2016-02-15 Commissioners Meeting

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Board of Commissioners            

February 15, 2016


The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Monday, February 15, 2016. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom and Mike Smith.  Also present was Treasurer Dinah Reiss.  The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.


At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.


  1. Agenda


Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the agenda. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0. 


The action list is reviewed and discussed.


  1. Highway Department Report


The DPW is not in attendance as today is a District holiday. Kelly Robitaille turned in his recommendation for the 2016 paved road work plan.  Ron Sandstrom will work on the presentations for the road plans.  All equipment has been repaired and is in service.


  1. Water


The meeting last week with water operator Ian Hayes and SCADA programmer Tom Therrien outlined the progress on all ongoing work. Work is on target to meet set deadlines.  A draft for a policy of a hydraulic plan review being completed every 5 years is reviewed.


  1. Administration


A safety meeting was held last week. Signs have been placed at the beaches for persons to use caution as the ice may be thin.  Signs were placed following discussion of incidents at local ponds of people and equipment going through the ice.  Safety meetings will be held the second Wednesday of each month.  The Action list will be updated to reflect the schedule.


Treasurer Dinah Reiss discusses the cash flow report. The effect Warrant Articles for funding of Trust Funds will have on cash flow is discussed.  Monthly expenditures for 2015 averaged $60,000; the report will be updated beginning next month to reflect the updated calculation.


Work is progressing on the audit. Schedules are expected Wednesday of this week.


Always on Call has been requested to review the scripts for Eidelweiss with personnel so as to help increase the accuracy of information when delivered to the crew.


Discussion is held on Village Districts of NH not being eligible for Highway Block Grants from the State that Towns can obtain. Including VDOE roads with the Town of Madison’s Highway Block Grant for collection of funding through the Town is discussed.  This will be looked into for further discussion.

An Asset Management meeting was held Saturday. Tommy Gunn and Dinah Reiss are working on the numbering system for road culverts.  Nancy Cole is working with Chad Roberge of Terra Map/Avitar on the maps.  Larry Sodano is working on the Asset Management presentation for the Annual Meeting.


The update to the Unassigned Fund Balance Policy is reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign and adopt the updated Policy. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.


The draft for the Hydraulic Model Update Policy is reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign and adopt the Hydraulic Model Update Policy. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.


A brief review of the Motion Log is held.


The payroll report is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $6,310.33. Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.


Accounts Payable


The check manifest is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 1 check for $67.00. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion.  Check and invoice are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-0.


  1. Minutes


The minutes of February 1 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.


The minutes of February 8 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.


  1. Commissioners Reports


Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to send an email blast reminder for the Annual Meeting, stating that all information is available on the website. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.


Mike Smith makes a motion to obtain pricing for 5 Thin Ice, use caution signs. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion.  Discussion is held on potential exposure to liability regarding the ice conditions.  Legal will be checked with for advice on this matter. Motion is voted and the motion passed 2-0.


  1. Signature Items    


Purchase order 136 is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve Purchase Order 136 for salt in the amount of $3,000. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Purchase order 137 is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve Purchase Order 137 for a secondary pump for the sodium hydroxide in the amount of $2,000. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.


Purchase order 138 is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve Purchase Order 138 for a replacement pump for the Summit station in the amount of $3,200. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.


Auditor Tamar Roberts has supplied a letter of requested information from Attorney Dan Crean. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter to Attorney Crean. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.


An Asset Management Reimbursement request for volunteer hours spent by the Asset Management Committee members is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign and submit the reimbursement request. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.


The draft of the Bonus Policy is reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign and adopt the Bonus Policy. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.


  1. Correspondence


NH Municipal Association has sent the Legislative Bulletin.


Property-Liability Trust has announced the 2016 Board of Directors.







  1. Scheduled Appearances
  2. Other Business


The Asset Management Committee meeting minutes have been distributed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.


The 2016 Warrant for the Annual Meeting and Budget were posted on February 9.


Discussion is held on preparing amendments to Warrant Articles as the article is moved to the floor at the Annual meeting. Information will be put together for review next week.


Moderator Bob Ingram will be contacted to confirm he will attend next week’s meeting.


  1. Public Comments





At 8:46 am Mike Smith makes a motion to enter non-public session pursuant to RSA 91A-3, II (d) property. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion.  Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea and the motion passed 2-0. 


Motions and votes of non-public session:


Mike Smith makes a motion to seal the minutes of this non-public session until conclusion of the matter discussed.  Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0. 


At 9:10 am Mike Smith makes a motion to exit non-public session and adjourn the meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion.  Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea and the motion passed 2-0.


Respectfully submitted,



Nancy E. Cole
