2018-03-15 Asset Management Meeting

[gview file="https://vdoe-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/AssetMngmnt-03-15-18.pdf"]
Asset Management Committee Meeting
March 15th, 2018

The Asset Management Committee met at 1:00 pm exactly on Thursday, March 15th, 2018. In attendance were Committee members Dinah Reiss, Nancy Cole, Tommy Gunn, Ralph Lutjen and Mike Smith.

At 1:00 pm the meeting was called to order by Chairwomen Nancy Cole.

Chairwomen Nancy Cole passed out documents associated CIP plan and CR effort. The document will be edited at this meeting to reflect the outcome of the annual meeting.

Agenda Items:

1. Diana Reiss makes a motion to accept the minutes of February 12th, 2018 – Mike Smith seconds the motion, the motion passed 5-0 with all members voting yes.
2. Review of Annual Meeting Outcome:
• Various adjustments to the current CIP / CRF were made based on the actual outcome of the annual meeting held on February 23rd 2018.
• One item generated much discussion and that was the lodge and how to proceed with insuring the asset continues to be maintained with the minimal funds now available. It was agreed in 2018 to review the siding in detail and prepare a presentation for the voters to review. Then in 2019 the VDOE will conduct a Building Condition Assessment to present to the voters the overall condition of the lodge and the estimated cost to bring the lodge’s condition to a usable status. The assessment will also look at a “run to fail” model and the number of year remaining if no corrective maintenance is conducted and the lodge becomes unusable do to safety and health concerns.
• The wing plow was damaged on old town and with the reduction of possible funding from the annual meeting will shift priorities. The highway maintenance team will look to shim rather than reclaim to extend the life of old town and Chocorua view. Adjustments will be made to the CIP plan, roads division.
• Burgdorf, Eidelweiss Drive @ Thusis and Grison original plans were discussed. Committee agreed a new engineering plan is needed and assessments of the impact of closing sections to reduce cost based on the outcome of the annual meeting voting.
• Water - Various adjustments to the draft CIP will be made by Chairwomen Nancy Cole for final review of the committee and then distribution as necessary.
• Distribution - Various adjustments to the draft CIP will be made by Chairwomen Nancy Cole for final review of the committee and then distribution as necessary.
3. Review CIP
• Update any proposed year for week based on annual meeting – Various updates were made to the CIP and adjustments in estimated cost and dates made in the draft copy. Nancy Cole will make the edits on the draft documents and circulate to committee members for final agreement prior to distribution.
• Propose items for Board of Commissioners to review for bids during 2018
4. Mapping Update – Ron Sandstorm working with Chad Roberge of Avitar on isolation valve mapping – Nancy Cole reported that Ron is on schedule to provide the updates by the end of next week. Updating the maps using Microsoft Excel and GPS points proved to be a challenge in insuring the maps are as accurate as possible
5. Mike Smith to complete CSV location information late spring/early summer with Ian Hayes. We wish mike and Ian success in locating the final few CSV’s.
6. Other Business:
• F550 – Review of a recent issue with the F550 were discussed and its impact on the equipment and the CIP. Outcome will be impacted by any insurance claim and its impact on the CIP
• Rural Water Report – Chairwomen Nancy Cole discussed the report completed for the VDOE. The report was distributed to committee members and showed the greatest risk to the water supply at the VDOE is the Gun Range and its Lead Waste the result of activity. The team will review and discuss at the next meeting.

At 2:05 pm Nancy Cole makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dinah Reiss seconds. Motion passed unanimously with all members voting yes.

Respectfully submitted,

Tommy Gunn
Committee Member