2019-04-12 Water Committee Meeting

Water Committee Meeting 4/12/19

Attendees: Jay Buckley, Ian Hayes, Larry Leonard, Adam Leiser

The meeting was not video taped as the videographer called in sick. The meeting had to be moved next door to the Madison Fire Station meeting room as the videographer also had the key to the library meeting room.

MOTION: Larry Leonard to open meeting and accept agenda. 2nd by Adam. PASSED

MOTION: Minutes of march 8,  Motion to approve with typo corrections Adam , 2nd by Larry PASSED

MOTION: Minutes of March 20th Adam to approve minutes of 22nd as writen 2nd by Larry PASSED

Action list is presented by Larry L.

Before we discuss prioritizing the list; Ian talked about a water Leak at 22 Appenval homeowners’ service line.

MOTION: Adam  recommends that the WC requests to commissioners to send written letter to the homeowners at 22 Appenval Way to replace their entire water service line. 2nd by Larry L. PASSED.

MOTION: Adam, recommends to have commissioners  send Ians “periodic status update ” emails forwarded to water committee. 2nd Larry L,  PASSED

Ian would like to eventually get to a point with isolation valving to isolate avg of 50 homes in zones for leak detection purposes and emergency leak repairs.

Ian informs the committee that the average cost to fix them is approximately $3K - $5k each. 

Periodic leak detection is currently done during non winter months. Ian figures the district is currently losing 25 gals per minute through small cumulative leaks.

Ian, recommends that adding flow meters to current PRV pits, and  add 3-4 more meters/ pits to segregate Avg 50 homes, for a much improved solution to leak detection.


Committee agrees that minor leaks are acceptable but need to know where leaks are so we can find them when they become major leaks.

Leak detection today is performed by watch for spikes in daily flow rates.D25 GPM cumulative is a standard loss for the districts system.

Ian explains that all 5 current pits will need to be expanded to include Meter additions. Need approximately 5 pits more for our system to significantly improve the districts ability to measure and find leaks.

$20 k to upgrade each current pit, and  approximately, $20k to add new additional pits.

Larry L. asks Ian to provide a “PIT PLAN”, of needed current upgrades and new pit additions.

ADAM  asks the question;  Will spending money on new water main be better spent than adding pits.?
Still too much pressure at homes with more or upgraded PRV pits.

Discussions ensues on PRV Pit upgrades in conjunction with Reinach project. Ian discusses Pit upgrade processs.
By-pass around pits while being worked on so as to minimize impact to customers.
Ian recommends that pits are a separate project from Reinach tank project.

Upper Lakeview PRV. Ian wants to insure that there is a bypass valve for all current pity upgrades. Wants to be safe and insure service to customers.

Ian talks about a valve maintenance program of exercising valves every 2 years. Current Isolation valvbes are 40+ years old and most likely will not function.

Only exercise valves if an emergency water main break exist. Expect breakage of the isolation valve.

Ian to show list of newest valves that can be added to the new Valve Exercise Process.

MOTION: to recommend to commissioners to put in place a “Valve Exercise Program” created by Ian. LL 2nd.PASSED.

Curb Stop valves exercise also discussed; approximately 500 CSV valves in the District.
Action: Larry L. asks to get CSV last date of exercise from Ian.

Ian 50 CSV per day could be exercised over the summer months and data recorded into asset management sheets.
Seasonal list of people who have their shut offs turned off to be include in the exercising the CSV list.


Action: Jay to isolate CSV priorities using data collected by Asset Management efforts years ago.

MOTION: Ask Ian by commissioners when the best time to do the Upper Lakeview PRV.
Priority 1 hopefully in May, 2nd by Ian. PASSED

MOTION: Larry L. asks to create a “Work Order Form” for each project with the water system. 2nd by Adam.

Discussion: Adam suggest that the WC creates the work order system.

Larry L. to present form to commissioners. Similar to that done years ago but discontinued by previous BOC. PASSED

Adam suggest that we use Bruce Lewis for periodic consultation to the Water Committee and Commissioners for questions regarding the Reinach Tank Replacement.

Committee agrees that we desire a 120,000 Gallon Tank for current and future needs. With potential add on in future. 2-part project. 2 companies Mfg. cylindrical tanks to NH water systems was discussed.

Who do we decide to engineer this Reinach project was discussed.

Ian suggest that we meet with Chris Albert soon.
Ian suggest that the water committee and commissioners interview potential water engineers for this Reinach project.

Chris Albert is to meet with Commissioners and water committee at 7:30pm On Tuesday night , April 16.
Nancy to send Chris Albert a  .PDF of hydraulics and system overview.Adam calls Chris Albert and a discussion is had to deliver to him water system information to bring him up to speed on Reinach Tank status.

Ian / Nancy to send Chris as much water system information as legally possible to enable a good discussion.

Commissioners meeting w/ Water Committee at 7:30 PM in the office is confirmed and will be posted.

Bruce Lewis will be a consultant if needed.

The action list is prioritized

Cylindrical tank should have designed two chamber system for cleaning/service. This is necasary to not impact customers during a down time to service tank.

MOTION: Jay; to have Nancy get asset management data to him to  input into an Avitar Map if needed.

2nd Ian. PASSED.

DPW Well:
Ian brings up a significant priority for the DPW well. The current flow meter is broken and has been since February  12  at DPW well.
MOTION:  Ian to recommend to the commissioners purchase a new meter for DPW well.
2nd Jay PASSED

Ian to get commissioners a proposal to approve a work order.
Discussion over the chemical injection feed and how it is based off the chemical feed based on hours pumped at 175 gallons per minute, now that the meter is inoperable. Ian insures that the water is safe

February 12th is when meter was noticed not working. Tom came in to put in auto on.

Adam is extremely concerned that the previous Board of Commissioners did not take any action on this issue.  And that we are relying on a back up system which was not designed for monitoring the waters PH levels. Ian points out that the solution is approximately $5k to resolve.
Electrical upgrades at DPW needs quotes. Priority 3. A VFD will eventually help in this area.

Ian raises the safety concern over an Eyewash station needed in the Chem-room, never done by previous Board of Commissioners safety committee.
Electrical upgrades Discussions and plans will be the priority for next meeting DPW #1.

MOTION: Larry to adjourn. 2nd LL, PASSED.

Adjourned at 11:02am

Respectfully submitted, Jay