2016-01-22 Public Hearing on Budgets & Bond issue

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JANUARY 22, 2016


The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on the proposed bond for the reconstruction of Oak Ridge Road, followed by a Public Hearing on the proposed 2016 VDOE Budget on January 22, 2016 at 7 pm at the Madison Town Hall meeting room. 11 persons were present.


Mike Smith makes a motion to open the hearing on the Bond for $300,000 proposed for the reconstruction of Oak Ridge Road. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. 


Review of the Oak Ridge Road reconstruction project is presented by Ron Sandstrom. Outline of bids received and opened during public meeting is given.  G.W Brooks is the lowest accepted bid.  References are being checked and were received late this afternoon from the Engineer.  Bid anticipated to be awarded at the next Commissioners meeting.  Cost of the project is reviewed and discussed.  Tax impact for future years is outlined.  Amount on the notice being $300,000 is discussed.  Actual amount of the loan may be lower.  Gloria Aspinall questions project oversight and is informed that Fluet Engineering has been appointed as project manager.  Mike Smith outlines recommendation from Engineer that current water lines not be replaced until the road is resurfaced in 7-10 years.  Jay Buckley questions the Unassigned Fund Balance and using of these funds in this article.  Ron Sandstrom outlines the unspent funds from two Warrant Articles approved in 2015 that were not completed.  Discussion continues on road work and needs for the District.

At 7:20 pm Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to close the Public Hearing on the bond for the reconstruction of Oak ridge Road. Mike Smith seconds the motion passed 3-0. 

At 7:20 pm Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to open the Public Hearing on the 2016 Budgets. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Ron Sandstrom outlines the Commissioners goal for the 2016 Warrant.

Article 3 for establishment of an Expendable Trust Fund for Medical Insurance in the amount of $35,000 is outlined. Funding is from the Unassigned Fund Balance.  Some discussion on future funding for insurance needs is held.  Reduction of the operating budget in the amount of $35,000 is outlined.

Article 4 for the Operations/Highway Budget and Article 5 for the Water Budget are reviewed.  Categories and funding levels are reviewed and discussed.  Employee bonuses are discussed.  Establishing a line item for bonuses is discussed.  Current funding from salary lines is outlined.  Benefits are reviewed.  Increase in the Retirement plan line item is discussed.  Enrollment of all three employees being mandatory under NH RSA is discussed.  Bond payments for the 2016 calendar year are reviewed.  Dinah Reiss outlines collection of the payment for the tank lining project in 2015 without costs being incurred and recommends not raising Overage spent on Grison and Burgdorf emergency road repairs is highlighted.  Increase in engineering expenses outlined.  Increase in culvert line item outlined to include addition of culverts in a drainage issue on Eidelweiss Drive.  Discussion on option of having a review of the Lodge for needed repairs is held.  Street lighting is reviewed.  Parks & Recreation is reviewed.  TAN note interest line is reviewed and discussed.  Use of a TAN in January of 2016 is outlined.  Dinah Reiss discusses TAN usage and earlier receipt of the tax payment from the Town of Madison.

Article 6 for Engineering, Design and Permitting of Grison and Burgdorf road repairs for permanent corrections is discussed. Outline of undersized culverts at these locations, along with approximately one year of time needed to obtain proper permits is given. Some discussion on the work completed this year is held.

Article 7 for pavement preservation discussed. The need to maintain paved roads as well as gravel roads is discussed.  Creation and release of a maintenance plan for roads is discussed.  The need for shoulder work on paved roads is highlighted by Gloria Aspinall.

Article 8 for purchase of an extended warranty for the new Terra Star is reviewed. Purchase of a 5 year warranty is outlined.

Article 9 for testing of water at the 5 beaches is discussed. Bob Ingram outlines that Porridge Shore has not been tested weekly; only 4 beaches are done weekly.

Article 10 for expending from the Water Extension Fund is discussed.

Article 11 for Asset management expenditures beyond the NH DES grant which expires May 31, 2016 is outlined. Funding for this is highlighted to be from the unexpended funds previously approved for this effort.

Article 12 for establishing a CRF for heavy equipment repairs is outlined. The need to have funds available for maintaining the heavy equipment without expending money for  three year warranty that may or may not be used.  The equipment should be in service for the District for over 20 years.  Long term financial planning is discussed.

Article 13 for deposit into the Road Construction CRF is discussed.

Article 14 for deposit in the Highway Equipment CRF is discussed.

Article 15 for increasing of Treasurer Term limit is discussed. Dinah Reiss states that she does not see an advantage to increasing this term limit.

Article 16 for increasing of Clerk Term limit is discussed.


Ron Sandstrom moves to adjourn the hearing at 8:45 pm. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.