2019 Documents

Village District of Eidelweiss

Saturday November 23, 2019

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order by Commissioner Adam Leiser at 2:03 PM.

In attendance was Jay Buckley, Adam Leiser, and Tim Hughes (videographer).

MOTION: Adam makes a motion to call Kathy Koziell to join the meeting, Jay Seconds. Motion passes 2-0.

Kathy joins the meeting by phone from Florida.

Kathy explains that down payments are needed to get the work started on these electrical upgrades.

MOTION: Adam makes a motion to approve the expenditure of $22,900 for electrical upgrades at DPW I by “Just Electric “ which represents ½ of the total amount quoted to perform the work in accordance with Warrant Article 4 approved at the 2019 Annual Meeting. Seconded by Jay. Motion Passes 3-0

MOTION: Adam makes a motion to approve the expenditure of $5000 for electrical upgrades at the Summit Pump Station by “Just Electric” which represents ½ of the total amount quoted to perform the work in accordance with Warrant Article 5 approved at the 2019 Annual Meeting. Second by Jay. Motion Passes 3-0.

Health Insurance Renewal.

Adam makes a motion to be given permission relay any change in health care coverage to HealthTrust.

Discussion ensues. Adam explains that he wishes to select the “Higher Deductible” plan with $3000 deductible per person instead of the current plan with $1000 per person,

Adam said that covering a percentage of the deductible by the District for each person if incurred will be discussed later, including a cash incentive to have the employee opt out of the District insurance if it is legal to do so.

The higher $3000/person deductible insurance premium would cost the district $1150/month and save the district approximately $5000 for each employee annually over the current $1000/person deductible plan.

The potential cost to each employee could be as high as $6000 for the 2-person option vs $3000.

MOTION: Jay makes a motion to amend Adam’s motion to offer the family plan coverage for our employees. Adam states that having two employees taking the family could cost the District an additional   $10,000 annually

Jay said that one of our employees has a change in their family situation where one of the children will no longer be eligible for state provided health coverage due to the age of the dependent. Adam asked why we would want to give up a savings as high $10,000? Jay said that the impact to this employee to insure his child could cost as much as $12,000 to this individual.

Jay states that the current 2-person plan will have a premium of $1540 and the family plan with the higher deductible plan $1510. Virtually the same price in premiums to the district for more members covered.
Jay went on to state that offering more options to our employees would help with employee retention.
Adam felt that we had no retention issues.

Kathy felt that the higher deductible plan includes three options; single, two persons, and family.

Jay agrees lowering the premium costs and opting for the higher deductible plan but wants to make sure that all three options (single, 2-person, and family) are available to the employees.

MOTION: Adam will ask HealthTrust if we have all three options (single, two persons, family) with the higher deductible plan ($3000 per person, $9000 per family). If not, we will choose two-person plan. Kathy seconds. Passed 3-0.

MOTION: Adam makes motion to sign letters to applicants not chosen for Assistant Administrative position to be signed out of session in the VDOE office. Jay seconds Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Jay Buckley

Village District of Eidelweiss

Commissioner Meeting Minutes - Emergency

Thursday November 21, 2019 4PM

Emergency Meeting Called by Jay Buckley

Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order at 4:00pm. 

Jay Buckley and Kathy Koziell in attendance

Jay explains that the Ford 550 is in need of emergency repairs as the drive shaft fell out and was towed to Albany Service Center.

Jay makes a Motion to approve up to $6000 for repairs on Ford 550. Kathy seconds, Passes 2-0

Jay makes a Motion to adjourn at 4:10pm, Kathy seconds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell

                                      VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS

Commissioners Meeting             

                                                    November 21st, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday November 21st,2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell and Kelly Robattialle. The meeting was not filmed. In attendance – Gloria Aspinall

At 9:00am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda – Adam motion to approve.  Kathy seconds. 

Adam motion:  Approve the agenda.  Second Kathy.  Jay to add Thusis culvert to agenda.  Adam second.  Yes 3-0.  Yes 3-0

2. Highway Department Report  -

Outfitting and pothole fixing has been occurring.  Big sander is repaired.  Estimate has been requested.  Kathy requests pictures of rusted sander.  This is for the 7400.  The 550 is at the repair shop.  The front axle is in poor shape and needs some sort of significant repair that is unknown at this time because repair shop hasn’t started.  This would be an expense to this year’s budget. 7400 is next to be outfitted.  Grader to be last.  Chains are in VDOE possession but not yet installed.  Tires are done.  No bills have yet arrived. 

No response for dumpster.  Kathy wants to get a bigger dumpster.  Adam requests all tires be removed permanently.  VDOE to get a 30 yard dumpster.

Adam reports that 5 Burgdorf property owner will give VDOE permission to turn around in their driveway during snow removal. 

Adam reports that 2 Burgdorf has received a letter but he didn’t have a phone number which was a challenge.

Jay reports 2 boats were left at Thusis.  Adam believes we need to take the boats. 

Adam motion:   Have DPW take the boats.  Kathy second. Vote No 2-1.

Jay motion:  Contact property owner and tell them the crafts will be removed on 12/2 if they remain.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Little Loop trees on 4/6 have been removed.  RW Nelson is to remove the stumps.  Kelly expresses concern that he has no knowledge of similar projects having been done by RW Nelson.  Kathy confirms that if the VDOE has a contract for the work to get done this year, the VDOE is fine.  Kelly suggests a temporary fix on 4 Little Loop to at least get us through the year.  Kelly recommends using the remainder of the warrant article money to purchase materials and not sign the contract or do any work this year.  The DPW could do the project next year as a non-warrant article.  In the meantime, the DPW would fix the driveway at 4 Little Loop.  The DPW excavator will remove the stumps.  The remaining money would have to go to engineer the road. 

Adam motion:  Have Kathy contact Jim Rines of White Mtn Survey to get a contract this year for a full engineering of the road.  Kathy second.  Yes 3-0. 

DPW hopes to fix driveway at 4 Little Loop on 12/2. 

Adam asks when we will have a number to replace the 550.  He says mid-December.  Kathy says this is really a replacement to the Terra Star.  Ballpark is $130,000.  Adam is concerned that a replacement to the Terra Star wouldn’t be tried by others because it is a new model.  Kelly did like the truck.  Adam asks if this will be a four wheel drive vehicle.  Answer is yes.

Discussion ensues about 33/35 Upper Lakeview.  Questions of property owner are read by Adam to Kelly.  Answers are given by Kelly. 

Adam asks Kelly if boards were changed in the dam.  Answer is yes. 

Adam motion:  Adopt dam management policy.  Kathy second.  Kathy and Adam report they never saw Jay’s proposal.  Jay says he sent it.  Vote No 2-1.

Kelly has not yet received a computer.  Jay reports that he has information on a Panasonic Tough Pad FZM1 7 inch.  $720.  This can take pictures and do email.  Adam wants to know why information isn’t being sent to the board.

Kathy motion: To purchase the Panasonic Tough Pad.  Second Jay.  Adam says that a $720 expense without any research is silly.  Vote 3-0 No.

Adam asks Jay to send the information to the BOC.  Jay says he will do so.

Adam asks if we have any numbers for gravel maintenance, paving, etc… and no folders can be found.

Gloria asks if Jungfrau or Reinach had pipes covered before the ground froze.  Kathy clarifies that the Reinach Tank was overflowing which caused the erosion.  The antenna at Jungfrau has been fixed which will now ensure that covering the tank will last.  DES was not concerned.  Kathy thanks Gloria.

Jay wants to encumber Thusis warrant article funds.  Jay asks if Kelly can do this project with the excavator.  Answer is yes.  Kelly marked the trees that need to be removed.  Adam isn’t sure that this warrant article can be encumbered again.  Kelly agrees with Adam that it should be sent to the state for confirmation.  Jay offers to check with DRA.  Adam says he wants the DRA’s answer in writing prior to the next meeting. 

Jay motion: encumber funds for Thusis.  Kathy second.  Vote No 3-0.

Kelly may take fewer vacation days than originally requested.  Kelly wants flexibility for days off.  Adam states he has no objection.  Kathy and Jay agree.

Adam states a “thank you” should go to Mark from the office for the pics of 11/20.  Jay wonders if this should go to the police.  Adam says no.

Kelly asks about employee handbook.  Adam says it would go to the board, then the lawyer and then the employees.  Jay says he’s looked at it but hasn’t sent any feedback. 

Jay says looking at Madison would have been a better option as a starting point.  Jay says this project should be done together.  Adam says we tried this and Jay threw the BOC under the bus.  Adam reiterates that the Conway employee handbook was made by an evaluation of roughly 30 towns. 

A decision to be made on 12/12 about sending it to legal or inviting employee participation.

Jay reports that Joe Farnese sent a letter to the VDOE.  Kathy, Jay, and Kelly are confused by what he sent.  Adam offers no opinion because he didn’t attend the meeting.  Adam asks if we should contact Joe during the meeting. 

Adam motion:  Allow Adam to contact Joe Farnese and invite him to a BOC meeting. Jay wants to do it.  Kathy second.  Yes 3-0.

