2021-07-15 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting-

Thursday July 15th, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Thursday July 15th 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM), Kelly Robitialle (KR), Dinah Reiss (DR) joins at 8:50, Doug Prescott, Paula Doyle who joins at 10:30. The meeting was recorded by Madison TV                              

At 8:05am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order. JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to enter non-public RSA 91-A,II(L) Legal at 8:06, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Public meeting re-convened at 8:36 Motion to seal the minutes passed 3-0

DPW report

KR discusses driveway permit for paving at 13 Presidential Dr, KR is OK with application, KR discusses driveway permit for paving at 64 Oakridge, KR is OK with application

JB makes a motion to approve application at 64 Oakridge, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve application at 13 Presidential, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on 21 Little Loop application for new driveway 30’ wide and 12’ from side boundary. JB states that the property is primarily wet lands and has been classified as such on the tax card. As this in not within the VDOE to enforce the District cannot take that into consideration. Discussion on the use of lot for parking vehicles and camper. Town of Madison enforces these uses. DM askes when the septic plan requirement can be waived. If no building is being constructed, then the District waives that requirement.

MS makes a motion to have applicant resubmit the application with a 20’ driveway and 15’ setback from side boundary. KK 2nds, passes 2-1

KR discussion on 47 Eidelweiss, during heavy rain it was clear that a driveway grate needs to be installed, Property owner agrees and will have that taken care of.

D Reiss joins at 8:50 JB discusses survey at 29 Grachen that includes the abutting District property. JB would like to have a site visit with all Commissioners to view the boundary markers, some of which may have been removed, and the personal property that has accumulated on District property. Possibly at the end of a scheduled Commissioners meeting.

Discussion on the rocks on the Class VI road at 42 Bristenstock Rd. that are still there.  MS concerned that this puts the District at risk and that the board has done nothing about it.  KK states that a certified letter was sent on July 9th stating that the property owner had until July 31st (as was voted on 6/24) otherwise the District would have them removed at property owners’ expense. MS makes a motion to have DM contact Primex regarding liability of having rocks on Class VI Road. JB 2nds, passes 3-0

KK makes a motion to approve the Spruce Creek Property Management quote for he re-model of the DPWI bathroom up to $4000. JB 2nds, JB reached out to several other contractors and no response. MS askes for a certificate of insurance. Passes 3-0

DP discusses “Children at Play” signs with KR regarding placement. Commissioners ask KR to use his judgement. KR states that when school is back in session he may move the signs to the bus stop areas.

Discussion on addition speed bump (2 sections), KR will order and EPOA will reimburse the District.

DP askes about the traffic cones for EPOA Yard Sale – District has 6 cones but also has “horses” that are used to close a road that might be helpful. DP will provide written details on upcoming events to be included in District newsletter. DP askes about a link to the EPOA on the home page of the VDOE website, Paula Doyle was going to looking that, KK will try and add.


JB makes a motion to approve the ad for the August 14th public hearing, MS 2nds, JB discusses adding another public hearing to discuss the Water Ordinance and Public Memorials. KK suggests adding that to the August 14th public hearing. JB makes a motion to amend the motion for the ad to include water ordinance and public memorials, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to invite Kelly Robitialle to public hearing, no 2nd

DM discuss the status of the Audit, she had a discussion with Scott Egan and they are finalizing and should be completed by end of the month. JB asks about invoice from Jones and Beach for Contract #6, no word back from them.

JB makes a motion to approve the payroll manifest for $6027.30, MS 2nds,, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the transfer of $163,075 + $100 into the Operating account from the Water Fee account. KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB reviews letter to owner of 49 Adelboden Way, stating that Town of Madison needs to provide clarification on legal status of the lot as it was merged with the 105 acre lot.  DM to forward email/letter to owners.

Letter was sent to 9 Reinach property owner asking about status of water hook-up.

JB states that Water Committee meeting scheduled for July 16th to finalize the RFP for the work to be done using the $40,000 ($20K grant plus $20K from CRF) for asset management project for the water system.

MS asks who is on the Water Committee, KK states Larry Leonard, Larry Sardono and Jay Buckley. MS asks what they are doing, JB states that true mapping of the water system, risk analysis, priority of work etc. MS states that someone asked him where the money was coming from and he didn’t have an answer. MS asked why wasn’t this stated at the Annual Meeting and that this was unethical. KK states that due to the deadline to apply for the grant which was before the Annual Meeting, the Commissioners discussed and decided to use the Water System CRF. This was done in a public meeting and JB states it was one of the original warrant articles until it was determined that DES was not going to extend the deadline. MS states that the schedule for the Commissioners was confusing. KK states that the Commissioners are agents to expend CRF, MS states only in emergencies..

JB makes a motion to approve the water hook-up at 19 E Bergamo. KK 2nds.  We have not heard back from Dubois/King on this property. JB states that the datalogging PSI at the blow-off was 67 PSI vs the 46psi on the hydro model that Dubois/King work from and that the District Water Operator was confident with this hook-up. This property owner has been waiting since mid-April for a response. MS disagrees and states that we should call N Skeggells (of D&K) boss. Passes 2-1

JB discussion on correspondence from R Joseph regarding Fireworks complaint, KK asks about the Neighborhood watch signs and who was the point person. DR states that EPOA provided the signs and no point person. DM to forward that information to R Joseph.  JB discussion on cleaning service offering a reduced rate for cleaning of outhouses, JB states that it takes less than an hour and he will continue for remainder of year. Will consider the cleaning service for next summer.

Discussion on heating system for the office, 2’and 8’ 240V baseboard to be installed, JB has new units and will donate. KK to get quote from an Electrician to install.

JB reached out to Tricky Tree for the clearing of the water main areas that are overgrown.  KK states that this was referred to in the DES sanitation report as needing to be done and is paid for thru the water budget.

Paula Doyle asks to speak… she takes offense to MS stating that the Commissioners did anything unethical, all was discussed and decided on in public meetings. It was in the posted meeting minutes,and was discussed at the Budget Hearing. She states that the prior board, that MS was on, when they realized that the budget was overspent went back and accumulated invoices for non-major repairs and took funds from the CRF. She also stated that for more than a year the meeting were on Thursday at 9:am. KK asked MS if he ever called the office asking when the Commissioners meeting were, he stated no.

MS leaves the meeting at 10:45

DR askes about the Grant extension, JB states that we have the new contact at DES for the District now that Rick Skarinka has retired. JB states that once we get the bid package from J&B and we get a bid and schedule we can determine if we need an extension.

DR states that she believes that there was a cease and desist order at 42 Bristenstock.  DR askes the status of the separation agreement with Nancy Cole, JB states that the public may have been misled as there is no “Gag” order in effect. The agreement specifically states that N Cole is obligated within reason to assist in the office transition.

DR states that she is considering N Cole for Deputy Treasurer.  JB askes her to send a formal request to the office.

DR askes why padlock still not on Reinach pump house…KK states that the assumption that the currents locks being used were all keyed alike was not the case. KK will order a set of 10 key alike locks with one of the keys going to the Fire Chief.

JB makes a motion to enter non-public at 11:35 RSA 91-A:3, II(b) Hiring.   KK 2nds, passed 2-0

Public meeting reconvened at 11:35. Motion was made to seal the minutes

JB discusses the zoning board hearings in Madison regarding 26 Huttwil Dr. Case # 21-03, as Commissioner will object and Eidelweiss Dr Deck expansion. Case 21-07. No objection, JB will attend, KK will possibly attend as a resident

KK makes a motion to adjourn at 11:47, JB 2nds passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner