2015-06-29 Commissioners Meeting

June 29, 2015

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Monday, June 29, 2015. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom, Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. Also present were Kelly Robitaille (highway), Wes Smith of Thaddeus Thorne Surveyors, Treasurer & Asset Management Committee member Dinah Reiss, Clerk & Asset Management Committee member Jay Buckley, residents Paul & Anne McKenna, and Joe Rosenberg. The meeting was taped for Madison TV. Session recessed and reconvened Wednesday July 1 at 8:30 am.
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At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.

1. Agenda

Larry Leonard makes a motion to add a non-public session and approve the agenda as amended. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to have scheduled appearances first. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The Action list is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille reports that Blinden was worked on Friday. A few more hours will be needed to complete the road. Tony Eldridge operated the grader and will be in tonight to grade Eidelweiss Drive. Little Loop will be looked at Wednesday by the Engineer. Cutting of tree limbs over roads is discussed. Kelly Robitaille states that he does not like to do this work. A basket that could be used in the front of the backhoe is available from Coleman’s for $1,000. This would allow the person cutting the limbs to not be under the limbs in the back of a truck. Mike Smith makes a motion to get the cost of renting and renting to own this bucket. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The completed road work report is discussed. The top of Oak Ridge and the cost of ledge pack are discussed. Estimate for work in this area is $3,300 with 6 inches of ¾ inch gravel; $4,500 with 3 inches ¾ inch gravel and 3 inches ledge pack. Roller lease numbers are expected for Wednesday. An option of lease to own will be asked about. Planned work for the DPW includes dead ends off Oak Ridge Road. Culverts are being cleaned in areas as work is done. Discussion on the estimates requested for Oak Ridge drainage project and Middle Shore at Geneva Hill are discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion give Wirling until the end of the week and if no estimate is received, contact for an estimate will be made with BEQ III Construction with a request for numbers by 7/10. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to have the No Fireworks signs installed by Friday July 3. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith states that a board was put into the dam on Friday. A safety meeting will be scheduled for Wednesday at 8:30 am.

3. Water System Planning

A follow up will be done on completion of the work in the chemical injection room. Hartley Well has stated they will schedule the work for Muddy Beach Well #2. Tom Therrien of Electrical Installations was sent the upcoming meeting schedule last week. A scheduled appearance for Tom will be worked on. The quote for the new pump at Jungfrau has been requested. Resident Mark Graffam has sent a 91-A request to review pH information from the water system. A meeting to give access to the documents containing this information has been requested. Mike Smith will work with Scott Hayes of Iron Mountain to schedule work on locating additional isolation valve locations.

(July 1) The quote for the Grundfos CR 45-3-2 has been received. Mike Smith makes a motion to order the pump. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion on having Paul Fluet review the quotes prior to order is held. Motion held for review by Paul Fluet.

Tom Therrien has stated that he is on vacation the week of July 10 and can appear at the Commissioners meeting July 17. Larry Leonard will not be in attendance that meeting. Mike Smith makes a motion to schedule Tom Therrien to appear July 24. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

4. Administration

The Asset Management meeting held this past Saturday is discussed. Committee member Jay Buckley outlines the creation of a form for collecting the data and the database containing the information. The database has been made available to authorized users. Links exist to the Town of Madison map, lot, and Eidelweiss street address for each lot. The hardware selection for tools recommended for purchase by the Committee is outlined. Data Collectors are needed for this project. The Purchase Order submitted to the Commissioners from the Asset Management Committee is reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to authorize the Purchase Order in the amount of $2,020. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion is held on the use of all equipment for this project and going forward. Use of the information when responding to an emergency situation with the water system is discussed. Future use of all tools recommended is emphasized. Cameras are discussed. The VDOE has one camera for use and Ron Sandstrom will donate a second. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

Electrician Chip Johnson has been asked for a quote for installation of the heat detectors for DPW II. Mr. Johnson will be in to look at the garage today.

