2019-08-27 Communications Committee Meeting

Village District of Eidelweiss

Communications Committee Meeting

August 27, 2019  -  6:00 PM


The Communications Committee met on Tuesday August 27, 2019 at 6 PM at the Lodge.   Present are committee members Michael Dolan (MD) and and Paula Doyle (PD).   Kathy Koziell (KK) attended by phone.  Isabel Pais (IP) did not attend.  The meeting was videotaped by Madison TV. 

At 6:00 PM, Chairman PD calls the meeting to order.   PD makes motion to call Isabel Pais and Kathy Koziell.  MD seconds.  Motion passes 2-0.    Kathy Koziell joins meeting by phone.  Isabel Pais does not answer – PD leaves message for her to text if she becomes available. PD agrees to take minutes for the meeting.

PD makes motion to approve agenda.   KK seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.

PD makes motion to approve minutes from 7/16/19 meeting.  KK seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.   

8/6/19 minutes will not be approved until next meeting since only 1 of 2 attendees is present.


KK presents request from BOC to consider more frequent newsletters (2x per month) perhaps with less information and less concern about formatting in order to get them out quickly.

MD states that 1x per month is enough and that emails can be done to supplement with additional info that needs to go out quickly.  Also states that the purpose of the committee and newsletters it to facilitate communication between BOC and residents so that residents have information that will help them stay informed throughout the year that will help them make informed decisions at annual meeting.

PD agrees with MD and also states that Committee is not a communications agency and does not need to advise, comment on or write every single piece of communication coming from BOC.  The BOC can decide at any time to send a communication to residents about anything and can direct Administrator to draft and send emails as needed.   Also notes that the newsletter is a communication from the BOC and not from the committee.  The committee only drafts it but recommends that all commissioners read the drafts so that they know what information and topics are being included.  PD also states that she believes the newsletter is a good way to communicate information to majority of property owners who are not involved, aware of or interested in detailed information – people who are not attending, viewing or reading minutes of meetings or not requesting documents via 91-A.  PD also recommends that BOC consider using the newsletter as way to thank and recognize volunteers and groups rather than spending valuable time writing, discussing and sending individual TY notes.

MD also suggests that Committee Chairmen be tasked with informing Communications Committee with anything they want in newsletter rather than putting burden on KK or committee to read all committee meeting minutes as recently suggested in a BOC meeting.   PD and KK agree.

KK agrees with MD and PD and agrees to summarize this discussion and recommendation on newsletter and emails at the next BOC meeting.


KK to update 3 topics – Capital Reserve Balances, Topics for upcoming 9/28 presentation and Grader Back in Service anticipated date. 

MD to provide PD with # of beach raking volunteers.

PD to update photos from Little Library celebration and send updated draft to committee and administrator.  


KK summarizes BOC request to prioritize website updates and/or overhaul.   PD suggests asking IP if she has time and wants to take on this project.

KK makes motion to have PD contact IP to determine her interest/availability to update website.  MD seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.

PD will inform KK of IP interest and if she can do it, KK will make a motion to BOC that will revoke PD website credentials and provide new credentials to IP.  If IP does not take this on, KK will inform BOC so that alternative solutions can be considered. 


Discussion delayed until next meeting since IP is handling and she is not in attendance.


PD presents and summarizes recent comments made by Commissioner Adam Leiser on his personal facebook page that are critical of Commissioner Jay Buckley and of the district.  Also discusses a new policy he wants to propose.    In light of prior recommendation from our Committee which was adopted by the BOC via a motion and 3-0 vote, PD questions use of personal social media page and concerned that many residents of the district have seen these posts given that many are facebook friends with Adam Leiser. 

KK agrees and comments that the original motion did not specify only district pages or social media channels and that commenting on VDOE business on any page was implied.    States that comments are divisive.

MD agrees.

PD makes motion to advise the BOC that they recognize that these FB posts contradict their prior motion that Commissioners not post about VDOE business on social media and that the BOC request that these posts be taken down and that moving forward, all Commissioners agree to abide by the pre-agreed social media motion.  MD seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3-0.

KK to share this recommendation with the BOC at their next meeting.


KK reminds committee that we agreed to develop an annual calendar with key dates for property owners.  This would be posted on the website.  PD agrees to draft and forward to KK so that she can submit it and review with BOC at their next meeting.



Next Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday, September 10 at 6PM at Lodge.

6:45 PM  PD makes motion to adjourn.  MD seconds.   Motion passes -3-0.

Respectfully submitted - Paula Doyle (Chairman)