Commissioners Meeting
Thursday February 4, 2021
The Board of Commissioners met by phone at 9:00 am on Thursday February 4, 2021.
In attendance for full meeting were Commissioners Jay Buckley (JB), Kathy Koziell (KK), Paula Doyle (PD) and Donna MacKinnon (DM) and for part of the meeting, Kelly Robitaille (KR), Dinah Reiss (DR), Bob Ingram (BI), Ian Hayes (IH) and Peter Knudson (PK). The meeting was recorded (audio).
At 9:02 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order.
1. Agenda
JB made a motion to approve the agenda. KK seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
2. DPW Report
-Driveway permit for 17 East Bergamo was submitted for completion. KR reports it was completed as permitted.
JB made a motion to give final approval of completion to the driveway permit for 17 East Bergamo. KK seconded. Motion passed. 3-0.
-KR reported that someone is coming to look at 550 truck for sale. Discussion on how KR should respond to questions about price. Agreement that he should refer any questions on price to the BOC.
-Discussion on recent storm with praise to DPW for job well done.
3. Administration
-DM reports that $86,935.86 disbursement has been received for Reinach project. Will be placed in project account and will reimburse $15,000 to the operating account. DR confirmed deposit and reported $88,252.90 current balance in project account. KK reported that approximately $250K of the $295K grant has now been received.
-DM heard from Kathy Moore about Capital Reserve account – we are on agenda for 2/11 meeting. Paperwork will be processed by then.
-DM has sent out the certified letters to overdue water bills as previously discussed. Some have already had water shut off. DM to work with IH on shutting off all others as notified.
-JB made a motion to approve the public and non-public meeting minutes from 1/28/21. KK seconded. Motion passed. 3-0.
-JB made a motion to approve the non-public meeting minutes from 1/23/21. KK seconded. Motion passed. 3-0.
-JB made a motion to approve the minutes from 3 non-public meetings from 1/21/21. PD seconded. Motion passed. 3-0.
-JB made a motion to approve the manifest of 7 checks totaling $6,450.45. KK seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
JB asked for clarification on the $3,320.71 payment to Bank of NH. DR confirms that this is the final interest-only payment for the tank project approved in 2018. Another payment will be due in August that will be the first principle plus interest payment due and will continue for 12 years. Per email she sent to office, she wants to confirm this is being accounted for in 2021 budget. KK confirms this will be in the budget.
-DR reports that the Bank of NH is sending paperwork to approve that 3 loans will be set up as auto payment moving forward. DM later reports that this has arrived and will be signed today by JB and DR.
-Discussion on 2021 Audit and timing. PD reminds JB that he needs to fill out the form that is outstanding for the BOC to provide auditors information. DM to reach out to auditors on timing.
-PD asked KR if any further information from D. Whitelaw on his furnace estimate discussed in prior week. KR still awaiting call back. Also waiting for one other estimate.
-JB states he has yet to receive an estimate for brush cutting over water lines. Asks if this should be part of operating budget or special warrant which we tabled last week. KK points out that since it was part of a sanitation survey as work that needs to be done so it should be put in operating budget in order to ensure funding.
-JB reviews email from property owner requesting information on potential purchase or guarantee of green space for 2 lots on Dorfli Road. After discussion, BOC agrees that district will not be selling any property at this time. DM to communicate this to property owner.
-JB discusses seminars from All States Paving which he is planning to attend. KR states he has gone through all this training already but will look through any additional training information from UNH.
-At 9:30, PK and IH join meeting. Discussion on providing temporary water service at 9 Reinach Place to help PK finish construction on his home. JB brings up water ordinance asking if we should even consider exceptions. KK states that it is similar to zoning board providing ordinances and we should consider each case individually on its merits. PD agrees but also states that property owner should work separately with water operator at their own expense to develop options and then approach board with proposal as opposed to coming to BOC and asking board to solve the problem. IH states that he has not spent additional time/cost to consider this situation. After discussion with PK and IH, BOC agrees that PK and IH should discuss off-line to determine if there is a solution that will not impact the district financially or put the district water system at any risk.
At 9:49 AM, PK leaves the meeting.
-IH reports that he has gathered all of the necessary information that PD requested for the Emergency Water Plan. He needs to input in to the file and get it in good order. Will send over soon.
-IH reports that he is currently doing standard pump maintenance. Will be checking bleeders. Discussion on water and electric usage.
-PD asks about JB’s draft on DPW involvement on water excavation projects. IH shares concern that if we give most or all of the day to day work to DPW, current contractors may be less willing to jump in when we need them for emergencies when DPW might not be available or able to do a project. IH recommends that we give some work to DPW – smaller jobs that make sense. BOC agrees that it makes sense to let IH decide when it makes sense to use DPW and when best to bring in outside contractor.
At 10:07, IH and KR leave the meeting.
-At 10:08, Moderator BI joins meeting. Discussion on rescheduling of annual meeting and location. PD states she would not be comfortable attending any meeting until vaccinated. KK states she would be comfortable attending a meeting at an appropriate location. Additional discussion on the warrant article drafted to obtain $20K funding for asset management to match the grant already awarded. Approval on these funds needs to be made in April. Confirmed that the funding can be done from the Water System Capital Reserve through BOC approval. BOC agrees to do this and will also revise the drafted warrant article to replace the $20K taken from the reserve account from the Unassigned Fund Balance. After much discussion, agreement that ideal meeting date will be May 22 at the Kennett Middle School gymnasium pending information on cost and info on how many people could attend at this location. JB to contact Kennett School on availability, cost and capacity. JB awaiting confirmation that public hearing can be held virtually if traditional in person meeting being planned. Final dates for public hearing dates to be discussed at meeting next week.
At 10:34 AM, BI leaves the meeting.
JB-All previously discussed.
PD-Shared topline on results of job placement ad on indeed, details to be shared and discussed in non-public session. Brought up a couple concerns on the Wright-Pierce agreement – length and cost of travel to district and ownership of designs and plans. Suggests that this agreement be reviewed by attorney. PD makes a motion to send this agreement to Chris Boldt for review. JB seconded motion. After discussion that JB should first have discussion with WP on these concerns, PD withdraws motion.
-KK-New calendar widget on website stuck on January – working on it. Received resume from Chris Albert for a surveyor he would work with on Little Loop project, awaiting his proposal. Reminded PD and JB to review the Motions/Actions log and share any updates with office.
-Ron Briggs Surveyor in North Conway will be getting back to us soon with proposal. Water committee emails – setting up a meeting soon.
JB makes a motion at 10:51 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (a). PD seconded. Motion Passed 3-0.
PD makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (a) and return to Public meeting at 11:21 AM. JB seconded. Motion Passed 3-0.
JB makes a motion at 11:21 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (b). KK seconded. Motion Passed 3-0.
JB makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (b) and return to Public meeting at 12:02 PM. KK seconded. Motion Passed 3-0.
During the non-public meeting, BOC passed a motion to seal the minutes.
JB makes a motion to adjourn the Public Meeting at 12:02 PM. PD seconded. Motion Passed 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Doyle