[gview file="https://vdoe-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/ComCom-Minutesw-May-14-2018.pdf"]
Village District of Eidelweiss
Communications Committee
May 14, 2018
The Communications Committee met in the District Office at 10:00 am on Monday, May 14th, 2018. Present were committee members Ron Sandstrom, Adam Leiser, Andrew Harteveldt (remote), Paula Doyle and Nancy Cole. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.
10:00 am: Adam Leiser makes a motion to allow remote participation in the meeting. Ron seconds and the motion is approved by roll call vote 4-0. Andrew joins the meeting remotely.
10:08 am: Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the minutes with the two changes suggested by Adam Leiser, including two typos. The motion was passed by roll call vote 5-0.
10:10 am: Meeting proceeds to next agenda item to discuss Intern job description. The discussion includes what the expected responsibilities would be. Ron suggests that it should include “exposure to municipal process”. A discussion continues to see if it would be feasible to offer some level of compensation to an intern, it was understood and agreed that the Commissioners would have to approve this and for now we would continue with the current plan. Adam makes a motion to approve job description as provided this morning, with the amendment suggested by Ron (see above). Ron seconds approved by roll call vote 5-0. Ron makes a motion to submit to board of commissioners, Adam seconds, approved by roll call vote 5-0
10:20 am: Meeting moves to discuss agenda item of Newsletter. Adam asks if any commissioners offered to write a bio, Ron indicates non-supported. Nancy agrees to write a bio. Andrew suggests adding to this month’s newsletter an article about how and why the pond levels change as this usually creates lots of questions this time of year.
10:29 am: Move to discuss the newsletter items including kayak racks. Nancy indicates the following racks are still available:
• 5 Porridge Shore
• 5 Thusis
• 6 Eidelweiss
• 10 Boulder
• 13 Geneva
Nancy asks that Andrew adds to the kayak tracking list, the ability to request position on racks of top, middle and bottom.
10:31 am: Adam moves to discuss events, including Loon event and EPOA event. Andrew agrees to provide info on the EPOA annual meeting.
10:33 am: Adam suggests adding the water bill late fee to the events item of the Newsletter. A discussion commences around water bill due dates, and late fee due dates.
10:35 am: Discussion occurs regarding an article / story regarding Muddy Beach well work. Ron suggests that Paula works on this article to provide by the end of the week. Andrew suggests we address the tank inspections that is going on now. Paula and Ron agree this should be added to this newsletter article.
10:42 am: Paula suggests next months newsletter include information on the Asset Management committee.
10:43 am: Adam suggests including a map of VDOE in the newsletter. Paula suggests maybe also including a map that shows where the beaches are.
10:45 am: Adam suggests that the June newsletter include a whole section towards those that rent out their properties, in terms of ensuring they educate their tenants on avoiding Loons, reasons for not having fireworks and camp fire safety. Adam rounds out discussion by asking everyone to email Nancy any suggestions for June newsletter.
10:48 am: Meeting proceeds to discuss the additional information around 3rd party sites such as NextDoor and “The Patch” that could be included in the newsletter.
10:52 am: Meeting proceeds to discuss the transparency and request from previous meetings regarding the publishing of draft minutes.
10:54 am: Ron makes a motion to discuss pushing off the request to the commissioners regarding publishing of draft minutes, Paula seconds it. A discussion then continues around the subject. Motion to bring up the posting of draft minutes in 2 to 3 months to the commissioners. Adam states that he is opposed to the motion as he believes we are not acting upon the wish of those that attended the May 5th Communications Committee meeting. Approved by roll call vote 4-1 (Ron, Andrew, Paula, Nancy, vote in favor).
11:04 am: Discussion starts on agenda item, Emergency Reporting. Ron asks that we look at the process around water emergency notifications as it is currently taking too long (in 1 case 2 days).
11:10 am: Discussion around next meeting. Motion to hold the next meeting will be 5/21/2018 at 9:00 am. The only two items will be the approval of todays minutes and approval of the newsletter, Ron seconded. Approved by roll call vote 5-0
11:12 am: Discussion starts around the process to publish minutes on the website. Ron suggests it takes uninterrupted around 6 minutes. Andrew proposed a motion for Andrew and Ron to investigate the feasibility for minutes to be published by the minute taker to the website, Adam seconds it. Approved by roll call vote 5-0.
11:24 am: Meeting moves to discuss an issue that occurred today with an unanticipated water outage. The discussion focusses on ways in which we can prevent such issues in the future. Ron suggests that a Root Cause Analysis would be performed to learn from the error. Paula asks the question about RSA-91-A and non-public meetings. Further discussion nonpublic session as outlined in 91-A http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VI/91-A/91-A-3.htm. Nancy’s readers digest version is Employment, Legal, Property ownership/transfer and Reputation.
11:40 am: Discussion occurs to review the Water summary XLS v3 that the Communications Committee has put together. The commissioners have approved V2 of the Water Summary XLS. V3 was issued by Andrew last week which extends to include the electricity usage and cost. The feedback from Nancy as well as the commissioners has been very positive.
11:51 am: Adam makes motion to adjourn the meeting, Andrew seconds. Motion passes by roll call vote 5-0
Respectfully submitted,
Andrew Harteveldt
Committee member