3. Water –

Discussion ensues about the water system and how to fund it properly.  Dinah wants a lower price on the tank.  The BOC does not want to voluntarily lose grant money. 

Discussion ensues about 10, 20, 30 year loan.  BOC agrees that the BOC should do everything possible to get entire grant money.

Water usage quarterly report has been filed with DES.

Water testing came back.  All is well. 

Water usage report is here.

4. Administration

Employee handbook discussion ensues.

Adam motion:  contact Wendy Parker and grant authority to Adam for future conversations.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0

Adam reports he reached out to Neighborhood Energy.  He hopes to have something next meeting.

Newsletter discussed.

Cards went out for the 12/7 meeting.  Everyone should receive one by 12/2.

5.  Accounts Payable –

14 checks to be paid in the total amount of $19,463.06.

Account balance is $43,581.18.

Adam reads the $350 expense for striping and says the BOC should have put the line down the middle of Eidelweiss Drive.

Payroll – Nancy 40 hours

            Nancy 40 hours

            Donna 9 hours

            Donna 11 hours

            Tony 32 hours

            Tony 8 hours

            Kelly 40 hours

            Kelly 56 hours

            Jeff 40 hours

            Jeff 56 hours

Note that Kelly and Jeff earned double time on Veterans Day (hours put in as double on payroll)

Adam motion: Approve payroll for $8143.02.  Jay second.  Yes 3-0

6.  Minutes

Adam motion:  Approve minutes of 11/14/19.  Kathy second.  Yes 3-0

7. Commissioners Reports


Newsletter review.

Newsletter to go out today.

Adam asks if the communications committee reviews things and discusses suggestions.  Kathy reports they do. 

The communications committee wants to know about survey monkey, DYK?, spotlighting an individual in the district.  Committee wants website a “go-to” place.  FAQs on the website.

Adam recommends that the district have a formal document to send people upon moving here or those interested in buying a parcel of land.  Adam can see if he has something.

How do we drive people to the website?  We need to fix the website before we drive people there.

Adam reports heat in lodge downstairs.  Breakers should be off.  Jay to do it.

Kathy found a 13 year discussion about the DPW drainage issue.  Jay to continue working on this project.  He estimates $10,000 as a total cost. 

No word back on water hook-up.  Administrator to follow-up.

Job description for administrator being worked on but not yet complete.

Adam reports that we should get a contact number for every property owner in the district.

8. Signature Items

Kathy motion:  Adam to sign form for the annual meeting .  Adam second.  Yes 3-0

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances

11.  Public Comment

12.  Other Business

Adam Motion at pm to go into non-public RSA 91a:3,II (a) employment matters.  Kathy seconds,  Passes 3-0 at 11:40am

Exit non-public at 12 Noon

Adam motion:  Seal the non-public minutes.  Kathy seconds,  Vote yes 3-0.

Motion made that Kristen Johnson has been hired at $17 per hour.

Motion made to give Donna MacKinnon a raise to $17 per hour effective 11/25/19.

Motion made that Jay Buckley is no longer the office liaison.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell



Commissioners Meeting             

September 28, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Saturday, September 28, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley. Also in attendance was Madison Fire Chief Richard Clark and Deputy Chief Dave Cribbie along with several residents.

Meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                                  

At 9:05 am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.    

Scheduled Appearance

Fire Chief Clark discussed his concern with the new Dam Management Policy regarding the potential low water levels. Did testing Thursday night and found leak in the head of the hydrant at Boulder Beach,and will repair. 4 hydrants overall had been damaged in the Town of Madison by plows. Adam Leiser stated that district has 3 – 10” boards in. Gloria Aspinall stated that DES recommended 1- 10” removed for flow to prevent mosquitos. VDOE did drop 2” to keep some flow. Deputy Fire Chief states that they need access to water below the ice for a fire source. Their inspection of the dam seemed to have about 18” over the hydrant pipe, 20” would be preferred. Gloria states that for fall drawdown we usually take out 2- 10” boards but sometimes only 1-10” board. Fire Chief said to leave as is and hope for rain.

Fire Chief Clark would like to review after Columbus Day weekend when we start fall draw down.

Motion made by Adam Leiser to contact Mike Smith, Ralph Lutjen, Kelly Robitialle to review past practices. Jay Buckley seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Deputy Chief Cribbie stated that last year the level was 18” over the strainer.


8/24/2019 minutes

Discussion on whether there was an actual vote on motion for acceptance of the Little Library donation to the VDOE. No one was sure.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to accept the Little Library donation. Adam Leiser seconds. Motion passed 3-0

Adam Leiser makes a motion to accept the 08/24/2019 minutes. Jay Buckley seconds. Motion passed 3-0

Adam Leiser spoke to a paving contractor regarding paving of Eidelweiss Drive. After review the recommendation was that  “we should reclaim the road and do a 2 1/2 inch binder and then a 1 1/2 inch top coat for roughly $170,000”.  This is outlined in an email sent to the office on 9/27.

Kathy Koziell went thru the presentation slides with Adam Leiser and removed some of the comments to make the slides less wordy.

Adam Leiser begins by saying that all questions will be answered if we don’t have the specific answer Jay Buckley will be making a list of all unanswered question.  The BOC will prepare a document with answers to those questions

Adam presents a spread sheet to the board that shows annual payments and number of years if we financed projects going forward.

At 9:33am Adam Leiser makes a Motion to enter non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3,II(a) employment matters. Jay Buckley seconds. Adam Leiser yea, Kathy yea and Jay Buckley yea. Motion passed 3-0

At 9:50 Adam Leiser makes a motion to exit non-public session and resume public session. Jay Buckley seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

10am presentation begins – 20 attendees

Jay Buckley has detailed list of questions and comments during the presentation which have been sent to the office

At 12 noon Kathy Koziell makes a motion to adjourn. Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell



Commissioners Meeting             

                                                    November 21st, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday November 21st,2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell and Kelly Robattialle. The meeting was not filmed. In attendance – Gloria Aspinall

At 9:00am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda – Adam motion to approve.  Kathy seconds. 

Adam motion:  Approve the agenda.  Second Kathy.  Jay to add Thusis culvert to agenda.  Adam second.  Yes 3-0.  Yes 3-0

2. Highway Department Report  -

Outfitting and pothole fixing has been occurring.  Big sander is repaired after major welding by Tony Eldridge to get it through this winter. Estimate has been requested for a replacement sander. Kathy requests pictures of rusted sander.  This is for the 7400.  The 550 is at the repair shop.  The front drive shaft is in poor shape and needs some sort of significant repair that is unknown at this time because repair shop hasn’t started.  This would be an expense to this year’s budget. 7400 is next to be outfitted.  Grader to be last.  Chains are in VDOE possession but not yet installed.  Tires are done.  No bills have yet arrived. 

No response for dumpster.  Kathy wants to get a bigger dumpster.  Adam requests all tires be removed permanently.  VDOE to get a 30 yard dumpster.

Adam reports that 5 Burgdorf property owner will give VDOE permission to turn around in their driveway during snow removal. 

Adam reports that 2 Burgdorf has received a letter but he didn’t have a phone number to contact them directly.

Jay reports 2 boats were left at Thusis.  Adam believes we need to take the boats. 

Adam motion:   Have DPW take the boats.  Kathy second. Vote No 2-1.

Jay motion:  Contact property owner and tell them the crafts will be removed on 12/2 if they remain.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Little Loop trees on 4/6 have been removed.  RW Nelson is to remove the stumps.  Kelly expresses concern that he has no knowledge of similar projects having been done by RW Nelson.  Kathy confirms that if the VDOE has a contract for the work to get done next year, the funds can be encumbered.  Kelly suggests a temporary fix on 4 Little Loop to at least get us through the year.  Kelly recommends using the remainder of the warrant article money to purchase materials and not sign the RW Nelson contract or do any work this year due to the road already beginning to freeze.  The DPW could do the project next year as a non-warrant article.  In the meantime, the DPW would fix the driveway at 4 Little Loop.  The DPW with an excavator will remove the stumps.  The remaining funds would go toward drainage engineering for all of Little Loop Rd.

Adam motion:  Have Kathy contact Jim Rines of White Mtn Survey to get a contract this year for a full engineering of the road.  Kathy second.  Yes 3-0. 

DPW hopes to fix driveway at 4 Little Loop on 12/2. 

Adam asks when we will have a number to replace the F550.  He says mid-December.  Kathy says this is really a replacement to the Terra Star.  Ballpark is $130,000.  Adam is concerned that a replacement to the Terra Star wouldn’t be tried by others because it is a new model.  Kelly did like the truck and Madison DPW has one.  Adam asks if this will be a four wheel drive vehicle.  Answer is yes.

Discussion ensues about 33/35 Upper Lakeview road culvert. Questions from property owner are read by Adam to Kelly.  Answers are given by Kelly. 

Adam asks Kelly if boards were changed in the dam.  Answer is yes. 

Adam motion:  Adopt dam management policy.  Kathy second.  Kathy and Adam report they never saw Jay’s proposal.  Jay says he sent it.  Vote No 2-1.

Kelly has not yet received a computer.  Jay reports that he has information on a Panasonic Tough Pad FZM1 7 inch.  $720.  This can take pictures and do email.  Adam wants to know why information isn’t being sent to the board.

Kathy motion: To purchase the Panasonic Tough Pad.  Second Jay.  Adam says that a $720 expense without any research is silly.  Vote 3-0 No.

Adam asks Jay to send the information to the BOC.  Jay says he will do so.

Adam asks if we have any numbers for gravel maintenance, paving, etc… and no folders can be found.

Gloria asks if Jungfrau or Reinach had pipes covered before the ground froze.  Kathy clarifies that the Reinach Tank was overflowing which caused the erosion.  The antenna at Jungfrau once replaced will fix the communications between Jungfrau and Reinach. Once that is confirmed Kelly can cover the front of the tank.  DES was shown the Reinach tank and was not concerned as water is constantly moving in the tank. Kathy thanks Gloria for bringing up.

Jay wants to encumber Thusis warrant article funds.  Jay asks if Kelly can do this project with the excavator.  Answer is yes.  Kelly marked the trees that need to be removed.  Adam isn’t sure that this warrant article can be encumbered again.  Kelly agrees with Adam that it should be sent to the state for confirmation.  Jay offers to check with DRA.  Adam says he wants the DRA’s answer in writing prior to the next meeting. 

Jay motion: encumber funds for Thusis.  Kathy second.  Vote No 3-0.

Kelly may take fewer vacation days than originally requested.  Kelly wants flexibility for days off.  Kelly will use a few of his requested days off to work on 4 Little Loop driveway.  Adam states he has no objection.  Kathy and Jay agree.

Adam states a “thank you” should go to Mark from the office for the pics of 11/20 of discarded tires and microwave.  Jay wonders if this should go to the police. Adam says no. Kelly says when this happens they just go get the dumped trash.

Kelly asks about employee handbook.  Adam says it would go to the board, then the lawyer and then the employees.  Jay says he’s looked at it but hasn’t sent any feedback. 

Jay says looking at Madison would have been a better option as a starting point.  Jay says this project should be done together.  Adam says we tried this and Jay threw the BOC under the bus.  Adam reiterates that the Conway employee handbook was made by an evaluation of roughly 30 towns. 

A decision to be made on 12/12 about sending it to legal or inviting employee participation.

Jay reports that Joe Farnese sent a letter to the VDOE.  Kathy, Jay, and Kelly are confused by what he sent.  Adam offers no opinion because he didn’t attend the meeting.  Adam asks if we should contact Joe during the meeting. 

Adam motion:  Allow Adam to contact Joe Farnese and invite him to a BOC meeting. Jay wants to do it.  Kathy second.  Yes 3-0.

3. Water –

Discussion ensues about the water system and how to fund it properly.  Dinah wants to fund the low end price on from the Reinach warrant by limiting the scope even if it means losing a % of the grant money.  The BOC does not want to voluntarily lose grant money. 

Discussion ensues about 10, 20, 30 year loan.  BOC agrees that the BOC should do everything possible to get entire grant money.

Water usage quarterly report has been filed with DES.

Water testing came back.  All is well. 

Water usage report is here.

4. Administration

Employee handbook discussion ensues.

Discussion on renewing employee health insurance plan with Health Trust

Adam motion:  contact Wendy Parker of Health Trust and grant authority to Adam for future conversations.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0

Adam reports he reached out to Neighborhood Energy.  He hopes to have something next meeting.

Newsletter discussed.

postcards went out for the 12/7 meeting.  Everyone should receive one by 12/2.

5.  Accounts Payable –

14 checks to be paid in the total amount of $19,463.06.

Account balance is $43,581.18.

Adam reads the $350 expense for striping and says the BOC should have put the line down the middle of Eidelweiss Drive.

Payroll – Nancy 40 hours

            Nancy 40 hours

            Donna 9 hours

            Donna 11 hours

            Tony 32 hours

            Tony 8 hours

            Kelly 40 hours

            Kelly 56 hours

            Jeff 40 hours

            Jeff 56 hours

Note that Kelly and Jeff earned double time on Veterans Day (hours put in as double on payroll)

Adam motion: Approve payroll for $8143.02.  Jay second.  Yes 3-0

6.  Minutes

Adam motion:  Approve minutes of 11/14/19.  Kathy second.  Yes 3-0

7. Commissioners Reports


Newsletter review.

Newsletter to go out today.

Adam asks if the communications committee reviews things and discusses suggestions.  Kathy reports they do. 

The communications committee wants to know about survey monkey, Did You Know ?, spotlighting an individual in the district.  Committee wants website a “go-to” place.  FAQs on the website.

Adam recommends that the district have a formal document to send people upon moving here or those interested in buying a parcel of land. Jay states that there was a “welcome package” in the office.  Adam might have something from the EPOA Communications Committee, he will check.

How do we drive people to the website?  We need to fix the website before we drive people there.

Adam reports heat in lodge downstairs.  Breakers should be off.  Jay to do it.

Kathy found a 13 year discussion about the DPWI floor  drainage issue.  Jay to continue working on this project using a tight tank.  He estimates $10,000 as a total cost. 

No word back on water hook-up.  Administrator to follow-up.

Job description for administrator being worked on but not yet complete.

Adam reports that we should get a contact number for every property owner in the district.

8. Signature Items

Kathy motion:  Adam to sign form reserving the Madison School Gym for the  annual meeting.  Adam second.  Yes 3-0

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances

11.  Public Comment

12.  Other Business 

 Adam makes a Motion at 11:40am to go into non-public RSA 91a:3,II (a) employment matters.  Kathy second Yes 3-0 

Adam motion:  Seal the non-public minutes.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Motion made by Adam to hire Kristen Johnson at $17 per hour.

Motion made by Adam to give Donna MacKinnon a raise to $17 per hour effective 11/25/19.

Motion made to no longer have Jay Buckley as office liaison.

Motion made my Adam to adjourn at 12:15. Kathy seconds, Passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell


                                      VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS

Commissioners Meeting             

                                                    November 14th, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Saturday November 14th,2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell and Kelly Robatialle. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes. In attendance – Gloria Aspinall and Dinah Reiss

At 9:05am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda – Adam motion to approve.  Kathy seconds.  Jay wants to add Thusis culvet.  Jay wants to add Donna’s schedule.  Adam motion to amend these. Jay seconds.  Yes 3-0.        Yes 3-0 on amended agenda.

2. Highway Department Report  - Two trucks are outfitted and worked the last storm.  550 and 5500 are the two.

Sander on 550 was rebuilt and should be good for the rest of the year.  Unknown expense.  Kelly’s ability to do these projects is limited because of his injury last month.  Tony helps and does the welding which saves the district money.

The 7400 sander is in disrepair.  The steel is rotting out.  The plan is for Tony to do this which will cost the district less than outsourcing it.  A new sander for that truck is roughly 15k. This repair will only last for one year at most.

A warrant article for a new sander will be needed.

Discussion about budgeting for 2020.

Board supports line items rather than warrant articles.

Department of Labor came and gave the VDOE a list of 16 violations.  10-12 are simple fixes and some have already been done.  Kathy is working on this project.  We need to give a letter within 30 days to the Dept of Labor.  Employees can’t be working in standing water is the major violation. 

Jay to send the price for tight tank solution for DPW I to the BOC.  Application needed to potentially pump water out of DPW rather than creating a “tight tank”.  Jay also to make a recommendation as to which option works best.

Possible minutes of a meeting a year ago may reflect that more affordable option may not be allowed due to petroleum, oil and proximity to DPW well area etc…

Fixing the DPW I will increase the annual budget due to expense of emptying tank.

Eyewash stations may need to be added as well.  Kathy to investigate.

Gloria asks about an eyewash station in the chem room but the DPW employees don’t have access to that room.

DPW II problem with the heat has been partially fixed.  One heater still isn’t working (left side).  Kathy will contact mechanical contractor. 

Office heater isn’t working either.

Adam motion:  Spend up to $500 to fix the two heaters.  Kathy second.  Yes 3-0

Jay reports that he checked Grison and Burgdorf culverts.  Grison culvert needed a tree removed and Jay did it.  Jay reports that a tree on the downhill side of Burgdorf also had a tree fall. 

Adam still wants to go to a culvert cleaning with Kelly. 

Adam asks about tree removal on 4/6 Little Loop.  One tree may be saved that is currently marked.  Jay to make the change on the tree and contact the vendor accordingly. 

Kelly says he marked the trees on all of Little Loop for the full job.  Plowing was the main consideration when marking trees.  Kelly to remove smaller trees with backhoe.  Adam wonders about the sharp corner and whether or not the corner can be removed.

Kathy reports that she reached out to RW Nelson to do the Little Loop project at 4/6 as he was initially considered for this project.  RW Nelson to give us a final price shortly.  Jay and Kelly asked about materials for 4/6 project.

Drive shaft fell out of F550 today. 

Chadwick and Kelly spoke and Chadwick plans to give us an excavator as an apology.  We’d get it for free for one week and it could help us do the Thusis project. 

Adam asks about DPW working overtime and with Tony the week we have an excavator.  Kelly wants it to come with a hammer jack.  Kelly will plan it accordingly.

Little Loop will not get graded but fill will be put in during the next 7 days.

Dam management plan discussed. 

Fire department has been at the dam during a couple of evenings.

Jay has made recommendations for revision of Dam management plan.

Adam expresses concern that this wasn’t given to the BOC prior to the meeting.

Discussion about modifying dam management plan continues.

Dam to be lowered by 4 inches in the next seven days and BOC to have further discussion next week.

Discussion about encumbering funds on Thusis.  Adam says we need to ensure legality before having further discussion.

3. Water –

Adam motion; Invite Luis and Rick on 12/7.  Jay second.  Vote 3-0 yes

Bids hopefully to be in by 12/5 on the tank portion of the Reinach project.

Adam reports that we are on schedule to get the $295,000 grant.

Adam met with Ian and Rick this morning.  The $295,000 can’t be used on the Reinach tank. 

Kathy congratulates and thanks Adam for his work to get this grant. 

Discussion ensues. 

Jay reads a correspondence Adam sent to the BOC. 

Discussion ensues.

Jay motion: To have Larry removed from the water and environmental committees.  Adam second.  Kathy asks if Larry would be eligible to return to the committees.  Adam believes Larry should receive a formal notification that he violated the committee member form and this needs to be followed or he will be removed from all committees.  Vote No 3-0. 

If this happens again, Kathy and Adam said they will vote “yes”.

Nuno Pais to receive 91a portion of the requirement. 

Adam reports that Rick strongly recommends outsourcing all work.

Adam reports that he’s concerned about Paula being given a second chance to join a committee when she refused to help the BOC get access to our website. 

Discussion about Ron Sandstrom occurs.  He wants to help and is concerned that prior minutes stated that he was unwilling help.  He was unable not unwilling. Ron will help with website going forward.

4. Administration

Adam motion:  Sign all the letters.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0.  47 Eidelweiss Drive and Taylor letters to be signed out of session. 

16 Grison Driveway permit – Adam motion to sign the permit.  Jay second.  3-0 Yes

Adam motion:  Sign work orders #1157, #1158, #1159, #1160, #1161

5.  Accounts Payable –

Kathy motion:  Sign 15 checks in the amount of $25,728.14.  Adam second.  3-0 Yes

Kathy motion:  Sign 11 checks in the amount of $6,512.81.  Adam second.  3-0 Yes

Discussion ensues about $2300 roller rental expense.  Adam asks if DPW could have worked overtime to limit number of days roller was rented.

Cash flow discussed with Dinah.  Money to go into CRFs in early December. 

Discussion about receiving tax money from Madison.

Discussion about DPW water meter and where money comes from. Adam suggests contacting DRA to see if we can pay for this from the water budget.  Dinah and Kathy to work together to see if item can be expensed from operating budget rather than from warrant article. 

6.  Minutes

Kathy motion to approve minutes of 11/7/19 and 10/24/19.  Adam second.  Jay motion:  To amend the 11/7 minutes that he asked Dinah for assistance and Dinah declined.  Adam second.  Yes 3-0.  Yes 3-0

7. Commissioners Reports

Jay to get additional pricing on Little Loop from Dawson, Quint and ER. 

Adam motion:  Jay get the three prices on Little Loop.  Jay second. Yes 3-0

Burgdorf – conversation ensues.

No job description exists for Nancy – can’t be found

Donna to create one. 

Date for a public hearing on memorials to come later.  Other possible public hearing topics to be done on the same date.

22 Interlaken water hookup to be sent to engineer for approval.  Adam to speak with Chris Albert to see about Jones and Beach doing this in the future.

Jay looked into computer for the DPW and has a recommendation.  Adam recommends Jay send recommendation to the board and Andrew Harteveldt for input. 

Neighborhood Energy discussion ensues.  Adam to do it.  Will find a plan without a termination fee.

On Call system discussed.  Kathy wants to simply pay Kelly every week and Jeff half the weeks. 

Adam motion:  Kelly paid $50 every week for being on-call and Jeff every other week $50 for being on -call.  Kathy second.  Yes 3-0

Jay motion:  To send emergency contact list to the sheriffs department.  Adam second 3-0 yes

Website – district can now update website.

Annual meeting forms – need to be printed, completed and brought to a meeting

Employment applicants – two more were received

Presentation of 12/7 discussed.  Kathy wants to add charts/graphs. 

Jay has concerns about road calculations. 

Discussion about funding water tank and pipeline extensions.

Terri Cancelarich conversation summarized.  Possible 1.75% interest rate.

Postcard expense is $350 for 500 or $500 for 1,000

Adam motion:  The VDOE spend $500 for mailing notifications about December 7th meeting.  Kathy second.  Kathy amend to $350.  Jay second.  Adam wants everyone notified.  Jay wants nobody notified.  Kathy wants home owners notified.  Vote yes 2-1

Office hours to be T/W/Th 8:30-3 beginning next week.

A lot of 91a requests have been submitted.  Fulfilling these are a challenge because scanner isn’t working properly.  Adam outlines that the VDOE could spend $4,000 annually fulfilling these requests. 

Adam to resend Hurley letter

Discussion about having water usage from SCADA available on a cloud for easy access suggested by  Andrew H.  Board not inclined to tackle this project right now.

Fill was delivered to Joe Farnese

Nobody knows about UNH storm water management and if we paid any money.  Info could be on the warrant article.  Adam thinks it is a 2018 warrant article.

Discussion ensues about generators to support the water tank.  Jay says the VDOE does not need to purchase generators because Coleman could meet our needs and has VDOE as a priority due to municipal drinking water needs.

No reviews on employee handbook at this time.

8. Signature Items

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances

11.  Public Comment

Dinah asks if Reinach tank has been covered.  Answer is near future.

Dinah asks if bleeders are being turned on.  Answer is near future.

12.  Other Business   

Adam Motion at 12:10pm to go into non-public RSA 91a:3,II (a) employment matters.  Kathy second Yes 3-0

Exited Non-Public at 12:30pm

Public session resumed:

Motion made by Adam in Non-Public to spend up to $500 for legal review and modifications correspondence to Nancy.  Kathy second.  Yes 3-0

Motion made at 12:50 to adjourn by Kathy Koziell. Adam seconds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell



Commissioners Meeting             

                                                    November 14th, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Saturday November 14th,2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell and Kelly Robittialle. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes. In attendance – Gloria Aspinall and Dinah Reiss

At 9:05am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda – Adam motion to approve.  Kathy seconds.  Jay wants to add Thusis culvet.  Jay wants to add Donna’s schedule.  Adam motion to amend these. Jay seconds.  Yes 3-0.        Yes 3-0 on amended agenda.

2. Highway Department Report  - Two trucks are outfitted and worked the last storm.  550 and 5500 are the two.

Sander on 550 was rebuilt and should be good for the rest of the year.  Unknown expense.  Kelly’s ability to do these projects is limited because of his injury last month.  Tony helps and does the welding which saves the district money.

The 7400 sander is in disrepair.  The steel is rotting out.  The plan is for Tony to do this which will cost the district less than outsourcing it.  A new sander for that truck is roughly 15k. This repair will only last for one year at most.

A warrant article for a new sander will be needed.

Discussion about budgeting for 2020.

Board supports line items rather than warrant articles.

Department of Labor came and gave the VDOE a list of 16 violations.  10-12 are simple fixes and some have already been done.  Kathy is working on this project.  We need to give a letter within 30 days to the Dept of Labor.  Employees can’t be working in standing water is the major violation. 

Jay to send the price for tight tank solution for DPW I to the BOC.  Application needed to potentially pump water out of DPW rather than creating a “tight tank”.  Jay also to make a recommendation as to which option works best.

Possible minutes of a meeting a year ago may reflect that more affordable option may not be allowed due to petroleum, oil and proximity to DPW well area etc…

Fixing the DPW I will increase the annual budget due to expense of emptying tank.

Eyewash stations may need to be added as well.  Kathy to investigate.

Gloria asks about an eyewash station in the chem room but the DPW employees don’t have access to that room.

DPW II problem with the heat has been partially fixed.  One heater still isn’t working (left side).  Kathy will contact mechanical contractor. 

Office heater isn’t working either.

Adam motion:  Spend up to $500 to fix the two heaters.  Kathy second.  Yes 3-0

Jay reports that he checked Grison and Burgdorf culverts.  Grison culvert needed a tree removed and Jay did it.  Jay reports that a tree on the downhill side of Burgdorf also had a tree fall. 

Adam still wants to go to a culvert cleaning with Kelly. 

Adam asks about tree removal on 4/6 Little Loop.  One tree may be saved that is currently marked.  Jay to make the change on the tree and contact the vendor accordingly. 

