2018-06-11 Communication Committee

[gview file="https://vdoe-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ComCom-Minutesw-June-11-2018-.pdf"]

Village District of Eidelweiss
Communications Committee
June 11, 2018

The Communications Committee met in the District Office at 10:00 am on Monday, June 11th, 2018. Present were committee members Ron Sandstrom, Adam Leiser, Andrew Harteveldt (remote), Paula Doyle and Nancy Cole. The meeting was not video recorded. Also, in attendance were Marya and Bill Moser.
10:03: Motion made by Adam to approve the minutes of the last two meetings, May 21st and June 2nd. Nancy seconds accepted by roll call vote 5-0.
10:04: Meeting moves to discuss the renters brief. Ron notifies us that there was not sufficient time to address it at the last meeting. Adam makes a motion to request the Commissioners to review, approve and distribute. Paula seconds accepted by roll call vote 5-0.
10:06: Meeting moves to discuss the response from the commissioners. Ron provides a brief to everyone of the discussion at the commissioners meeting regarding the request to hold a public meeting in the August timeframe as well as the request to provide a response to property owners on the financial issues / overspending of budget. Paula provides her position on both as a Communications Committee member and a property owner representing why she believes the people of VDOE made the request.
10:11: Adam makes a motion to respond to Mark Graffam’s email providing a response on the outcome from the request to the Commissioners. Nancy seconds it and the motion pass 5-0.
10:16: Ron continues the discussion based on his belief that a response from the Commissioners should be provided. Conversation continues discussing the merits of holding a more regular Commissioners meeting that would be more easily attended.
10:45: Newsletter is discussed, Nancy provides the latest canoe rack availability: Geneva: 9, Little Pea: 3, Thusis 4, Porridge Shore: 1. Adam makes a motion to hold a short meeting on June 22nd to only address the approval of the Newsletter, Andrew seconds motion passes 5-0. Andrew suggests that the newsletter should include information on the current pond levels, Ron is going to draft a section.
11:03: Meeting progresses to discuss the newsletter section on the pressure zone.
11:21: Agenda item of the VDOE seal is discussed. It was agreed that for the time being we would not investigate further the creation of a VDOE seal.
11:43: Adam makes a motion to adjourn the meeting, Nancy seconds and all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrew Harteveldt
Communications Committee member