Moderator Bob Ingram opens the polls for Article 01,
voting for officers, at 5:02 pm.
Supervisors of the checklist Emily Shepard, Jen Garside and Cheryl
Brooks. Clerk Nancy Cole and
Commissioners Ron Sandstrom and Michael Smith were also present for opening of
the polls. Sergeant Jim Hayford of
Madison Police is present.
At 7pm Moderator Bob Ingram closes the polls for article
At 7pm Moderator Bob Ingram calls the meeting to
Moderator Bob Ingram requests all persons stand and leads
the Pledge of Allegiance.
Moderator calls for moment of silence to remember
relatives, friends and residents who have passed. Resident Melissa Moulton Hatch, who lost her
life tragically recently, is remembered.
Moderator Bob Ingram introduces himself, Commissioners’
Ralph Lutjen, Mike Smith and Ron Sandstrom, Clerk Nancy Cole, Treasurer Dinah
Reiss, Attorney Chris Boldt, NH DES Senior Engineer Rick Skarinka, Engineers
Paul Fluet and Nick Sceggell, Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille and Water
Operator Ian Hayes.
Moderator Bob Ingram outlines and reviews the Rules and
Procedures for the meeting.
Jay Buckley makes
a motion to allow non-registered voters who are tax-payers and guests to
speaks. Second by Kevin Ackert.
Vote: Moderator
declares motion passed unanimously
Article 01 Voting for Officers
Voting for the following offices for 2019:
Commissioner – 3-year term
Commissioner – 2-year term
Treasurer – 2-year term
Clerk – 2-year term
Results of Article 01; Election of Officers
3-year term: Kathy Koziell
2-year term: Adam Leiser
2-year term: Dinah Reiss
2-year term: Nancy Cole
Article 02 New
To see if the Village District will vote to
raise and appropriate the sum of $100,615 for purchase of a
Dodge 5500 and to authorize the issuance of
not more than $85,615 of bonds or notes in accordance
with the provisions of the Municipal Finance
Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the municipal officials to issue and negotiate
such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon; to withdraw
the sum of $15,000 from the Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund and further,
to raise and appropriate the amount of $19,000 for the first year’s payment to
be raised by taxation.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(2/3 ballot vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob
Ingram. Mike Smith moves the Article
to the floor. Jay Buckley seconds. Ralph Lutjen introduces the need to replace
the F-550. Proposed truck is
discussed. Discussion on Terra Star
fire; this truck does not replace the Terra Star. Question on repairs for the truck. Kelly Robitaille outlines issue with the
truck and unreliability of the F-550.
Highlight of safety issues with this truck and increased risk with the
terrain. Discussion on need for reliable
and safe equipment to clear the roads during snow storms. Adam Leiser questions vehicles capable of
moving snow. Grader, 7400 and F-550 are
listed by Kelly Robitaille. Kelly
expands on running the road grader and the very low gas mileage it gets. Kelly also explains that the 7400 does not go
up the hills. Question of lead time is
made. Kelly Robitaille highlights need for
the DPW to effectively be able to handle snow plow operations.
Vote by ballot 33
yes, no 27 Moderator declares article
failed 2/3 majority
Article 03 Reinach
Tank Replacement
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $653,400.00 for the building of a
90,000-gallon concrete tank to replace the
existing steel tanks at Reinach and to authorize the issuance
of not more than $653,400.00 of bonds or
notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal
Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the
municipal officials to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine
the rate of interest thereon; further, to raise and appropriate the amount of
$44,500.00 for the first year's payments with said funding for this
appropriation to be raised from Water Usage Fees.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(2/3 ballot vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the
floor. Tici Lutjen seconds. Ralph Lutjen outlines the critical importance
of this project for the reliability of the water system. Tanks failed inspection for re-lining; they
must be replaced. Process of obtaining
cost estimate for the project is outlined.
Paul Fluet outlines the project process and experience with Eidelweiss. Benefit of concrete tank is outlined as best
move forward for the District water system.
Inclusion of creation of the Reinach pressure zone with this tank
replacement project is outlined. Rick
Skarinka of NH DES discusses level of service expected from the water system. Rick Skarinka discusses the benefits of a
loan for long-term capital improvements.
Rick discusses possible action by the State if the District does not
take action to replace the tank.
Residents speak in favor of replacing the tanks.
Adam Leiser makes
a motion to amend the funding to be from taxes.
Kathy Koziell seconds. Adam
Leiser discusses benefit of paying through taxes. Discussion on reasons why to not put this
into taxes; persons with wells and the inequality of cost being based on the
value of the property.
Vote: Moderator
declares amendment passed.
Mike Smith makes a
motion to amend the amount to be raised and appropriated from $653,400 to $869,400
and amend first year’s payment from $44,500 to $59,142 Ralph Lutjen seconds.
Vote: Moderator declares amendment passed.
Polls opened at 8:32 pm.
Polls closed 9:34 pm.
Vote by ballot 50
yes; 8 no Moderator declares article passed by 2/3
Article 04 DPW
Electrical Upgrades for water system
To see if the Village will vote to authorize
the expenditure of the unused portion of the $204,930.00 bond approved in 2018
for Water System repairs, amended to Water Tank Inspection and Lining, and to
raise and appropriate $77,448.00 of the $140,620.64 in unused bond proceeds for
the purpose of upgrading the electrical systems at the DPW Well per RSA 33:3-a,
II. No amount of money needs to be
raised by taxation.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(2/3 vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the
floor. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Discussion on needs for the water system and
need to upgrade the DPW well site. Adam Leiser makes a motion to amend article
to $1.00. Kathy Koziell seconds. Attorney Boldt outlines that this article
is to change the purpose of the bond and should not be amended to $1.00. This is a Special warrant article. Ian Hayes states it would be better to vote
the funds and then not spend, but to not have authority to spend would be
detrimental to the system should a failure occur. Adam
Leiser withdraws motion to amend. Discussion on the need for this project
Vote: Moderator declares article passed by 2/3
Article 05 Summit Pump House electrical updates
To see if the Village will vote to authorize
the expenditure of the unused portion of the $204,930.00 bond approved in 2018
for Water System repairs, amended to Water Tank Inspection and Lining, and to
raise and appropriate $30,400.00 of the $140,620.64 in unused bond proceeds for
the purpose of upgrading the electrical and SCADA at the Summit pump house per
RSA 33:3-a, II. No amount of money needs
to be raised by taxation.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(2/3 vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconds. Needs for improvements within the water
system is outlined.
No discussion
Vote: Moderator
declares article passed by 2/3 majority
Adam Leiser makes
a motion to move Article 21 next. Kathy
Koziell seconds.
Vote: Moderator declares motion passed
Article 21 Petitioned
Petitioned by James (Jay) Buckley, et al:
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $250,000.00 to be added to the Water System Capital
Reserve Fund for repairs and/or upgrades to the water system. Funds for this
appropriation will come from taxation.
Not recommended by the Board of
Commissioners 0-3.
(Majority vote required.)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Jay Buckley moves the article to the
floor. Adam Leiser seconds.
Discussion on tax burden from this article. Tax increase discussed. Agents to expend from CRF is discussed. Adam
Leiser makes a motion to amend to $100,000.
Larry Leonard seconds.
Vote: Moderator declares amendment passed
Vote: Moderator declares article failed 26 – 20
Mike Smith makes a
motion to restrict reconsideration of Article 21. Tici Lutjen seconds.
Vote: Moderator
declares motion to restrict passed
Article 06 Chocorua
Pump House updates
To see if the District will vote to
authorize the expenditure of the unused portion of the $204,930.00 bond
approved in 2018 for Water System repairs, amended to Water Tank Inspection and
Lining, and to raise and appropriate $31,000.00 of the $140,620.64 in unused
bond proceeds for the purpose of upgrading piping and controls at the Chocorua
pump house per RSA 33:3-a, II. No amount
of money needs to be raised by taxation.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(2/3 vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the floor. Ralph Lutjen seconds. No discussion.
Vote: Moderator declares article passed
Article 07 Operations/Highway
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $532,542.00 for general municipal
This article does not include appropriations contained in special or
individual articles
addressed separately. Funding for this
appropriation will be raised by taxation.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves
the article to the floor. Ralph Lutjen
seconds. Mike Smith makes a motion to amend article to $553,542. Ralph Lutjen seconds.
Discussion on increase is held. Highways and Streets to be increased $19,000
and General Government to be increased $2,000.
Kelly Robitaille responds to questions regarding the brine solution and
use thereof. Sand line item is discussed. Discussion on use of funds and sand line
item. Allocation for 2019 at over
$10,000 is outlined. Kelly Robitaille
outlines that sand is needed and was needed January 1.
Vote: Moderator declares amendment passed
Vote: Moderator declares article passed at $553,542
Article 08 York
Rake Replacement
To see if the Village will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of $4,180.00 for the purpose of replacing the York Rake with
a front-runner rake. Funds for this
appropriation will be raised by taxation.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the floor. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Discussion on front runner rake and use of
this equipment is held.
Vote: Moderator declares article passed unanimously
Article 09 Asphalt
Road preservation
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $21,750 for the purpose of protecting and extending
the useful life of the asphalt roads.
Funds for this appropriation will be raised by taxation.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Ralph Lutjen moves the article to the
floor. Mike Smith seconds. Discussion on keeping these items as budget
items is held. Discussion on projects
highlighted and need for this work to be completed.
Vote: Moderator declares article passed
Article 10 Gravel
Road Preservation
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $7,275.00 for the purpose of
maintaining and protecting gravel roads.
Funds for this appropriation will be raised by taxation.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the
floor. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Discussion on placing these improvements in
the budget going forward is held.
Vote: Moderator declares article passed.
Article 11 Thusis
culvert replacement
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $1,415.00 for the purpose of replacing the culvert
under Eidelweiss Drive at Thusis Beach.
$1,415 to be raised by taxation and will be combined with the $2,010.00
encumbered from 2018 Warrant Article #7.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the
floor. Ralph Lutjen seconds.
Discussion on project for replacement of the culvert at
Thusis beach area under Eidelweiss Drive.
Mark Graffam speaks against article and states that culvert is working
efficiently. Discussion on cleaning
culverts is held. Discussion on the
status of this culvert is held.
Discussion on ability to use the whirl-a-way system to clean culverts is
held. Kelly Robitaille outlines that the
Honda motor used to power the whirl-a-way system is underpowered and not
effective to clear culverts. Adam Leiser makes a motion to amend the
article to $1. Kathy Koziell seconds. Attorney Boldt discusses amending the dollar
amount and recommends the amount not be altered. Discussion continues on article. Kelly highlights need for replacing
culvert. Adam Leiser withdraws the amendment.
Vote: Moderator declares article passed 22 – 14
Article 12 Engineering
for Grandval and Burgdorf to bring to Class V Standards
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $25,000.00 for the purpose of creating an engineered
design for bringing Grandval Way and Burgdorf Drive to Class V standards. Funds for this appropriation will be raised
by taxation.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the
floor. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Discussion on article. Discussion on road safety and engineering
guidelines for Road Regulations are outlined.
Discussion on cost for project is held.
Discussion on other road needs as a higher priority is held.
Vote: Moderator declares article failed
Article 13 Water
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $163,755.00 for the general operation of the water
system. Funds for this appropriation
will be raised by water usage fees.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the
floor. Ralph Lutjen seconds.
Kathy Koziell
makes a motion to amend by $20,000 to $183,755.
Adam Leiser seconds. Engineering is outlined as reason for
increase. Discussion is held on proper
funding for water budget.
Vote: Moderator
declares amendment passed
Vote: Moderator
declares article passed
Article 14 Muddy
Beach Tank Replacement
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $35,000.00 for replacement of the
5,000-gallon tank at Muddy Beach and
authorize the withdrawal of $35,000.00 from the Water Tank
Capital Reserve Fund created for that
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the
floor. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Mike
Smith makes a motion to amend the article to $38,600. Ralph Lutjen seconds.
Vote: Moderator
declares amendment failed
Vote: Moderator declares article failed
Article 15 Upper
Lakeview/Rigi Pressure Reducing Valve pit upgrade
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $36,140.00 for the purpose of updating the existing
pressure reducing valve (PRV) pit by separating the lines between the zones
covered by the PRV. Funds for this
appropriation will be raised by water usage fees.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smiths moves the article to the
floor. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Discussion on project and need for project is
held. Separation of lines for customers
in this zone is discussed as necessary in order to properly control the
pressure. Adam Leiser makes a motion to amend the article to $2,000. Kathy Koziell seconds. Discussion on leaving full amount for correction
of the problem should replacing the valve not create the desired results is
Vote: Moderator declares amendment passed
Vote: Moderator declares article passed
Article 16 Water
Tank CRF deposit
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $20,000.00 to be added to the Water
Tank Capital Reserve Fund previously
established. Funds for this appropriation will come from water
usage fees.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required.)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the
floor. Adam Leiser seconds.
No discussion.
Vote: Moderator declares article passed
Article 17 Water
System Pipe Replacement deposit
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $20,000.00 to be added to the Water
System Pipe Replacement Capital Reserve Fund
previously established. Funds for this
will come from water usage fees.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required.)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the
floor. Jay Buckley seconds.
No discussion
Vote: Moderator declares article passed unanimously
Article 18 Water
System Capital Reserve Fund deposit
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $42,000.00 to be added to the Water
System Capital Reserve Fund previously
established. This sum to come from unassigned fund balance.
No amount to be raised from taxation.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Ron Sandstrom moves the article to the
floor. Mike Smith seconds. No discussion
Vote: Moderator declares article passed unanimously
Article 19 Water
Extension Fund
To see if the District will vote to
establish the Water Extension Fund Expendable Trust Fund per RSA
31:19-a, for the purpose of maintaining and
upgrading the water system and raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 to
be funded from water hook-up fees; further to name the Board of Commissioners
as agents to expend from said fund.
Recommended by the Board of Commissioners
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moves the article to the
floor. Jay Buckley seconds.
Discussion is held on establishing the Water Line
Extension Fund with the Department of Revenue as a permanent fund for the
Vote: Moderator declares article passed unanimously
Article 20 Petitioned
Petitioned by Holly Maudsley et al:
To see if the District will vote to require
all District employees qualifying for health insurance to pay 10% of their
health insurance premiums in 2019 and 20% in all subsequent years.
Not recommended by the Board of
Commissioners 0-3.
(Majority vote required)
Article read by
Moderator Bob Ingram. Holly Maudsley
moves the article to the floor. Adam
Leiser seconds. Discussion on benefit of
long-term employees and employee benefits as a retention tool.
Kelly Robitaille discusses benefit of health insurance
and detriment of pay cut that would be incurred by the employees. Discussion continues on article and options
for controlling health insurance costs.
Vote: Moderator declares article failed unanimously
Adam Leiser makes
a motion to vote articles 22, 24, 25, 27 together. Kathy Koziell seconds.
Vote: Moderator declares motion passed
Article 22 Petitioned
Petitioned by James (Jay) Buckley et al:
To see if the District will vote to transfer
the unspent $141,695.14 funds from Article 2 of the 2018
Warrant article into the Water System
Capital Reserve Fund.
Not recommended by the Board of
Commissioners 0-3
(2/3 majority vote)
Article 24 Petitioned
Petitioned by Carol Will, et al:
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $6.00 for the purpose of Executive
This special article is a special warrant article per RSA 32:3 VI (d)
and RSA 32:7 V. The Board
of Commissioners does not recommend this
Not recommended by the Board of
Commissioners 0-3
(Majority vote required)
Article 25 Petitioned
Petitioned by Carol Witt, et al:
To see if the District will vote to approve
a limit on the number of Commissioners eligible to be voting
members on any committee within the District
except the Board of Commissioners to some number not greater than 1/3 of the
quorum of the committee.
Not recommended by the Board of
Commissioners 0-3.
(Majority vote required)
Article 27 Petitioned
Petitioned by Carol Witt, et al:
To see if the District will vote to require
that the VDOE office must post to the website all draft minutes from any
meeting or hearing within 5 working days and to require that all approved
minutes from any meeting or hearing be posted within 24 hours.
Not recommended by the Board of
Commissioners 0-3.
(Majority vote required)
Articles 22, 24, 25 and 27 are reviewed by Moderator Bob
Ingram. Adam Leiser moves the articles
to the floor. Kathy Koziell
seconds. No discussion.
Vote: Moderator declares all articles failed unanimously
Jay Buckley makes
a motion to restrict reconsideration of Article 03. Mike Smith seconds.
Vote: Moderator declares motion passed
Article 23 Petitioned
Petitioned by Carol Witt, et al
To see if the District will vote to raise
and appropriate the sum of $42,000.00 to be added to the Water
System Capital Reserve Fund previously
established. This sum to come from unassigned fund balance.
No amount to be raised from taxation or
water fees.
Duplication of article 16: Not recommended
by Board of Commissioners 0-3.
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Adam Leiser moves the article to the
floor. Kathy Koziell seconds. Discussion ensues on conflict based on duplication
of article already passed. Attorney
Chris Boldt outlines that this article should be voted down so as to not double
the amount previously raised.
Vote: Moderator declares article failed
Article 26 Petitioned
Petitioned by Carol Witt, et al:
To see if the District will vote to name the
voters as agents to expend on ALL capital reserve funds
except for the Water Line Extension
Fund. The Capital reserve funds are:
Highway Equipment, Land
Acquisition and Development, Road
Construction, Office Equipment, Water System, Heavy Equipment
Repair, Medical Insurance, Water Tank.
Not recommended by the Board of
Commissioners 0-3.
(Majority vote required)
Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Adam Leiser moves article to the floor. Kathy Koziell seconds. Discussion on capital expenditures from
capital reserve funds in prior years is held.
Discussion on allowing the newly elected Commissioners the flexibility
to use reserve funds if needed during the year is held.
Vote: Moderator declares Article failed
Article 28 Other
No other business is brought to the floor.
At 11:50 pm Mike
Smith makes a motion to adjourn the 2019 Annual Meeting. Nancy Cole seconds.
Moderator declares
meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy E. Cole
VDOE Clerk