

Commissioners Meeting

Thursday October 7th, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Thursday October 7th, 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Administrator Carrieanne Haight (CH), Kelly Robitaille (KR), Treasurer Dinah Reiss (DR), Ralph Lutjen (RL), Gloria Aspinal (GA), John Cancelarich(JC) The meeting was recorded by Madison TV                         

Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order at 9:01am, JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to enter non-public per RSA 91-A:3,II (a) – employee review, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Public Meeting re-convenes at 9:14

DPW Report

Discussion on Reinach project punch list, Dawsons agrees to 5 year warranty on 9 Reinach water hook up but 1year on all others. MS asks when the 1 year begins, JB states that new hook-ups became operational in June of 2021. Dawsons was non-committal on what to do with the roads. JB to reach out to Dawsons thru Jones & Beach to get a decision by Tuesday October 13th on how we are going to get the roads back to preconstruction condition as well as completion date for other punch list items. DR asked about other items on punch list and JB states that these were addressed. Jake Dawson will dress up the area, get rid of silt fence. Clean up debris etc.

Discussion on 9 Jungfrau Driveway permit for construction application, negative grade to road, KR has no issue with it.

JB makes a motion to approve application for Driveway permit for construction, KK 2nds, MS asks if for construction JB states yes, passes

Discussion on 8 Eidelweiss Drive, received the revised driveway permit for construction application, there is an estimate of $1080 for our DPW to upgrade Bern Dr to facilitate the work on their driveway and the district is gaining a better road. Cost to be agreed by and paid by contractor, Mr. Nyman.

KK makes a motion to approve the 8 Eidelweiss Dr revised driveway application for construction (driveway on Bern Dr),  MS 2nds passes 3-0

KR concerned about project getting completed this year.

KK discussion on kayak removal from racks, email asking for veterans Nov 13th so update website for Nov 15th

Discussion on amount required for 3 bids, KK thought $35K down to 25K, JB thought it went from $10 to $25. CH states that in 2017 it was $35K adopted on Jan 30th. JB states that Madison is $20K or $25K. MS asks what this is about. JB explains that projects over a certain amount need to be put out to bid. DR asks that it be put on the website. JB asks that the voicemail with former admin Nancy voice be changed. KR asks what happens when you can’t get multiple bids. KK suggests that we at least document the 3 contractors that were contacted.

Email asking about a wedding ceremony 5/28/2022 (Sunday) on at Summit Overlook outdoors, asking for an additional picnic table, KK states not our responsibility, party can provide their own table. MS makes a motion to allow for Wedding on 5/22/2022 JB 2nds, passes 3-0

JB asks KR if he saw video of individual relieving himself on a private driveway. Can we provide identification – no one could.

Discussion on Rocks on Bristenstock. Letter just received from Officer Hayford. Officer Hayford is still trying to reach Mr. Sanborn. Sanborn has admitted that they are his responsibility. Discussion on town roads vs VDOE roads that are actually deeded to VDOE. KK asks if there is a hazard if they are they left over the winter, KR states no impact on plowing.

MS states that if we don’t do something we are setting the table to let others do whatever they want. KK asks MS what his solution is, if no response by Wednesday, then we start by removing the rocks, KK asks who would be doing this, KR states that DPW should not get involved, JB estimated that 7 truckloads could cost $10,000. Then we have to store and protect Sanborn property. MS states we can recoup cost by billing him. MS believes this is GE Browns responsibility as he dumped the rocks there and should have known not to. KK asks MS if he wants to call GE Brown, MS states this is a Police issue, MS makes a motion to contact police asking for an answer from Sanborn by October 13th so we can act. JB 2nds passes 3-0 KR suggests that we add that the VDOE road is actually District property.

Email from resident thanking the District for the good job on paving of Chocorua View Dr.

Residents asked the office about the status of the Audit, email from Scott Eagan stating that the MS 535 is still not completed, expecting sometime today. JB states that Madison is still waiting on their audit as well. MS can’t recall the audit ever being this late, MS makes a motion to contact Plodzik and Sanderson to find out the status of the audit and what’s going on. KK states that Donna has emailed and called which is part of the job and we don’t need a motion for that. Suggestion that one of the Commissioners call the Audit Firm and complain. KK asks MS if he would like to do that, he is too busy. JB states he will call. DR states that without the audit how do we know what the unassigned fund is, would be nice to know before creating warrant articles and that we cannot apply for a TAN loan without the 2020 audit

JB asks about process for payment to Horizons Engineering for the asset management water mapping project. KK states that we can’t take the money from the CRF prior to getting billed, we submit the invoices with approval minutes to the Trustees of Trust Funds for release of funds. We could pay the bills from the operating budget then reimburse with CRF, JB expresses concern that our cash flow is getting low. RL asks what the open items are from the audit and that we should ask them for the competed audit. DR asks when the audit was supposed to be completed, JB thinks it was June, KK states anticipated in June. MS asks about the cost of the audit and that the cheapest isn’t always the best. JB states that there are very few firms that do municipalities and that the firm Madison uses hasn’t gotten their audit done either. KK states that we hired a new auditor as we had been using the same firm for several years and need to have a new set of eyes on the finances

JB states that DRA portal still has uncorrected minutes from the May 2021 annual meeting (warrant article 13 to reclassify a section of Adelboden had lot number transposed). CH will take care of that.

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes from 9/20/2021 KK 2nds passes 3-0

Discussion on Dam Management Policy, MS states that JB should recuse himself as he is on Volunteer Fire dept and that the policy should not include any reference to fire hydrants. MS has a copy of a 91A request from the Fire Chief of Madison that MS states requires 12” of water over the hydrant intake where we have 18”-24”. JB asks for the document and reads that “in general 12” is adequate but that at Boulder Beach 3’-6’ is recommended”. MS questions why that amount, JB states that the amount was on the PBN (permit by notification) submitted to DES. MS asks about that drawing and JB states should be at office. KK asks why we would not want to keep the water high to insure the functioning of the hydrant for the protection of properties. MS states that even if the rating code went from a 9 to 10 you could still get insurance.

GA asks when all the board are in what is the height of the water to (inaudible) JB states that all boards are in now, and from the Mark to the pipe is 18” and from the Mark to the top of the concrete is 4” so a total of 22” above the pipe. JC discussed the issue with ice over the water and possible impact. JB states that a few years ago that as a result of a fire a on Middle Shore and the use of the dry hydrant created an obvious depression that was left in the ice.MS asks if the residents on Big Pea were more interested in water clarity. JC explains that at a meeting of the Triple Pea group whose concern is the runoff going into the ponds. KK states that this is getting off track and lets move back to the meeting.

MS states that JB should recuse himself from voting on the Dam Mngt policy as he is a Volunteer firefighter and that he does get paid. MS states that the policy is more geared to the fire dept. JB asks where you would put that policy of keeping the water at a level to insure hydrant operation. MS states again that JB should recuse himself. KK suggests reaching out to NHMA for clarification, JB did print off info from NHMA website regarding conflict of interest and reads the interpretation. Lengthy discussion between JB and MS on conflict of interest, and who possibly benefits from Dam policy. RL asks about the spring draw down which impacts the loon nesting,

and there is no data on the effects of a spring draw down, RL believes that if the loons leave it would be a major detriment to the community. Suggest that we obtain sufficient information which we don’t currently have, should have a specialist create a report on the impact and we should not change the policy until we have that information. GA states that the loons are nesting from 4/15 to 7/1. JB states that with the Dam yardstick we can monitor effects of rain and drought on the ponds and that this will be part of the Emergency Action Plan for the Dam that is being created. KR asks who is going to be monitoring the levels that regularly. JB states not the DPW maybe a volunteer or hire someone. GA states that DES wants water flowing to minimize mosquitos. RL suggests we reconsider spring draw down and to not make a decision without all the data. KK states biologist at the public hearing was credible. JC states biologist had grown up here and isn’t looking at a point in time. RL states that boards are not being taken in out numerous times MS agrees. KR mentions the Big Loop Hydrant and is it even working, JB says yes, it’s functioning. Discussion on fall drawdowns throughout the state.

Discussion on Eben Farm property (1/2 acre Adelboden/Eidelweiss lot merged with 105 acre Madison Lot). Town Madison has allocated 10% of the tax value to Edelweiss.

MS asks how that can be if we don’t own 10% of the property, KK and JB explain that the Eidelweiss lot has a higher value per acre than the Madison property. MS is concerned that owner could potentially put a 6” water main up Adelboden and sell water to 50 homes on that property. KK and JB explain that property outside of Eidelweiss has no right to connect to our water system. RL states that maybe for clarification that we amend the water ordinance to “no water hook-ups outside of Eidelweiss Zone”.

