Author Archives: VdoeAdmin


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday June 28, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Tuesday June 28, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Dinah Reiss & Kathy Koziell.

Meeting videotaped by Carol of Madison TV

At 9:00am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the agenda, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Minutes of 6/22/22, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the 6/22/22 sealed Non-Public Minutes,

Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the Payroll Manifest of $8,187.30, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the Operating Account manifest of $74,156.21, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the Water Project Fund manifest of $1,401.25, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0


Discussion on backhoe, had issues on Friday 6/24 with bad wiring on the harness. Chadwick came out on Saturday 6/25 and was able to get it back up and running. Kelly Robitaille called John Deere and Caterpillar; they are coming out to look at the backhoe for a possible future trade. Need the backhoe running as it is the number one used machine. Jay Buckley suggests possibly doing a package deal with the grader and backhoe.

Discussion on water main leak on Altdorf, crew is digging today with Ian.

Discussion on 70 Appenvel Way. Homeowner filed driveway permit application with the 70 Appenvel Way address but the driveway will be coming off Thusis, so it needs to be changed to 13 Thusis. Homeowner is going to use 13 Thusis for both the driveway and water applications.

Kelly Robitaille spoke with G.W. Brooks regarding the dry hydrant, and he said that it can either be extended or replaced. They are coming out in 2 weeks to look at it. A permit will need to be pulled through DES which may take a while.

Jay Buckley asks the cost of the backhoe repair. Kelly Robitaille states that we have not received an invoice yet since they just came but it will be an hourly rate for 2 hours.


Review of water application change.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to accept the modification to the water hook-up application to include the D size drawings, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

RFP interviews are scheduled for July 6th and July 13th at 1:00pm with horizons Engineering and CMA Engineers.

Discussion on Madison Zoning Letter. 21 Diessbach is looking for a variance for a shed.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to object to the variance and send a letter to the Madison Zoning board regarding 21 Diessbach, Ralph Lutjen 2nds for discussion. Ralph Lutjen makes an amendment to the motion that one Commissioner should attend the public hearing to see what the actual set back is and if it is within 10 feet we will accept the variance, Jay Buckley 2nds the amendment, passes 3-0

Discussion on Grachen Drive variance, this should be grandfathered in being less than 2 acres.

Discussion on Audit Actuary, information can be found on the NHRS website and has already been sent to the auditors for review.

Mike smith makes a motion to rescind the $2,000 that was allocated for the audit actuary, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Lodge. The water is up and running and the heaters have been checked. The cleaner is going to finish cleaning now that there is water.

Discussion on hydroseeding around the Reinach tank. Need to find someone to do the seeding, Jay Buckley mentions that Home Advisor gave a quote of $416 and that we could reach out to them. Once this is completed the contract can be closed out. Kelly Robitaille states the reason for seeding was for erosion control but the only place that needs it now would be where the tank is buried as it is just a pile of sand.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to take $416 out of the retainage for grubbing, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on closing out the Reinach tank project. Alexis Wagoner spoke with Rick Skarinka, and he mentioned that Jones & Beach has the paperwork, and we are just waiting for him to send it over. Also, the office is now responsible for the disbursements. As for the PRV project we will have to get Dubois and King to sign off on the completed project.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to transfer $10,000 from the Water Line Extension CRF to the Water Assessment Fund, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Jay Buckley mentions that the 3 RFP’s have been sent out to the contractors for the PRV project and that they have until July 15th to respond with a quote.

Discussion on small claims case, the VDOE won the case and does not have to pay back the money that was paid by the homeowner. Kathy Koziell mentions that the judge did state that the District should have put a lien on the property sooner.

Jay Buckley talks about reviewing the remaining outstanding water bills and to be on top of the water shut offs come September 1st.  

Mike Smith states that the Madison Police Department need to have the abandoned boat removed from the DPW parking lot.

Mike Smith makes a motion to send a letter to the Madison PD to get the boat removed, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to stick an advertisement for the farmers market on the bulletin board, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, Motion tabled till next week.

Mike Smith discusses Jay Buckley taking a map out of the office to give to the Madison Fire Department. Jay Buckley states that it was at no additional cost to the VDOE and that the 2nd map was made for the Madison FD. Further discussion followed.

Discussion on the parking ordinance.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve what was brought up at the ordinance hearing “Personal trailers, recreational vehicles, snowmobiles, and boats may not be parked in any of the Village District parking lots. No construction vehicles or trailers are permitted in the parking lots unless owner is having construction done. In which a building permit must be presented at the time of obtaining a parking permit. The Parking lots can be used for temporary overnight parking for residents and their guests. If a vehicle will be parked for more than 3 days a parking permit is required. A parking permit may be issued with a maximum of two continuous weeks during a given month and a minimum of one week between the two-week permit period. Parking for more than 3 days without authorization will result in a fine and the vehicle will be towed.”, Ralph Lutjen 2nds for discussion. Ralph Lutjen states that the current ordinance states 30 days parking at a time but this is being abused since people remove the vehicle for a day and then bring it back to restart the 30 days. Ralph Lutjen makes an amendment to have the ordinance say you can park for 30 days total per a year, consecutive or nonconsecutive, Jay Buckley 2nds the amendment for discussion.  Ralph Lutjen states that he is willing to take pictures and document the parking situation. Kathy Koziell mentions that she is concerned about people who park in the lot for work. She also adds that Mike Smith cannot seek help writing a petitioned warrant article from the office. Motion passes 2-1

Ralph Lutjen adds that the 30-day clock will begin after the signs are in place. The office is to get signage pricing and wording for next week’s meeting.

Discussion on horizons correspondence, everything should be going through the office.

Discussion on beaver dam correspondence with Steve Doyon. Steve said he would send a letter to the homeowner and alert them that they would be responsible for damages caused by the sudden failure of the beaver dam. Kelly Robitaille mentions that there should be a time restraint on the letter for them to respond by. The loons have finished nesting. Kelly Robitaille suggests capping the dam at Little Pea and then release the beaver dam slowly to preserve the water levels in the other ponds.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to send another letter to the property owner asking for consent to enter onto their property to remove the beaver dam and if they do not respond by July 15th then we will act and remove the dam, Mike Smith 2nds, makes amendment to change date to July 10th, Jay Buckley 2nds amendment, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to restore all boards to the little dam, No 2nd.

Mike Smith makes a motion to restore two 11-inch boards to the dam, jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Horizons email regarding the updating of mapping and water cards for the new water hook ups. Mike Smith questions if we are comfortable with what we currently have or do we need to have the locations retaken. Ralph Lutjen asks how much it is for updating the mapping. Mike Smith asks if we should find out how much to do all the curb stops.

Mike Smith makes a motion to have the office get pricing from Horizons to survey and GPS all the other curb stops they didn’t do, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Kathy Koziell suggests having a volunteer group dig and mark the curb stops then have Horizons come in and just GPS mark the locations.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to get a quote from Horizons on updating the mapping yearly with the new water hook-ups, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Alexis Wagoner suggests using the water hook-up fees to cover the cost of adding the new hook up to the maps.

Review of the loon email.

Review of the email from the Town of Madison regarding the dry hydrant.

Review of the Neighborhood Energy June report.

Discussion on 4 Chocorua View Drive email requesting to camp on property until their house is built.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to not permit the camper on the property, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, Jay Buckley withdraws his motion, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to accept the camper provided all services are connected and approved which include water, septic, electricity, and internet. They also must be out by October 31st, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-1

Discussion on Mark Graffam email regarding Bristenstock, Jay Buckley measured, and it is 15 feet from the water line which is not in violation.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to do a GPS reading for the new Reinach Place pressure line, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen Makes a motion to approve the EPOA events, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on leak at Altdorf, Kelly Robitaille states the crew is digging now not sure if it is a water main leak or ground water.

Dinah Reiss mentions that $150,000 was transferred into the Operating account from the TAN Loan and there is currently $100,000 remaining in the TAN Loan for use if need be.


Ralph Lutjen makes a motion at 10:57am to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (d).  Mike Smith seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (d) and return to public meeting at 11:19am.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn at 11:19am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday June 14, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:56am on Tuesday June 14, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Dinah Reiss, Kathy Koziell, Arthur Babineau, Shauna Kondrat, Margaret Cugini & Jim Torpey.

Meeting videotaped by Carol of Madison TV

At 8:56 am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order


Jay Buckley makes a motion at 8:57am to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (L).  Ralph Lutjen seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (L) and return to public meeting at 9:19am.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Re-entered Public Session at 9:20am

Public Meeting

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the agenda, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Minutes of 6/1/22, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the 6/1/2022 sealed Non-Public Minutes RSA 91-A:3 II (L), Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the payroll manifest for $9,655.00, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the Operating Account manifest of $31,260.30, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the Water Assessment Fund manifest of $24,162.92, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0


Discussion on Klausen paving got another quote from Perm-A-Pave. The two quotes were almost identical with a difference of $740.00.

Mike Smith makes a motion to accept the proposal from Perm-A-Pave for $48,000, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to cut the check for $14,400 for the deposit, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Backhoe is back and they are going to work on putting in the Basin at Little Shore as well as new water hook-ups.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the driveway permits for operations out of session for 9 Reinach Place, 62 Bern Drive, 7 Biasca Place, 7 Little Loop, 44 Appenvel Way, 2 Appenvel Way, 22 Bristenstock, 8 Middle Shore Drive, 34 Interlaken Circle, 13 East Bergamo Road, 19 East Bergamo Road, 6 Lakeview Drive, 4 Lakeview Drive, 5 Lakeview Drive, 14 & 18 Forclaz Road and 51 Bern Drive, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the driveway permits for construction for 47 Huttwil Drive and 52 Bern Drive, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0


Discussion on Horizons Engineering bill, wait to pay bill until everything comes back completed.

Discussion on Brush Cutting Warrant Article. The DPW labor for the project needs to be part of the Article to use funds from the warrant article for labor pay.

Jay Buckley makes a motion for the 2021, Article #5, Brush Cutting Warrant Article to include DPW labor pay, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Auditor. Coming into the office on 6/30 for an in person visit.

Discussion on RFP’s. Ralph Lutjen suggests we interview each of the engineering firms.

Mike Smith makes a motion to get a fee schedule from CMA Engineers, Jay Buckle 2nds, passes 3-0

Also going to get dates and times put together to schedule an interview.

Discussion on 24 Interlaken Quit Claim Deed request. Art Babineau spoke and discussed his use for the piece of property. The value of the property was discussed, the tax card has a value of $6,500. Art Babineau agreed to pay all filing and tax costs.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to transact the sale of the piece of property for $100, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on parking ordinance. Mike Smith discusses how something must be done as it is out of control. Ralph Lutjen suggests charging $100 a month after the initial 30-day period is up. They would have to apply for a permit and show proof of residency in the District.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to consider the amendment drafted, Jay Buckley 2nds for discussion. Discussion on needing another public hearing and parking at the owner’s risk. Motion passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to further review and investigate the fees and parking ordinance options, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Dam EAP email, current draft is off from the template.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to email the engineer to see if the changes are implemented it would be at no cost to the District, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Reinach Bond payment due 7-15-2022 for $64,745.00.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to have the treasurer activate the TAN Loan, No 2nd

Dinah Reiss is going to meet with the office to determine how much is needed.

Discussion on the Audit actuary and healthcare after retirement.

Discussion on May monthly cash flow. Dinah Reiss comments that $10,000 will be transferred from the Water Assessment Fund to the Water Line Extension CRF

Discussion on past due water bills, there are 22 unpaid bills. The office is to send out late bills again.

Jay Buckley mentions that the new AmeriGas community rate for the year is $2.35

Discussion on Lodge sale. The appraiser will have the appraisal this week. A plumber was at the Lodge on Friday and was unable to turn the water on due to underlying issues. A quote was given for $3,495.00 to replace the water heather, replace the 8 gate valves and to replace the 2 sink faucets.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to appropriate $3,500.00 to get the water fixed in the Lodge, Ralph Lutjen makes an amendment to make it $5,000.00, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith asks if he can contact another plumber to see if they can get someone in sooner.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to allow Mike Smith to reach out to another plumber within the budget of $5,000.00 to get the work done sooner, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to appropriate 4 parking spots 20’ by 40’ and have it written up in the deed and have drawings done by Ron Briggs, No 2nd

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the letter to Dawson out of session, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the Water System Ordinance, Jay Buckley 2nds passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to transfer $10,000.00 from the Water Assessment Fund to the Water Extension Fund CRF, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to transfer $8,319.99 from the Water Assessment Fund to the Operating Account, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter to the Madison Board of Selectmen, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 2-1

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Discussion on Upper Lakeview/Rigi PRV project. Jay Buckley still has no written proof from Rick Skarinka regarding the no bidding. The change order was submitted to Jones and Beach. The project must be completed by 12/1/2022 to receive grant money for 25%

Jay Buckley makes a motion to solicit two qualified quotes from contractors for the project, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to send a letter to Rick stating that if we do not hear back by 6/28 then it is acceptable for the VDOE to accept the contract, Jay Buckley 2nds, Ralph Lutjen makes an amendment to just make him aware that we are seeking out quotes, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on contractors to send the PRV project plans to: G.W Brooks, Gordon Burke & Bob Whirling. Also set a deadline of November 1st.

Discussion on 91-A request from Mike Smith to the Water Board.

Discussion on Jones & Beach bill.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to pay Jones and Beach the amount owed, Jay Buckle 2nds, passes 2-0-1

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to extend the meeting until 11:30, Jay Buckley 2nds passes 3-0

Review of the May daily water usage

Review of the email from 108 Eidelweiss Drive

Review of the Loon email

Review of the May Eversource usage

Public Appearance

Big Pea Porridge Watershed Preservation Association:

Discussion on the runoff debris coming from the dirt roads going into the Big Pea Pond that is starting to cause problems. They are working with DES, RockHouse Mountain, FB Environmental, Madison and Conway. They are creating a Watershed plan with FB Environmental and once that is completed, they will be applying for a grant to help cover the cost of the watershed plan. Jay Buckley questions if the calcium chloride had any effect on the RockHouse roads and the amount of runoff and questions the District helping there. Mike Smith states that the VDOE cannot spend taxpayer money outside of the VDOE. Jim Torpey discusses the grant process. Discussion on the beaver dam. Discussion on the shoreline changing due to people having sand delivered to their private beaches. Discussion on RockHouse Mountain and their efforts to mitigate runoff.   


Mike Smith makes a motion at 11:11am to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (L).  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (L) and return to public meeting at 11:29am.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn at 11:30am, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday June 1, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Tuesday June 1, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Dinah Reiss, Kathy Koziell & Randy Knowlton.

Meeting videotaped by Carol of Madison TV

At 9:00 am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the agenda, Jay Buckley 2nds makes an amendment to add a non-public at the end of the meeting, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Minutes of 5/24/22, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Minutes of 5/27/22, Jay Buckley 2nds, Ralph Lutjen makes an amendment to add an excerpt to the minutes, Jay Buckley 2nds amendment, passes 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Minutes of 5/27/22 with amendment, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the 5/24/2022 sealed Non-Public Minutes RSA 91-A:3 II (L), Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the 6/3/22 payroll manifest for $7,882.50, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Operating Account manifest of $9,396.33, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Water Assessment Fund manifest of $2,769.26, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0


Two of the rafts are in the ponds the other two need ladders installed should be in by this weekend.

Backhoe is still out the piston needed to be repacked.

Discussion on culvert grants. Kelly Robitaille is going to work with the office to write the grant.

The water levels on Big and Middle Pea have not changed. There is a loon nesting on Middle Pea. There is also a call into the beaver trapper, no word yet but with the loons nesting we cannot change the water levels now.

Ralph Lutjen comments that we have not heard back from the Madison Fire Department yet and probably will not.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to determine the cost to add 6 feet to the pipe to increase the water level at the dry hydrant, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on the dry hydrants and adding on to the piping. Kelly Robitaille is not sure the DPW can do the job since it is under water. Ralph states the goal is to add a foot or more of water above the dry hydrant.

Mike Smith makes a motion to send a letter to the Selectman asking why the Madison Fire Department hasn’t responded to the two letters we have sent, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 2-1

Discussion on 6 Aspen, there was damage done to the road from a construction vehicle. The DPW applied a cold patch and will monitor to see if it needs to be redone in the future. Randy Knowlton the homeowner spoke on the matter and mentioned rain comes down the road and washes the dirt and gravel away.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to provide a bucket load of gravel to 6 Aspen, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on email from 18 Blinden Drive

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to send an email stating the homeowner cease all work being done to the culvert and if there is an issue the DPW will handle it, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Simply Water

Discussion on new water hook ups and waiting on the backhoe to be back to begin work.

Discussion on cost of materials and the materials needed to keep in stock and use for new water connections.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the material cost of $12,371.44, Ralph Lutjen makes an amendment to change amount to $15,000, Mike Smith 2nds amendment, passes 3-0

Discussion on Tom from EII coming in to do some work on the SCADA system.

Discussion on water usage, there were big fluctuations over the weekend. It would be a good idea to determine what properties are being used either full time, part time or STR.

Discussion on priority list, Ian Hayes recommends possibly getting another well installed. If something were to happen to DPW 1 well Muddy Beach would only be able to supply water for 2 days.

Kathy Koziell comments that she has compiled a list of properties that have been advertised as STR’s online. Will provide list to the office.

Ian Hayes says that best case scenario is to install another well at the DPW 1 well since there is an abundance of water there. Going to review the past 3-5 years of water usage.

Discussion on 23 Huttwil Drive

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the final water shut off notice letter to 23 Huttwil Drive and the date will be determined when Ian and Kelly can do it, Mike Smith 2nds and makes amendment to date if for June 15th, Jay Buckley 2nds amendment, Passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the lien for 23 Huttwil Drive to be sent to the Carrol County Registry of deeds, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on 16 Huttwil Drive and what happens if the property is sold, will the water hook-up application transfer to the new owners. This would be up to the seller and buyer.

Discussion on 5 Porridge Shore Drive. There was a water service charge from Simply Water for a call from the DPW. Who would cover the cost the VDOE or the homeowner?

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have the VDOE pay the $65 fee, Mike smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on CCR reporting, Ian Hayes is going to get us the draft and the office can fill in any other information.

Discussion on Horizons mapping being provided to Simply Water. Ian Hayes recommends continuing the work on the mapping to get a better mapping system. The mapping being provided has no ties and needs to include the pole #’s in the mapping. Paper copies the map from Horizons need to be printed out and every year going forward we should be adding to the map any work that has been done.

Discussion on the PRV pits, Jay Buckley put in a change order with Jones and Beach along with the drawings. Going to pick a few contractors for bidding and then set it up with Ian.

Mike Smith makes a motion to have Jay Buckley contact Rick Skarinka to get letter regarding contractors, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0


Discussion on District Ordinances

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to sign the Driveway Ordinance, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Water Ordinance Section 6.1

Discussion on Parking Ordinance. Ralph Lutjen recommends an ordinance stating “The VDOE may install No Parking signs at locations requiring traffic control pursuant to RSA 265:69.” He then recommends no ordinance proposed by the Board of Commissioners for beach parking. Jay Buckley states that we already have the authority to post no parking signs.

Mike Smith makes a motion to contact NHMA if we have questions, No 2nd.

Mike Smith makes a motion to take the beach parking ordinance to the voters at the annual meeting, Jay Buckley 2nds for discussion. Heard from some at the public hearing that some would like a placard system 1-2 per home in the Eidelweiss District. Passes 2-1

Kathy Koziell discusses the issue that all people can access the beach currently and it would be good to decrease that number. She then questions what is happening with the RockHouse Mountain homes. Ralph Lutjen states that a prior board did sign something, but we would need a lawyer to view if action were to be taken. Further discussion on beach parking and the use of placards.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to remove section 6.1 from the Water Ordinance, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on the parking lots. Ralph Lutjen recommends that after 30 days of parking in the VDOE lots, the VDOE is entitled to a parking fee. The office is going to investigate charging a fee for long term parking. Jay Buckley states that the Highway and Parking ordinance is suiting the District currently as it is written. Donna MacKinnon says the only issue for the office is when there is an abandoned vehicle or an emergency, we have no contact information since they do not have to report to the office. Mike Smith wants to go back to the original proposed parking ordinance and monitor the parking lots closely. Kelly Robitaille states that there are not many issues during the summer but in the winter, it has become an issue for plowing.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to see if we can charge for long term parking, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to extend the meeting to 11:30am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on DWSRF loan application, it was submitted by the office.

Discussion on Norm, he is going to fix the roof and do the office partition in July. He found the bridge does not need any work done to it.

Discussion on the RFP responses from Horizons and CMA Engineers. 2 out of 5 firms responded.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to review the two responding engineers and close out the other three, Jay Buckley 2nds passes 3-0 Going to table till next week.

Discussion on the Lodge: EPOA is all moved out, the appraiser is coming today, and the cleaner is coming on Friday.

Discussion on the Reinach tank project: Jay Buckley is to draft something to send to Dawson regarding the seeding around the tank. This will then close out the contract and the warranty will begin one year after the close of the contract.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the release of lien for 21 Appenvel Way, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the notice of lien for 23 Huttwil Drive, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the transfer of monies from the Water Assessment Fund to the Operating Account in the amount of $0.40, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Jay Buckley makes a motion to grant permission for the forest fire sign to be put in front of the Eidelweiss opening off 113, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, Motion Denied 1-2

Discussion on FEMA hazard grant

Discussion on EPOA meeting on 5/28, Jay Buckley states that most of the voters wanted the STR’s to be regulated.

Jay Buckley mentions the Ted foley case is closed and the ruling will be rendered by the judge.

Mike Smith discussion on the 91-A request sent to the Water Committee. Ralph Lutjen suggests he send another request to the Water Committee.

Discussion on the AMP. Mike Smith questions how we are going proceed with projects and costs, will they be outsourced or done in house? Ralph Lutjen’s concerns are that the projects are listed but not outlined. We need to take the report and evaluate the projects and look at a 2–3-year term for spending and execution.

Discussion on drafts and the process of the AMP grant. The projects were spread out from 5 to 13 years but possibly need to be spread out to 20 years.

Discussion on the need to raise the water usage bills

Mike Smith mentions that the loons have nested and the LPC did come out and rope off the area.

Discussion on 24 Interlaken quit claim request. The office is to gather more information and bring it back to the Board next week.

Discussion on EPOA email.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have the office to respond and say “an effort was made to remove items that were viewed as trash. No judgement was made in respect to ownership. As such we do not take any ownership to the list that was provided. Also, the items thrown out were not on the list, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Review of Mark Graffam email


Mike Smith makes a motion at 11:27am to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (L).  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (L) and return to public meeting at 11:43am.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn at 11:44am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Friday May 27, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 7:30am on Friday May 27, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Doug Prescott & Larry Leonard.

At 7:30 am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to open the Commissioner’s meeting, Jay Buckley 2nds passes 3-0

Larry Leonard makes a motion to open the Water Committee meeting, Doug Prescott 2nds, passes 2-0

The AMP draft dated May 26, 2022 was reviewed, this draft reflects corrections that were made to eliminate inconsistencies in prior drafts.

Larry Leonard comments that a lot of people have reviewed and provided information to make this draft presentable.

Review of Table 6-1, Jay Buckley states that the formulas used to determine the risks were provided by DES.

Larry Leonard mentions that the mapping is much better now, the old mapping was missing a lot of piping and information.

Mike Smith wants to point out that the VDOE has to act as if we will not get any grant money and the VDOE will have to pay for these projects.

Discussion on grant money. Must plan grants accordingly and depending on which grants we receive (if any) that will determine which projects will be done.

A lot of improvements have been made to the initial draft and this draft is in a much better position realistically.

Discussion on bleeders. Bleeders are not a high priority since replacing them all would be an astronomical cost. If pipe is to be replaced and there is a bleeder there, then it will be addressed.

Discussion on Muddy Beach pump station. Ian recommended putting VFD’s at the Muddy Beach pump house to bypass the tank and pump directly up.

Discussion on Chocorua pump station and it being at the top of the priority list.

Discussion on VDOE capital assets, this was not provided to Horizons.

Discussion on poor record keeping in the past. Need to get better at documenting and updating the mapping.

Mike Smith states there are two things that need to be done. 1. The VDOE needs to improve record keeping and 2. The VDOE needs to hire an engineer to be consistent going forward and not going from one engineer to another. We are going to need to spend some money to get the recording keeping up to date.

Discussion on Aspen (top-down) on the priority list. This is for adding a new water line there.

Mike Smith mentions that band aids have been placed on all these projects, but we need an engineer to review the work and determine what work is to be done and the priority levels.

Discussion on the Asset Risk Matrix table which uses a consequence of failure to determine what category an item falls into.

Mike Smith suggests taking 2023 to establish an engineer and provide them with all the information they need regarding the system. Also increase the water bill to get a financial head start then in 2024 start projects that were determined in 2023. All parties agreed on this plan going forward.

Mike Smith mentions we will also need to determine in the future if we should do all work in house and purchase an excavator & dump truck or outsource the work.

Discussion on increasing the water bill rate. The average rate in the state is around $600 a year.

Discussion on a District engineer. Larry Leonard comments that Horizons has done a great job for this project. Alexis Wagoner States the RFPs were sent out and are due back on May 30th.

Doug Prescott has some comments: 1. This is a working document not something that is set in stone. 2. We need to schedule future meetings with all collective parties to contribute to record keeping and mapping. 3. There is an extension grant to this Asset Management Grant that we could go for and continue our work on the mapping.

Discussion on the leak detection grant. The grant would have the state come in and check for leaks and then pay for any leaks they detected no matching.

Discussion on providing the state with the invoices paid to Horizons and Simply Water to get the $20,000 match.

Going to set up a monthly meeting with the Commissioners and Water Committee so that everyone is on the same page.

Mike Smith brings up that we need to include the roads when considering projects.

Larry Leonard brings up the SCADA system and the need for Tom to be included as well in some of these meetings.

Doug Prescott suggests we do a quarterly meeting with the Commissioners, Water Committee, Simply Water, Tom, and the Engineer that District choses.

Discussion on mapping, need to include a line item in the AMP regarding getting funds to upgrade the mapping system.

Going to add the mapping line item and a line in section 7 regarding the ability to pay to the final draft.

Discussion on having an engineer for grant writing and an engineer for design. There is possibly an engineer that is better at grant writing and securing grants. Having 1 engineer would be preferred and the Asset Management to write the grant.   

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn at 9:06 am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Larry Leonard makes a motion to adjourn at 9:06 am, Doug Prescott 2nds, passes 2-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to open the meeting back up at 9:08 am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to submit the information to the state including the billing of $40,000 and the proposal, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn at 9:09 am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday May 24, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Tuesday May 24, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Dinah Reiss & Kathy Koziell.

Meeting videotaped by Carol of Madison TV

At 9:00 am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Minutes of 5/10/22, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the 5/10/2022 sealed Non-Public Minutes RSA 91-A:3 II (c), Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the 5/10/2022 sealed Non-Public Minutes RSA 91-A:3 II (d), Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the 5/10/2022 Non-Public Minutes RSA 91-A:3 II (L), Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the 5/14/2022 Public Hearing Minutes, Mike Smith 2nds makes amendment to multiple lines, amendment passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the 5/14/2022 Public Hearing Minutes with amendments, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the 5/20/22 payroll manifest for $9,555.25, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the 5/17/22 Operating Account manifest of $14,777.67, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the 5/24/22 Operating Account manifest of $7,596.09, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the 5/24/22 Water Assessment Fund manifest of $507.62, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the 5/24/22 Water Project Account manifest of $843.55, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0


DPW overview: Been working on the beaches & replaced the toilet seats. The Backhoe is being repaired so it will be out for most of the week. The rafts will be back in the ponds by Friday. Painting white lines at the stop signs. All the beaches have had their initial rake done. Someone took it upon themselves last weekend to launch one of the rafts.

Discussion on Porridge Shore Beach storm runoff.  Discussion on silt fence installed by the Gagnon’s that is on Eidelweiss property. Kelly Robitaille mentions that the berm needs to be removed to allow better water flow and to direct it away from the beach.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to remove the berm, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on removing picnic table this weekend for wedding on the Summit.

Kelly Robitaille mentions that he has another company coming to give a quote for paving Klausen.

Discussion on the pond level measurement process. There has been no change in the water levels, both are 7” below the zero point. Big Pea Pond is recording 22” higher than Middle Pea.

Discussion on the beaver dam. Kelly Robitaille asks if they want to wait until after the loon’s nest to do something or do something now. Concerns about possible damage if they wait to do something. Steve Doyon recommended again that the dam needed to be removed.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille approach a trapper to remove the beavers, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on culvert grants up to $400,000, no matching with a July 1st deadline. Kelly Robitaille will work with the office to get the application filled out. Discussion on the old design done by Fluet Engineering. Kathy Koziell suggests reaching out to Chris Albert that used to work for Jones & Beach. Dinah Reiss suggests Dubois & King Nick Sceggell did a good job on Oakridge Culvert. Ralph Lutjen mentions that they need an engineer that can work on a budget. Kelly Robitaille states that the Grison Road culvert would take up the entire grant. Jay Buckley adds how well of a job Kelly Robitaille did on the Burgdorf culvert.

Mike Smith makes a motion to reach out to Chris Albert first then Dubois & King second for the grant, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to pay for this out of the engineering budget of $5,000 and if we go over, use the Road Construction CRF, Jay Buckley 2nds, Mike Smith amends to add an engineering cap of $5,000, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes with amendment 3-0


Discussion on FEMA grant for the dam, seeking redesign of the dam

Mike Smith makes a motion to have Jay Buckley champion the FEMA grant application, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on DWSRF loan. Amount Jay Buckley originally provided was from the AMP draft. Ralph Lutjen discusses the AMP draft. Still a lot oof discrepancies throughout the entire report. Jay Buckley mentions that the Water Committee met last week to go through the draft and are also meeting tomorrow to work on it. Jay Buckley also states that the hydraulic model provided by Dubois & King had a lot of issues that need to be adjusted. Last week they reviewed Ian Hayes’ map which will contribute as well to Horizon’s map. Further discussion on the budget in the AMP draft and which number to use for the DWSRF loan application. Mike Smith and Ralph Lutjen comment on which parts of the water system are considered critical.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have a meeting at 2:00pm on Thursday 5/26 at the office to go over the AMP final draft, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Donna MacKinnon questions when to pay the Horizon bill for $24,824.70. Instructed to pay after the project is complete.

Discussion again on the DWSRF pre-application loan. Mike Smith suggests asking for $500,000 which would get us abut 2,500 feet of piping at around $200 a foot.

Mike Smith makes a motion to modify the pre-application to $500,000 for up to 2,500 feet of piping, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to accept the June meeting schedule, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on certified letter to 23 Huttwil Drive which was not received by the homeowner.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to issue a work order to Ian to shut off the water at 23 Huttwil Drive, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Alexis Wagoner is going to post a notice on the door of 23 Huttwil informing them of the shut off.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter to landowners where the dam is located, Jay Buckley 2nds passes 3-0

Jay Buckley questions on the interest rate of the TAN loan and which bank it is going through.

Discussion on Mylar copy of the Lodge lot survey

Jay Buckley makes a motion to appropriate $26 for the Town of Madison Registry of Deeds, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, Jay Buckley amends to add that it can be signed out of session, Ralph Lutjen 2nds the amendment, passes with the amendment 2-1

Mike Smith asks when the appraiser is coming to the Lodge, Office to follow up.

Discussion on septic system at the Lodge. There is no septic design or information on the septic system. Going to let the buyers negotiate what the easements will be.

Discussion on Reinach Tank project. Ralph Lutjen met with Kathy Koziell to review the disbursement schedule and total amount spent on the project. Ralph Lutjen states that $954,000 was the total budget and Kathy Koziell states that the initial budget was $1,250,000.

Kathy Koziell wants on record that the project was not overspent and that there is still $55,000 in the CRF with money left for the PRV project.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the water hook-up application for 9 Blinden Drive, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Discussion on the Upper Lakeview/ Rigi PRV project.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to write up a change order to Jones & Beach with the state, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 2-0-1

Change order is to change the location of the PRV.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to send 2 contractors the PRV plan, Motion tabled.

Office is to follow up with Rick Skarinka regarding bidding for the project.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to extend the meeting 30 minutes until 11:20am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on the transfer switch, Dawson installed the switch on 5/19. The office is waiting on Jones & beach to send over paperwork to close out the contract.

Mike Smith makes a motion to have Ian Hayes change the code to the Reinach tank, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on DPW doing asphalt new water hook up connections, He suggests that Ian Hayes use an outside contractor for the asphalt water hook ups. Mike Smith thinks that we should be doing everything. Kelly Robitaille will take it job by job to see what the schedules look like.

Mike Smith makes a motion to get a cost for the excavator rental, no 2nd

Kelly Robitaille mentions that in the past it cost 500-600 a day for the excavator. Kelly Robitaille is going to talk with Ian Hayes and decide what to do going forward.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to get reimbursed $8.76 for sending out certified mail, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley is going to court today.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the driveway and water ordinances, no 2nd

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the water ordinance with the 2 changes, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the driveway ordinance as presented at the hearing, Mike Smith 2nds, and makes an amendment to change lot to septic tank, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the driveway ordinance with changes, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley mentions that the Madison Fire Department wants to put a smokey the bear fire sign at the entrance of Eidelweiss. Going to table until next week.

Review of the Granite State Analytical results

Review of the beaver dam emails

Review of the BPPWPA email, will be meeting with the Commissioner’s at the June 14th meeting.

Discussion on the EPOA request to have the Commissioners at their annual meeting, Office to post meeting for Commissioners to attend.

Discussion on EPOA completing the work in the Cabana, they left a key with the office. Review of email from the EPOA regarding access to the Cabana.

Mike Smith makes a motion to send Doug Prescott and the EPOA a letter that if we need access to the Cabana we will access without permission, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Review of emails from residents regarding the ordinances, will add to the public hearing file.

Discussion on Email from 24 Interlaken.

Mike Smith makes a motion to reach out to the homeowner to get more information, no 2nd, Kelly Robitaille is going to investigate this.

Discussion on 2020 Audit, Ralph Lutjen suggests the office reach out to NHMA regarding governmental activities adverse on the 2020 audit regarding healthcare and retirement.


Ralph Lutjen makes a motion at 11:24am to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (L).  Mike Smith seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (L) and return to public meeting at 11:50am.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn at 11:50am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday May 10th, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Thursday May 10th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley (phone), Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Dinah Reiss, Ian Hayes, Doug Prescott & John Cancelarich.  

Meeting videotaped by Carol of Madison TV

At 9:00 am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the agenda, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Minutes of 5/5/22, Jay Buckley 2nds, Mike Smith makes an amendment to some spelling errors, Jay Buckley 2nds amendment, passes with amendment 3-0.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the sealed Non-Public Minutes of 5/5/2022, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Operating Account manifest of $7,809.89, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Water Assessment Fund manifest of $5,498.71, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Water Project Account manifest of $1,340.00, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0


DPW did the dig with Simply Water on 5/9/22, all day dig, not complete.

Purchased the Basin for the culvert on Little Shore Drive.

Kelly Robitaille comments there is a driveway going in on Appenvel Way but doesn’t recall a driveway permit being pulled. Office to investigate this.

Has a 2nd paving company coming out on Sunday to give a quote on Klausen.


Discussion on 2021 Audit, 2020 Audit is complete just waiting on the final binder to be sent.

Discussion on EPOA being out of the Lodge by June 1st. Doug Prescott comments that they have all the construction materials and will start construction in the next week. They have not started the move but will be out by June 1st. Need to find volunteers to help with the move.

Jay Buckley asks if Kelly Robitaille has looked at the vinyl shed yet, Kelly Robitaille responds that he has not had the time.

Kelly Robitaille mentions that everything will be out of the Lodge that belongs to the VDOE by tomorrow 5/11/22.

Discussion on beaver dam email from Steve Doyon from DES. Alexis Wagoner reads email response from Steve Doyon.

Mike Smith makes a motion to send a certified letter to the homeowner where the beaver dam is located, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

John Cancelarich comments on the beaver dam, he does not feel that it is affecting shoreline structures. Ralph Lutjen reads an excerpt from the Loon Preservation letter. Ralph comments that the Commissioners will look at all aspects and correspond to the state.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to alter the letter and say we are considering removing the dam, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

John Cancelarich comments that we need to look at all aspects and how it effects the environment and the people who live there.

Discussion on 4 Chocorua View Drive, Bob Boyd has been in touch and the tents have moved off the property.

Jay Buckley comments on how the Commissioners should be made aware of situations like that immediately.

Discussion on cleaner. Kelly Robitaille states he will remove the locks from the outhouses and the only key will be on the toilet paper holders. Alexis Wagoner asks if the cleaner can have flexibility and clean on Sunday and Thursday nights instead of Monday and Friday mornings.  Board says that’s no problem. Agreed initial clean for the outhouses will be $35 per outhouse and the cleaning will be done on May 27th.

Discussion on leaving an outhouse open year-round.

Mike Smith makes a motion to bring up year-round outhouse after Labor Day, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Dam EAP. Changes made to the EAP from Jay Buckley’s email to Nathan. Ralph Lutjen suggests Jay Buckley inform the Board when contacting contractors and incurring costs.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the latest version of the Dam EAP, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion at 9:38am to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (c).  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (c) and return to public meeting at 10:13am.  Mike Smith seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Public session reconvened at 10:13am

Ian Hayes from Simply water explains that they excavated the supposed leak at the corner of Little Shore and Eidelweiss Drive, they found 2” pipe leading into 3” pipe and no water leak. Found another 3” old broken abandoned pipe under the 8” main running down Little Shore which had replaced the old 3” main. He believes the ground water got into the abandoned 3” pipe and pressure built up causing the water to come to surface. They dug 10’ of pipe and no water leak was detected. He suggests waiting until they do leak detection and have someone come in and listen at multiple points to determine where the water is coming from. In the past this has been the best course of action. If there is a leak that is damaging or detrimental to the system, then we will handle it but not go actively looking for water leaks. A water main replacement needs to be considered in the future if you would like a leak free system. Ralph Lutjen comments that the meeting on Saturday lacked a priority list. There was discussion on the 2005 Master Plan and the priority was replacing the 2” water lines. Ralph Lutjen suggests Ian Hayes participates in the next AMP draft to give input and possibly sit in on the Water Committee Meetings. Further discussion on the water system and need for repairs in the future.

Mike Smith makes a motion to address an emergency action repair CRF for the next annual meeting, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 2-1.

Ian Hayes suggests going back to the plan regarding the gate valves.

Discussion on the bleeders and waiting/watching wet spots.

Ian Hayes is going to coordinate leak detection with Granite State and let the office know when that will be taking place.

Discussion on Reinach Project email exchange with Dawson.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to send a response to Dawson that they have not provided reasonable evidence regarding the transfer switch and that we will be purchasing it on our own, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Further communication with DES and Jones & Beech to inform them we are ending the contract.

Mike smith makes a motion to sign the Letter to Dawson out of session once feedback comes in, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen states he is meeting with the office to discuss the Reinach tank project tomorrow. Discussion on the item #’s that went through the Operating account.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to sign the letter to the Madison Fire Department, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter to 23 Huttwil Drive, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion for a TAN Loan in the amount of $250,000, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to sign the TAN Loan documents, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Discussion on public hearing on 5/7/22, Jay Buckley states there were 9 people in attendance and that the meeting went well. Dinah Reiss comments that she felt that Luis Adorno’s loan presentation was not appropriate for the meeting. Ralph Lutjen discusses the grants. Jay Buckley discusses growth within the district. Mike Smith discusses that the water committees need for roads to be included in the water main repairs.

Mike Smith discusses the ordinance hearing coming up on 5/14/22.

Discussion on the 91-A request from Mike Smith to the Water Committee.

Discussion on how long a public comment can be at a public hearing, up to the Commissioners but NHMA recommends between 3-5 minutes. Board agrees on 2-minute speaking time.

Discussion on the DWSRF grant. Mike Smith requests Jay Buckley sends the office the backup information.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to extend the meeting until 12pm, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Continued discussion on the DWSRF Grant.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to modify the loan amount to $500,000, Mike Smith 2nds, wants to see back up and amounts for specific projects. Only have 2 years to complete the project. Ralph Lutjen rescinds his motion.

Mike Smith makes a motion to contact the state and withdraw the application for review, No 2nd.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have the office sign up for a portal account, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith comments on the water level at Little Pea Pond and how it is too high for the loons to nest.

Mike Smith makes a motion to pull 10” board and replace it with a 5.5” board, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 2-1

Jay Buckley states “The VDOE is taking on liability for loss or property and life by not listening to the recommendation by the fire chief Richard Clark”

Ralph Lutjen discusses the draft AMP plan. Questions where the priority list is and what practice should be employed, SMART or BMP?

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the transfer request of $385.75 from the Water Assessment Fund to the operating Account, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Review of the NHWWA Spring Journal, Eversource April electric usage & beaver dam emails.

Discussion on the FEMA hazard Mitigation Grants for the dam at Little Pea. Doug Prescott mention that they are paying up to 90% of costs on grants.

John Cancelarich comments on the beaver dam once more.


Mike Smith makes a motion at 11:52am to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (d).  Ralph Lutjen seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (d) and return to public meeting at 12:14pm.  Ralph Lutjen seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion at 12:14pm to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (L).  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (L) and return to public meeting at 12:22pm.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to have Donna and Alexis attend Saturday’s meeting, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 2-1

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn at 12:25pm, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday May 5th, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Thursday May 5th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman & Dinah Reiss.  

Meeting videotaped by Carol of Madison TV

At 9:01 am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the agenda, Jay Buckley 2nds, Jay Buckley makes an amendment to add a non-public at the end of the meeting RSA 91-A:3II(L), Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Sealed Non-Public minutes of 4/26/22 & the Minutes of 4/26/22, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Operating Accounts manifest of $18,763.05 which includes the Payroll manifest of $7,718.80 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0


Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the driveway permit for operations at 18 Bristenstock Drive, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Klausen Road paving estimate of $48,740 which includes the intersection at the bottom. The Warrant Article is for $50,000. Kelly Robitaille asks if we can use the full $50,000 to extend the asphalt as far as possible without going over the $50,000.

Mike Smith makes a motion if no other estimates come by May 15th, then we go with Bryant Paving, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0.

Discussion on dock replacement. Possible relocation of the dock from Porridge Shore back to Boulder Beach.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to move the dock from Porridge Shore to Boulder Beach, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0.

Discussion on Backhoe. 2 Radiators had to be replaced there was rot between them. Cost around $3,800 for parts and it was repaired in house.

Discussion on the dry hydrant email. NFPA 1142: Not less than 2’ of water above the strainer and not less than 1’ below the strainer. NFPA was not approved for the Boulder Beach strainer. Mike Smith states the water levels are way too high right now. Also, the Madison Fire Department has not yet responded to our letter sent out a few weeks ago.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to make a request to the Madison Fire Department to respond to our previous request, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on measurement sticks, possibly put one at Muddy beach instead of Thusis.

DPW has moved most of the things out of the Lodge, things should be completely removed by tomorrow.


Discussion on Norm Garside coming to do some carpentry work for the VDOE. Charges $50 and hour plus materials, he cannot start until after Memorial Day Weekend.

Discussion on temporarily fixing the canoe racks for the summer then having Norm come in the fall to fix them well.

Jay Buckley asks if the VDOE can donate the vinyl salt shed to the Madison Fire Department. Discussion on the matter.

Mike Smith makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille evaluate the vinyl shed and see what condition it is in then decided if we keep or donate it, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on items for Norm to fix in the District, going to hold off on the racks and remove the raft.

Mike Smith makes a motion to hire Norm for $50 an hour to fix things in the District, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on a possible cleaner for the outhouses. A homeowner in the District called and said she would do it her normal rate is $55 and hour but she would do $15 per outhouse per day. So, $60 a day to do all 4 outhouses. Mike Smith suggests having the outhouses cleaned Mondays and Fridays.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to appropriate $1,200 for the cleaning of the outhouses Monday and Friday, Memorial Day through Labor Day, Mike Smith 2nds, Jay Buckley makes an amendment to change the amount to $1,500, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Kelly Robitaille adds that the VDOE is going to need at least two picnic tables possibly more, they are around $140 a piece.

Mike Smith makes a motion to spend up to $600 for picnic tables if four are needed if not only get two, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on 23 Huttwil Drive still has not paid her water bill to date, sent a letter on April 12th.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to send a letter to 23 Huttwil Drive that the water will be shut off if the bill is not paid by June 15th, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on upcoming hearing on May 7th. Jay Buckley states that Luis Adorno will be running the meeting to discuss level of service. Ralph Lutjen requests an agenda be made ahead of time. Ralph Lutjen and Mike Smith express concerns regarding the meeting and the AMP Draft.

Discussion on the scheduling of Water Committee Meetings

Discussion on DWSRF pre-application grant, already submitted by Jay Buckley. Jay Buckley comments that the 2 grant programs cannot be run at the same time.

Discussion on water leak at Little Shore. Ian is on vacation the office will hear back tomorrow for a date to dig. Question on why someone else from his team couldn’t perform the work. Jay Buckley says that Ian said around 15 gallons a minute are being lost. Commissioners request a timeline once the office knows.

Discussion on monthly cash flow. Expenses are right on track with the budget overview.

Discussion on the Public Ordinance Hearing, going to add to the Beach Ordinance who proposed the change.

Mike Smith makes a motion to go with the Ordinance Hearing material the office provided and add the one change to the Beach Ordinance, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes   3-0

Discussion on sale of the Lodge. Mike Smith suggests the EPOA needs to be out of the Lodge sooner than June 11th. Ralph Lutjen suggests have them move the stuff in to the garage bay sooner.

Mike Smith makes a motion to have the EPOA remove all their stuff out of the Lodge by June 1st, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 2-1

Jay Buckley asks about needing to put easements in place.

Mike Smith makes a motion to have the water turned on at the Lodge, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion that once the EPOA is out of the Lodge we schedule the cleaner to come in and clean with a budget of up to $1,000, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Realtor from Pinkham will be sending over a CPA package soon and another realtor is coming Friday to view the property.

Discussion on Reinach tank project. Going to get everything in order by next week. Discussion on email exchange with Dawson.

Mike Smith makes a motion that if we don’t receive anything from Dawson by the 9th then we move ahead with the retainage, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Discussion on the 2020 Audit

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have Jay Buckley sign the NASDA, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the representation letter, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Started the 2021 Audit. Auditor is coming to the office on Monday May 9th.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign and approve the fill request for 10 Barden place, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign tax form 8821, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the Eversource temporary access permit, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the transfer of monies from the Operating account to the Water Assessment Fund for $9,410.03, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to extend the meeting until 11:30am, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Jay Buckley discusses the final PRV designed received by Nick Sceggell. Already sent the design to DES and is waiting for confirmation to pick a contractor.

Discussion on Dam EAP email regarding table 4-2 Emergency Situation.

Mike Smith discusses that all things need to go through the office and a Commissioner cannot make decisions on their own.

Discussion on DWSRF pre application grant: it should have been reviewed by the Board prior to being submitted

Discussion on tents at 4 Chocorua View Drive, Jay Buckley spoke with Bob Boyd.

Mike Smith makes a motion to send an official letter to the Town of Madison regarding the tents, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to have an auction on June 11th, Ralph Lutjen 2nds for discussion. Discussion on the abandoned boat. Ralph Lutjen suggests sending an email to NHMA on what to do. Also look at possible disposal options. Motion Denied

Mike Smith makes a motion to have the office send an email to NHMA, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on beaver dam, Jay Buckley asks if we are going to remove the beavers.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to trap the beavers and slowly remove the dam to release water, Ralph Lutjen 2nds for discussion. Motion Denied

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to contact DES and Fish & Game on how to proceed, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Review of NHMA response on who can speak at a public hearing.

Mike Smith makes a motion to appoint an assistant Chairman when the Chairman is gone, Jay Buckley to be assistant chairman, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith discussion on the water committee responding to his 91-A request.

Discussion on the pods for the loon’s nests. The water is way too high.

Ralph Lutjen questions the grant form 2014 where “money was left on the table”. Who was on the board at the time and what were the circumstances.

Discussion again on the NHMA response regarding who can speak at the public hearing. Mike Smith reads an excerpt from the email.

Review the of the daily water usage for April.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to pay $245 membership to GWRSA, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to notify Ian and GWRSA to coordinate the dowser to come in and find the main from Jungfrau to Reinach, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Dinah Reiss comments on the leak at Little Shore.


Mike Smith makes a motion at 11:40am to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (L).  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (L) and return to public meeting at 12:08pm.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn at 12:08pm, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday April 26th, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Tuesday April 26th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Doug Prescott & Dinah Reiss.  

Meeting videotaped by Carol of Madison TV

At 9:01 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda, Mike Smith 2nds, Mike Smith makes an amendment to add a non-public at the end of the meeting, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0.

Jay Buckley Motion to approve agenda with amendment Mike Smith 2nds, passes 2-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 4/19/22, Jay Buckley 2nds

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the non-public minutes of 4/19/22, Jay Buckley 2nds

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the non-public minutes of 4/12/22, Jay Buckley 2nds

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Operating Accounts manifest of $10,245.40 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Water Assessment Fund Manifest of $43,418.62 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0


Met with paving company to go over Klausen and get an estimate for Eidelweiss Drive for next year.

Welder installed brackets in the bathrooms, DPW needs to get toilet seat pricing and then install them.

Spoke with raft company they no longer make pressure treated rafts, but they do aluminum. Going to send over a cost of the different types of rafts.

Discussion on email from Klausen homeowner. DPW didn’t plow the gravel roads last storm because the roads are soft, and it would have destroyed them. Going to send the homeowner the snowplow policy.


Discussion on cleaning pricing, average base salary is $15.18. Office is going to get pricing from 2-3 people to determine a price.

Discussion on carpenter to fix the bridge and build office partition. Mike Smith is going to call Norman.

Discussion on 2020 Audit. Scott is coming into the office on 5/4/22 to start the 2021 audit.

Mike Smith makes a motion to close the office on 5/4 for the auditors to come in, if they cancel the office will be open, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0

Discussion on taking records out of the Lodge. The DPW is going to remove the furniture end of this week into next week.

Discussion on water leak on Little Shore Drive. It will be fixed next week as the water operator was away this week and they weren’t able to do it last week due to the bad weather.

Discussion on sale of the Lodge, realtor coming on 5/2 to evaluate the Lodge.

Discussion on Reinach project, correspondence with Kirstin Dawson. Discussion on transfer switch and need for a permanent generator.

Mike Smith makes a motion to send a letter to Dawson that enough time has passed, and we no longer want the transfer switch. Please provide the purchase order and refund from the retainage, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0

Discussion on the grass seed and landscaping around the Reinach tank, Jay Buckley got a quote of $416 to put down seed.

Mike Smith makes a motion to get reimbursed for the grass seed, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0

Mike Smith suggests we get pricing for 3 generators, after Dinah Reiss questions why we are not focused on having generators at all 3 locations (Reinach, DPW 1 and Jungfrau)

Mike smith makes a motion for the warrant article for next year get pricing for generators at DPW1, Reinach and Jungfrau, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0

Discussion on fill request.

Mike Smith makes a motion to send an email to Nick Gage that will provide clarification on the amount of fill we can provide, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to transfer $43,077.75 out of the Water Account and into the Operating Account, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 2-0

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Discussion on the draft RFP proposal.

Discussion on the unmerging of the Lodge and Cabana lots. Jay Buckley spoke with the Selectman, and they will be signing off on it next week at the next Selectmen’s meeting. There is a possible cost to the VDOE of $55 for changing it in the registry. This was probably a mistake on the contractor’s part.

Change date on RFP to May 30th and change phone number to 9022.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the RFP’s out of session, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 2-0

Discussion on Nick Sceggell email, no response yet.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to have the Valley Pride posters posted in the bulletin boards, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 2-0

Discussion on Water Committee Meeting Madison TV reposted from 10-14-2021 regarding information on the project and DES grant.

Jay Buckley requests the office find the 2015 grant and pass it along to the 91-A request.

Mike Smith mentions last meeting the water committee had 3 members present and the meeting was not posted. Meetings need to be posted going forward.

Discussion on office layout.

Mike Smith asks Doug Prescott on the timetable for the EPOA getting stuff out of the Lodge. Doug Prescott responds that he took the information to the EPOA Board and got a move out date of 6/11 and a construction date of 6/21.

Further discussion on timeline for realtors and appraiser to come into the Lodge and getting the Lodge cleaned out. Mike Smith suggests moving up the date for the EPOA to move out of the Lodge.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to allow the Eidelweiss Property Owners Association (EPOA) to use the right-hand (shorter) garage bay in the Cabana building for storage of the Association’s equipment, materials, and supplies. EPOA will construct a divider wall between the two garage bays at its expense and will provide the Village District of Eidelweiss with a Certificate of Insurance before commencing construction and annually thereafter. Access to this space will be via the garage door and EPOA will secure the door with padlocks installed on the outside at its expense. A copy of the key will be provided to the VDOE office. Mike Smith makes an amendment to add no flammable materials are to be stored in the garage, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to pass the amended motion, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 2-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to send an email to NHMA regarding who can speak at the public hearing, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0

Asset Management Public hearing is on May 7th. Jay Buckley requests copies of the consumer report for the meeting.

Discussion on draft AMP, Mike Smith asks if they will have an updated draft prior to the meeting on 5/7. Jay Buckley states they will not.

Discussion on Water Committee meeting schedule and the need for consistency of dates and times.

Review of Granite State magazine, Granite State Analytical results and NHMA bulletin.

Mike Smith makes a motion to post the Eversource email on the website, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0

Jay Buckley reads email from David Maudsley to Stephen Buckley.

Public Appearance

Dinah Reiss questions why the DPW 1 gates are not locked anymore. Kelly Robitaille states it is on the list of things to be fixed and they need a welder for the job.

Jay Buckley going to pre-trial court with Adam Leiser on Thursday 4/28


Mike Smith makes a motion at 10:33 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (L).  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (L) and return to public meeting at 11:04 AM.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn at 11:04am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday April 12th, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Tuesday April 12th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley (phone), Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Doug Prescott, Dinah Reiss & Bob Ingram.  

Meeting videotaped by Carol of Madison TV

At 9:00 am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda, Jay Buckley 2nds, Mike Smith makes an amendment to add a non-public at the end of the meeting, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 4/5/22 with an amendment on the 2nd page changing senate to selectman, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 4/7/22 with amendments made by Jay Buckley, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on meeting on 4/7/22. CAD Data will be transferred to Horizons from Nick Sceggell. Jay Buckley state he is unsure if there are any added costs. Nick Sceggell is supposed to have the model completed by 4/15. Ralph Lutjen questions what happened in the field as there were no minutes produced. Jay Buckley states they just went on a tour, no decisions were made.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Operating Accounts manifest of $11,379.09 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Water Assessment Fund manifest of $2,003.56 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Water Project Account manifest of $5,255.00 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on the Water Project Account Manifest. Check is for Nick Sceggell for a portion of the total payment for the completion of the hydraulic model. There is no reimbursement for this from the Reinach project grant.


DPW has been doing roadside brush cutting with a brush cutting tractor they rented. Kelly Robitaille asks if they go over the warrant article can he use money from the subcontract equipment account which has $3,000 in it.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to allow Kelly to use $1,000 out of the subcontract equipment account to continue brush cutting, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on 2 Clemens Place. Kelly Robitaille took a measurement from the ditch line to the rocks, and it was 37 feet. The DPW is continuing to maintain their driveway. Ralph Lutjen states there are two options, one is to contact our lawyer and the other is to send a letter back stating their measurements are incorrect and going forward cars parked there in the winter will be towed. Jay Buckley questions how many cars there has been parked there when having issues with plowing. Kelly Robitaille responds that even when there is 1 car parked it still causes issues. Jay Buckley suggests having the property owner get a survey done to determine the boundary line. Mike Smith mentions we need to try and resolve this before winter comes again. Try and resolve it without a lawyer but if that doesn’t work, we will get the lawyer involved. Ralph Lutjen requests a letter is drafted stating they are parking in the road and that their measurements are incorrect. Come winter months cars parked in the road will be towed.


Mike Smith makes a motion to have Alexis Wagoner’s hours changed to 7am-3pm starting next Monday, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley is concerned about the hours not matching surrounding towns. Kelly Robitaille mentions it would be helpful to the DPW since they also start at 7am.

Discussion on TAN Loan, need to contact lawyer regarding loan.

Discussion on water ordinance change proposed by Ian Hayes to add a section stating that a listed of certified contractors are to be used. Commissioners will not be adding this in.

Sale of the Lodge will be discussed in a Non-public

Discussion on Reinach project, going through all payments and contracts. Will have more for next weeks meeting. Jay Buckley states Kathy Koziell will be back May 13th and can answer any questions.

Discussion on 2020 audit. Office has reached out multiple times. Ralph Lutjen suggests he will draft a letter to send to the auditor.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to draft a letter to the auditor and sign it out of session, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to sign and approve the water hook-up application for 4 Chocorua View Drive, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to sign the letter to 23 Huttwil Drive for later water bills, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion sign and approve the water hook-up application for 3 Reinach Place, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen Makes a motion to sign the letter to Jake Dawson, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on contract. The contract has not ended yet and the warranty is not completed until the contract is closed out. Mike Smith suggests sending a follow up letter with date that the warranty expires. Ralph Lutjen states this will be resolved when the contract is closed out.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter to the Madison Fire Department, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0-1

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Jay Buckley comments on the meeting from 4/7/2022. Nick Sceggell has acknowledged he doesn’t have the total number of homes built since the last time he did the model and how many homes are now on the water system. He also doesn’t have place in the hydraulic model to account for future homes. Donna MacKinnon sent a list of all water connections to Horizons and will also send to Nick Sceggell.

Discussion on AMP Draft. Meeting with public is scheduled for May 7th, need to have another meeting with Horizons to have them present the final plan & presentation before they submit it to DES. Possible meeting on May 17th after the Commissioners meeting. Ralph Lutjen discusses table 6-1, money schedule projection for the next 5 years. Not a realistic projection, the public will not be ok with this.

Discussion on list of engineers from DES, Jay Buckley felt that CMA, Wright & Pierce, and Underwood would be the best ones to pursue.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to send and RFP to the three engineering firms suggested by Jay Buckley and to Horizons, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Horizons being a possible district engineer. Jay Buckley is to construct an RFP and present it to the board next week for review.

Discussion on NHMA training

Jay Buckley makes a motion to have Donna & Alexis attend the 91-A webinar, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Water Level Measurement Process. Dam would be the zero-point water level and the other points would be + or – that zero point. Measurements would be taken once a week, after a storm and after a board is removed or replaced. Readings will be kept in a log and the office will also record data from a local rain gauge.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to accept the water level measurement process, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

The three locations will be the Little Pea Dam, inflow of the Big Loop Culvert and Thusis beach. The grate at the Big Loop Culvert was also removed. Jay Buckley asks if the beavers are still building their dam higher? Kelly Robitaille says yes, they are. Mike Smith mentions the water going down the side of the road on Big Loop and that Kelly Robitaille needs to make sure it doesn’t cross the road. Alexis Wagoner ordered measurement sticks already. Kelly Robitaille is concerned that we can’t measure Big Pea accurately because the beaver dam is causing artificial levels. Ralph Lutjen state we set a zero point at Big Pea regardless of the beaver dam. Kelly Robitaille mentions the water is 2” over the concrete right now since the rainstorms. They are not going to pull a board but let nature take its course and naturally regress the water. Doug Prescott speaks to ask if one of the goals is to see the water levels at Big Pea. Ralph Lutjen responds yes, but also the plan doesn’t include water quality but there is about 24 years of data recorded for the water quality. Doug Prescott asks why are we measuring Big Pea if the beaver dam is preventing the water level from changing based on the dam at Little Pea? Kelly Robitaille states this will give justification that the dam at Little Pea may or may not be affecting Big Pea. It will show that when a board is pulled or replaced does it have an affect on Big Pea. This will give us data we are looking for, what affect does the dam have on Big Pea.


Discussion on yard sale email. Mike Smith thinks if the EPOA can have a yard sale at the Huttwil parking lot why can’t this woman. Bob Ingram states that the EPOA yard sale included all people of the District to participate not just 1 individual. Ralph Lutjen suggests saying no as we cannot have people constantly in the parking lot for different events. Jay Buckley agrees with Ralph and Bob, he also state that Village Pride Day brings in a lot of people to clean the streets, but they have adequate insurance and advertising.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to send an email that the yard sale is not available, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-1

Discussion on RockHouse email. Donna MacKinnon asks if they have deeded right to boat ramp beach. Ralph Lutjen requests the deeds that prove this claim.

Discussion on March Water Electric Usage

Discussion on DES loan fud. Jay Buckley to write up pre-application to get a foot in the door.

Review of Granite State Results

Public Appearance

Discussion on EPOA. Doug Prescott states that him and Bob Ingram separated things in the Lodge. He is going to send over an inventory list. Discussion on varies options to store the EPOA things going forward. Doug Prescott asks if the Cabana is accessible? Kelly Robitaille states he cannot give access unless the Commissioners grant you access. Doug Prescott says he needs to get in to take measurements and have someone look at it to see if it is worth fixing up. Doug and Kelly will arrange a time for this to happen.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille schedule a time with Doug Prescott to go see the Lodge, No 2nd.

Bob Ingram reads a statement regarding the EPOA on behalf of himself. He is disappointed in how the Board of Commissioners are proceeding with the sale of the Lodge. The EPOA has been around for over 50 years. The EPOA has done so much for the VDOE over the years. He gives examples of the many instances the EPOA uses the Lodge and how it has been the home of the EPOA. The EPOA has done so much financially and maintenance wise to the Lodge. The Board of Commissioners did not communicate with the EPOA at all about the sale of the Lodge, they did not work together to figure the future out. The EPOA should not be paying for the fixing of the Cabana. The EPOA has donated 10’s of thousands of dollars to the VDOE and the VDOE has not given back to the EPOA. Bob Ingram requests that the Board of Commissioners help with the new placement of the EOPA equipment.


Jay Buckley makes a motion at 11:05 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (d).  Mike Smith seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (d) and return to public meeting at 11:27 AM.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn at 11:28am, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Asset Management Meeting

Thursday April 7th, 2022

Meeting started at 9:00am on Thursday April 7th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Doug Prescott, Cathy Conway, Ian Hayes, Nick Sceggell & Devin Currier.

Public Meeting

Purpose of this meeting is to discuss and show where the updates made to the water system are so that Nick Sceggell can update his hydraulic model of the water system and for Horizons to meet with Nick and see the system firsthand.

Nick Sceggell needs to include the Reinach tank improvements, the static pressure at Jungfrau and the Reinach booster and how the water demands are spread into his model. Needs to obtain meter data to help distribute the flow better. The tank levels can help to predict pressure zones. Nick Sceggell needs to determine the location of the new PRV Pit and a location for the PRV that will be placed at Upper Lake View Drive to help alleviate the pressure.  The new PRV Pit could have either a 6’ concrete manhole or an 8’ x 10’ concrete vault.

Discussion on reading meters outside locations using a brass chamber and pad. Could use ultrasonic meters on battery to record data rather than mag meters which require electricity.

Discussion on possibly getting property surveyed for a location of the new PRV Pit. Horizons could reach out to someone they know who could come down if needed. Mentions of having the new PRV Pit closer to the Upper Lake View area for accessibility especially during the winter months. Possibly looking at lot 101-054 for the new PRV Pit. Currently there is 40-45psi coming out of the Upper Lake View PRV.

Discussion on possibly putting the PRV in the pump house and eliminate the need for a PRV Pit. This wouldn’t work since you cannot drop 0 psi to negative psi.

Discussion on timeline for the new PRV Pit. Needs to be completed by 12-1-2022 to receive grant from the state. Jay Buckley states he was informed that they do not have to go through a bidding process but can just pick a contractor. Going to get this in writing.

Nick Sceggell states to get a quote he needs to have the plans ready which include a 2” PRV, possible metering and a choice of either a manhole or vault door.

Discussion on existing PRV at upper Lake View Drive. Jay asks if a new PRV pit is needed at the existing Upper Lakeview location, and all agree that a by-pass of the main coming down from the summit can be made to averting the need for a new PRV pit at the existing site.

Discussion on what Horizons mapping goal is: Hydraulic model that is 1 map which includes all the things (GIS, wells, tanks, pressure zones, etc.).

Horizons timeline is to meet today at 2pm to go over priorities and what is affordable, have a Public Hearing on May 7th and then have another Public Hearing prior to the May 31st deadline to go over the draft.

Horizons needs the meter data and where the Village is on water loss. Ian Hayes mentions that the average daily water usage has a low of 60,000 gpd and high of 100,000 gpd. There are 474 homes currently on District water.

Discussion on possibly removing bleeders in the future.

Discussion on age of the pipes, majority of the pipes were put in the 1960’s/1970’s. Pipe quality is determined by age, any recurring problems and risk assessment (if the pipe fails how many people will be without water).

Discussion on what type of pipe material is used throughout the District.

Discussion on financials.

Final overview of the remaining checklist and timeline of things getting completed on Horizons end.

Review of SCADA system on the office computer.

Discussion on potential growth in the District and a need for additional water hook ups. Nick says that his model does not consider the growth factor and how that diminishes pressure and flow as homes are added to the system. Nick questions the potential build out of the District. Jay states there are approximately 1100 lots but not all are buildable and the District owns over 100 lots. Mike says there are 1500 lots in the District. Currently the District relies heavily on the DPW well and the Wells at Muddy Beach would last no more than 3 days alone at peak and about 10 days at a low.

Discussion on DPW Well and current and future capacity to meet District demand.

Jay Buckley, Doug Prescott, Cathy Conway, Ian Hayes, Nick Sceggell & Devin Currier went out in the field to look at the water system.

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.