2021-07-08 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday July 8th, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:30 am on Thursday July 8th 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM), Kelly Robitialle (KR), Doug Prescott, Ralph Lutjen, Gloria Aspinall, Paula Doyle who joins at 10:30. The meeting was recorded by Madison TV                              

At 8:30am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order.

Discussion on DW Mechanical doing the replacement heating work in DPW1 as the furnace no longer works. JB makes a motion to accept the bid from DW Mechanical and to have them begin the work ASAP. KK 2nds. MS objects stating that we should get a second quote. KK comments that Kelly reached out to several contractors and no response. MS says we should wait until November as no immediate need.  KK states that while DW has an opportunity do this we should get it completed. If we wait until November during the busy season we may not be a priority.  KK asks MS if he reached out to any contractors as this was discussed on 6/10. He had not. Motion passes 2-1

JB makes a motion to go into non-public RSA-91-A:3 a (employee review) at 8:36 passes 3-0

Reconvene public at 9:06

JB makes a motion to go into non-public RSA-91-A:3 l (legal) at 9:08 passes 3-0

Reconvene public at 9:18

JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on commissioner meeting dates and time,

JB makes a motion to change the meeting time to 8:00am to accommodate MS so he can attend for a longer period of time. KK 2nds, MS states that meetings take too long and are non-productive, passes 2-1

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes of 7/1/2021 and non-public of 7/1/2021, KK 2nds, MS makes a motion to amend 7/1 public as he states that he didn’t mention the Water Committee when discussing the Reinach Fire Hydrant, JB 2nds Amendment passes 3-0 Motion passes 3-0 ( MS approves public meeting until point at which he left), Non public of 7-1-2021 passes 2-0-1

DPW Report – KR

Driveway Permit for 24 Bern, no culvert needed, MS makes a motion to approve, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

3 Bristenstock, deep culvert filling with sand causing buildup, property owner gravel also causing problem. Discussion on temporary water hook up at that property which was switched over to permanent, therefore not a Dawson’s/Reinach issue. MS makes a motion of that Kelly R. work with the owner to correct the drainage problem. JB 2nds, passes 3-0. Kelly askes that the property owner be asked to remove the gravel from the culvert area.

Kelly asks that Juneteenth be honored this year as there was no clarification from the District. JB makes a motion to allow that Juneteenth be a paid holiday this year. KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Owner of 22 Bristenstock asks about condition of Appenval, painted rocks and pot holes. Kelly states that this road needs reconstruction and is planned for next year.  KK makes a motion to respond to the owner, will draft a letter for the office. Actual motion withdrawn.

JB discusses review of Class VI roads and that he will confirm status with KR and update the list which has not been done in years

JB discussed lot on Adelboden that was merged with 105 acres that is not in Eidelweiss. Madison planning board stated that a portion is still in Eidelweiss and a letter from the District will move it back into the tax roll. Once there is clarification by the Town of Madison, the VDOE can issue a Driveway permit to owner of the property.

Discussion on Rock House Mtn and our assistance by applying calcium chloride to their roads to minimize the runoff into the Pea Porridge Ponds. JB states that we did in fact reach out to NHMA last year and they saw no issue with the VDOE providing this with reimbursement from RHM and that we should confirm with Primex that we are covered. MS states that RHM is private and the District should not do work on private property. DM will reach out to Primex

DP askes if the EPOA can borrow the traffic cones for the Sept 5th yard sale at the Huttwil parking area. This is Ok with the Commissioners.  Kelly asks that the cones be secured and returned to DPW on Monday.

DP asks if the VDOE can add the EPOA to the agenda after the DPW report to discuss any upcoming events that usually involve the DPW is some way, KK makes a motion to add EPOA to agenda, JB 2nds passes 2-0 (This was discussed after MS left the meeting)

Discussion on 34 Bristenstock, JB reviewed that area and states that the deteriorating timbers are causing the much of the problem and not the water project.  MS makes a motion to send a letter to the property owner stating that finding. JB 2nd, passes 3-0.

KR replaced the culvert on Bern drive that is next to the8 Eidelweiss driveway (which is on Bern Drive), DPW could not lower new culvert any further, and that 8 Eidelweiss contractor needs to re-install the driveway culvert per previous correspondence.

KK re-did the Driveway check list,and updated the Permit for Operation – removed that “permit was good for one year”.

JB reviews water shut-off letter for non-payment of water bill, JB makes a motion to sign out of session KK 2nds, passes 3-0. KK will work with office to do the mail merge and create the letters.

JB makes a motion to place a lien on the property at 46 Huttwil for unpaid water bill as the property owner has passed way and it appears the property is being prepared to be sold. MS disagrees stating that district has not done this in the past. JB withdraws motion

JB makes a motion to approve the manifest for $51,576.39, KK 2nds, Primex bill for annual insurance is $35,861 of that. Passes 3-0

KK will post Consumer Confidence Report to website – did not do last week.

JB makes a motion to pay a $25 bill from a 2020 invoice that was just received from Granite State Rural Water from 2021 funds and note that a journal entry can be done to back charge 2020. KK 2nds, passes 3-0

MS askes that any contractor bidding the DPWI bathroom remodel provide a certificate of insurance. MS makes a motion to have DM reach out to Primex regarding having Paula Doyle as a contractor and if she needs her own insurance. Passes 3-0, Paula Doyle joins the meeting and is asked if she has an umbrella policy that would cover her doing work for the District.  She does and will check on specifics.

MS asks about the water committee, who’s on it and when are they meeting. JB states that we were just notified that we were approved for the 20K asset mgt grant and RFQ will be sent out.

MS asks about safety meetings, KK was doing them in 2019 but other than Dept of Labor meetings and review of compliance with their findings, we have not been doing them.  KK states that since MS did them in the past is he available to do a monthly meeting, MS states he is too busy.

MS wants the value of both small claims actions, DM will provide.

MS asks for a non-public at 8:00am 7/15 – MS leaves at 10:45

Brad Jones of J&B will generate the quote for the Upper Lakeview PRV pit. Discussion on getting an extension from DES for the grant funding as this work will probably not get done by October.  JB states that we should wait an see how soon the quote gets turned around and we get an actual bid.

Discussion on offer to clean the outhouses which takes about an hour, at $45 per building which equates to $180/hr. DM to reply that this is not within our budget.

JB discusses water usage report and nothing seems unusual

JB sent pictures of original Reinach tanks that are being decommissioned by Dawsons

DP discussed July 10th cook-out, KK will send Mailchimp notice on behalf of the EPOA.

Discussion on VLAP pond water testing, RL and DP participated, question on who is paying the bill.

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 11:15, KK 2nds passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner