Fill is currently available from the VDOE. Any property owner who like to have fill dropped off at their property should contact the office for a fill disposal agreement. Once executed, this agreement will allow the DPW to drop fill in a designated area on your property for your use. The fill has not been screened and may contain rocks and other materials. The office can be reached at 603-367-9022.

If you need a sand to make your driveway safe, the district maintains a tax payer sand pile at DPW II.  The sand pile for taxpayers is the smaller pile close to Eidelweiss drive.

TaxPayerSandPilePlease do not take any materials from any other area at DPW II as it may jeopardize the DPW's ability to treat the roads in the district.

Taxpayer sand is available at DPW II; 24 Eidelweiss Drive;

The pile is to be used for personal use only.