Road Projects

Front runner rake                                                                 12/20/18

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

This warrant article proposes to replace the existing York rake used for gravel road maintenance. The existing unit is no longer operable and replacement parts are no longer available. The new proposed front runner rake will be front mounted for better control and to allow more accurate sculpting of the road crown and sides.

Cost Detail


Equipment price from the supplier

F-550 replacement                                                                             12/20/18

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

This warrant article proposes to replace the existing 2012 Ford F-550 with a Dodge Ram 5500 chassis and to be up-fitted with a dump body, plow and associated equipment to include a hydraulic sander. The existing Ford F-550 has reached the end of its useful life and has seen significant increase in maintenance costs. As well the existing plow is not considered commercial grade and has experienced extensive repairs, the replacement equipment is commercial and rated for municipal operations and verified through recent best practices with similar municipal operations. The existing sander is electric and the replacement will be hydraulic with all operations coordinated through the new Dodge Ram 5500 cab.

Keeping the existing plow and equipment with the old Ford F-550 insures the Village District of Eidelweiss will receive the highest value on outright sale or trade-in for the existing vehicle to lower the replacement cost of the F-550.

Cost Detail

truck                                      $56,935

outfitting                             $43,680

Total                                      $100,615

Use $15,000 CRF            -$15,000

Total to be raised             $85,615*

Funding to be raised from a 5-year bank loan at 3.5% interest with a first year’s payment of $19,000.00

Proceeds from Trade or sale of F-550 truck, plow and sander will be placed into the Highway Equipment CRF. 

All figures are from dealer quotation and equipment price from the supplier.