2015-11-09 Commissioners Meeting

November 9, 2015

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Monday, November 9, 2015. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom and Larry Leonard. Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy), Treasurer Dinah Reiss, Clerk Jay Buckley and resident Joe Farnese. The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.

At 9:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.

1. Agenda

Larry Leonard makes a motion to approve the agenda. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Ron Sandstrom moves to hear scheduled appearances first. Larry Leonard seconds the motion to amend. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-0. Larry Leonard makes a motion to call Mike Smith. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0. Call to Mike Smith is made and no answer is received.

The Action list is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille states that the issue with the road grader continues. The new shaft installed by Chadwick BaRoss did not alleviate the computer code showing failure of the drive shaft. Kelly Robitaille has spoken to Mike Ouellette, the sales representative that sold the machine. Larry Leonard makes a motion to bring the problem above Chadwick BaRoss if needed. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0. The culvert failure on Grison is being worked on by Jon Cyr of JECS Inc. Jon installed the overflow culvert on Grison after the primary road failure of 2012. The intent is to attempt to open the bottom culvert prior to rebuilding the headwall. The inlet area will be cleaned up in the process.

3. Water

Ian Hayes has rescheduled his appearance to next week. A booster pump at the Chocorua station has failed. Ian Hayes has requested a purchase order to replace the pump in the amount of $4,300, including all associated valves, pipes and labor. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve the purchase order for $4,300 for replacement of the Chocorua booster pump. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0. A purchase order for filling of the Sodium Hydroxide tank is presented. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve the purchase order for NaOH at $3,500. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

4. Administration

A follow up on the scheduling of the Madison Fire Department safety review of the buildings for the VDOE will be done.

A follow up on the requested quote for GPS tracking units and software for the District’s trucks will be done.

Asset management is discussed. Jay Buckley outlines the need to include maintenance planning within the asset management system as it is developed. The Asset Management Committee will be completing the application for an available 2016 NH DES Asset Management Grant for the Board to review and consider.

The payroll report is presented. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $4,594. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-0.

Accounts Payable

The check manifest is presented. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve 4 checks for a total of $7,108.75. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-0.

6. Minutes

The minutes of 11-02 are reviewed. Larry Leonard makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

7. Commissioners Reports

Ron Sandstrom discusses an extract of curb stop location data taken from the database that will be shared with Ian Hayes.

Larry Leonard questions the potential need for property owners to obtain NH DES permits for placing of driveway culverts within 250 feet of the road as stated earlier by Mr. Farnese of Diessbach Drive. Larry Leonard makes a motion to pose the question to NH DES. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0. Larry Leonard makes a motion to validate the road grading idea proposed by Mr. Farnese with Engineer Paul Fluet. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0. Larry Leonard discusses placing Diessbach Drive as a target road to be worked on in 2016.

8. Signature Items

Purchase order 123 for shifter repairs to the road grader is presented. Larry Leonard states he will not sign this purchase order. Repairs were authorized during the 11/2 meeting.

Purchase order 124 for snow tires for the new Terra Star is presented. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to sign purchase order 124 in the amount of $1,830. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Work order 1099 for cleaning of the Big Loop culvert by boom truck operated by Stubby Heath for $200 is presented. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to sign work order 1099. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Work order 1100 for a final driveway inspection at 19 Aspen Drive is presented. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to sign work order 1100. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Work order 1101 for inspection of drainage and driveway repairs, if appropriate at 32 and 22 Oak Ridge Road is presented. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to sign work order 1101. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

A letter to the owner of 13 Presidential View regarding a possible location for the curb stop valve for that property with a request to access the outside spigot for testing of the theory is presented. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to sign the letter to the property owner of 13 Presidential View. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.
Treasurer Dinah Reiss presents the Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) loan documents. Documents are reviewed and signed.

9. Correspondence

The monthly rental check of $500 for the Coleman Tower site has been received.

Engineers Paul Fluet and Nick Sceggell have sent information on how to execute emergency repairs to Grison and Burgdorf.

Ian Hayes has sent through planned and needed work for the water system with some costs requested by the Board. The list and priority of the work listed will be discussed with next week with Ian Hayes.

Madison Code Enforcement officer Bob Boyd has sent notice responding to a complaint of tree cutting on Jungfrau that is very near the brook. Notice will be sent to the property owner who has cut the trees to remove the slag that has been left and the need for NH DES permits to cut any trees within 75 feet of the brook.

10. Scheduled Appearances

Joseph Farnese of Diessbach Drive has attended the meeting at the request of the Commissioners to discuss the driveway for his property, which was recently paved prior to issuance of a permit. Discussion ensues on installation of a driveway culvert. Mr. Farnese outlines that the road is not ditched nor properly crowned, therefore no culvert is necessary at this time. Ron Sandstrom outlines that the VDOE Engineers were recently in the District and viewed Diessbach so as to be able to make recommendations on proper drainage flow. Mr. Farnese states that he has checked for a NH DES permit for the culvert that exists on Diessbach and empties into a lot owned by Mr. Farnese and has not discovered a permit. Mr. Farnese shows a drawing done for a former owner of the lot that shows a 12 inch culvert, the current culvert at this location is larger. Mr. Farnese shows drainage flowing across the vacant lot towards the lot line, following a trench to the pond. It is unknown if this is a drawing depicting an option the property owner may need to install, or if it is the existing drainage route at the time the drawing was created in 1988. Discussion on a NH DES requirement on the permits issued to Mr. Farnese regarding replanting of portions of the lot is held. Mr. Farnese discusses the flow from the culvert, claiming it is interfering with his ability to comply with the permit. Resolution moving forward will be sought regarding the culvert and the VDOE’s right to create drainage to protect the road. Kelly Robitaille discusses the need to ditch the area and crown the road. Mr. Farnese discusses pitching the road towards his house lot to avoid additional flow directly into the wetlands. Ron Sandstrom states that all information will be sent for review by the engineers, legal counsel and NH DES. Larry Leonard makes a motion to place the submitted application for a driveway permit for construction on hold. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

11. Other Business

Ron Sandstrom outlines that he was contacted by a resident who is concerned about the fall potential at the 17 Middle Shore construction site. The Board is informed that the property owners have posted the property as required during construction.

12. Public Comments

At 10:20 am Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to enter Non-Public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) legal. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote; Ron Sandstrom yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 2-0.

Motions and votes of Non-Public session:

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to request a list of action items for the District from Attorney Dan Crean once he has had a chance to review the tape of today’s meeting. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

At 10:35 am Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to exit Non-Public session and adjourn the meeting. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole