrant Articles

The Jungfrau pump replacement project is discussed. Hampshire Pumps will be in to view the information next week so that they can produce a quote. Discussion turns to adding concrete to the existing pad at the Jungfrau Station. The design calls for 6” of concrete to be added to the existing pad to allow enough room for the new pump skid. Mark Graffam outlines that upon viewing the existing pad, there are pipes that are within 6” of the existing pad. It will be a challenge to increase the size of the pad. The final dimensions that will be needed for the concrete pad will be dependent upon the actual size of the pump skid once manufactured. Ron Sandstrom discusses the design information including items that will not be done at this time; removal of the electric heating system is an example. Mike Smith states that use of a shop drawing should determine the pump size.


The all wheel drive truck is discussed. Updated numbers for final inclusion of all items listed within the specifications developed have been received. Ron Sandstrom suggests a side by side line review of the two quotes. Numbers and quotes are reviewed. The largest difference in the numbers between the two dealerships is the trade in value of the existing 2009 International. The transmission is noted to be different than requested on one quote. As the Morrison & Sylvester quote contains the requested transmission and warranty it will be focused on. Mark Graffam makes a motion to order the truck from Morrison & Sylvester contingent upon a final review of the information by Fred Gurley and to order the H. P. Fairfield plow and sander set up. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Mike Smith requests an additional quote be obtained for comparison purposes. Mark Graffam outlines that two quotes have been received and due diligence has been done. One company is staying with the specifications as developed, the other is deviating. Ron Sandstrom adds that he would also be in favor of an ‘apples to apples’ quote comparison. Motion called to vote and the motion failed 1-2. Mike Smith makes a motion to go to Vermont & Massachusetts with the Morrison & Sylvester quote for 2 comparison quotes. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion is held on the travel distances that would occur should the truck be purchased in either VT or MA. Motion called to vote and the motion passed 2-1. Discussion on timing for receipt of the additional quotes is held. Mike Smith makes a motion to accept numbers until 4/9/13 for a final review by the Commissioners on 4/16/13. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Ron Sandstrom questions the downside of a 2 week delay. The manufacturers queue is outlined; the effect will be unknown until the order is placed and a delivery date obtained. Ron Sandstrom states that he would like to be able to do a final review and place the order next week. Motion called to vote and the motion failed 1-2. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to have a comparison number for review by next Tuesday or order the truck from Morrison & Sylvester. Mark Graffam seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-1.

Mark Graffam states that he will be meeting with the Administrator for the Town of Madison to outline the establishment of an easement on the lot on St Moritz that is owned by the Town and included in the next phase of the reconstruction of Oak Ridge Rd.

8. Water System Planning

George Thomas was in Saturday to check the Sodium Hydroxide tank for possible cleaning. After review, George Thomas stated that additional planning and supplies to hold any remaining chemicals will be needed for cleaning the tank. Additional personnel may also be needed. George Thomas has recommended ordering chemicals to fill the tank now and scheduling a cleaning of the tank for the fall prior to the next filling. Scott Hayes, water system operator, has stated that an extension will be needed in order to reach the new isolation valves that are planned for placement at the intersection of Appenvel and Jungfrau. Mark Graffam questions if this will be a tool that needs to be threaded together as that style tool is not always preferable as it may bend at a connection point. No price for the needed tool extension has yet been received. Mark Graffam questions if a hard copy of the specifications and design for the Reinach Tanks has been received. This will be checked into. Mark Graffam discusses acceptance of the design by the Commissioners and a formal procedure for acceptance. Ron Sandstrom states that he is not aware of any formal procedure for accepting a design from the engineer and does not recall doing this on last year’s engineering designs. Mark Graffam states that the final design should be approved and accepted by the Commissioners. Mike Smith adds that the VDOE should approve and accept the design prior to the State review.


Discussion is held on the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) review of the designs. DES does not approve designs; they only review them and make recommendations. No stamped approval is done by DES. Mark Graffam reiterates that the Commissioners will review the final design for approval and acceptance by the VDOE.

9. Commissioners Reports

Mark Graffam reports that the pallet of Sodium Bicarbonate bags is in the DPW garage. One bag will be carried to the chemical injection room for use tomorrow. The pallet will be moved into the water system chemical injection room. The beavers are active and are preparing to begin their attempt to block the culvert at Big Loop. A chain is to be placed onto the beaver grate for ease of removing the grate for cleaning. The DPW will be asked to review the area. Mark Graffam met with contractor Norm Garside. An estimate is expected for this building and for replacement of the overhang for the door at Jungfrau Station.

Ron Sandstrom discusses the outhouses at the beaches. The outhouses were pumped in the fall, but have not yet been cleaned for the 2013 season. This is generally not done until May. Mark Graffam adds that the whirl-a-way system for cleaning the culverts could be used to clean the outhouses. The DPW will be asked to handle this.

10. Signature Items 11. Correspondence

Information relating to a requested building permit for the Coleman Tower Site is reviewed.

Mark Graffam makes a motion to send the information to Attorney Dan Crean for review. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The NH Municipal Association has sent the weekly legislative bulletin.

12. Administration

The payroll report is presented. Report and time cards are reviewed. Mark Graffam makes a motion to approve payroll at $5,392.15. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

13. Old Business 14. Other Business

The water usage daily report for March is reviewed. Ron Sandstrom graphed the data.

VDOE policies are discussed. Two additional policies were discussed for development last week. Mark Graffam makes a motion to create a policy that all checks received are deposited as soon as possible. Any checks not deposited within 6 business days of receipt are to be reported to the Board of Commissioners in a memo stating why the check has not been deposited. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mark Graffam makes a motion that all communications regarding water hook-ups; drainage; and driveways be communicated in writing by the Board of Commissioners.


Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion on procedures is held. A form or form letter will be developed for water hook-up acceptance. Mike Smith suggests a matrix be developed for the entire building procedure. An outline which is used by Nancy Cole is shared with the Board. This will be sent to the Commissioners for additional review and discussion on development and publication of a matrix. Additional discussion on removal of nonspecific procedures and the closing of areas where persons can misinterpret a spoken statement is held. Motion called to vote and the motion passed 3-0.

15. Public Comments

At 4:08 pm Mark Graffam makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole Administrator

