2021-07-01 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday July 1st, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday July 1st 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM), Dinah Reiss (DR), Kelly Robitialle (KR), Doug Prescott (DP). Ian Hayes ( IH) joins the meeting at 10:00am, Paula Doyle (PD) joins the meeting around 10am. The meeting was recorded by Madison TV                            

At 9:00am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes of 6/24 and non-public for 6/24 – KK 2nds.

MS makes a motion to amend the 6/24 minutes to reflect that he initially wanted “the rocks on Bristenstock removed within 1 week”, amendment passes, amended minutes approved 3-0 ( MS approves minutes through 10:30 when he left the meeting)

JB makes a motion to approve the 6/17/2021 non-public minutes, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

DPW Report from KR

DP had asked KR about a property sign at his home, KR is OK with it as long as it doesn’t violate any Madison sign ordinance.  JB states that it does not.

MS makes a motion to send a letter (certified with return receipt requested) to contractor/builder of 8 Eidelweiss Dr. stating that he has until July 9th file a new driveway permit and fix the driveway culvert per previous communication or the District will take further action. CC the bonding Company and resident. JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to send a letter to owner of 8 Grandval Way stating that driveway bond has expired. JB 2nds. Add that Bond needs to be extended by July 9th, failure to comply will result in further action by the VDOE and that no additional construction can done on the property until Bond is in place. To be sent certified w. return receipt requested.  Passes 3-0

Kelly meeting with Bryant Paving tomorrow to review all paves roads for possible additional work when they are here to pave Chocorua View.

KR asks about Rock House Mt and the calcium chloride treatment. MS states that they are a private organization and not a municipality as “mutual aid” doesn’t apply. Questions if we are allowed to do work on private road even if they reimburse for material.  Office to reach out to NHMA to clarify

Discussion on Driveway permit procedure and obtaining the signoff for Operation.  Approximately 20 driveways dating back to 2018 have no sign-off for operation. Permit form needs to be updated.

MS makes a motion to modify the Driveway permit application to include 2 signatures on for Construction and one for Operation, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

KR will review all “open” driveway permits and will sign off on those that are in compliance with the application.

Ian Hayes –

JB asks about low pressure at 22 Bristenstock, Ian needs owner contact information as problem was not on District side buy within the private property

JB asks about the lock on the exterior Reinach panel, Kelly has locks but need to confirm they are keyed alike with a master key

MS makes a motion to contact Madison Fire Chief asking if he has keys to electrical disconnects JB 2nds, passes 3-0

IH pump  houses are being demolished today, anything usable has been stripped out, tanks will be filled sand.  Still waiting on the generator transfer switch for the pump house.

Dawson still needs to complete seeding and restore roads to pre-construction conditions.

JB asks if new pressure zone will support fire hydrants around the ponds off the existing feeds. Long discussion on hydrants, who approves and authorizes use. Hydrant was in initial design. MS has concern that it could cause cross-contamination in drinking water. Discussion about having the water committee investigate to see if existing Reinach hydrant can be used for fire suppression.

Consumer Confidence report is available, KK will post to website

Discussion on getting datalogging info from the SCADA computer to N Skeggell of Dubois and King for water hookup approval on 19 E. Bergamo. IH sends a screen shot of graphical data to N Skeggell

MS makes a motion to ask N Skeggell to give us an answer by next Wednesday July 14th, JB 2nds, JB asks that was also cc property owner Nick Small, passes 2-1

JB discusses water shutoffs for unpaid water bills which are 90 days past due as of 8/1/2021, letter to be sent stating property owner has 30 days to pay past due water fees and late charges otherwise water service will be shut off to the property.

MS askes how many unpaid bills, DM will provide answer once back in the office. Will decide on final draft of letter at next weeks meeting.

JB asks IH about a heating product that could be inserted into the water line at private property, owners at 10 Klausen are asking if it’s OK to use. It’s AWWA certified, Ian has no issue with it.

MS makes a motion to submit product to an engineer. No 2nd.  After further discussion MS makes a motion to send to DES, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Ian scheduled to do water hook-ups on July 6th and 8th, 29 OakRidge will require Road Closure on the 6th, detour signs will be in place. KK will place notice on website and email blast on Sunday.

Routine water loss audit will occur mid-end of July, a section will be isolated and readings taken of any water loss

IH will get pricing for upgrades to Chemical room at DPW1, which includes raising up the chemical tank and installing a SS sink. Pump maintenance will also be done.

JB discusses reply from Brad Jones of J&B regarding the Upper Lakeview PRV pit. Cost estimate for modeling, design and bid package estimated as $7800-$8800.

JB makes a motion to approve up to $9000 for Upper Lakeview PRV Pit design, KK 2nds, MS amends to $10,000, no 2nd. Passes 2-1

IH discusses pumps on Summit and Oak Station that have small leaks, can rebuild the pumps at this stage, will get re-build kits. IH will schedule with Tom Therrien of EII to do a site walk through of the Pump Houses as a Maintenance check-up. This is part of the contractual agreement with EII.

MS makes a motion to have T Therrien do the pump house audit, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion for IH to get a price on a replacement pump for DPW well. JB 2nds, passes 3-0

IH leaves the meeting.

MS makes a motion to change the 8/14/2021 public hearing, time from 9am Saturday to 7pm Saturday. JB 2nds, MS states that he cannot make the 9am meeting. PD states that the meeting should be for the convenience of the public not a commissioner. Passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to have a non-public at 8:30am on July 7th, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to change the Commissioners Meetings from Thursday to a Monday or Tuesday. No 2ndMS states that Thursday is unproductive because the office is closed on Friday.

MS leaves the meeting at 10:50

Doug Prescott ,a new board member of EPOA, discusses the possibility of keeping the large DES sign that’s currently at the mailboxes for posting future VDOE and EPOA events. JB states that the sign does not belong to VDOE and will most likely taken by the contractor.  Discussion on the District Yard Sale now, scheduled for Sept 5th, being held at Huttwil lot. DP asks about sharing the VDOE email list, for privacy reasons the District cannot, asks about including EPOA functions in Newsletter, KK agrees and that the VDOE and EPOA should be working together. KK asked if the EPOA would consider taking on the volunteer beach raking program, Mike Dolan coordinated last summer and will share his information. JB asks about “Children at Play” signs for the Boulder Beach area as well as speed bumps that were offered by the EPOA last year. DP will check into those items.

DP stated that if offered the Deputy Treasurer position that he would do so voluntarily, he inquired about the indemnity policy and having Deputy Treasurer added.

JB makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $6622.15, KK 2nds, passes 3-0. JB inquires about workman’s comp hours, DM will reach out to Primex.

Discussion on the Class VI waiver process, and if a driveway permit is required even if a building permit it not. JB states that if the property owner is accessing private property with a vehicle using the District road then a driveway permit is required, therefore a Class VI waiver is also required.

DR asked about the asset management grant, JB sent inquiry to DES this week and is waiting a reply. DR asked about the Nancy Cole separation agreement and JB states no resolution yet.

JB will contact one of the brush clearing contractors to begin work clearing brush etc. over water mains that run through wooded areas. This will be paid from the water budget and is required maintenance per DES.

KK makes a motion to have Spruce Creek Property Maintenance re-model the DPWI bathroom, estimate of $3900 is considered worst case as full extent of plumbing isn’t know until demolition. JB 2nds

JB wants to get a second bid, KK states that this is a complete removal of existing and replacement of toilet, sink, lighting, adding shelving unit, insulating and sheetrock. JB will have another quote by July 7th.  KK withdraws motion.

JB makes a motion at 11:40am to enter non-public RSA 91-A:3, II (L), KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Public Session re-convened at 1:39pm,

Motion was made to appoint Jay Buckley as VDOE representative in small claims action case #430-2021-SC-00075

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 1:40pm, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner