2018-05-05 Communication Committee

[gview file="https://vdoe-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/ComCom-Minutes-May-5-2018.pdf"]
Village District of Eidelweiss
Communications Committee
May 5, 2018

The Communications Committee met in the District Lodge at 8:45 am on Saturday, May 5th, 2018. Present were committee members Ron Sandstrom, Adam Leiser, Andrew Harteveldt, Paula Doyle and Nancy Cole. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes. Additionally, 26 other VDOE property owners were in attendance.
8:54 am meeting called to order
8:55 Meeting minutes from previous April 16th meeting were reviewed. Adam Leiser proposes a motion to approve the April 16th minutes, approved 5/0
8:56 Adam Leiser presents Communication Committee mission statement.
8:57 Andrew Harteveldt makes a motion to introduce ourselves as a number of the property owners in attendance were not familiar with everyone, Ron seconds and the motion passes by roll call vote 5-0. Introduction of each of the 5 members is done.
8:58 Meeting moves to discuss agenda item discussing communications between Communication Committee and Board of Commissioners. Discussion starts around mechanisms to communicate outwards and what type of information would need to flow.
9:06 Question asked by property owner regarding the goals of the Communication Committee. Conversation continues around the kind of information that maybe communicated. A reminder of what the Communication Committee had discussed in previous meetings regarding office and unofficial channels.
9:09 Mary-Alice Lapointe raises the point and makes suggestion about how to send out information and allow people to select what they view.
9:12 Discussion of agenda item regarding successes to date commences, with Andrew Harteveldt discussing the kayak rack process, how the Communication Committee has played a major role to make the process and launch successful. Nancy Cole outlined the remaining spaces available at each of the beaches, which were Porridge Shore – 5, Thusis – 5, Eidelweiss – 6, Boulder – 10, Geneva – 14.
9:17 Adam Leiser discusses the item of posting agendas prior to meetings. Ron discusses the challenges in the Commissioners being able to publish agendas prior to the meetings, being that if the agenda is published it prevents the ability to change the agenda at the meeting. It is suggested that as such making the agenda public before the meeting would be unmanageable. Jay Buckley raises the point that agendas can be approved at the start of meetings and therefore the agendas could be discussed if necessary.
9:21 Andrew Harteveldt discusses the approval by the Commissioners to purchase a laptop and explains that the Communication Committee thought this would free up some of Nancy Cole’s time to help facilitate in better communications. Adam Leiser continues by explaining that we discovered the current QuickBooks version is 2008 and that this has lead to major inefficiencies for Nancy Cole, furthermore the Commissioners approved the purchase and upgrade of the current version. Kathy suggests using a 3rd party that provide QuickBooks and laptop for non-profits, Nancy Cole points out that the VDOE is not a nonprofit.
9:27 Adam Leiser moves to discuss the Newsletter. It was explained that this was the first newsletter sent out and that over time we would be covering more information. Adam mentioned that it was the intent for the Communication Committee to attach links to the minutes of these meetings but that they had been overlooked. In the future minutes would be included in the newsletter.
9:28 Adam Leiser makes a motion to ask a commissioner to provide a bio for the next Newsletter. Andrew seconds, discussion on this commences. Ron explains the other two commissioners are not willing to provide a Bio. Andrew suggests that other VDOE employees maybe provide a Bio. Nancy says she would be willing to and Communication Committee members would be willing to as well. Michael Dolan raises question about political nature etc. and asks about other things that could be included in the newsletter about the community. Motion passes by roll call vote, 5-0
9:37 Scott talks about Nextdoor community and explains to everyone how useful it would be. Andrew Harteveldt reminds the Communication Committee and property owners regarding official and unofficial communications channels for the VDOE.
9:39 Adam makes a motion to “evaluate the adding of unofficial / other communications channels to the newsletter”. Ron seconds, motion passes by roll call vote, 5-0. The community was asked if they believe there is benefit or interest in seeing draft minutes. Positive feedback was received.
9:41 Mike asks that Biographies be sent out before the election.
9:46 Bill asks a question how often and when the Communication Committee meets.
9:47 Adam moves forward to discussing the suggestion of publishing draft minutes. Larry Leonard raises a question about 91A.
9:50 Motion is to “request that the commissioners reconsider the publishing of draft minutes”. Motion passes by roll call vote, 3-2 (Andrew / Ron vote No). Ron and Andrew explain that they would rather approach the commissioners to ask them to explore ways in which this could be accomplished.
10:03 Larry raises his concern that going back to the commissioners will not be positive.
10:06 Ron moves to discuss the subjects for future monthly newsletters, the suggested subjects receive positive feedback from property owners.
10:10 The Communication Committee discusses the date for the next meeting which was agreed to be 10 am on Monday 14th May at the VDOE office.
10:12 Ron presents his overview / analysis about why Eidelweiss is a great place. He presented his learnings from information on the Yahoo forums and that the key points regarding concerns over a decade do not change even though the commissioners have changed or varied over the years. As the handout was not available prior to the meeting, a copy is attached to the minutes.
10:17 A point is raised by a property owner (name not available) that there is distrust in the commissioners as they appear guarded rather than willing to be transparent.
10:18 Adam makes the motion to adjourn the meeting. Andrew seconds, motion passes by roll call vote 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Andrew Harteveldt
Committee member