2013-08-13 Commissioners Meeting

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The Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, August 13, 2013. In attendance were Commissioners Mark Graffam, Ron Sandstrom and Mike Smith. Also in attendance was Fred Gurley (highway). The meeting was taped by Tim Hughes.

[expand title="Search Text"]At 2:31pm the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mark Graffam.

1. Agenda

Mike Smith makes a motion to accept the agenda. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

2. Accounts Payable

21 checks for a total of $14,657.57 are presented. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to hold the check for RCH pending completion of the crack sealing of Eidelweiss Drive and Appenvel Way. Mark Graffam seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mark Graffam makes a motion to approve 20 checks for a total of $8,657.57. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

3. Minutes

The minutes of July 31 will be resent to the Commissioners for review next week.

The minutes of August 6 are reviewed. Typographical errors; capitalization and a # sign in lieu of a $ are corrected. Ron Sandstrom updates wording in the Road and Driveway section. Mark Graffam makes a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

4. Highway Department Report

Fred Gurley reports that the edges of Appenvel Way have been paved. The water valve at the intersection of Jungfrau and Appenvel has also been paved. The culvert at 30 Middle Shore Drive has been installed. Headers were built for both the inlet and outlet sides. The culvert to be placed at 32 Middle Shore will be done next. The work on the grader shoes has been completed; Fred Gurley reports they came out good. The culvert at 68 Eidelweiss Dr has been checked. The culvert is blocked with road ‘fines’ that are released from the gravel. Fred Gurley adds that the culvert is entirely on private property and therefore was not worked on. The homeowner will be asked if a written agreement with the VDOE to clean this culvert exists. The area of 2 West Bergamo is holding well now that the driveway has been fixed. No road washout was noted following the last rains. The culvert at the intersection of Aspen and Appenvel has been worked on; it’s approximately 1⁄2 cleared at this time. The remainder will be done this week. Discussion on addition of a catch basin to hold the silt prior to entering the culvert is held. This will be looked at. The driveways at 30 & 32 Middle Shore are discussed. These driveways continue to cause damage to the road via water runoff. Fred Gurley states that sloping of the driveways and addition of gravel should disperse the water. Mark Graffam

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makes a motion to send letters to the owners of 30 & 32 Middle Shore Dr to establish a meeting with the Board, in person or by telephone, within the next 2 weeks to discuss corrective action needed. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion on placing the culverts under the driveways to facilitate the rest of the drainage prior to corrective action on the driveways is held. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-1. Grader paving is discussed. Mark Graffam makes a motion to hire Billy Chick as consultant on the grader paving project at a rate of $60 per hour for up to 8 hours. Motion failed for lack of a second. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to look at the cost of the DPW doing the work compared to a contractor with experience. Mark Graffam seconds the motion for discussion. Discussion on knowing municipal entities that has used graders to pave, but no contractors are known to use this technique. Ron Sandstrom moves to withdraw the motion. Mike Smith discusses a culvert at 22 Middle Shore which stops in the street, not the ditch. The culvert appears to be ineffective. This will be looked at. A washout has been noted near Geneva Place off Middle Shore. This will be checked and fixed. Mike Smith requests that the DPW look at the culvert near Bob Simmons house on East Bergamo. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to plan a road trip for the Commissioners to review the top 6 priorities on the 2013 Road Plan. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. A date will be set for this review. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to set the road review for 8-27 at 1:30 pm. Mark Graffam seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Overall work status is discussed. Fred Gurley reports that culvert cleaning will be the focus for the next couple of weeks.

5. Road and Driveway Review

An application for a Driveway Permit for Construction has been received for 30 Bern Drive. 23 Oak Ridge Rd has requested a Driveway Permit for Operation as not alterations will be undertaken on this driveway. A letter has been received from 17 Oak Ridge Rd questioning a cut out below their property. Mike Smith makes a motion to have the DPW check the distance from the center line of the road to the cut out. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion ensues outlining that this cut out may be within the VDOE Right-of-Way, but it is unknown who created it or when. It may be many years old. Discussion on road drainage ensues. RSA 149 is discussed. The Local Government Center website has information on recent statute changes relating to storm water runoff. The deed for the roads will be pulled and reviewed. Response to the letter is discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion failed 1-2. The location to the center line is not relevant, where the water flows is the question. Mark Graffam makes a motion to send a letter that the area has been reviewed and no evidence or documentation exists that the VDOE created this punch out or has ever maintained it. The topography map created by Paul Fluet, Engineer, shows that area as a natural run off for water. No action will be taken by the VDOE. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and requests that the topography map be included with the correspondence. Mark Graffam amends the motion to include the topography. Ron Sandstrom seconds the amendment. Motion, as amended, is voted and the motion passed 3-0. The culvert at 47 Eidelweiss Drive has been checked and the 12” culvert that was installed seems to be handling the water flow without a problem. Mark Graffam makes a motion to exempt 47 Eidelweiss Drive from the 15” culvert requirement. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. A request for ditch work on Sarnen has been received. Mark Graffam makes a motion that the homeowner requesting the ditch work be contacted by Nancy Cole and informed that the Foreman will be reviewing. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion


passed 3-0. Fred Gurley will be informed to review the area and report on the need for ditches.

6. Water System Planning

Mike Smith makes a motion to purchase a pump and motor not to exceed $2,400. Mark Graffam seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The cost of labor to install the pump is discussed. A quote will be requested from Iron Mountain. A draft policy for charges to the water system for work completed by the DPW is reviewed. Mark Graffam makes a motion to approve the VDOE policy for DPW equipment and personnel use for work on the water system. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

7. Scheduled Appearances 8. Warrant Articles

The NH Department of Revenue has not yet commented on the loan documents for the Jungfrau Pump replacement. A follow up request will be made.

Discussion on the F-550 to be ordered is held. The outfitting of the new truck is discussed. Estimates are still coming in on the truck cab and chassis.

Lease of a grader is discussed. Caterpillar, John Deere and Volvo have sent quotes. Discussion on the available options for a road grader and received quotes is held. Additional looking into of area departments using a Volvo grader will be done. Mike Smith makes a motion to focus on Caterpillar and Volvo as potential vendors eliminating John Deere. Mark Graffam seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to request a proposed interest rate reduction from Caterpillar to match Volvo. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion on early contact prior to review of documents is held. Mike Smith withdraws the motion.

A draft will be prepared for next week for the contract for Oak Ridge Road, phase 1.

9. Commissioners Reports

Mark Graffam reports that NH DES has stated that no additional canoe racks should be built within 20 feet of the water’s edge at any pond. The existing racks can remain where they are currently located. Thusis Beach has a lot of watercraft improperly and illegally stored. The watercraft will be marked for removal. Mark Graffam makes a motion to request the beach cleaners notify the office of improperly stored watercraft. Mark Graffam strikes the motion. Mike Smith makes a motion to update the Beach Ordinance as it relates to watercraft in addition to the Driveway Ordinance updates to be drafted. Mark Graffam seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mark Graffam makes a motion to add storm water drainage as the third Ordinance for the proposed Public Hearing Sept 10. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The date of the upcoming Public Hearing is discussed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to move the date to Saturday, October 26 at 9 am at the Lodge. Mark Graffam seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.


Mike Smith questions receipt of monthly stipend with first payroll of month. Nancy Cole outlines it was an error; the Executive Payroll has been paid for the month early.

10. Signature Items

A letter to the resident of 14 Jungfrau Rd confirming the meeting with the Commissioners on Aug 20 at 2 pm is presented and reviewed. Mark Graffam makes a motion to sign and send the letter. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Letters to the homeowners of 30 and 32 Middle Shore are presented and reviewed. Mark Graffam makes a motion that Nancy Cole sign and send amended letters stating that the culvert has been installed at #30; the driveways are not in compliance with the Driveway Ordinance and have been causing damage to the road; establish meeting within 2 weeks either in person or telephonically; establish plan to correct water flow from property. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

An application for a Driveway Permit for Construction and supporting documentation are presented for review. Mark Graffam makes a motion to approve and sign the Driveway Permit for Construction for 30 Bern Drive. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

A Driveway Permit for Operation has been requested for 23 Oak Ridge Rd. Mark Graffam makes a motion to approve and sign the Driveway Permit for Operation. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

11. Correspondence

The Eidelweiss Property Owners Association (EPOA) has requested use of the Lodge for three upcoming events. Mark Graffam makes a motion to approve the use of the Lodge by the EPOA as requested. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The EPOA will be notified.

Local Government Center has appointed a new CEO; Senate President Bragdon.

The Granite State Rural Waters Association has sent information on upcoming classes and their Annual Meeting.

12. Administration

The first tax payment for 2013 has been received and deposited.

The secondary claim payment for the additional damages found on the International has been received and deposited.

13. Old Business

Signs will be left on the agenda for future discussion.


14. Other Business

Mark Graffam discusses the credit of $1,194 on this month’s health insurance invoice. The credit is a result of the dollar amount of premiums paid in January 2010. That premium was paid 80% by the VDOE and 20% by the employee. Discussion ensues on this being a credit; not a rebate and prior precedent. Mark Graffam makes a motion to disburse the credited amount at a rate of 80% VDOE and 20% Employee. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

15. Public Comments

At 4:50 pm Mark Graffam makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (b) hiring of an employee and (d) property matters. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Motion called via roll call; Mark Graffam yea, Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, and the motion passed 3-0.

Motions and votes of Non-Public session:

Mark Graffam makes a motion to donate 8 panels of the steel roofing in the DPW yard to the Town of Madison for use for the Old Home Week Bean-hole Supper. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 60% payment to RCH for the work completed. Mark Graffam seconds the motion for discussion. Motion withdrawn.

At 5:40 pm Mark Graffam makes a motion to exit Non-Public session and adjourn the meeting. Mike Smith seconds the motion. Motion called via roll call; Mark Graffam yea, Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, and the motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole Administrator

