2018-07-10 Commissioners Meeting

[gview file="https://vdoe-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/CM071018.pdf"]

Commissioners Meeting
July 10, 2018

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, July 10, 2018. In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith and Ralph Lutjen. Also in attendance were Kelly Robitaille (hwy), Ian Hayes (water operator) and resident Jay Buckley. The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.

1. Agenda

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda. Mike Smith seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

The action list is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille reports that pot holes on Chocorua View and Aspen have been repaired. Increase of the asphalt line is discussed.
Kelly Robitaille has looked at the merry-go-round at the playground. The bearings appear to be gone; ride is not stable. Mike Smith makes a motion remove the merry-go-round and send a letter to EPOA informing them the merry-go-round was removed for safety reasons. Motion passed 2-0.
Merry-go-round will be removed tomorrow when backhoe is back in service.
Backhoe is at Albany Service Center for broken motor mount. Chadwick Ba-Ross has been notified. No ongoing issues with motor mounts on backhoes are known.
Sand is available for $8.50 per ton from High Street Sand & Gravel. Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve up to $3,000 for sand. Mike Smith seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Ability to take comp time is discussed. Banking comp time for use at a later time in lieu of salary is discussed. Discussion on keeping records clean is held. Hours worked must be shown in proper payroll period. Mike Smith makes a motion to contact the Attorney for guidance on this option. No second. Mike Smith motion contact Madison or Conway on comp time policy wording. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
All trucks are in good condition.
Road grading is being done around the District.
Developing a specification for a new truck is discussed. Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille prepare specification for a replacement truck. Mike Smith seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Ralph Lutjen discusses survey completed with DES representatives and UNH storm-water management last Friday. A driveway culvert on Lugano is blocked and will be cleared.
Mike Smith discusses test digging with Ian Hayes to locate the end of the 8-inch line around the pond.
Tony Eldridge is working with the crew 2 – 3 days per week.
The culvert installation on Eidelweiss Drive will be scheduled for mid-August.
Culverts are being cleaned and cleared as roads are worked.

3. Water

Ian Hayes outlines that the Reinach tanks are back on line.
Tom Therrien will be contacted for status of the intrusion alarms for the pump houses.
Leak at Lugano identified yesterday with leak detection. Leak is close to where the water is surfacing. Repair will be done next week. Additional leak detection will be done after the repair is complete. A temporary shut down will be done on Monday of next week to confirm where the shutdown is needed for the repair. Possible water outage will be posted.
Lining of 30,000-gallon Summit tank is scheduled for tomorrow.
Muddy Beach pump has not yet been repaired. A follow up will be done after this meeting.
Discussion on placing bid spec for Reinach Pressure Zone on hold until finalization of the tank issue. If a cast-in-place tank is the proper solution, this will be the project bid this fall.
Discussion on storage and increasing the total gallons stored is held. The original plan being reviewed is for a 75,000-gallon tank. NH DES will have input on the total gallons needed. A meeting is being requested with Rick Skarinka of DES.
Curb stop valve locating will be scheduled for the end of July.
Ian Hayes is notified of request to locate end of 3-inch water main to 8-inch water main in the Altdorf/Interlaken/Middle Shore area to be checked. Locating the transfer to the 3-inch will allow calculation of remaining 8-inch replacement around the back-side of the ponds. This will be looked at this fall.
Year-to-date water budget is reviewed. Electrical use is discussed. Overall system status, water usage, leak at Lugano all contribute to electrical usage in the pump houses.
Ian Hayes reports Sodium Hydroxide is needed.

4. Administration

The June water usage is reviewed; in line with historical.
The June pump house electricity usage and cost report is reviewed.
The status of the water billing for 2018 is reviewed and discussed.
Cost analysis will be completed for tank options. Verification of all costs will be done and a benefit analysis will also be done. Standard practice for lining and inspecting will be included in the analysis.
Isolation valve mapping is in process; one additional data point will be completed.

5. Accounts Payable

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the manifest of 16 checks for a total of $47,209.49. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Motion passed 2-0.

6. Minutes

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 7-03. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

7. Commissioners Reports

Ralph Lutjen discusses establishing the 5-year averages for VDOE budget lines. This will be completed for Board review.
UNH and DES were in the District Friday. Review of Geneva Beach was done. Classification of a stream in the area was looked at; it is a stream. UNH design will incorporate stream crossing needs. Silt build-up in the middle pond was reviewed.
Since they were present; DES was requested to look at a foot bridge placed over a stream that has been complained about. No permit from DES would be needed; foot bridge is OK.
Ralph Lutjen discusses offer to review special transactions on a monthly basis with Nancy Cole and Treasurer Dinah Reiss. Fund balances and transactions would be looked at; including all existing warrant articles. At year-end, outstanding bills and open purchase orders would be reviewed.

8. Signature Items

The EPOA has submitted 5 dates for use of the lodge:
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve use of the lodge on 7/21. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve use of the lodge on 7/28. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve use of the lodge on 8/18. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve use of the lodge on 9/15. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve use of the lodge on 10/13. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Discussion on scheduling meeting with Rick Skarinka of NH DES; any lodge use approval would be rescinded to allow for the meeting with the State.

9. Correspondence

The property owner of 4 Little Loop’s engineer has responded to the VDOE engineer. Initial email from resident was less than reasonable; apology did come through after.
Resident at 21 Chocorua View Drive has sent a request to repair the hole in the road near his house. This has been done.
A bicycle that was left at Boulder Beach has been stored for safe keeping. Madison Police have been notified that VDOE has the bicycle.
Complaints regarding dogs on the beaches and playground have been received. Persons are informed to contact Madison Police.
Primex has sent notice of the cyber coverage included with the VDOE liability policy.
Notification of peak electricity usage monitoring was received for July 3.
NH Municipal Association has sent the bi-weekly News Link. A 91-A seminar on voluminous requests will be held Wednesday, July 25 at 12 pm. The office has registered for this webinar. This will be posted for the Commissioners to attend.

10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Other Business
12. Public Comments

Jay Buckley discusses leak detection and potential damage to the road bed from a leak. Investigating purchase of leak detection equipment is recommended. This will be looked into.

At 9:16 am Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole