Water testing results and CCR information

A concern for the safety of the water system was raised recently following a service line break. The Board of Commissioners are pleased to report that the monthly bacteria testing for June has been completed and all results show no bacteria present.

When you receive your water bill, the 2014 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)is enclosed with the invoice. This report is required to be sent to all connections to the system. In summary, the report states that the VDOE water system was issued no violations from NH DES in 2013. The report also shows all detected limits for the categories of chemicals for which the system is tested annually. The chemicals listed that do not show a test value mean that no detectable amounts of that chemical were found during the testing.

Also enclosed with the invoice is a survey. You may take this survey on this website or mail back your responses. Please take a moment to review and answer the questions. Having this information may save you time and money should a water pipe break inside or outside your home.

Thank you for supporting the VDOE Water System!