2018-05-21 Communication Committee

[gview file="https://vdoe-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/ComCom-Minutesw-May-21-2018.pdf"]

Village District of Eidelweiss
Communications Committee
May 21, 2018

The Communications Committee met in the District Office at 9:00 am on Monday, May 21st, 2018. Present were committee members Ron Sandstrom, Adam Leiser, Andrew Harteveldt (remote), Paula Doyle and Nancy Cole.
9:00 am: Adam Leiser makes a motion to allow remote participation in the meeting. Ron seconds and the motion is approved by roll call vote 4-0. Andrew joins the meeting remotely.
9:02 am: Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the minutes of the May 14th Communications Committee meeting. The motion was passed by roll call vote 5-0.
9:03 am: Adam makes a motion to approve the newsletter, Paula seconds it. The newsletter is then discussed. Paula suggests that the tank lining should be addressed in the newsletter.
9:05 am: Ron makes a motion to add wording regarding the tank lining to the newsletter based on what we know to date. Paula seconds the motion and it is passed by roll call vote 5-0.
9:09 am: Adam makes a motion to approve the newsletter and send it to the Commissioners for approval tomorrow so that it can be send out by the end of the week. Nancy seconds and the motion and passed by roll call vote 5-0.
9:10 am: Adam makes motion to adjourn the meeting, Paula seconds. Motion passes by roll call vote 5-0
Respectfully submitted,
Andrew Harteveldt
Committee member