Commissioners Meeting
Tuesday August 3rd, 2021
The Board of Commissioners met at 1PM on Tuesday August 3rd 2021.
In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM), Kelly Robitialle (KR), Dinah Reiss (DR), John Cancelarich (JC). The meeting was recorded by Madison TV
At 1PM Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order. JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, KK 2nds, passes 2-1-0
MS states he is unhappy that this meeting was called and he didn’t know until last night. JB states that he was unable to attend on Thursday and that there were some pressing matters to be addressed. MS disagrees and states that he will be leaving in 15 minutes.
MS makes a motion to enter into non-public per RSA 91-A3:ii (b) Employee hiring at 1:05, KK 2nds, passes 3-0
Re-enter public session at 1:20 Motion was made to seal the minutes.
DPW Report
KR states that the re-submitted driveway application for 8 Eidelweiss Dr contains inaccurate information.
Discussion on the dam management policy and how it is being followed, JB stated that current policy gives DPW final say.
Resident at last weeks meeting claimed that her property was being damaged by the high water.
MS wants to know how the residents found out so soon about the decision to remove a board made at previous Thursdays meeting. KK states that it doesn’t matter,
JB said that he notified the residents and that we serve the public. Discussion on claims of damage to property that should be sent to the office with evidence such as before and after pictures. MS leaves meeting at 1:32
JB makes a motion that any concern about property damage be sent to the office with evidence. KK 2nds, passes 2-0
KK asks for confirmation that if water continues to rise that the water will spill over the intersection of Eidelweiss Dr and Appenval then down into the brook by the playground. This would prevent any property from flooding. KR and JB believe this to be true. JC asks, then why not leave the water as high as possible at all times. JB states that constant flow over the concrete dam may effect the life of the concrete. He has asked Pierce and Wright that as part of the Dam Emergency Action Plan to research this. Hopefully having an answer by the August 14th public hearing. Discussion on the DPW trying to keep the water at the optimum level.
KR leaves at 1:50pm
JC reviews the current policy and asks who it protects. Discussion on balance between wildlife, environment and property.
DM – water bills sent out with shut-off notice for non-payment
JB makes a motion to approve the water hook-up for 13 E. Bergamo, KK 2nds, passes 2-0
JB makes a motion to approve the manifest for $4722.17, KK 2nds, passes 2-0
JB asks about bank signature cards, MS still needs to sign – DR has them.
KK states that locks for the Water operator are in – she will reach out to Ian Hayes
Discussion on DPW bathroom remodel, JB had another quote in excess of $6,000. JB makes a motion to approve of the COI from Spruce Creek Property with the VDOE added as “additional insured”. KK 2nds, passes 2-0. KK confirms that once we have this that Spruce Creek Property Maint. can begin the project.
JB discusses right-of-way to Eidelweiss road, given to previous owner of 105-acre lot recently sold. Need to review to see if that passes to new owner.
JB discusses 29 Grachen survey and that Commssioners should schedule an onsite meeting, JB will call the surveyor.
JB discusses Planning Board letter regarding lot line adjustment – no action to be taken by VDOE
Review of July water usage report – somewhat higher than normal with peak usage of 130K-140K gallons per day.
JB makes a motion to sign a letter to attorney Wilber regarding East Bergamo, KK 2nds, passes 2-0
Public Comment
DR asks about the asset management grant, JB describes the deliverables and how the water assets will be plotted with location, age, life expectancy, repl cost etc.
RFQ is being update for Commissioners to approve before being sent to potential bidders.
DM leaves at 2:35
JB makes a motion to cancel the August 5th Thursday meeting, KK 2nds, passes 2-0
KK asks about what material is needed for the August 14th public hearing- to be discussed on August 12th.
JB makes a motion to adjourn at 2:40, KK 2nds, passes 2-0
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Koziell, Commissioner