Tank lining project status information


At the VDOE Annual Meeting of 2015, the voters approved $99,750 for inspection and lining, as appropriate, of the water system tanks. Taking of a loan that would be payable by the water users through the NH Department of Environmental Services State Revolving Loan Fund was the approved source of the revenue.

During 2015 the bid specification for the project was created by VDOE Engineers, Fluet Associates, a Division of Dubois & King. The bid documents were submitted to and approved by the State. The project was put out to contractors for bidding in late 2015, with intent to act on the project spring of 2016.

Only one bid was received for the project. The NH Department of Environmental Services was questioned on process when only one bid is received and notified the Engineers that the sole bid could be reviewed for acceptance. The bidding contractor’s qualifications to perform the work were then reviewed by the Engineer’s and a recommendation for a meeting with the Contractor to discuss qualifications of the Company was made.

This meeting was held on March 28, 2016. The Contractor, though experienced with metal tank work and the tank lining process, did not have experience with drinking water system tanks. Therefore, the Contractor was not aware of the extra precautions needed and testing required for a public water system. Due to the inability to produce any references for public drinking water system experience, the bidder was disqualified.

We are reviewing options for the tanks, especially the primary storage tanks at Reinach. Replacement of the tanks based on age without spending funds to inspect and line, in conjunction with establishment of a reserve fund for water system tanks, is being looked into. Development of a long term funding plan for water system tanks is needed.