Kelly says he marked the trees on all of Little Loop for the full job.  Plowing was the main consideration when marking trees.  Kelly to remove smaller trees with backhoe.  Adam wonders about the sharp corner and whether or not the corner can be removed.

Kathy reports that she reached out to RW Nelson to do the Little Loop project at 4/6 as he was initially considered for this project.  RW Nelson to give us a final price shortly.  Jay and Kelly asked about materials for 4/6 project.

Drive shaft fell out of F550 today. 

Chadwick and Kelly spoke and Chadwick plans to give us an excavator as an apology.  We’d get it for free for one week and it could help us do the Thusis project. 

Adam asks about DPW working overtime and with Tony the week we have an excavator.  Kelly wants it to come with a hammer jack.  Kelly will plan it accordingly.

Little Loop will not get graded but fill will be put in during the next 7 days.

Dam management plan discussed. 

Fire department has been at the dam during a couple of evenings.

Jay has made recommendations for revision of Dam management plan.

Adam expresses concern that this wasn’t given to the BOC prior to the meeting.

Discussion about modifying dam management plan continues.

Dam to be lowered by 4 inches in the next seven days and BOC to have further discussion next week.

Discussion about encumbering funds on Thusis.  Adam says we need to ensure legality before having further discussion.

3. Water –

Adam motion; Invite Luis and Rick on 12/7.  Jay second.  Vote 3-0 yes

Bids hopefully to be in by 12/5 on the tank portion of the Reinach project.

Adam reports that we are on schedule to get the $295,000 grant.

Adam met with Ian and Rick this morning.  The $295,000 can’t be used on the Reinach tank. 

Kathy congratulates and thanks Adam for his work to get this grant. 

Discussion ensues. 

Jay reads a correspondence Adam sent to the BOC. 

Discussion ensues.

Jay motion: To have Larry removed from the water and environmental committees.  Adam second.  Kathy asks if Larry would be eligible to return to the committees.  Adam believes Larry should receive a formal notification that he violated the committee member form and this needs to be followed or he will be removed from all committees.  Vote No 3-0. 

If this happens again, Kathy and Adam said they will vote “yes”.

Nuno Pais to receive 91a portion of the requirement. 

Adam reports that Rick strongly recommends outsourcing all work.

Adam reports that he’s concerned about Paula being given a second chance to join a committee when she refused to help the BOC get access to our website. 

Discussion about Ron Sandstrom occurs.  He wants to help and is concerned that prior minutes stated that he was unwilling help.  He was unable not unwilling. Ron will help with website going forward.

4. Administration

Adam motion:  Sign all the letters.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0.  47 Eidelweiss Drive and Taylor letters to be signed out of session. 

16 Grison Driveway permit – Adam motion to sign the permit.  Jay second.  3-0 Yes

Adam motion:  Sign work orders #1157, #1158, #1159, #1160, #1161

5.  Accounts Payable –

Kathy motion:  Sign 15 checks in the amount of $25,728.14.  Adam second.  3-0 Yes

Kathy motion:  Sign 11 checks in the amount of $6,512.81.  Adam second.  3-0 Yes

Discussion ensues about $2300 roller rental expense.  Adam asks if DPW could have worked overtime to limit number of days roller was rented.

Cash flow discussed with Dinah.  Money to go into CRFs in early December. 

Discussion about receiving tax money from Madison.

Discussion about DPW water meter well and where money comes from. Adam suggests contacting DRA to see if we can pay for this from the water budget.  Dinah and Kathy to work together to see if item can be expensed from operating budget rather than from warrant article. 

6.  Minutes

Kathy motion to approve minutes of 11/7/19 and 10/24/19.  Adam second.  Jay motion:  To amend the 11/7 minutes that he asked Dinah for assistance and Dinah declined.  Adam second.  Yes 3-0.  Yes 3-0

7. Commissioners Reports

Jay to get additional pricing on Little Loop from Dawson, Quint and ER. 

Adam motion:  Jay get the three prices on Little Loop.  Jay second. Yes 3-0

Burgdorf – conversation ensues.

No job description exists for Nancy – can’t be found

Donna to create one. 

Date for a public hearing on memorials to come later.  Other possible public hearing topics to be done on the same date.

22 Interlaken water hookup to be sent to engineer for approval.  Adam to speak with Chris Albert to see about Jones and Beach doing this in the future.

Jay looked into computer for the DPW and has a recommendation.  Adam recommends Jay send recommendation to the board and Andrew Harteveldt for input. 

Neighborhood Energy discussion ensues.  Adam to do it.  Will find a plan without a termination fee.

On Call system discussed.  Kathy wants to simply pay Kelly every week and Jeff half the weeks. 

Adam motion:  Kelly paid $50 every week for being on-call and Jeff every other week $50 for being on -call.  Kathy second.  Yes 3-0

Jay motion:  To send emergency contact list to the sheriffs department.  Adam second 3-0 yes

Website – district can now update website.

Annual meeting forms – need to be printed, completed and brought to a meeting

Employment applicants – two more were received

Presentation of 12/7 discussed.  Kathy wants to add charts/graphs. 

Jay has concerns about road calculations. 

Discussion about funding water tank and pipeline extensions.

Terri Cancelarich conversation summarized.  Possible 1.75% interest rate.

Postcard expense is $350 for 500 or $500 for 1,000

Adam motion:  The VDOE spend $500 for mailing notifications about December 7th meeting.  Kathy second.  Kathy amend to $350.  Jay second.  Adam wants everyone notified.  Jay wants nobody notified.  Kathy wants home owners notified.  Vote yes 2-1

Office hours to be T/W/Th 8:30-3 beginning next week.

A lot of 91a requests have been submitted.  Fulfilling these are a challenge because scanner isn’t working properly.  Adam outlines that the VDOE could spend $4,000 annually fulfilling these requests. 

Adam to resend Hurley letter

Discussion about having water usage from SCADA available on a cloud for easy access suggested by  Andrew H.  Board not inclined to tackle this project right now.

Fill was delivered to Joe Farnese

Nobody knows about UNH storm water management and if we paid any money.  Info could be on the warrant article.  Adam thinks it is a 2018 warrant article.

Discussion ensues about generators to support the water tank.  Jay says the VDOE does not need to purchase generators because Coleman could meet our needs and has VDOE as a priority due to municipal drinking water needs.

No reviews on employee handbook at this time.

8. Signature Items

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances

11.  Public Comment

Dinah asks if Reinach tank has been covered.  Answer is near future.

Dinah asks if bleeders are being turned on.  Answer is near future.

12.  Other Business   

Adam Motion at 12:10pm to go into non-public RSA 91a:3,II (a) employment matters.  Kathy second Yes 3-0

Exited Non-Public at 12:30pm

Public session resumed:

Motion made by Adam in Non-Public to spend up to $500 for legal review and modifications correspondence to Nancy.  Kathy second.  Yes 3-0

Motion made at 12:50 to adjourn by Kathy Koziell. Adam seconds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell


                                      VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS

Commissioners Meeting             

                                                        November 7th, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Saturday November 7th,2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell and Kelly Robttialle. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.  Residents in attendance are Dinah Reiss, Mark Graffam, and Larry Leonard.  Ian Hayes arrived at 9:30.  Kristen Johnson arrived at 10:30 for non-public.

At 9:05am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda – No agenda

2. Highway Department Report  - The gravel warrants are 95% done.  Gravel is entirely done except for Aspen which has been ditched.  International is in for inspection which is reason for delay.  Hoping to finish tomorrow on Aspen.

Asphalt warrants are all done.  The roads that have been done are in good shape.  Kelly reports that an additional $3,000 would have been helpful.

Kelly would like an overlay on Geneva Hill, Aspen and others that have been shimmed.

Thusis culvert  is next year.

Little Loop quote for trees is $15,000 for full road but only $4,000 on 4/6 Little Loop.  Kelly may not be able to do the project this late in the year.  Total material cost was $2,600.

5500 is outfitted for snow

550 will be ready by next Tuesday

Kelly is requesting of M-W of Thanksgiving week and the following full week.  He would be available for snow plowing during that time. 

Adam motion: To approve the 8 days off Kelly is requesting.  Kathy second.  3-0 yes

Jay motion: Spend up to $4,000 for tree work on 4/6 Little Loop.  Kathy second.  2-0-1 yes with Adam abstaining. 

Adam motion:  To approve the expenditure of $6600 for the removal of the remaining marked trees on Little Loop.  Jay second.  2-0 yes

Discussion ensues about communicating with all property owners on Little Loop regarding tree removal. 

Adam to write a letter to all property owners on Little Loop regarding tree removal on that street.

Adam motion:  Send the letter to all Little Loop property owners.  Kathy second Vote 3-0 yes.

Adam motion:  Approve $2100 for studded snow tires on the 550.  Jay second.  3-0 yes

Adam outlines that we shouldn’t be tying the hands of the DPW in regards to expenditure.

Adam motion: Allow Kelly to spend up to $1500 per week without authority in non-emergency situations and $5,000 per week in emergency situations.  This would be done after communicating with a commissioner if possible.  Kathy second.  3-0 yes

Pothole on the corner near Appenvel and Eidelweiss Drive has been fixed.

Bristenstock got a shim coat from the operating fund. 

Adam asks what the best way to find out what the DPW is doing, suggest using white board in office for outline of weekly work.

Adam motion: Take up to $500 office equipment CRF to purchase a computer for the DPW.  Kathy second.  3-0 yes. 

Adam recommends going through Andrew for guidance.

Adam motion:  Create an email account for the DPW that would be DPW@vdoe-nh.org.  Kathy second.  3-0 yes.

Adam wants to go with Kelly to clean a culvert.  Kelly to email me directly.  This will hopefully happen on Monday of next week.

Culvert cleaning to be done next week.  Larry Leonard says the culvert by his house is completely clogged.

Kelly has no recommendation for fixing the area in front of the playground so the fence doesn’t get damaged again after the EPOA fixes.  This will be discussed next year because the fence is still in need of repair. 

Adam reminds the board that we still owe money to Kelly for on-call time.  The on-call situation is still being considered.

Discussion ensues about the long-term finances of 2020-2039.

Adam motion: Sign the Eversource request for access to change poles near DPW.  Kathy second.  3-0 yes

Inspection of DPW is happening at 1:30 next Wednesday.  Inspector will bring findings to the BOC. 

Adam motion:  Kathy attends that 1:30 meeting next Wednesday.  Jay second.  3-0 yes

Job posting has been made for the part-time DPW person with pay increase compared to last year when the District received no inquiries. Discussion on trash at DPWII that was removed from Eversource property.

20 yard dumpster can be had from North Conway Incinerator. 

Adam motion: Spend up to $1,200 for a dumpster.  Kathy second.  3-0 yes

Kathy will coordinate with Kelly.

Dumpster to be placed at DPWII. 

Kelly’s injury is a worker comp claim.

Kelly requests to be present during public comment if it relates to him or the DPW.  Kelly doesn’t want the BOC to comment for the DPW without him present.

Conversation ensues about employee buy back for retirement.

Total $12,220 is buy-back for the two employees.

Adam motion:  Approve and send the letters to 47 and 49 Eidelweiss Drive property owners.  Kathy second.  Vote 3-0 yes.

3. Water –

Reinach discussion – Ian has been speaking with the water engineer.  Larry reports that DES has delayed approval.  Jay contacted Rick Skarinka.  Larry reports that the pumps will work with the new design. 

Ian is concerned about poor communication.  Ian outlines multiple problems in the district.  He wants decisions to come from the BOC.  He also outlines appearance of self sabotage.

Ian wants things to go through the BOC.  Larry wants the water committee to be the point contact. 

Ian recommends that the BOC decide how they want to move forward. 

The Reinach Tank is being jeopardized. 

Discussion ensues.

Bids to go out on 11/12. 

Ian is concerned about second guessing of the water system.  Issues are significant. 

Challenges associated with running a water system.  Sometimes doing nothing is the best option. 

Ian outlines that his contract will increase to $65 per hour and the monthly stipend will likely change as well.  He does want to remain with the VDOE.

Overflows are possible at all VDOE tanks.  A tree hit Jungfrau causing the SCADA communications problems of the last few weeks.  New antenna has been ordered. This “fix” isn’t complete but it’s being addressed.

The culvert at the top of Reinach was installed incorrectly which is why we have flooding issues.  Ian recommends ignoring drainage issue until the new tank is put in.

Only Reinach is uncovered.  If possible, Kelly will be instructed by Ian to re-cover the tank once SCADA communication has been fixed to address tank overflow.

Jay asks about the new tank design and that it has overflow protection.  Site design typically gets altered.

Adam reiterates that the water operator and engineer are being micromanaged and should be left alone to get the job done.

Ian comments that we probably have 40 leaks in our system as a result of 1500 connections underground.

Electrical project is reported on by Kathy. 

EII for DPW $13,137

Just Electric for DPW $38,000 inside and $7800 outside

Adam motion: Allocate up to $65,000 for DPW upgrades.  Jay second.  3-0 yes

Summit pumphouse

EII price is $5553

Just Electric $9440

Adam motion:  Allocate up to $28,000 for Summit upgrades.  Kathy second 3-0 yes

Kathy to work with Larry to write the work orders.

Mark wants to know if Ian saw the video from 11/2.  The answer is yes.  Mark begins to ask questions.  Ian expresses frustration about Mark’s contribution to the district. 

Dinah asks if work orders were done for Reinach.  Jay says that they weren’t done. 

Kathy reiterates Adam’s point about not second guessing and micromanaging.

Kathy outlines that Donna gave a two week notice for her other job to give the VDOE more time.  The VDOE hopes that Donna will be giving the VDOE additional hours starting on Tuesday.

Kathy to meet with Dinah shortly to go through finances.

Kathy outlines the website issues and how to fix them.

Kathy to work on updating finances as well

Adam to send Brooks bid to Mark. 

Mark outlines the email Adam forwarded to him regarding the replacement tank from January 2019.

Mark outlines that he’s concerned that employees and contractors don’t want to hear from the public.

Dinah believes it’s a problem that our employees and contractors have such resentment from the public. 

Dinah also outlines that Jay hasn’t followed through on what he says he is going to do.

In the 11/14/2017 Meeting: Jay motion:  To amend the 11/7 minutes that he asked Dinah for assistance and Dinah declined.  Adam second.  Yes 3-0.  Yes 3-0

Adam motion: To send the letter crafted by Adam to Jim Lyons.  Second Jay.  Vote 3-0 yes

4. Administration

Adam motion: to increase approved amount from $300-$1000 at DPW1 for power vent replacement on furnace.  Jay second.  Vote 3-0. yes

5.  Accounts Payable –

6.  Minutes

Adam motion:  Approve minutes of 11/2/19.  Jay second.  Vote 3-0 yes

7. Commissioners Reports                                                      

Jay reports a resident complained to him about parking at Hutwill because someone blocked their car.

Snow plow employee advertisement is in the paper.

Terri Cancelarich has not been contacted.

Adam motion: sign and send letter to Jim Lyons regarding his property.  Kathy second.  Vote 3-0 yes

Adam reports he sent the finances spreadsheet and presentation last night.

Adam continues working on the employee handbook.

8. Signature Items

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances

11.  Public Comment


12.  Other Business   

Motion to go into non-public RSA 91a:3,II (a) employment matters. At 11:39am

Adam motion: to enter non-public.  Kathy seconds, Vote yes 3-0

Exited Non-Public at 12:45

Public session resumed:

Discussion on correspondence to J. Lyons, R. Taylor, Drew (49 Eidelweiss Dr) and, all Little Loop property owners.

Adam makes a motion to have correspondence printed on VDOE letterhead and signed out of session, Jay seconds, motion passed 3-0

Adam makes a motion to call Terri Cancelarich, Jay seconds motion passes 3-0

Terri was asked to investigate financing options for the Reinarch Tank. She will have a response early next week.

Discussion on having a better way to structure flow of responsibilities to not have action being taken outside of the BOC authority.

At 1:55 Adam leaves the meeting.

Kathy makes a motion to reinforce to all committee members that they are in an advisory role and that they are to send recommendations for action to the BOC. They are prohibited from taking action individually unless instructed by the BOC. Jay seconds. Motion passes 2-0

Jay makes a motion to have Adam Leiser be the contact person for the Reinarch Water Tanks project. Kathy seconds, Motion passes 2-0

Kathy Makes a Motion to adjourn at 2:10pm, Jay seconds, Motion passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell


                                      VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS

Commissioners Meeting             

                                                        October 24, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, October 24, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Jay Buckley and Kathy Koziell. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV.     Residents Gloria Aspinall, Mike Smith, Mark Graffam, and Bill Rein also attended                           

At 9:07am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda – No agenda

2. Highway Department Report  - Kelly got hurt exiting an Eidelweiss vehicle on 10/23.  No DPW report as a result.  Paving warrant article has been completed.  Gravel warrant article is in the works.  Upper Lakeview and West Bergamo are prepped for final level of gravel.  DPW wants a culvert on Upper Lakeview to drain onto 33 Upper Lakeview.  DPW wants the BOC to communicate with property owner.  Property owner could potentially benefit.

Motion by Jay:  Jay will contact property owner at 33 Upper Lakeview to initiate a discussion about a culvert.  Second Kathy.  Adam opposes because this is not time sensitive and he’d like to visit the site.  Motion tabled to next week. Vote yes to table 3-0.

Little Loop material has arrived.  Catch basin and header are stored now.  Tree work quote from Shawn’s to arrive next week.  Adam asks if quote from Barry’s has arrived.  It has but it has not been shared.  Adam asks for it to be shared.

Motion by Jay: The VDOE hire the tree company that can remove the trees on Little Loop first, so long as the price is comparable: not necessarily the least expensive.  Second Kathy.  2-0-1 with Adam abstaining because the trees are on his property.

Mark Graffam had suggested protecting the fence at the playground from damage due to snow pushback.  Adam wants the DPW to make a suggestion/plan for protection.

Continuing gavel road repair can still happen with Kelly out. 

3. Water –

4. Administration – Kathy reports Libby computer service came in on 10/23 to set up a new password for Microsoft exchange (granting us email access on main computer).  The VDOE now has full access to email but not the website for updates.  Ron may be able to help get us website access.  Gloria asks if the district has hired anyone.  The district has not.  Isabel Pais of the communications committee knows how to modify the website.  Adam asks if we have reorganized the office so that access will never again be limited by a single person.  A cloud will likely be used to help protect the district.  Gloria recommends someone with a business degree/background be the next hire.  She wants more than just a bookkeeper or secretary.

Kathy has put together the forms for the two CRF withdrawals.

Adam motion: The BOC sign the two CRF withdrawals.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Kathy has been working on updating the budgets for accurate information to be publicized.  Kathy located the budget spreadsheet that Nancy used as well as creating Qujckbooks report thru 10/24. Nancy would transfer budget numbers into a more logical format, this won’t be available for a few days.  This will not include an updated discretionary spending report thru the year end, though Kathy will try to do it. 

Jay has been working with the DRA.  The tax rate will be forwarded to the town of Madison in the next 7 days.  We expect to have it shortly.  The $59,000 for the Reinach Tank has been included.  Jay has a letter for resident Joe Farnese that he wants to have signed.  Discussion about Mr. Farnese’s prior driveway permit occurs.  This has been a temporary permit. 

Jay motion: Sign the letter to Joe Farense, out of session.  Kathy seconds.  Adam asks Jay to send the letter to him for slight revision.  Amended to sign revised copy out of session.  Vote 3-0 yes.

5.  Accounts Payable – 16 checks totaling $39,785.60. 

Adam motion: Sign the 16 checks.  Jay second.  Vote 3-0 yes

Payroll 9/21-10/4 --- total payroll $6956.02

Nancy 41.5 and 40

Kelly 40 and 40.5

Jeff 40 and 40

Tony 24 and 24

Gina 4 and 4

Donna 4 and 6

 Payroll 10/5-10/18 --- total payroll is $7368.04

Nancy 40 and 40

Kelly 40 and 42

Jeff 40 and 42

Tony 32 and 24

Gina none

Donna 13.5 and 9

Adam motion:  Approve payroll for both pay periods.  Kathy seconds.  Vote yes 3-0

6.  Minutes – Adam motion:  Approve minutes of 10/17.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Motion Adam:  All minute revisions be put into bold, underlined, and italicized font to reflect modifications voted on in subsequent meetings.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Review and discussion of prior proposed modifications occurs.  This was done from an email sent by Adam to the BOC and is a public document. 

Adam motion: to have the minutes of 9/5, 9/9, 9/17, 9/19, and 9/23 amended as written in an email by Adam to the BOC a few weeks ago with a slight proposed modification from Kathy.  Kathy second.  Discussion ensues.  Vote yes 2-0-1.  Jay abstained because he was not present at two of those meetings.

7. Commissioners Reports

Adam motion:  Invite Bill Rein to the Communications committee.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 3-0.

Kathy discusses the VDOE newsletter.  Discussion ensues. 

Adam motion: Jay can post the two job openings.  The BOC allows an expense of $100 combined.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Two employees, Nancy and Kelly filed for pension recapture. The expense to the district is approximately $12,220.  The VDOE has to pay their share in 30 days unless appeal is filed.  Adam wants to discuss this more in non-public.

Adam asks Jay for clarification on an email from Chris Albert to Rick Skarinka.  Jay states that the word “offset” should not have been used. 

Adam motion:  Adam is given permission by the BOC to contact Chris Albert and ensure that the correct wording is used with Rick Skarinka regarding the ground water trust fund grant.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0. 

8. Signature Items

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances - none

11.  Public Comment

Gloria wants to discuss the memorial/Little Library.  Gloria supports a discussion and vote.  Adam states that a decision wasn’t finalized.  Gloria is concerned that a precedent may have been set.  Mike states that the prior board only discussed a library and not a memorial.  Mike believes other people are more deserving for a memorial. 

Jay states that it deserves a public hearing or at least further discussion. 

Dinah asks when the water operator will be attending a meeting.  Adam states that he spoke with Ian Hayes during the weekend and Ian will begin attending the meetings on the second meeting of the month.  SCADA alarms have been occurring.  Ian emailed the office suggesting shutting down Jungfrau until Tom can fix the SCADA system.  Mark wants additional information regarding the Reinach Tank and the overflows that have occurred in the area.  Mark encourages the BOC to visit the site.  Mark encourages the board to backfill the tank more effectively to confirm insulation.

Adam motion: The DPW remove rocks and cover tanks more thoroughly after an evaluation of each tank under the direction and guidance of Ian Hayes.  Second Kathy.  Vote 3-0 yes

Sump pump at Reinach has been constantly running for years due to a poor installation.  Kathy wonders if it makes sense to fix it this year when we have significant work next year happening at the site.  Jay says it is.  The question now is what is the status of the sump pump?  Jay highlights that a work order should have been made regarding the overflow.  Adam and Kathy agree.  Mike believes the sump pump was changed but isn’t certain and doesn’t have a date.  Mark suggests drainage becoming a part of the design.

Adam motion:  The BOC contact Chris Albert to ensure that overflow drainage be a part of the new construction design.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Jay motion: The BOC create three new work orders for prior motion’s in today’s meeting: cover tank, evaluate SCADA, drainage at Reinach.  Second Adam.  Vote yes 3-0.  Jay to write work orders. 

Jay motion:  Sign the letters out of session to the property owners at 10 Lucerne and 34 Interlaken.  Adam second.  Vote yes 3-0

Adam motion:  The BOC grant Adam permission to contact Tim Sweat of DES regarding the outhouses.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Adam to get the distances from outhouse structures to the ponds.

Dinah has requested a copy of the Grant request.  She will get a hard copy from Jay at the office.

Mike asks about the new water tank.  Discussion ensues. 

Adam reports that we are down 2 inches on the dam.  Gloria reports that the draw down is starting in other towns.  Have not heard back from the Madison Fire Chief regarding water level as the dam.

Adam motion: Accept the dam policy effective on 11/2.  Kathy second.  Discussion ensues.  Vote 2-1 yes.  Jay opposed.

Adam motion to enter non-public per RSA 91a:3,II (a) Employment matters. Second Kathy Koziell – Vote 3-0 yes

Enter Non-Public at 11:50am

Exit Non-public at 12 Noon

Adam motion to seal the minutes: Kathy second.  Vote 3-0 yes

Kathy Koziell leaves the meeting at noon.

Discussion on job applicant Kristen Johnson.

Adam makes a motion to contact Kristen Johnson for an interview on Thursday, November 7 at 10:30am.  Jay seconds.  Vote yes 2-0.  Jay to contact.

Adam reports that Ann Perry stopped at Adam’s house and give him a petition for plowing Grandval.  Adam suggests that the BOC do this rather than the residents.  Jay agrees.  This to be added to BOC warrant articles.

Adam asks about 2 and 5 Burgdorf.  Jay to give Adam the contact information. 

Jay to contact Fire Chief about the current Reinach Tank and whether to use the current tanks for fire protection.

Jay to compare design of old tank and new tank to ensure that water lines are comparable. 

Letter needed to go to 47 and 49 Eidelweiss Drive.  It hasn’t been written.   Jay to find last letter sent and send to Adam so he has something to go by on new letters.  Intent is for work to be done next year.

Adam reports that Yahoo groups is ending.  Jay isn’t sure if his private group will end like the public groups. 

Adam discusses finding ways to get community input.    Something that needs to go the communications committee.  Jay suggests using some of the available free services.

Per call for on-call.  Discussion ensues.  Jay to research and recommend.  Andrew has information on this.

Adam makes a motion to adjourned at 12:20pm , Jay seconds, passed 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell - Commissioner

                                      VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS

Commissioners Meeting             

                                                        October 10, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, October 10, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Jay Buckley and Kathy Koziell. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV.  Dorothy Wondolowski and Dinah Reiss also attended.                                

At 9:05am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda – No agenda

2. Highway Department Report  - Shimming is done but doesn’t go as far as hoped.  Paved roads are in bad shape.  Jay has been riding along to see what DPW is doing.  Jay adds that shimming is only to preserve one extra year.  It protects drivers, workers and equipment.  Jay and Kelly to discuss this year’s budget next week.  Trees are marked on Little Loop if project gets expanded.  Road should be 18-20 feet wide.  Jay meeting with Barry’s trees today at 3pm.  Adam asks if a second bidder will be requested.  Jay has not yet called anyone for a second quote.  Kelly recommends trees at Thusis cut now.  Adam agrees with Kelly.  Kathy outlines that the cost for fixing the grader was roughly $23,000.  Discussion ensues about marking additional trees that need to be removed.  550 is making some bad sounds.  Transmission sounds bad.  Starting Upper Lakeview today.  Basins/header being ordered today for Little Loop and Thusis.  Little Loop project to start in three weeks.  Project can be done in the snow.  Potholes on Little Loop will be filled.  That road is not typically crowned.  This is the worst road in the district. 

Adam motion – second Jay – to approve driveway permits at 5 Geneva and 17 Grison.  Vote yes 3-0.

Adam asks Jay to fulfill driveway permit information (date and permit number missing).  Jay says he will do that.  Jay will bring completed permits to the next meeting so BOC can see this has been done.

Brine to be used.  It is used by Kelly’s discretion on cold weather storms (below 20 degrees).  DPW doesn’t use a lot of it.  Rock salt can’t be used on very cold days.  Last year we used 450 gallons but we would have used more except that we lacked the truck to do it.  It can be used only on paved roads.

Adam discusses St. Moritz work and asks if property owner emailed the office as instructed.  Jay reports no email has come in yet.  Adam asks about road information and Jay says he’s going to need some time to find files.  DPW to drop excess fill for Diessbach property owner in the next few weeks.  Property owner does not need to be contacted.  Adam says that meeting needs to be summarized in writing.  Jay says he will do it.  This to be done by the next meeting.  Question still exists about the driveway permit at that location. 

550 passed inspection.

5500 is ready to go.

Intent will be to use the 550 early season only.

CDL required to drive big truck.

Grader can plow hills only if the ground is frozen. 

No part-timers have applied.

Adam motion – second Jay – Repost part-time plow truck driver wanted. – Vote yes 3-0

Kathy wants to have Kelly review grader repair invoices.  Kelly says he can do it.  Adam thinks this is a good idea.  Jay asks about getting some of the grader bill discounted because of long delays.  Michael Oullette in sales is the person Kelly spoke with about this.  Kelly recommends a BOC member follow up.

Jay motion to draft a letter to Chadwick.  Kathy second – Adam objects because we should talk.  Kathy says let Jay and Kelly decide the best way to precede.  Kathy amends the motion to allow Jay to speak with and write a letter as Kelly and Jay determine.  Second – Jay.  The letter would be a summary of the conversation.  Vote yes 3-0.

Jay passes a letter from John Rocharz  to Kelly regarding Schyz culvert. Kathy says that Tom Wondolowski stopped at the office a while back to discuss 30 Oak Ridge.  Jay reports that 32 Oak Ridge may be contributing to the problem.  Dorothy adds that the upper property has been doing a lot of work and the ditch between properties has filled in.  Kelly will take a look to recommend a solution.  Question arises about 8/10 Jungfrau address.  Jay to report next week.  Kelly thanks Jay for his work in the office the last week.

3. Water – Discussion about Larry Leonard’s email about the water tank bid.  Adam asks when water committee is meeting next.  Answer 11/7.  Adam suggests meeting earlier and making a recommendation to the BOC.  Jay suggests that Larry’s questions are good but not very relevant.  Adam suggests having a meeting prior to 11/7.

4. Administration – Kathy reports we can’t get into the office email address except from the laptop.  Adam asks if Donna is doing office email and the answer is “no”.  Donna’s time restraints are an obstacle.  Retirement payment to NHRS is being worked on but isn’t simple. 

Dinah to give the bulletin board keys to Jay.  Jay to email the BOC where he puts the bulletin board keys.  Adam highlights the importance of creating systems so that this never happens again. 

5.  Accounts Payable – 17 checks totaling $20,928.04.Adam asks if this was triple checked.  Kathy says it was.  Adam motion to sign – Kathy second – vote 3-0

Adam asks about Modern Pest – Kathy to investigate

Kathy working on posting in quickbooks to the correct accounts.

Adam highlights the need to have actual historical DPW budgeting information.  Dinah adds that the DPW had never been asked to do this.

Adam motion – second Jay – Bill for Todd’s Automotive be paid from Highway Equipment Repair CRF. Vote 3-0

Kathy motion – second Jay – Pay $17,000 of bill to Chadwick from Highway Equipment CRF. 

Vote 3-0

Kathy motion – second Jay – Pay balance of bill to Chadwick from operating budget. Vote 3-0

6.  Minutes

Adam motion to approve minutes of October 3 – no second – Jay hadn’t read them.

Adam suggests going to the NHMA for clarification.  Dorothy thinks the draft minutes become “edited” or amended at a subsequent meeting.

Adam motion – The office contact NHMA for a written clarification of minutes being changed draft vs. approved – second Kathy – Vote 3-0 Kathy will do this.

7. Commissioners Reports                                                      

Kathy reports we spent a lot of time to get into the office and figure things out.  Kathy thanks Jay.  Discussion ensues on Libby Computer Services coming to our office.  Jay to create a process so that a password system is in place by the next meeting.  Jay is suggesting “cloud based”. 

Quickbooks has been accessed. 

Discussion about PRV on Upper Lakeview.

Discussion about Thorne surveys on Oak Ridge.

Possible buyer of 34 Interlaken Rd contacted the office regarding water.

Dinah thinks we should not skip a step about water hookups

Jones and Beech were contacted and they can do evaluations on water.

Discussion ensues about changing the water ordinance regarding water hookups and the need to always send water hookup to engineer. 

$63 saved on electric this month

Dan Gaudette email sent commending the BOC for the 9/28 meeting. 

10 Lucerne Drive discussion on property donation to District.

Adam to contact Gloria regarding memorial conversation

Memorial discussion to occur on 10/17.

Adam is looking into possible grants for environmental and paving. Dominos does potholes for Pizza. Jay will follow with Fire Chief on Dam policy. We do need to have fall drawn down. Where is the recommended low level to allow for adequate hydrant use during the winter.

Discuss committee member not willing to sign policy agreement. Member didn’t want to be treated like children. Policy was adopted by commissioners. Audience members from Sept ** agreed on the purpose and need for signature. Jay stated that he didn’t vote in favor of this.  Jay feels that the individual Paula Doyle has contributed in a number of ways including website updates.

Dinah states that we need to follow the voted upon policy. Jay feels it’s unnecessary to have it signed when person is doing things any way.

Motion made by Adam to remove Paula Doyle from environmental committee. Kathy Koziell seconds, vote 2-1

Adam took feedback for Sept 28th meeting regarding interest at 3 ½% and 4% for Tank financing options

3 ½ % 10 vs 20 is $180K in additional interest

3 ½%  20 year $60,600 annual payment P&I  $1,212,000

          10year $103,200 annual  P&I   $1,032,000

Take away was we did a poor job explaining what happens after the 10 years is that this will allow us to continue with pipe replacement years 11-20 of 2 to 2½ miles.

Looked at plan over the next 80 years to substantiate 10-year funding.

Water Pipe line 8.8 million, 4.8 million in trucks, 10 million road repairs,1 million in water tanks

Nothing to do with operating expenses. Total is 24.6 million. Divide $24,600/80 years = 307,500/year with no bonds/no interest.

Using 80 years as it’s the average life of the tanks. Additional discussion on tank funding 10 vs 20.

Typically interest on 10year loans is a bit lower that 20year loan.

Adam talked with Fire Chief recommended that Reinarc tanks can be filled with water for fire suppression. Jay to discuss with Fire Chief.

Are water work orders being used and completed?  Yes, but just said “done” – need details and pictures and a protocol. 

Adam sent out thank you from BOC for offer of rocks from contractor.

Environmental committee meeting looking at process for weekly beach testing. Doesn’t outline

pocess if failed test. Is there a re-test that week if failure?  Committee will double check.

Warrant article for beach testing was agreed as good idea.

VLAP – phosphorus up 80% in 5 years.  Larry L. asked if same results in Northern NH.

Big Pea is down or same. Could be storm water runoff from Eidelweiss, Little Shore & Middle Shore. Jay mentions no retention ponds to capture sediment. Adam mentioned that Communication committee work with environmental to get the message out about how to mitigate. Need a communication piece and presentation possible.

Committee recommended a warrant article for $10,000 for beach perching design and permits to mitigate storm water management and erosion. Permit is goods for 5 years. This should be coordinated with Thusis beach culvert work.

Possible EPOA event to have a sand castle event to have kids bring sand from water and return to land for castle building. This was suggested by Peter Copperdock.

Outhouses discussion about just filling vs removing contents and braking the bottom for liquids. Larry Leonard will send supporting documentation.

Paula was doing stormwater management and has had no success contacting the individual.

Possibly we owe UNH monies for this project. Will check in QB for possible payment.

Jay questions closing the lodge for winter.  Kathy will contact Whitelaw plumbing.

December 7th scheduled for next state of the district presentation.

Motion to go into non-public RSA 91a:3,II (a) employment matters. Jay Buckley 2nds vote 3-0

8. Signature Items

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances

11.  Public Comment

12.  Other Business   


Public session resumed :

Motion from non-public:

Jay makes a motion to adjourn at 2pm, Kathy seconds. All in favor.