2019 Documents


  1. Call to order 8:00 pm  
  • Approval of the agenda                                             

     Review of Actions, Projects and Issues List                            

  • Administration:  CM040919, Seasonal work lists DPW & Water, Pond level establishing for loons – Mike Smith, Spring run-off stream testing, canoe rack registration form released, Lodge request form update, audit, website arrangement
  • Accounts payable: $6,421.35 – 7 checks
  • Signature Items: PO 296 $1,000 QuickBooks, PO 297 $1,000 intern, Graffam response, McKenna response,  
  • Commissioners Reports
  • Correspondence:  McKenna beach ordinance, Jennings beach ordinance, Buckley communications recommendations, Lutjen environmental committee response, Graffam facebook road complaint, Graffam Reinach vent cover, Buckley Sheriff’s tower, GSA water testing clean, pH good, Storm water Inspector training offered, Graffam water payment option question, tower check, Terra Star loan payoff docs, email list up, DOT fuel site expectations, NHMA Legislative bulletin, News Link
  • Scheduled Appearances: Jay Buckley
  • Public Comment:

10. Other:    



  1. Call to order 7:30 pm  
  • Approval of the agenda                                             

1.  Review of Water System with Water Committee.   

                  a. water system reports for March

                  b. Reinach tank replacement

                  c. Bruce Lewis consultation proposal

                  d. Chris Albert engineering proposal


Water Committee Meeting 4/12/19

Attendees: Jay Buckley, Ian Hayes, Larry Leonard, Adam Leiser

The meeting was not video taped as the videographer called in sick. The meeting had to be moved next door to the Madison Fire Station meeting room as the videographer also had the key to the library meeting room.

MOTION: Larry Leonard to open meeting and accept agenda. 2nd by Adam. PASSED

MOTION: Minutes of march 8,  Motion to approve with typo corrections Adam , 2nd by Larry PASSED

MOTION: Minutes of March 20th Adam to approve minutes of 22nd as writen 2nd by Larry PASSED

Action list is presented by Larry L.

Before we discuss prioritizing the list; Ian talked about a water Leak at 22 Appenval homeowners’ service line.

MOTION: Adam  recommends that the WC requests to commissioners to send written letter to the homeowners at 22 Appenval Way to replace their entire water service line. 2nd by Larry L. PASSED.

MOTION: Adam, recommends to have commissioners  send Ians “periodic status update ” emails forwarded to water committee. 2nd Larry L,  PASSED

Ian would like to eventually get to a point with isolation valving to isolate avg of 50 homes in zones for leak detection purposes and emergency leak repairs.

Ian informs the committee that the average cost to fix them is approximately $3K - $5k each. 

Periodic leak detection is currently done during non winter months. Ian figures the district is currently losing 25 gals per minute through small cumulative leaks.

Ian, recommends that adding flow meters to current PRV pits, and  add 3-4 more meters/ pits to segregate Avg 50 homes, for a much improved solution to leak detection.


Committee agrees that minor leaks are acceptable but need to know where leaks are so we can find them when they become major leaks.

Leak detection today is performed by watch for spikes in daily flow rates.D25 GPM cumulative is a standard loss for the districts system.

Ian explains that all 5 current pits will need to be expanded to include Meter additions. Need approximately 5 pits more for our system to significantly improve the districts ability to measure and find leaks.

$20 k to upgrade each current pit, and  approximately, $20k to add new additional pits.

Larry L. asks Ian to provide a “PIT PLAN”, of needed current upgrades and new pit additions.

ADAM  asks the question;  Will spending money on new water main be better spent than adding pits.?
Still too much pressure at homes with more or upgraded PRV pits.

Discussions ensues on PRV Pit upgrades in conjunction with Reinach project. Ian discusses Pit upgrade processs.
By-pass around pits while being worked on so as to minimize impact to customers.
Ian recommends that pits are a separate project from Reinach tank project.

Upper Lakeview PRV. Ian wants to insure that there is a bypass valve for all current pity upgrades. Wants to be safe and insure service to customers.

Ian talks about a valve maintenance program of exercising valves every 2 years. Current Isolation valvbes are 40+ years old and most likely will not function.

Only exercise valves if an emergency water main break exist. Expect breakage of the isolation valve.

Ian to show list of newest valves that can be added to the new Valve Exercise Process.

MOTION: to recommend to commissioners to put in place a “Valve Exercise Program” created by Ian. LL 2nd.PASSED.

Curb Stop valves exercise also discussed; approximately 500 CSV valves in the District.
Action: Larry L. asks to get CSV last date of exercise from Ian.

Ian 50 CSV per day could be exercised over the summer months and data recorded into asset management sheets.
Seasonal list of people who have their shut offs turned off to be include in the exercising the CSV list.


Action: Jay to isolate CSV priorities using data collected by Asset Management efforts years ago.

MOTION: Ask Ian by commissioners when the best time to do the Upper Lakeview PRV.
Priority 1 hopefully in May, 2nd by Ian. PASSED

MOTION: Larry L. asks to create a “Work Order Form” for each project with the water system. 2nd by Adam.

Discussion: Adam suggest that the WC creates the work order system.

