2019-03-11 Communications Committee Meeting

6:30 pm:   Meeting called to order by Kathy Koziell and introductions are made.  Meeting is being videoed. Attendees include Paula Doyle, Erin Laplante, Kathy Koziell, Michael Dolan, Andrew Harteveldt (via phone).

6:35 pm:   Motion is made by Kathy Koziell to approve the proposed agenda, seconded by Paula motion passes 5-0 by roll call vote.

6:37 pm:   Meeting moved to select a chairperson of the Communications Committee.  After a discussion where suggested that Paula would be a good candidate.  Paula agrees to take the roll.  Kathy Koziell makes a motion to appoint Paula Doyle as the chair person, Mike seconds the motion and it moves to a vote. The motion was accepted unanimously by roll call vote.

6:38 pm:   Meeting proceeds to choose a secretary for the Communications Committee.  Kathy suggests Andrew Harteveldt and Paula seconds it.  The motion was accepted unanimously by roll call vote.

6:40 pm:   Meeting moves to discuss the Communications Committee mission statement.  Kathy and Paula outline where the mission statement came from.  It is envisaged that we will extend the scope of the committee.  Kathy makes a motion to approve the mission statement, Paula seconds it and is accepted unanimously by roll call vote.

6:55 pm:   Paula makes a motion that 3 additional users get added to the VDOE website for the Communications Committee to be able to manage content, Andrew seconds it.  The motion is accepted by roll call vote.

7:01 pm:  The beach ordinance is discussed pertaining to the use of kayak racks and differences between the beach signs and the ordinance.  It was agreed that the beach ordinance should be updated but also it is understood the signs would also be updated.   Andrew agreed to work with Mike on updating the beach ordinance which will be provided by March 17th in order to be reviewed at the Public hearing on March 29th 2019.

7:20 pm:  Motion is proposed by Andrew to have Nancy post signs on all Kayak racks in the same manner as last year, Paula seconds the motion.  Motion moves to vote and is accepted unanimously.

7:21 pm:  Discussion concerning the renter’s information poster.  This is going to be reviewed and tabled for a future Communications Committee meeting.

7:23 pm:  Discussion occurs around calendar of events.  There are concerns that the calendar is not very visible on the website.  This is tabled for later date for deeper discussion.

7:26 pm:  The Huttwil parking lot is discussed with regards to the Highway Regulations.  Kathy is going to review the Highway Regulations to suggest changes to make the regulation clearer and to remove ambiguity.  The updated ordinance will be proposed to the public as part of the public meeting at the end of March 2019.

7:29 pm:  Use of VDOE email alerts is discussed with regards to the effectiveness.  A deeper investigation to the use of VDOE email alerts is needed in order to determine recommendations on changing the use.  This will be handled at a later date.

7:35 pm:  Discussion of hard copy newsletter.  Kathy to take the idea to the Board of Commissioners the idea to include a hard copy newsletter with the water bills that are sent out at the beginning of April.  Mike seconds and motion moves to vote.  Motion is unanimously accepted by roll call vote.

7:43 pm:  Discussion about future newsletter items.  Paula agrees to start drafting the next newsletter so that it can be reviewed at the next Communications Committee meeting.

8:05 pm:  Paula makes a motion to set the date and time for next Communications Committee for Monday March 25th at 5pm, Kathy seconds it and it is accepted by roll call vote. 8:08 pm: Paula makes a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mike seconds it and is accepted by roll call vote