5. Accounts Payable

The check manifest is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 13 checks for a total for $18,933.65. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

6. Minutes

The minutes of 6/8 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The minutes of 6/15 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The Non-Public minutes of 6/15 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to seal the minutes of the Non-Public Session of 6/15. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

7. Commissioners Reports

Ron Sandstrom discusses activity on the creation and development of the database for asset management.

Mike Smith discusses the beach signs. The wording for allowance of camping with permission is on the Town of Madison signs; which is the origination of the wording carried forward onto the Eidelweiss signs. Roads are in good shape following the rain. Mike Smith makes a motion to price toilets and hardware for the outhouses for the 2016 Warrant. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion is held on option of replacing outhouses with port-o-potties. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0. Larry Leonard advises that the toilet seats will be checked this week. Discussion is held on the construction occurring on the wetlands lot on Diessbach. Mike Smith makes a motion to request all information on the lot from NH Department of Environmental Services. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

(July 1) Larry Leonard discusses that he feels that his value on the Board has been diminished by the vendor notice recently sent. Larry Leonard outlines the work he has done to try to move projects forward and states he does not feel his work is valued. Ron Sandstrom states that Larry Leonard adds to the Board, but that a vote from the Board to pursue projects is needed. One member of the Board cannot just move forward on any project. Ron Sandstrom outlines the difficulties created when one member of the Board is gathering data on his own. Larry Leonard states that the projects were discussed last fall; he feels blindsided by attacks. Mike Smith informs Larry Leonard that he should not take things personally. Going down a road on his own without bringing information to the Board is not how to get anything done. Larry Leonard responds that he does not work in that way. Mike Smith reiterates that all items must come through the Board. Ron Sandstrom adds that individual work, shared timely with the Board for discussion, is the process in which government works. Compliance with the RSA’s is required. Larry Leonard states that he feels nothing is getting done and he should resign from the Board. The role of elected officials and compliance with RSA 91-A are discussed.

8. Signature Items (July1)

Draft of a letter to Glen Builders regarding damage to Blinden Drive during construction 12 Blinden is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign and send the letter. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

The Loan Agreement for NH DES State Revolving Loan Fund is reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the loan agreement. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion on review completed by Attorney Dan Crean is held. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-0.

A letter of support for the Property-Liability Trust is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign and send the letter. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

9. Correspondence

The property owner at 46 Aspen has requested an update on the work to be done to repair the pavement at the edge of his driveway and Aspen. One load of asphalt in the 550 would allow the DPW crew to do this job independent of other asphalt needs. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to produce a work order for the DPW to repair this area. Mike Smith seconds the motion. Mike Smith moves to amend the motion to include sending a letter to the homeowner updating the status of the plan. Ron Sandstrom seconds the amendment. Motion is called to a vote and the motion, as amended, passed 2-0.

An email with photo of puddles in the Huttwil parking lot was received from Mark Graffam. Mike Smith makes a motion to not respond to this email. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Eversource has sent information regarding changing of all electric meters.

Neighborhood energy has sent the savings report on electric costs. Mike Smith discusses use of a program called optional time of day for the pump houses going forward.

An email complaint on the appearance of the beaches and stating that there is a broken picnic table at Boulder Beach has been received from Holly Maudsley. Nancy Cole states that the picnic table has been removed and replaced with one of the new tables recently purchased.

The NH Municipal Association has sent the Legislative Bulletin and monthly NewsLink.

The pond testing results through the Volunteer Lake Assessment Program taken by Eidelweiss Property Owner’s Association members have been received.