Larry L. to present form to commissioners. Similar to that done years ago but discontinued by previous BOC. PASSED

Adam suggest that we use Bruce Lewis for periodic consultation to the Water Committee and Commissioners for questions regarding the Reinach Tank Replacement.

Committee agrees that we desire a 120,000 Gallon Tank for current and future needs. With potential add on in future. 2-part project. 2 companies Mfg. cylindrical tanks to NH water systems was discussed.

Who do we decide to engineer this Reinach project was discussed.

Ian suggest that we meet with Chris Albert soon.
Ian suggest that the water committee and commissioners interview potential water engineers for this Reinach project.

Chris Albert is to meet with Commissioners and water committee at 7:30pm On Tuesday night , April 16.
Nancy to send Chris Albert a  .PDF of hydraulics and system overview.Adam calls Chris Albert and a discussion is had to deliver to him water system information to bring him up to speed on Reinach Tank status.

Ian / Nancy to send Chris as much water system information as legally possible to enable a good discussion.

Commissioners meeting w/ Water Committee at 7:30 PM in the office is confirmed and will be posted.

Bruce Lewis will be a consultant if needed.

The action list is prioritized

Cylindrical tank should have designed two chamber system for cleaning/service. This is necasary to not impact customers during a down time to service tank.

MOTION: Jay; to have Nancy get asset management data to him to  input into an Avitar Map if needed.

2nd Ian. PASSED.

DPW Well:
Ian brings up a significant priority for the DPW well. The current flow meter is broken and has been since February  12  at DPW well.
MOTION:  Ian to recommend to the commissioners purchase a new meter for DPW well.
2nd Jay PASSED

Ian to get commissioners a proposal to approve a work order.
Discussion over the chemical injection feed and how it is based off the chemical feed based on hours pumped at 175 gallons per minute, now that the meter is inoperable. Ian insures that the water is safe

February 12th is when meter was noticed not working. Tom came in to put in auto on.

Adam is extremely concerned that the previous Board of Commissioners did not take any action on this issue.  And that we are relying on a back up system which was not designed for monitoring the waters PH levels. Ian points out that the solution is approximately $5k to resolve.
Electrical upgrades at DPW needs quotes. Priority 3. A VFD will eventually help in this area.

Ian raises the safety concern over an Eyewash station needed in the Chem-room, never done by previous Board of Commissioners safety committee.
Electrical upgrades Discussions and plans will be the priority for next meeting DPW #1.

MOTION: Larry to adjourn. 2nd LL, PASSED.

Adjourned at 11:02am

Respectfully submitted, Jay

Moderator Bob Ingram opens the polls for Article 01, voting for officers, at 5:02 pm.  Supervisors of the checklist Emily Shepard, Jen Garside and Cheryl Brooks.  Clerk Nancy Cole and Commissioners Ron Sandstrom and Michael Smith were also present for opening of the polls.  Sergeant Jim Hayford of Madison Police is present. 

At 7pm Moderator Bob Ingram closes the polls for article 1.

At 7pm Moderator Bob Ingram calls the meeting to order. 

Moderator Bob Ingram requests all persons stand and leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Moderator calls for moment of silence to remember relatives, friends and residents who have passed.  Resident Melissa Moulton Hatch, who lost her life tragically recently, is remembered. 

Moderator Bob Ingram introduces himself, Commissioners’ Ralph Lutjen, Mike Smith and Ron Sandstrom, Clerk Nancy Cole, Treasurer Dinah Reiss, Attorney Chris Boldt, NH DES Senior Engineer Rick Skarinka, Engineers Paul Fluet and Nick Sceggell, Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille and Water Operator Ian Hayes. 

Moderator Bob Ingram outlines and reviews the Rules and Procedures for the meeting. 

Jay Buckley makes a motion to allow non-registered voters who are tax-payers and guests to speaks.  Second by Kevin Ackert. 

Vote:  Moderator declares motion passed unanimously

Article 01 Voting for Officers

Voting for the following offices for 2019:

Commissioner – 3-year term

Commissioner – 2-year term

Treasurer – 2-year term

Clerk – 2-year term

Results of Article 01; Election of Officers

                Commissioner 3-year term: Kathy Koziell

                Commissioner 2-year term: Adam Leiser

                Treasurer 2-year term: Dinah Reiss

                Clerk 2-year term: Nancy Cole

Article 02             New Truck

To see if the Village District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,615 for purchase of a

Dodge 5500 and to authorize the issuance of not more than $85,615 of bonds or notes in accordance

with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the municipal officials to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon; to withdraw the sum of $15,000 from the Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund and further, to raise and appropriate the amount of $19,000 for the first year’s payment to be raised by taxation.  

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(2/3 ballot vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the Article to the floor.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Ralph Lutjen introduces the need to replace the F-550.  Proposed truck is discussed.  Discussion on Terra Star fire; this truck does not replace the Terra Star.  Question on repairs for the truck.  Kelly Robitaille outlines issue with the truck and unreliability of the F-550.  Highlight of safety issues with this truck and increased risk with the terrain.  Discussion on need for reliable and safe equipment to clear the roads during snow storms.  Adam Leiser questions vehicles capable of moving snow.  Grader, 7400 and F-550 are listed by Kelly Robitaille.  Kelly expands on running the road grader and the very low gas mileage it gets.  Kelly also explains that the 7400 does not go up the hills.  Question of lead time is made.  Kelly Robitaille highlights need for the DPW to effectively be able to handle snow plow operations. 

Vote by ballot 33 yes, no 27   Moderator declares article failed 2/3 majority   

Article 03             Reinach Tank Replacement

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $653,400.00 for the building of a

90,000-gallon concrete tank to replace the existing steel tanks at Reinach and to authorize the issuance

of not more than $653,400.00 of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal

Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the municipal officials to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon; further, to raise and appropriate the amount of $44,500.00 for the first year's payments with said funding for this appropriation to be raised from Water Usage Fees.  

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(2/3 ballot vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Tici Lutjen seconds.  Ralph Lutjen outlines the critical importance of this project for the reliability of the water system.  Tanks failed inspection for re-lining; they must be replaced.  Process of obtaining cost estimate for the project is outlined.  Paul Fluet outlines the project process and experience with Eidelweiss.  Benefit of concrete tank is outlined as best move forward for the District water system.  Inclusion of creation of the Reinach pressure zone with this tank replacement project is outlined.  Rick Skarinka of NH DES discusses level of service expected from the water system.  Rick Skarinka discusses the benefits of a loan for long-term capital improvements.  Rick discusses possible action by the State if the District does not take action to replace the tank.  Residents speak in favor of replacing the tanks. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to amend the funding to be from taxes.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Adam Leiser discusses benefit of paying through taxes.  Discussion on reasons why to not put this into taxes; persons with wells and the inequality of cost being based on the value of the property.     

Vote: Moderator declares amendment passed. 

Mike Smith makes a motion to amend the amount to be raised and appropriated from $653,400 to $869,400 and amend first year’s payment from $44,500 to $59,142   Ralph Lutjen seconds. 

Vote:  Moderator declares amendment passed. 

Polls opened at 8:32 pm.  Polls closed 9:34 pm.   

Vote by ballot 50 yes; 8 no   Moderator declares article passed by 2/3 majority

Article 04             DPW Electrical Upgrades for water system

To see if the Village will vote to authorize the expenditure of the unused portion of the $204,930.00 bond approved in 2018 for Water System repairs, amended to Water Tank Inspection and Lining, and to raise and appropriate $77,448.00 of the $140,620.64 in unused bond proceeds for the purpose of upgrading the electrical systems at the DPW Well per RSA 33:3-a, II.  No amount of money needs to be raised by taxation. 

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(2/3 vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Discussion on needs for the water system and need to upgrade the DPW well site.   Adam Leiser makes a motion to amend article to $1.00.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Attorney Boldt outlines that this article is to change the purpose of the bond and should not be amended to $1.00.  This is a Special warrant article.  Ian Hayes states it would be better to vote the funds and then not spend, but to not have authority to spend would be detrimental to the system should a failure occur.  Adam Leiser withdraws motion to amend.   Discussion on the need for this project continues. 

Vote:  Moderator declares article passed by 2/3 majority   

Article 05       Summit Pump House electrical updates

To see if the Village will vote to authorize the expenditure of the unused portion of the $204,930.00 bond approved in 2018 for Water System repairs, amended to Water Tank Inspection and Lining, and to raise and appropriate $30,400.00 of the $140,620.64 in unused bond proceeds for the purpose of upgrading the electrical and SCADA at the Summit pump house per RSA 33:3-a, II.  No amount of money needs to be raised by taxation. 

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(2/3 vote required) 

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Jay Buckley seconds.   Needs for improvements within the water system is outlined.   

No discussion  

Vote: Moderator declares article passed by 2/3 majority 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to move Article 21 next.  Kathy Koziell seconds. 

Vote:  Moderator declares motion passed

Article 21             Petitioned Article

Petitioned by James (Jay) Buckley, et al:

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $250,000.00 to be added to the Water System Capital Reserve Fund for repairs and/or upgrades to the water system.  Funds for this

appropriation will come from taxation.

Not recommended by the Board of Commissioners 0-3.

(Majority vote required.)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Jay Buckley moves the article to the floor.  Adam Leiser seconds.   

Discussion on tax burden from this article.  Tax increase discussed.  Agents to expend from CRF is discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to amend to $100,000.  Larry Leonard seconds. 

Vote:  Moderator declares amendment passed

Vote:  Moderator declares article failed 26 – 20

Mike Smith makes a motion to restrict reconsideration of Article 21.  Tici Lutjen seconds. 

Vote: Moderator declares motion to restrict passed 

Article 06             Chocorua Pump House updates

To see if the District will vote to authorize the expenditure of the unused portion of the $204,930.00 bond approved in 2018 for Water System repairs, amended to Water Tank Inspection and Lining, and to raise and appropriate $31,000.00 of the $140,620.64 in unused bond proceeds for the purpose of upgrading piping and controls at the Chocorua pump house per RSA 33:3-a, II.  No amount of money needs to be raised by taxation. 

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0

(2/3 vote required) 

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  No discussion. 

Vote:  Moderator declares article passed unanimously   

Article 07             Operations/Highway Budget

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $532,542.00 for general municipal

operations.  This article does not include appropriations contained in special or individual articles

addressed separately. Funding for this appropriation will be raised by taxation.

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Mike Smith makes a motion to amend article to $553,542.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.    

Discussion on increase is held.  Highways and Streets to be increased $19,000 and General Government to be increased $2,000.  Kelly Robitaille responds to questions regarding the brine solution and use thereof.  Sand line item is discussed.  Discussion on use of funds and sand line item.  Allocation for 2019 at over $10,000 is outlined.  Kelly Robitaille outlines that sand is needed and was needed January 1. 

Vote:  Moderator declares amendment passed

Vote:  Moderator declares article passed at $553,542 

Article 08             York Rake Replacement

To see if the Village will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,180.00 for the purpose of replacing the York Rake with a front-runner rake.  Funds for this appropriation will be raised by taxation. 

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Discussion on front runner rake and use of this equipment is held. 

Vote:  Moderator declares article passed unanimously

Article 09             Asphalt Road preservation

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $21,750 for the purpose of protecting and extending the useful life of the asphalt roads.  Funds for this appropriation will be raised by taxation. 

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Ralph Lutjen moves the article to the floor.  Mike Smith seconds.  Discussion on keeping these items as budget items is held.  Discussion on projects highlighted and need for this work to be completed.   

Vote:  Moderator declares article passed

Article 10             Gravel Road Preservation

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,275.00 for the purpose of

maintaining and protecting gravel roads. Funds for this appropriation will be raised by taxation. 

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.     Discussion on placing these improvements in the budget going forward is held. 

Vote:  Moderator declares article passed.

Article 11             Thusis culvert replacement

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,415.00 for the purpose of replacing the culvert under Eidelweiss Drive at Thusis Beach.   $1,415 to be raised by taxation and will be combined with the $2,010.00 encumbered from 2018 Warrant Article #7. 

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.   

Discussion on project for replacement of the culvert at Thusis beach area under Eidelweiss Drive.  Mark Graffam speaks against article and states that culvert is working efficiently.  Discussion on cleaning culverts is held.  Discussion on the status of this culvert is held.  Discussion on ability to use the whirl-a-way system to clean culverts is held.  Kelly Robitaille outlines that the Honda motor used to power the whirl-a-way system is underpowered and not effective to clear culverts.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to amend the article to $1.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Attorney Boldt discusses amending the dollar amount and recommends the amount not be altered.  Discussion continues on article.  Kelly highlights need for replacing culvert.  Adam Leiser withdraws the amendment. 

Vote:  Moderator declares article passed 22 – 14

Article 12             Engineering for Grandval and Burgdorf to bring to Class V Standards

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000.00 for the purpose of creating an engineered design for bringing Grandval Way and Burgdorf Drive to Class V standards.  Funds for this appropriation will be raised by taxation.

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Discussion on article.  Discussion on road safety and engineering guidelines for Road Regulations are outlined.  Discussion on cost for project is held.  Discussion on other road needs as a higher priority is held. 

Vote:  Moderator declares article failed unanimously. 

Article 13             Water Budget

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $163,755.00 for the general operation of the water system.  Funds for this appropriation will be raised by water usage fees. 

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.   

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to amend by $20,000 to $183,755.   Adam Leiser seconds.  Engineering is outlined as reason for increase.  Discussion is held on proper funding for water budget.    

Vote: Moderator declares amendment passed

Vote: Moderator declares article passed

Article 14             Muddy Beach Tank Replacement

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $35,000.00 for replacement of the

5,000-gallon tank at Muddy Beach and authorize the withdrawal of $35,000.00 from the Water Tank

Capital Reserve Fund created for that purpose. 

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Mike Smith makes a motion to amend the article to $38,600.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.

Vote: Moderator declares amendment failed 

Vote:  Moderator declares article failed 

Article 15             Upper Lakeview/Rigi Pressure Reducing Valve pit upgrade

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $36,140.00 for the purpose of updating the existing pressure reducing valve (PRV) pit by separating the lines between the zones covered by the PRV.  Funds for this appropriation will be raised by water usage fees.   

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smiths moves the article to the floor.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Discussion on project and need for project is held.  Separation of lines for customers in this zone is discussed as necessary in order to properly control the pressure.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to amend the article to $2,000.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Discussion on leaving full amount for correction of the problem should replacing the valve not create the desired results is held. 

Vote:  Moderator declares amendment passed 

Vote:  Moderator declares article passed

Article 16             Water Tank CRF deposit

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $20,000.00 to be added to the Water

Tank Capital Reserve Fund previously established. Funds for this appropriation will come from water

usage fees. 

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required.)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Adam Leiser seconds. 

No discussion. 

Vote:  Moderator declares article passed

Article 17             Water System Pipe Replacement deposit

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $20,000.00 to be added to the Water

System Pipe Replacement Capital Reserve Fund previously established.   Funds for this appropriation

will come from water usage fees. 

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required.)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Jay Buckley seconds. 

No discussion

Vote:  Moderator declares article passed unanimously

Article 18             Water System Capital Reserve Fund deposit

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $42,000.00 to be added to the Water

System Capital Reserve Fund previously established. This sum to come from unassigned fund balance.

No amount to be raised from taxation.

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Ron Sandstrom moves the article to the floor.  Mike Smith seconds.  No discussion

Vote:  Moderator declares article passed unanimously

Article 19             Water Extension Fund

To see if the District will vote to establish the Water Extension Fund Expendable Trust Fund per RSA

31:19-a, for the purpose of maintaining and upgrading the water system and raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 to be funded from water hook-up fees; further to name the Board of Commissioners as agents to expend from said fund. 

Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Mike Smith moves the article to the floor.  Jay Buckley seconds. 

Discussion is held on establishing the Water Line Extension Fund with the Department of Revenue as a permanent fund for the District.   

Vote:  Moderator declares article passed unanimously 

Article 20             Petitioned Article

Petitioned by Holly Maudsley et al:

To see if the District will vote to require all District employees qualifying for health insurance to pay 10% of their health insurance premiums in 2019 and 20% in all subsequent years. 

Not recommended by the Board of Commissioners 0-3.

(Majority vote required)

 Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Holly Maudsley moves the article to the floor.  Adam Leiser seconds.  Discussion on benefit of long-term employees and employee benefits as a retention tool.   

Kelly Robitaille discusses benefit of health insurance and detriment of pay cut that would be incurred by the employees.  Discussion continues on article and options for controlling health insurance costs.    

Vote:  Moderator declares article failed unanimously

Adam Leiser makes a motion to vote articles 22, 24, 25, 27 together.  Kathy Koziell seconds.    

Vote:  Moderator declares motion passed

Article 22             Petitioned Article

Petitioned by James (Jay) Buckley et al:

To see if the District will vote to transfer the unspent $141,695.14 funds from Article 2 of the 2018

Warrant article into the Water System Capital Reserve Fund.

Not recommended by the Board of Commissioners 0-3

(2/3 majority vote)

Article 24             Petitioned Article

Petitioned by Carol Will, et al:

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6.00 for the purpose of Executive

Salaries.  This special article is a special warrant article per RSA 32:3 VI (d) and RSA 32:7 V. The Board

of Commissioners does not recommend this appropriation.

Not recommended by the Board of Commissioners 0-3

(Majority vote required)

Article 25             Petitioned Article

Petitioned by Carol Witt, et al:

To see if the District will vote to approve a limit on the number of Commissioners eligible to be voting

members on any committee within the District except the Board of Commissioners to some number not greater than 1/3 of the quorum of the committee.

Not recommended by the Board of Commissioners 0-3.

(Majority vote required)

Article 27             Petitioned Article

Petitioned by Carol Witt, et al:

To see if the District will vote to require that the VDOE office must post to the website all draft minutes from any meeting or hearing within 5 working days and to require that all approved minutes from any meeting or hearing be posted within 24 hours. 

Not recommended by the Board of Commissioners 0-3.

(Majority vote required)

Articles 22, 24, 25 and 27 are reviewed by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Adam Leiser moves the articles to the floor.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  No discussion.

Vote:  Moderator declares all articles failed unanimously

Jay Buckley makes a motion to restrict reconsideration of Article 03.  Mike Smith seconds

Vote:  Moderator declares motion passed

Article 23             Petitioned Article

Petitioned by Carol Witt, et al

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $42,000.00 to be added to the Water

System Capital Reserve Fund previously established. This sum to come from unassigned fund balance.

No amount to be raised from taxation or water fees.

Duplication of article 16: Not recommended by Board of Commissioners 0-3. 

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Adam Leiser moves the article to the floor.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Discussion ensues on conflict based on duplication of article already passed.  Attorney Chris Boldt outlines that this article should be voted down so as to not double the amount previously raised.   

Vote:  Moderator declares article failed unanimously 

Article 26             Petitioned Article

Petitioned by Carol Witt, et al:

To see if the District will vote to name the voters as agents to expend on ALL capital reserve funds

except for the Water Line Extension Fund.  The Capital reserve funds are: Highway Equipment, Land

Acquisition and Development, Road Construction, Office Equipment, Water System, Heavy Equipment

Repair, Medical Insurance, Water Tank.

Not recommended by the Board of Commissioners 0-3.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram.  Adam Leiser moves article to the floor.  Kathy Koziell seconds.    Discussion on capital expenditures from capital reserve funds in prior years is held.  Discussion on allowing the newly elected Commissioners the flexibility to use reserve funds if needed during the year is held. 

Vote:  Moderator declares Article failed

Article 28             Other Business

No other business is brought to the floor. 

At 11:50 pm Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn the 2019 Annual Meeting.  Nancy Cole seconds. 

Moderator declares meeting adjourned.    

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

VDOE Clerk


1.  Location:

There are five (5) District beaches subject to these regulations as follows: One is located at Little Pea Porridge Pond by the dam(Boulder Beach); two beaches are located on Middle Pea Porridge Pond (Eidelweiss Beach on Eidelweiss Drive and Geneva Beach on Geneva Place) and two beaches are located on Big Pea Porridge Pond (Porridge Shore Beach on Porridge Shore Dr and Thusis Beach on Eidelweiss Drive).

2.  Regulation:

A. No motorized vehicles of any type are allowed on District Beaches. 

B. No canoes or any other water craft of any description shall be allowed on the beaches unattended, or left overnight, except in a registered rack space.