JC asks about the Adelboden lot becoming an access point to numerous properties. JB states that Driveway Ordinance is for a driveway not a road. JC questions accepting the taxes from 49 Adelboden and if that creates a problem. DR states that JB should recuse himself from decision on this as he owns property across from 49 Adelboden JB states not across and not abutting but near. KK asks MS to get clarification on the letter regarding the “10%”. MS states that we should have the lawyer involved, KK states that there is nothing to present to the lawyer other than hypotheticals. MS states we should be protecting the District. KR asks about the reason for the lot merger back in 2009 must have had a plan to access thru Eidelweiss, KR is concerned about the roads. JB recalls that D Marks (prior owner) wanted to use Eidelweiss as access for logging and was denied so when he saw the Adelboden lot available he purchased. JC states concern about shared driveway. MS again states that attorney should be involved to protect the district. MS states that JB was involved in the merger as he was on the planning board back in 2009, JB explains that the Chairman of the Planning board approves the merger and other members of the planning board have no say.

MS asks if we have a water engineer of record, JB states we don’t, Dubois &King had been on record. MS makes a motion to start exploring the avenue for an engineer of record, JB 2nds. Let’s wait and see how Horizon performs their work, MS suggests we get 4-5 names and see which fits our needs. And then hire one. KK states that we have D&K does water and we should have the right to choose who we want based on the project. Does DES require an engineer of record? JB states that they don’t.

JB states next Thursday is kick-off meeting for Asset Management at noon at Library, CH to send email blast and update website. MS doesn’t want to withdraw motion, KK states that motion needs “someone to get 4-5 names” who is going to do that. MS agrees to present options for District engineer of record. MS states that everything should go thru the office. KK asks if the Reinach project punch list walkthrough should have been done with office staff, MS agrees that should have been a commissioner which is our point that there are numerous times that information goes thru the office but Commissioners need to execute.

MS asks about the new computers that were appropriated several months ago, JB explains that there is very little available for what we decided on and are on backorder, chips are scarce causing the backlog. JB will check with Dell. MS asks if we should get on a list. JB states we might get it piecemeal, we should wait for newest technology. Andrew H is keeping his eyes open as he wants us to get the best products.

MS asks about the sheriff tower and that JB asked for the Contract. MS asks why, and there was an inquiry by T-Mobile requesting access. JB states that was for the Cell tower owned by Coleman. MS says no room on Coleman tower. KK states nothing to do with us. JB wants language updated as to approved use and access to Sheriff tower. If T-Mobile does get access to Coleman Cell tower the District will get an increase in lease fee.

MS leaves the meeting at 11:15

JB makes a motion to approve the payroll manifest in the amount of $6895.80 KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to approve the operating manifest in the amount of $4916.9 KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB discusses kickoff meeting for Asset Management next Thursday at Library

KK states the DPWI bathroom 99% complete, Electrician to install heat in office tomorrow, desks need to be moved.

KK will take checks to Dinah for signature. KK states that we got a lot done recently for DPWI, garage doors repaired and upgraded, new heating system, accumulating water on floor taken care of, computer, printer, and Wi-Fi.

JB reviews Madison ZBA request for variance for Donga, Jay states he knew him 20 years ago, discussion on wetlands and septic tank. No reason to oppose

12 Bern asking for set-back variance from wetlands, no reason to oppose. JB discussed power line ROW easements which are directly over their house.

JB makes a motion to sign a thank-you letter to Yuri C for cleaning up graffiti on playground. KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to sign a thank-you letter to Andrew H for assisting with the computer proposal. KK 2nds, passes 2-0

91A request for the 2020 voter check list, took them ½ hour for resident to scan.

JB asked for the new water hookups, some of the newer ones were not in the binder. Need to get info from Ian. JB states we need all this for Asset Management.

New hook-ups that needed dataloggers, meters did work and need calibration/repair.

KK states that having JB reach out to NHMA regarding his conflict of interest would be a conflict of interest and that she would take care of it.

KK asks about driveway permit application for 49 Adelboden Rd. JB believes that there is no active permit application. JB describes the condition of Eben Farm Rd. being unpassable. ROW thru Aspen onto upper part of Eben Farm Rd much easier access. ROW declared as a 25’ access, not a road and access for property owner only.

Water usage report looks good, makes sense based on number of people in district, no evidence of leaks.

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 11:45, KK 2nds passed 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner