Commissioners Meeting
October 31, 2016
The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Monday, October 31, 2016. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom, Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. Also in attendance were Kelly Robitaille (hwy), Treasurer Dinah Reiss and Ron Cranshaw. The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.
At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.
1. Agenda
Mike Smith makes a motion to add a non-public session and approve the agenda as amended. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
The action list is reviewed and discussed.
2. Highway Department Report
Kelly Robitaille reports that the roads are holding well with the recent rains. The Terra Star has been outfitted for winter operations. The F-550 sander will need a chain and bearings at an estimated cost of $650. Plow edges are needed for the International 7400 at an estimated cost of $250. Rubber edges are recommended for early winter and spring plowing to protect the roads when soft in early winter and late spring at an estimated cost of $400. Total needs for full winter set up is $1,350. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve up to $1,400 for edges, chain and bearings. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The response to the help wanted ad has resulted in one application and two phone calls. The callers were both hesitant when the on-call status of the position was confirmed. Kelly Robitaille outlines that one reliable part time employee would be manageable.
Trees came down over the weekend on Bristenstock and Middle Shore. The tree on Bristenstock resulted in a call out Sunday morning. The roads are made passable and the trees will be removed today. The first culvert to be placed on Eidelweiss Drive will be done this week. Sand is being delivered and fill removed by Brandon Drew of High St Sand & Gravel. Salt is discussed. The salt side of the tent is ¾ full. Mike Smith makes a motion to order a load of salt after November 15. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. A puddle which forms at the intersection of Blinden and Interlaken is discussed. A culvert may be needed to move this water across the road into established drainage. This will be looked at. Kelly Robitaille reports that the Big Loop culvert was cleaned on Friday. The materials the beavers use to block the culvert were removed.
Curb stop valve (CSV) locating is discussed. Mike Smith outlines that CSV’s have been located as far as 3 feet underground. Mike Smith makes a motion to use the backhoe as needed for CSV locating efforts. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion ensues on other focus for the Highway Department and the lateness in the year for exposing valves. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.
Upcoming classes offered by the UNH Technology Transfer Center (UNH T2) are discussed. Kelly Robitaille will need to recertify with the culvert maintainer program. A class will be identified for enrollment. There is a Green Snow Pro class on November 15 available. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to enroll Kelly Robitaille and Jeff DeMartino in the class. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
3. Water
Information is expected from the engineers and water operator on protection of the temporary line at 1 Bristenstock and for recommendations on alleviating the pressure loss that occurs at this property. If information is not received, establishing a conference call for Monday, November 7 during the Commissioners meeting with the engineers and water operator is discussed. This will be set up if needed.
The requested quote from the electrician for placing of the metal conduit at Muddy Beach to protect the lines from wells to the pump house has been received. Quote is $5,900 with placement of a secondary protected line. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve placement of the conduit for Muddy Beach. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion ensues regarding obtaining of a second quote. Mike Smith withdraws the motion. Mike Smith makes a motion to obtain a second quote. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to obtain a quote for lightening protection, by location, for all pump houses. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Dana Haley is working with Ian Hayes to estimate pricing for placing of a propane tank and heater at the Reinach station.
Larry Leonard outlines that a puddle exists near the end of a driveway on Eidelweiss Drive across from Big Loop. The area will be checked for a possible CSV leak.
4. Administration
A safety meeting will be scheduled for Friday, November 4 at 12:30 as Kelly Robitaille will be on vacation November 7.
The Asset Management Committee is discussed. Reduction of the Committee size to 5 persons is discussed. Re-validation of intent for the 5 members will be done. Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce the Asset Management Committee to the 5 persons whom have attended the most meetings. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Thank you letters to the other members not among the 5 chosen will be sent.
Health insurance options for January 1, 2017 are reviewed and discussed. For the District to reimburse employees for a portion of the higher co-pay option, a flexible spending account or health insurance savings account would need to be established. As these accounts carry administrative fees and tax implication to employees, pursuit is not recommended. Mike Smith discusses establishing a bank account of $100 per employee for reimbursement of $10 per medical visit for which a $20 co-pay is charged. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the AB20, $20 co-pay plan for 2017. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to review reimbursement options for employee co-pays in 2017 with the elected 2017 Board of Commissioners. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Proposed budgets for 2017 are reviewed and discussed by line item. Clarification of water system and highway line items will be completed on the spreadsheet.
Larry Leonard makes a motion to reduce administration/supplies to $2000. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Larry Leonard makes a motion to reduce administration/printing to $3,000. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Larry Leonard makes a motion to reduce administration/telecommunications to $1,600. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Larry Leonard makes a motion to reduce administration/safety to $1,000. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce legal to $4,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Larry Leonard makes a motion to reduce Bldngs & Grounds/electricity to $2,300. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion failed 1-2 with Mike Smith and Ron Sandstrom against as this reduction is too close to actual to incur any cost increase.
Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce Misc/Training/Cklist to $1,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce fuel to $14,500. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce salt to $14,000. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to increase gravel to $15,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce subcontract equipment to $3,500. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce street lighting to $1,250. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce parks & rec to $7,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce water/electricity to $23,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce water/pump house repairs to $42,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-1 with Ron Sandstrom against reducing this line item.
Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce water/treatment to $4,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Discussion on potential need for two NaOH fills next year is held. Motion is called to vote and the motion failed 1-2 with Mike Smith and Ron Sandstrom against reducing a line item to below needs.
Mike Smith makes a motion to increase water/engineering to $3,500. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to increase water/heating to $2,250. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-1 with Larry Leonard against increasing this line item.
Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce water/telemetry to $4,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Other items that may be included on the 2017 Warrant are discussed. These items include repair to the hill on Middle Shore at Geneva; lodge repairs; establishing a CRF for water system tanks; vacuum system for leaf removal from ditch lines; crack sealing of Lugano; establishing a beach parking sticker pass; and engineering of Little Loop Road for drainage corrections.
5. Accounts Payable
The check manifest is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 9 checks for $16,155.08. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.
6. Minutes
The minutes of October 24 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
7. Commissioners Reports
Larry Leonard reports that Burr Phillips, engineer, will attend next Monday’s meeting.
8. Signature Items
Letter to property owner of 55 Eidelweiss Drive is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter regarding needed changes to the driveway at 55 Eidelweiss Drive for protection of the road. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Letter to the property owner of 14 Blinden is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter regarding placement of a driveway culvert without a permit. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Letter to property owner of 1582 Conway Road is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter regarding creation of a new driveway without a permit. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Letter to the property owner of 43 Oak Ridge is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter outlining the intended corrections to the driveway culvert at this property. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Work Order 1133 is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign work order 1133 for corrective replacement of the driveway culvert at 43 Oak Ridge Road. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Work Order 1132 is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign work order 1132 for driveway inspection of completed driveway at 17 Middle Shore. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Purchase order 164 is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve purchase order 164 in the amount of $555 for directional flow arrows for the pump houses. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion ensues with Larry Leonard outlining a less costly alternative that was located on line. Alternative previously reviewed and not acted upon as stick on arrows will not stay in place on the pipes secondary to the dampness within the pump houses. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-1 with Larry Leonard against the costlier option.
9. Correspondence
NH DES has sent notification of a 2017 Asset Management Grant. Mike Smith makes a motion to request the Asset Management Committee meet to review and make recommendations on this grant and possible application by the VDOE prior to November 14. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
NH Municipal Association has sent the bi-weekly NewsLink.
Mark Norton has sent a request for reduction in fees for retrieval of water craft which has already been discussed.
The monthly rental check for the Coleman Tower Site has been received.
10. Scheduled Appearances
Ron Cranshaw has come to the meeting to request a reduction to the $100 fine for retrieval of his kayak. The kayak was left on a beach and impounded. Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce the fine to $50. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Discussion ensues on reducing fees and compliance with regulations as stated. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-0-1 with Ron Sandstrom abstaining. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to recommend reduction of the fine to $50 per watercraft within the policies at the Public Hearing to be held January 20, 2017. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
A written request for reduction of the $100 fine per watercraft has been received from resident Mark Norton for his two watercrafts that have been impounded. Mike Smith makes a motion to reduce the fine to $100 total. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0-1 with Ron Sandstrom abstaining from reducing posted fines.
11. Other Business
The UNH T2 classes and reduction of Asset Management Committee size have already been discussed.
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve a time off request from Nancy Cole. Ron Sandstrom second the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve a time off request from Kelly Robitaille. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
12. Public Comments
At 10:10 am Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to enter Non-Public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, 11 (c) reputation. Mike Smith seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea; Mike Smith yea; Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.
No motions were made during non-public session.
At 10:22 am Mike Smith makes a motion to exit non-public session and adjourn the meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Motion called via roll call Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy E. Cole