C. No animals are allowed on the beaches, except for leashed service dogs.   

D. No overnight camping is permitted, except with permission from the Board of Commissioners.

E. No littering of District beaches is allowed in accordance with RSA 207:36-b.

F. No conduct that interferes with the rights of others to use and enjoy the public beaches is             permitted. Disorderly conduct shall be dealt with in accordance with RSA 644:2.

G. All District beaches are closed from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

H. Moving or removal of swim lines, signs, tables etc. is prohibited.

I. All canoes or any other water craft of any description may not be placed on racks until registered and a rack space has been assigned. 

J. All canoes or any other water craft of any description shall be removed from all storage racks no later than November 11th.  Any watercraft left on the beaches or on the storage racks after November 11th will be impounded and may be auctioned off or otherwise disposed of at the discretion of the Board of Commissioners. Should the owner of the craft claim the watercraft during the impound period of 180 days or prior to disposal, the owner will be charged a $100 fee for retrieval of the impounded craft.  

K. No glass containers are allowed on the beaches.

L. No fireworks or camp fires are allowed on the beaches.

M. No fishing is allowed on the beaches when there are swimmers on the beaches.

N. Canoe racks are for the use of Eidelweiss residents, Eidelweiss property owners and their guests only. Registration is required for the use of any rack space.  The registration form is available at www.vdoe-nh.org. Registration will be open on April 15 and remain open for the next 15 business days.  The completed registration forms received will be processed in order of receipt.  Assignment of rack spaces will occur within 7 days of registration closure using highest priority choice for available rack space.  Only 1 registration per property will be permitted during the initial registration period.  If there are remaining spaces available after the initial assignment a second registration request may be submitted and will be processed in the order of receipt.  All persons who are assigned a space will receive notice of their unique rack space ID via email if an email address is provided, or via US Mail.

O. Any watercraft that is placed in a rack space not allocated to them or any craft left on the beach unattended or overnight will be impounded and may be auctioned off or otherwise disposed of at the discretion of the Board of Commissioners.  Should the owner of the craft claim the property  during the impound period of 180 days, the owner will be charged a $100 fee for retrieval of the impounded craft.

3.  Enforcement

Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a violation.

A. Any duly appointed police officer is charged with enforcement of these regulations, duly appointed officers of the Department of Safety, the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department and  Officers of the Fish & Game Department are also authorized to enforce these regulations.  Any law enforcement officer may issue a notice of violation.

B. Such notice of violation shall impose a fine of twenty-five dollars ($25), which must be paid to the District Clerk within ten (10) days of the notice of violation.

C. In the event such fine is not paid by the violator responsible within the time period specified, a summons shall be issued for appearance in District Court. If found guilty of violating this ordinance, the violator responsible shall be fined up to two hundred and fifty dollars ($250).

D. The Board of Commissioners, in conjunction with the Chief of Police, may amend this  Ordinance as the need arises.

Ordinance approved at the District Annual Meeting, February 28, 1998.

Revised August 13, 2004.

Revised November 12, 2013 following a Public Hearing on October 26, 2013.

Revised February 27, 2018 following a Public Hearing October 14, 2017.

Revised April 9, 2019 following a Public Hearing March 28, 2019.

Adam Leiser             

Kathy Koziell

Board of Commissioners

Village District of Eidelweiss

Communications Committee Meeting

April 8, 2019  -  5:00 PM


The Communications Committee met on Monday April 8 2019 at 5 PM at the District Office.  Present are committee members Erin Laplante (EL), Michael Dolan (MD), Kathy Koziell (KK) and Paula Doyle (PD).   Other attendees: Jay Buckley.  The meeting was not videotaped. 

At 5:02 PM, Chairman PD calls the meeting to order.

PD makes motion to approve agenda.   KK seconds.  Motion passes 4-0.

KK makes motion to approve minutes from 3/25/19 meeting.  EL seconds.  Motion passes 4-0.

PD notes that Andrew Harteveldt has resigned from the committee due to personal work obligations.   All agree that Committee is open to taking on another member if someone volunteers but there is no need to actively recruit someone.  Committee anticipates that a group of 4 should be sufficient for the time being.

Update from Commissioner KK on Board of Commissioners meetings & activities: 

Public Hearing update – revised beach & highway/parking ordinances were reviewed.  Info to public will be included in an email that will be sent out this Friday 4/12 that will also include canoe/kayak rack registration and request for volunteers to rake beaches this summer.   Discussion also on posting the newsletter at the mailboxes for people who don’t get emails.   Jay Buckley (JB) suggests adding a poster board to bulletin boards that would draw attention to “This Month’s Newsletter”.  JB also said that he will be fixing the boards when the volunteer project to re-shingle the mailbox roofs was done this spring or summer.  All agreed that next steps on creating a dedicated space for newsletter could wait until project completed this spring or summer.

Insert for Water Bill was done and so far 4 new people had signed up for emails.

PD informs committee that website updates were not done yet because she had not received login credentials.  She is following up with Nancy Cole this week.