The owners of 17 Middle Shore (formerly D-1) have sent an inquiry regarding the status of the Driveway Permit for Construction for this lot. As the permit expired over a year ago, a new permit application has been requested. Mike Smith makes a motion to waive the application fee for this lot as it has already been paid once. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion on requiring compliance with the Engineer’s drawings for the site is held. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

A call from the owner of 1 Forclaz regarding the changes to the Water Ordinance last year is discussed. The homeowner is not pleased that persons will be billed for seasonal shut off or turn on of water service between November 1 and May 1. Caller also expressed displeasure for not being aware of public hearings on that matter. The email notification system available through the VDOE website was outlined as a means of receiving notice of information from the VDOE to the caller. Mike Smith makes a motion to send a letter to the homeowner outlining the holding of Public Hearings and update to the Ordinance. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Discussion is held on the number of seasonal turn on and offs each year and associated costs. Larry Leonard states that he feels all persons should pay for this service. Mike Smith makes a motion to tally for analysis the number of seasonal turn off requests and associated costs. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Information on an upcoming class on gravel roads by Russ Lanoie has been sent by Jay Buckley. Mike Smith makes a motion to send the DPW to the class. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion is held on class attendance on a Saturday. Mike Smith moves to amend the motion to include 6 hours of overtime pay for attending. Ron Sandstrom seconds the amendment. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

10. Scheduled Appearances

Paul & Anne McKenna submit a letter to the Commissioners. The reconnection of the prior driveway and the channel grate required in the Driveway Permit for Construction are discussed. The McKenna’s would like to replace the asphalt instead of placing the grate. A request is made by the McKenna’s for the VDOE to cost share or supply labor for the work needed. The history of the driveway asphalt cut is outlined by Paul McKenna. Drainage at the intersection of Upper Lakeview and Oak Ridge is discussed. Water flow onto the property if the asphalt is replaced is discussed. Paul McKenna states that there was not a problem with water flowing onto the property prior to the cut being made. Drainage throughout the area improved once the ditching was done further up Oak Ridge Road. Addition of pea stone to the ditch area so as to be able to drive over and maintain drainage for the road is discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to have Engineer Paul Fluet review the area Wednesday. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Paul McKenna requests the Commissioners consider the request that the VDOE supply labor or cost share on this project. Ron Sandstrom discusses the potential setting of precedent for all homeowners and work on this driveway would not be in the best interest of the taxpayers. Mike Smith states that this Board will work with the McKenna’s for inspection of the work, but is not responsible for actions of prior boards. Ordinance at the time was followed. Information from the Engineer will be sent after the review.

Wes Smith of Thaddeus Thorne Surveyors discusses gathering of information and the information already in possession of Thorne Surveyors for lots within Eidelweiss. Discussion on the ability of Thorne to provide the information they already have is held. Wes Smith states that all information can be provided. Wes Smith estimates that 75% of the lots from Oak Ridge Road to Rte 113 have surveyed information. Unless required to return to the lot or area of the lot, they do not have curb stop valve locations. Wes Smith discusses surveyed locations of roads. This information is not based on the deeds held by the VDOE for the roads; it is based on current travel surface. Wes Smith outlines that putting information into an Excel spreadsheet is not his focus; he develops maps and then adds specific information. Because of this, the information is not currently in the format requested. Wes Smith estimates to complete the area he refers to as Phase A – Eidelweiss Drive from Oak Ridge Road to Rte 113, including all roads within that boundary; would cost $5,000. This would cover 5 days of field work and office mapping time. No estimate of time to complete this work is stated. The verification project the Asset Management Committee is working on for curb stop valves is supported by Wes Smith who states he can input the information onto a map when compiled.
(Ron Sandstrom leaves the meeting at 10:45 am.) Wes Smith continues by stating that to use the information going forward, the maps should be as accurate as possible.

11. Other Business (July 1)

Mike Smith discusses the extended length of the meeting with Wes Smith of Thorne Surveyors on Monday. The information to be given was not put forth in an organized fashion.

Chief Mullen of Madison Police has reviewed and is in favor of posting the See Something, Say Something notice. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to post the notice on the website. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith discusses new driveway work at 31 Interlaken. Mike Smith makes a motion to send a letter to the homeowner for obtaining a Driveway Permit. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

12. Public Comments

At 11:15 am Mike Smith makes a motion to recess the meeting until 8:30 am Wednesday July 1. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Meeting reconvened July 1, 2015 at 8:30 am.

At 9:25 am Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole