[gview file="https://vdoe-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/CM041817.pdf"]VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS
Commissioners Meeting
April 18, 2017
The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, April 18, 2017. In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith, Ron Sandstrom and Ralph Lutjen. Also in attendance were Kelly Robitaille (hwy). The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.
At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.
1. Agenda
Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
The action list is reviewed and discussed.
2. Highway Department Report
Kelly Robitaille reports that signs will be straightened and replaced as needed this week. Culvert marker stakes will be straightened and some will be relocated slightly. The roads will be swept when the shoulders dry out.
The beavers on Big Pea near the outlet to Middle Pea at Big Loop Road are very active. A secondary dam is being built to block the water flow to Middle Pea. The option of removing the beavers is discussed. Beavers may be removed when creating a public safety issue; such as endangering a road by blocking a culvert. Ralph Lutjen states that the level of Big Pea is established by the beaver dam. A prior removal of a portion of the dam is outlined as one means of attempting to stop the construction. An option of placing a beaver grate on the other side of the Big Loop culvert to stop the beavers from entering from that side is discussed. Selective elimination of a few beavers is discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille obtain a price for trapping as many beavers as possible. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
A large puddle at the intersection of Interlaken and Blinden and a second puddle at the intersection of Interlaken and Diessbach are discussed. Kelly Robitaille states Blinden would benefit from a culvert to move the water into established drainage. Mike Smith makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille obtain a quote for the culvert needed at the intersection of Interlaken and Blinden. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Kelly Robitaille states that the intersection of Interlaken and Diessbach would benefit from a driveway culvert being placed under the driveway across from the intersection to move the water further down the road into other established drainage. Mike Smith makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille obtain a quote for the culvert needed at the driveway across from the intersection of Interlaken and Diessbach. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
A culvert could also be used on Grachen near Grachen Extension. Mike Smith makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille obtain a quote for the culvert needed on Grachen. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Kelly Robitaille will obtain a street address for the lot that the outlet of this culvert would direct water to so that ownership records for the lot can be checked.
Kelly Robitaille outlines that a saddle bag wetting system is available for adding to standard sanders. This would remove the need to outfit a truck with a tank for brining roads. The system wets the salt as it is placed; increasing adhesion and reducing the air temperature to which the salt will be effective against the forming of ice on the roads. Cost information will be looked into for this option. Mike Smith outlines that he has been in contact with the Loon Society and has asked if they have any information on the effectiveness of brine solutions for protection of the ponds.
Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to have Mike Smith oversee the input and removal of boards from the dam based on loon nest levels to the water. Ralph Lutjen seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Crack sealing on asphalt roads is discussed.
Kelly Robitaille will work with Ian Hayes to establish a schedule for digging the valves to be extended on Eidelweiss Drive. Ron Sandstrom discusses producing a work order for this project. Mike Smith makes a motion to produce work orders on all projects over $1,000. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Kelly Robitaille recommends attendance for he and Jeff DeMartino at a pavement class this week. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve $120 for the highway crew to attend the Pavement Preservation class. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Kelly Robitaille reports that sand and salt supplies are good.
Mike Smith makes a motion to hire Gloria Aspinall to clean and stock the beach outhouses at a rate of $13 per hour. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Pumping of the outhouses before the summer season is discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to obtain a quote for pumping of the outhouses. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
3. Water
Ron Sandstrom discusses the rate of flow on the bleeder valve on Blinden. The flow appears higher than normal. All water system bleeders will be shut down soon.
4. Administration
The motion log will be reviewed next week.
Ron Sandstrom questions setting up the screen and projector for the meeting this afternoon with the engineer. This will be checked into if needed.
The cash flow report is reviewed and discussed. Use of TAN proceeds is discussed. A follow up will be done on the final audit report.
The Asset Management Committee and Board of Commissioners are meeting this afternoon with Engineer Nick Sceggell at 1 pm.
A petition has been received from residents on Grandval Way for the road to be upgraded to Class V standards paid via betterment assessment. The Board will have to hold a public hearing during which the cost of construction for needed upgrades at the hearing. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to discuss the requirements and procedure with legal counsel next week. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
The number of estimates to be obtained, a survey of the road location and engineering costs that may be incurred in establishing the estimate for construction are discussed. The District should not incur any costs that would not be included in the assessment. Mike Smith makes a motion to track all charges incurred for the Grandval Way petition in a separate account, including legal costs incurred, for allocating to the betterment assessment cost.
5. Accounts Payable
The check manifest is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 16 checks for $18,331.49. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. The number of hours and charges billed by the water operator for the property at 4 Salins are discussed. Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to bill the property owner of 4 Salins for charges over 2 hours in the amount of $300. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Motion to approve 16 checks in the amount of $18,331.49 is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.
6. Minutes
7. Commissioners Reports
Ralph Lutjen distributes the draft of the strategic development plan. Plan will include capital projects identified by the Asset Management Committee once plan is approved for inclusion by the Board. Updates to the document are recommended to be done by one person only. Submission of recommended changes/updates can be sent to the office with the person’s initials and the date. Development of a long term financial plan for the District is the final goal.
Ron Sandstrom outlines that the website has been moved to a new host and the domain name has also been moved to a new host at significant savings.
Mike Smith makes a motion to have the lodge inspected by the Fire Chief. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have Mike Smith act as project manager for the Fire Department inspection. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
8. Signature Items
9. Correspondence
Granite State Analytical has sent the monthly bacteria and pH test results. All results are good.
The Town of Madison has sent a request for participation on the Madison Emergency Operations Planning Committee. Nancy Cole states she served on the prior committee with Madison for development of the Hazards Mitigation Plan and would be willing to serve on this Committee. Mike Smith makes a motion to have Nancy Cole represent VDOE on the Madison Emergency Operations Planning Committee. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
The NH Municipal Association has sent the bi-weekly News Link and the weekly Legislative Bulletin. Discussion continues regarding ratifying of Town Meetings and elections postponed due to the storm on Tuesday, March 14.
10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Other Business
Mike Smith makes a motion to order two (2) copies in black and white of each of three (3) NH Department of Environmental Services Storm Water Manuals. Ralph Lutjen seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Lightening protection for Muddy Beach station is discussed. Engineer Lee Carroll has sent suggestions regarding recommended protection for the electronics and wells. Mike Smith makes a motion to obtain a quote from Just Electric for placing the conduit at Muddy Beach as specified by Lee Carroll. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Discussion is held on this afternoon’s meeting. Keeping on agenda topics to keep the meeting on track is discussed.
12. Public Comments
At 9:34 am Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy E. Cole