Correspondence from JB is distributed and he provides a verbal overview.  He suggests that there are people with incorrect information who speak at meetings and therefore he reiterates the importance of disseminating factual information.  He suggests 4 ideas in his email.  1-Posting newsletter at mailbox boards which was already discussed, 2-asking local social media sites to post newsletter (all agree that those of us on the committee can post the VDOE website link to the newsletter ), 3-Having Commissioners present to the public quarterly and 4-Mail a newsletter to property owners once a year (this is not discussed).

PD makes motion that the Committee recommend to BOC that they hold a public meeting followed by a lunch BBQ this summer to provide an update to the public on the budget, warrant articles and projects.   KK seconds.   Motion passes 4-0.

Beach Signs– PD will be work on this for next meeting.

April Newsletter is discussed.  Target next mtg for final review to distribute later that week pending BOC approval.

Committee Status – need update from water committee.

3rd Commissioner Status TBD

Madison Dog Licensing –– was in March but will include in April also.

Opening/Use of Lodge – weather dependent on opening.  PD brings up need for insurance binder to use.  Will ask BOC at their meeting on Tue 4/9 so that clear information is provided in the newsletter.

Madison Warrant Article Implications – hold til June/July when tax bills are due.

Bridge Work on 16 – have drafted based on InfoBoard posts.

Info for Summer Rentals –EL provided updated poster document this week.  PD reads statement drafted for newsletter and will include the 1 page ‘poster’ with newsletter for draft review.

EPOA Input – KK states that BOC has reached out to EPOA but is not clear yet on key contact person and nothing has been received yet to include in newsletter.

Water levels in ponds – KK shares request received from Mike Smith that he continue to monitor and make recommendation on water levels due to his proximity to loon nest.   Discussion also on information about water testing is reviewed – will include information in newsletter seeking volunteers.

KK suggests also including info on the QuickBooks upgrade that has been accomplished.

JB asks about paying water bills online.  KK says that QuickBooks provides for this option and will implement in 2020.

JB also asks that newsletter include information and request for volunteers for the mailbox project.

KK also asks to include information on the updated ordinances and the request for volunteers to rake beaches.  She is planning to review this with the BOC at meeting tomorrow and will provide update.

MD presents revised goal statement for Committee. 

Goals:  Restore confidence in the BOC by improving property owners awareness of what is happening in the district enabling the BOC to develop and pass important warrant articles.  PD makes motion to adopt this goal statement for the committee.  EL seconds.  Motion passes 4-0.

Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23 at 5 PM at the office

6:28 PM:  PD makes motion to adjourn.  MD seconds.  Motion passed 4-0.

Respectfully submitted - Paula Doyle (Chairman)

Village District of Eidelweiss

Commissioners Meeting             

April 09, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:30 am on Tuesday, April 09, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy), residents Mike Dolan, Paula Doyle (arrived 10:40) and Treasurer Dinah Reiss.                          

At 9:30 am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.       

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

 2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille states heading to Limerick Maine to retrieve a part for the F-550 sander.  New truck is being outfitted.  Discussion on time to outfit.  Kelly Robitaille states he has discussed with the shop, some parts are still being delivered.  A date for expected delivery will be requested. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion use new form for DPW purchases.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Discussion on record being created for all purchases.  A log will be kept of all contact information. 

Adam questions extended truck longevity.  Kelly Robitaille states that all work is being done to keep the trucks operational.  Kelly Robitaille states that if all questions of maintenance need to be recorded, a certified mechanic should be used.  Kelly Robitaille outlines that spring and fall the trucks are serviced with oil, grease and fluids.  Adam discusses having this work done at a shop.  This would also create a record for the office of the work.  Kelly mentions that this could be done with a traveling mechanic so that the work was done here.  The cost is worth it.

Discussion on cleaning the trucks.  There is nowhere on premises to do this.  Discussion ensues on checking with local businesses to see if this may be an option.  Adam Leiser makes a motion that if trucks can be cleaned at Madison DPW garage, DPW crew is to bring the trucks for cleaning.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

3. Water

The Water Committee will meet this Friday at 9 am in the Chick Room at the Madison Library.  

4. Administration

Discussion on summer pond testing is held.  EPOA will be contacted to see if they will be handling this again this summer.   

Discussion on having volunteers handle the beach raking this summer is discussed.  Having a coordinator for volunteers to handle the scheduling of the raking is outlined.  Daily raking is discussed as standard.  Raking for Memorial Day weekend, rake end of June to Labor Day on weekends.  Including request for volunteers with memo with canoe rack space.  Email will include kayak registration, request for volunteers and Ordinance update.  Savings of $1,500 to $2,000 by not having DPW rake the beaches on weekends is attainable.     

Adam Leiser makes a motion to ask Gloria Aspinall if interested in continuing with cleaning the outhouses.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $5,456.42.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Placing an ad for an intern for the VDOE is discussed.  Proposal from last year will be pulled for review.  Allocating funds up to $500 is discussed as an option.  Contact with local schools is discussed.  Information will be sent to Adam.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate up to $1,000 for intern.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Discussion on paying based on hours worked.  Paying someone for their time is outlined as a benefit when trying to get an intern.  Motion passed 2-0.      

5.  Accounts Payable

Adam Leiser makes a motion approve 24 checks for a total of $25,472.98.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

6.  Minutes

Adam Leiser makes a motion approve the minutes of the meetings of 3/28/19.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to adopt the updates to the Ordinances as discussed 3/28/19.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

7. Commissioners Reports

Water Committee meeting will be held Friday 4/12 morning at 9:00 am. 

State Revolving loan Fund paperwork will be pulled for checking deadlines. 

Kathy will schedule a safety meeting. 

Discussion one establishing a set meeting schedule is held.  Scheduling meetings at set times will be discussed going forward. 

Kathy will work with Terri Cancelarich on financial issues.  Review of health insurance options will be looked at.  Discussion on reviewing health insurance is held; this would be beneficial for the VDOE. 

Kathy has contacted Bob Nelson for the Little Loop project.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the updated Ordinances out of session and post on website by Friday.  Kathy Koziell seconds.   Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to send an email blast for updates to the website once ordinances are posted.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Discussion on sending notice prior to Monday.  Motion passed 2-0.   

Adam highlights additional funds spent for electricity in the amount of $1,118 with the last third-party contract.  The negative outcome of this contract is discussed. 

Discussion on allowing persons to pay via ACH for the water bills.  Cost to VDOE is $1.00 per transaction.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to have the VDOE not accept credit cards but accept ACH in 2020 for water bills.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Pond levels are discussed.  Discussion on a resident being in charge of this is discussed.  Adam questions having the VDOE coordinate this, not a resident.  Dinah recommends having an email sent by Mike Smith for review.  Inviting Mike Smith to a meeting is outlined to discuss this.  Mike will be asked to attend one of the upcoming meetings.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to write a letter and sign outside of a meeting to invite Mike to the 4/18 meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0   Adam Leiser makes a motion to rescind the last motion.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.  An email will be sent to Mike Smith.    

Next meeting will be Thursday the 18th at 8 pm.  Location to be set.  April 30th at 9 am in the District office will be posted. 

Discussion on establishing an environmental committee is held.  Discussion on spring water testing is held.  Having three persons involved is discussed.  Inviting Bob and Ralph to a meeting to outline the process is discussed.  30 locations are tested for spring runoff.  Email Ralph, Bob and EPOA to attend, preferably 4/18 meeting.  Obtaining date for spring testing will be requested from Bob and Ralph.  Where are test spots?  Send if have.  Placing information on an environmental committee in the next newsletter is discussed. 

Sign in for office visitors is discussed.  Name/date/time reason.  This will be developed. 

8. Signature Items  

Treasurer Dinah Reiss reviews the TAN documents.  Interest rate is 2.32%. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the Promissory Note.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the Business Loan Agreement.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the Governmental Certificate.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the Statement of Finance Charges.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Discussion on $350 finance charge.  Doing the TAN once reduces expenses by $350.  Goal is to not be using a TAN note within 5 years.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the General Obligation Certificate.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the Line of Credit Rider.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign Qualified Tax-Exempt Certificate.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign Disbursement Request and Authorization.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Discussion on using TAN funds in the spring is held.  Need to supplement cash flow until the water bills are received and moved to the operating account is held.  Option of having bills due mid-April is discussed, commissioners will not change the due date of the water bill for 2020.    Communicating that early payment will help the VDOE is outlined. 

Letter to Mr. Heyde is reviewed.  Including the date for the planned public hearing is discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to schedule the Public Hearing on the Beach Ordinance for June 6, 2019 at 8 pm.  Letter will be updated.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the updated letter out of session.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.     

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve use of lodge for EPOA and Karcz family.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam discusses update request for use of lodge form to include reason for use.  This will be done.

9. Correspondence

Adam Leiser makes a motion to contact property owner to remove logs at the end of Reinach Place by April 17.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign letter to property owner out of session.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to send the Dubois & King proposal to the water committee.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to send Lewis Engineering proposal to the water committee.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to send the Chris Albert proposal to the water committee when received.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.     

10. Scheduled Appearances

11.  Public Comment    

Paula Doyle discusses use of the lodge.  Reviewing the lodge as a community building and establishing when and how to use the building is discussed.  Adding a charge for use is discussed.   Primex will be asked on need for insurance for use of building.   

12.  Other Business   

The Water Committee meeting will be at the library Friday morning.    

At 11:41 am Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole



                             Board of Commissioners

                          Village District of Eidelweiss

                                    1680 Conway Rd Box 1027

                            Madison, New Hampshire 03849


AGENDA FOR APRIL 8, 2019 - Draft

  1. Call to order 1:00 PM
  • Approval of the agenda                                             

Review of Actions, Projects and Issues List                                  

  • Administration:  CM032819, PH032819, third party electric contract ($1,188 loss), QuickBooks options for credit cards/ACH, Seasonal work lists DPW & Water, Spring run-off stream testing, VDOE contact numbers update, WC payroll information processed, DPW order form   
  • Accounts payable: $
  • Signature Items: Heyde response canoe rack,  
  • Commissioners Reports
  • Correspondence:  Tree @ Little Shore/West Bergamo, trees at Reinach, Dubois & King tank amendment, Lewis Engineering response, email list up 4, NHMA Legislative bulletin x2.
  • Scheduled Appearances: Jay Buckley
  • Public Comment:

10. Other:   
