Commissioners Meeting
April 25, 2019
The Board of Commissioners met at 8:30 am on Thursday, April 25, 2019. In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy), Dinah Reiss, Gloria Aspinall. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.
At 8:40 am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.
1. Agenda
Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconds. Adam Leiser makes a motion to add the email from Pais to correspondence. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
The action list is reviewed and discussed.
2. Highway Department Report
Kelly Robitaille discusses delivery of Calcium Chloride for the summer. This is used after road grading and for dust control as necessary. Cost is $1,500. Tank, once filled, is around ¾ full. Discussion on additional need, up to $2,000 is recommended. Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate $2,000 for Calcium Chloride delivery. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam Leiser discusses adding placement of use of Calcium Chloride to the April work list for DPW.
Kelly Robitaille discusses need for additional gravel. Yesterday, gravel was needed but could not be picked up due to expenditure of the existing PO. Both ¾ - inch gravel and 1.5-inch gravel are used in the spring as needed. Kelly Robitaille outlines need for gravel and ability to obtain when needed, a $5,000 purchase order is recommended. Discussion on cash flow is held. Adam Leiser discusses avoidance of use of TAN proceeds. Dinah Reiss outlines that she is hopeful that the cash flow will be OK until the August tax check from Madison is needed. Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate $5,000 for gravel. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Kelly Robitaille reports that he has sent a picture with the information on the pump model. Kelly Robitaille adds that the pump is not a high-pressure pump, stating that it is a trash pump. Adam Leiser discusses allocation of funds at next meeting. This will be added to the agenda for the next meeting. Adam Leiser discusses comparison of the pump recommended to the pump that is being specified, outlining the need to be able to update the public on all purchases; Commissioners are not trying to specify what pump is needed. Clarification that the information is for the newsletter and obtaining support for the Board and all purchases.
Discussion on review of the Thusis area culvert with resident Mark Graffam yesterday. Water was flowing freely through the area. Kelly Robitaille outlines that the bottom of the pipe is rusted out; a review in July when the water is slow is better. As the bottom of the pipe is rotted, the water is damaging the ground beneath where the pipe should be. Kelly Robitaille outlines the intent was to replace a new culvert that would cross Eidelweiss Drive and discharge into the depressed area at the cul-de-sac for Thusis Beach parking. The old pipe would be abandoned. Discussion continues on the history of this project over the past couple of years, including engineering dollars that have been spent. Doing an additional review later this summer is recommended by Adam Leiser. Kelly Robitaille outlines projects and feeling responsible for roads. Adam outlines Commissioners are ultimately responsible; Adam emphasizes Board responsibility for all projects. Proper expenditures and having documentation for these is discussed. Thusis will be added to the Action list for review in July.
Kelly Robitaille questions an email received that discusses speed bumps. Adam Leiser outlines his preliminary idea for discussion that additional speed bumps be added and certain roads be changed to one-way streets. Adam reviews his thoughts of making Eidelweiss Drive a one-way from Little Shore up to Thusis heading away from 113. Appenvel Way would also be a one-way heading away from Rte. 113. Possibilities are outlined and discussed. Adding additional speed bumps is also discussed. Adding a center line to Eidelweiss Drive is discussed. Additional police presence, speed bumps or creating one-way roads are options discussed to try to increase traffic safety. Installing speed bumps on dirt roads is not an option according to Kelly Robitaille. Additional traffic on Little Shore and Middle Shore is outlined as detrimental and this could also occur on other roads. Discussion on talking to the Police is held. Ability to increase police presence will be discussed with Madison Police.
Gloria Aspinall asks about new rafts for the ponds. The old rafts are being worn down and splinter.
Next meeting will be Thursday, May 2 at 8 pm at the lodge.
Kelly Robitaille outlines that he feels it would be detrimental to the DPW and general traffic flow if one-way streets are created. The plow routes also would need to be altered. Kelly Robitaille outlines additional traffic will alter the maintenance needs of the roads. Legalities of changing roads to a one-way would also need to be reviewed prior to any action. Adding a speed bump right at the corner beyond the flag pole is discussed as an option.
Adam questions placing the speed bumps now. Adam Leiser makes a motion to have the DPW put the speed bumps in next week. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Next newsletter is expected to be finished this weekend and will include information on the speed bumps.
Adam questions ability to increase life expectancy of the vehicles. Kelly Robitaille reports that all efforts are made to properly maintain all equipment.
Adam questions if ditch is needed along Thusis. Kelly Robitaille outlines that it is not yet time to use the road grader.
Discussion on beaches and outhouses for this summer. Kelly Robitaille discusses closing of the outhouses and adding port-o-potties for this summer. Discussion on use of port-o-potties is held. There are four outhouses in Eidelweiss. The process of closing the existing outhouses are discussed. DES will be contacted for guidance. Pricing of port-o-potties for the summer is discussed. This will be done by Nancy Cole.
Discussion on vacation and scheduling of days in advance is held. Kelly Robitaille outlines that personal days are used as needed, vacation is scheduled. Adam outlines having a list of jobs that need to be done with one person, two person and three persons. Scheduling of time is outlined. Using part time employee Tony Eldridge for coverage is discussed. Kelly outlines that he schedules jobs as necessary. When scheduling, Kelly reviews all needs for ongoing work in the District. Taking scheduling away from Kelly would be detrimental going forward as this has not been an issue. Leaving this scheduling with Kelly will be done for now. Kelly asks the Board to not fix what isn’t broken, and please let him know if there is a trust issue with the department. Adam highlights the big picture, including build-up of trust, and ability for the Board to be successful.
Kathy Koziell outlines need to have information on culverts that are cleaned. Kelly responds that culverts are cleaned as needed once the roads are dried. Documenting all work completed on the road work sheets will be done.
Discussion on canoe racks is held. Kelly Robitaille will complete the inspection. Kelly outlines that some racks should possibly be replaced, a report will be put to together for next meeting. Adam Leiser outlines the goal will be to assign spaces by May 24th for inspection and maintenance purposes. This will be included in the newsletter.
Kathy Koziell makes a motion to allow her to approve the newsletter for publication. Adam Leiser seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
3. Water
Ian Hayes has contacted the Commissioners and informed them that the bleeders will be turned off Monday.
4. Administration
The payroll report is presented and reviewed. Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount $6,400.68. Kathy Koziell seconds. Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed. An error is located on Tony Eldridge’s time card; he will be paid the missing hour next payroll. Motion passed 2-0. A time clock system will be looked into.
Discussion on TULIP program is held. Information will be re-sent to Adam Leiser.
5. Accounts Payable
6. Minutes
Adam Leiser motion approve 4/18/19. Kathy seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
7. Commissioners Reports
Kathy Koziell discusses information sent regarding the status of asset management program for the VDOE. A CUPPS program is available through the State and will be looked into for next year for automating the asset management system. Nancy will reach out to Luis Adorno for next year’s program. Kathy Koziell discusses the Groundwater Trust Fund. Funds may be available for VDOE programs. Calculation of the VDOE median income is discussed. Due to the number of second homes, VDOE generally does not qualify for “free” money.
Kathy Koziell discusses meeting with Pope Security. A recommendation for the answering service will be looked into. Setting different parameters for answering of phones through the tele-talk system will be done.
Adam discusses volunteer projects. Replacement of roof over mailboxes is being scheduled by Jay Buckley for early May.
Sending a letter to Norm Garside regarding the muddy beach siding being on hold is discussed. A letter will be drafted.
Adam Leiser requests obtaining a list of municipalities with above ground tanks north of Ossipee from DN Tanks to find out how to keep from freezing, inspection and cleaning.
Adam discusses increasing the water hook-up fee to $12,000 beginning in 2020 or potentially 2021. Adam Leiser outlines that increasing the fee could be a source of income for the VDOE and could also allow for better long-term planning for the District. Should persons choose to donate lots; additional green space is welcomed. Dinah Reiss outlines the process of water hook-up fees, covering costs of hook-up from the fee and then having remaining funds available to the Board is outlined.
Discussion on the Board attending the EPOA Annual Meeting is held. The Commissioners will be asked to speak this year.
Adam discusses meeting with Kelly to review trucks yesterday. Adam recommends that the next truck to be replaced should be the International 7400 due to the truck having only 2-wheel drive.
Adam discusses a resident who has stated they have not received a water bill. An email from a property owner named Pais will be looked for and responded to. No late fee would be incurred for this resident should the fee not be paid by May 1.
Adam Leiser discusses hiring of a part time person for 5 to 10 hours per week for administration assistance with the $1,000 that was allocated for a possible intern. Putting together preliminary information for a $15 per hour job.
Adam Leiser motion invite John Corcoran to Commissioners meeting for review of savings options. KK second. Discussion on ability to save funds. Outsourcing this is discussed A letter outlining John Corcoran to a meeting will be put together for next meeting.
8. Signature Items
Letter to Mike Smith regarding pond water levels is reviewed. Adam Leiser sign the letter to Mike Smith. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Letter to Mark Graffam regarding water tank vents is reviewed. Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Letter to Jonathan Neske regarding changing of service line is reviewed. Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Letter to J Jennings regarding beach ordinance changes is reviewed. Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
9. Correspondence
Third party electric contract saved $201 in March.
10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Public Comment
Dinah Reiss questions the document used at the last meeting for requests by the water committee. Having all recommendations be voted by the water committee is discussed. All future motions will be reviewed by the Committee prior to being presented to the Commissioners.
Dinah Reiss mentions the DPW seeming as if they are not on board with the current work-flow processes. This will continue to be worked on.
Dinah outlines that water bills are coming in regularly. All reports will be prepared for the next meeting.
12. Other Business
At 10:44 am Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy E. Cole , Administrator