September 23, 2014
The Village District of Eidelweiss Water Operations Committee met with the Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at 9:30 am. Present were committee members Commissioners Ron Sandstrom and Mike Smith, Ralph Lutjen, Dinah Reiss and Nancy Cole. [expand title="More Text"]
Mike Smith makes a motion to nominate Ron Sandstrom as Chair for this Committee. Dinah Reiss seconds the motion and the motion passed 5-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to nominate Nancy Cole as Secretary for the Committee. Ralph Lutjen seconds the motion and the motion passed 5-0.
The Board of Commissioners focus on the details of the water system and the level of involvement with the water system that the Board currently has is outlined and discussed. The need for management of the system is discussed. The employee relationship with the Commissioners and the option of maintaining an agreement for outside oversight going forward is discussed. If the Commissioners were to move water operations in house, neighboring systems would be willing to work with the employee operator and options for maintaining oversight by an outside source would increase. The State of NH Department of Environmental Services and the employees of Fluet Engineering Associates, a division of Dubois and King are also available as an outside source for review of the system. Discussion turns to establishing a procedure for an annual review of the system by an outside source. The need for additional work to be completed by outside contractors that would occur should operations be brought in house is discussed. Mike Smith discusses that the highway department is not in a position to maintain water operations. Stability of the highway department employees and the need to maintain both roads and water system are discussed. Establishing criteria for a higher level employee is discussed. Ability to attract a professional with experience is desired. The challenge to find someone fitting the criteria of experience with road and water systems is discussed. Ron Sandstrom states that the Commissioners are currently outlining all details of projects for the water system at this time. Managing of costs being incurred is being done. Discussion on the benefits of internal system operations based on the long standing experience the employees, specifically Nancy Cole, have with the system. A possible model would include Nancy Cole becoming the licensed operator and hiring part time office help. The office could hold the license, but it is outlined that it would not always be feasible for the office staff to be on site during a project. Increasing documentation on the systems and operations and building maps and a database will be a benefit to handling the operations in house. The setting up for a future internal operator is discussed. The need to contract an outside license source at this time exists. The need to work out specifics of what would be included with contracting with another municipality for training of an employee to be licensed is discussed. The option of sending Nancy Cole to classes in October for initial licensing as a Grade 1A water operator is discussed. The cost of the class will be looked into, as will the cost of traveling to Concord to attend. Dinah Reiss offers to discuss additional details with the Conway Village Fire District Water Precinct and report back to the group. Expectations, cost, emergency response and creating efficiencies for moving forward are to be outlined. Mike Smith states he will attend the meeting in Conway. A meeting will be established.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 9:00 am.
At 11:10 am Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy E. Cole
Water Operations Committee