2014-08-25 Commissioners Meeting

August 25, 2014

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Monday, August 25, 2014. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom, Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. Also in attendance were Kelly Robitaille (highway) and resident Ed Foley. The meeting was taped by Tim Hughes. [expand title="More Text"]

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.

1. Agenda

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The Action List is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille reports that the new road grader is going into neutral when on a hill. The technician has stated that this is a safety feature of the machine so that the machine does not stall and loose braking ability. The computer within the grader needs to be updated for hilly terrain. The upgrade is expected Wednesday of this week. Mike Smith makes a motion to hold the finance company release of payment for the road grader. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Discussion ensues on releasing funds upon completion of the computer upgrade. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0. Kelly Robitaille reports that the backhoe is working great, the crew is getting used to the controls in the new machine. Kelly Robitaille is informed that the Commissioners expect the crew to begin doing the excavation for water projects. Kelly Robitaille will be asked to schedule work once approved by the Board. Discussion is held on the continued need for Tony Eldridge to work with the crew as grader operator/trainer. A purchase order for gravel is discussed. Budget allowance remaining in the gravel line item is checked. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve a purchase order for up to $1,800. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. A culvert under Lakeview Drive needs to be replaced as the bottom of the culvert is rotted out. Cost of two 15” culverts is $446. Collars will also be needed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve the purchase of two culverts not to exceed $500. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Discussion on signing of the purchase orders is held. Nancy Cole will prepare and sign the purchase orders approved by the Commissioners. Kelly Robitaille reports that once the computer update is completed on the road grader, the area of West Bergamo and Porridge Shore will be worked on. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to have the Commissioners travel all of the roads in order of the snow plow plans. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Discussion ensues. Kelly Robitaille states that the DPW review of all roads will be ready for review at the September 8th meeting. Kelly Robitaille voices favor of a review of all roads by the Board once the document is completed. Ron Sandstrom withdraws the motion. The bottom of Oak Ridge Road is discussed. One bid has been received. Mike Smith makes a motion to fill the ditch along Eidelweiss Drive at the base of Oak Ridge Road with stone for the winter and to place the installation of the catch basin and culvert onto the 2015 Warrant. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to notify the homeowner of the updated plan. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Asphalt needs within the District are outlined and discussed. Kelly Robitaille is gathering quotes for this work. The scope of the work is discussed. Each work area is to be requested to be broken down separately for pricing purposes. Mike Smith discusses changing of the water lines prior to placing asphalt at the top section of Oak Ridge Road where the pavement was removed a few years back. Grader blades are discussed. Kelly Robitaille reports that blades will need to be replaced every 1500 hours of use of the machine. With the roads in the poor condition they currently are and the amount of rocks being hit within the road beds, the blades will need to be changed more often. Under normal use going forward, one set of blades will last most of a summer. A purchase order is requested. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the purchase of a set of blades for the grader not to exceed $230.00 Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Discussion is held on the use of chains during the winter. A quote has been received for $3,101 to outfit the grader, International, Top Kick and F-550. Mike Smith makes a motion to obtain 2 additional quotes with one to be from Windy Ridge. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Roads are discussed. A statement of need for repair has been received regarding Lucerne Drive; photos of repair needs at the intersection of Bristenstock and Adelboden are reviewed and discussed; photos regarding need to repair the culvert on Lakeview Drive are reviewed. The picnic table at the Summit area has been damaged and was removed. New picnic tables will be needed in the spring. A request for cleaning of a culvert at 21 Chocorua View Drive has been received. This culvert has been on the action list since the original request was received. Kelly Robitaille reports that the culvert has been cleaned. The homeowner will be informed. Pricing for a new truck is discussed. Kelly Robitaille will work on this. The need to clean ditches effectively is discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to obtain information on and a price for a commercial/industrial ditch cleaning system. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

3. Water System Planning

Upcoming and ongoing projects are discussed. The Commissioners are informed that Jeremy Reinbold of Integrated Water Service (IWS) verbally stated last Friday that the installation of the new water service approved for 19 Aspen is scheduled for tomorrow – 8/26. Fadden Excavation has been contracted by IWS for this work. The need for additional information from IWS on the plans to locate the two inch main in front of 18 Aspen as well as a contingency plan of how to proceed should the water main be further up the road than expected is discussed. The need to close the road for cutting and removal of the pavement to perform the hook up is discussed. Larry Leonard makes a motion to place the intended work on hold. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to have all work for water system excavation performed by the VDOE DPW. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Rescheduling of the planned work with the DPW crew is discussed; schedule coordination between the crew and IWS will be needed. The VDOE website is discussed. Larry Leonard makes a motion to allow Nancy Cole to post pictures and news on the website without additional discussion. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion ensues on the prior vote to have all posted items approved by two Commissioners prior to posting. Ability to place news in a timely fashion is discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0. Larry Leonard makes a motion to add a page to the VDOE website for Asset Management. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The Jungfrau pump installation is discussed. IWS has not completed the punch list for work to be completed on this project. Costs for the installation have been calculated to date and the total cost is $30,838.60. Planning of water projects is discussed. Larry Leonard outlines the project that will be needed to replace the pumps at Oak Station. Prior to finalizing the decision of what pump to purchase, a pressure test has been recommended by the Engineers. A project plan outline has been completed and is distributed for review and discussion. Larry Leonard makes a motion to start the Oak Station pump replacement project according to the submitted plan. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion on the need to complete the pressure test prior to authorizing any additional work or pump purchases for this project is held. Finances and the Water System Capital Reserve Fund balance are reviewed. The ability of the VDOE to handle a water main break should the CRF be drawn down is discussed. The ability to purchase one VFD now and add a second at a later date is discussed. Alternative quotes for panels and controls are discussed. A second quote will be requested. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0. The Summit station is discussed. Replacing of seals and internals verses replacing the pump and motor entirely is discussed. Risk verses benefit for performing maintenance by replacing the seals is outlined and discussed. Mike Smith voices that he is not in favor of replacing seals as his experience dictates that this does not work. A project plan will be developed for review. Purchase of a VFD panel and 3 phase controls for the Summit station next year is discussed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to purchase a seal kit and repair kit for the Summit pump and to put the replacement of the pump with panel and controls on the 2015 Warrant. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-1 with Mike Smith against purchasing a seal kit. A work order for the pressure test to be completed at Oak Station will be generated. Information from the test will be sent to Paul Fluet for analysis and recommendation for a replacement pump. Muddy Beach Well #2 and the reduced production that has taken the well off line are discussed. NH Department of Environmental Services can become involved when a well pump is down, potentially causing a DES review of the well field. SCADA programmer Jason Roache has offered a training session on the VFD panel. Cost of training is to be minimized, if any is incurred. A follow up on the installation cost for the proposed flow meter will be sent. Water operations and the proposal from residents to move water operations in house are discussed. Mike Smith proposes establishing a meeting for the Water Committee. Ron Sandstrom discusses a meeting with Ralph Lutjen and Dinah Reiss that he had last week. A bullet list of proposed work flow to move operations in house that was discussed was distributed last Friday. Ron Sandstrom states that he would like to move the proposal forward. Adding a part time assistant to the office would allow Nancy Cole some flexibility to focus more on the water system needs and maintenance. Mike Smith makes a motion to contact Dinah Reiss and Ralph Lutjen for agreement to sit on the Committee and establish a date for an initial meeting within two weeks. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Larry Leonard discusses inclusion of all interested members of the community on a Committee and specifically the inclusion of all authors of the proposal on this Committee. Ron Sandstrom discusses including Nancy Cole as a Committee member. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0. Larry Leonard makes a motion to allow Larry Leonard and Nancy Cole to attend the NH DES Asset Management Workshop scheduled in October. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

4. Administration

The ladder for office egress in case of fire is to be installed. First aid kits are needed for the pump houses and Lodge. Mike Smith makes a motion to allow up to $220 for purchase of basic first aid kits for the pump houses and Lodge. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Larry Leonard discusses meeting with the engineers to review projects. Larry Leonard makes a motion to schedule a meeting with Nick Sceggell of Fluet Engineering Associates. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion is held on funding and cost for travel related to this meeting. Larry Leonard moves to table the motion for cost review.

Thorne Surveyors personnel were in attendance at the last Asset Management meeting. The meeting and need to release information to the survey company for establishing a cost estimate for the production of maps for Asset Management is discussed. Documentation to protect the VDOE’s system and information prior to release of any information is held. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to ask Attorney Dan Crean for guidance on and production of non-disclosure agreements. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve Larry Leonard putting the information together for release to Thorne Surveyors upon approval from Dan Crean. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Results of the recent water system survey have been summarized and are reviewed.

Proposed slides for the upcoming Public Hearing on the Driveway Ordinance are reviewed. The information will be put on the website as a reminder of the meeting.

Information on when to contact the Madison Police for release to the residents of the VDOE and posting on the website has been drafted and sent to the Madison Police for review and comments.

The payroll report is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $6,732.50. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

5. Accounts Payable

15 checks for $90,858.82 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 15 checks for a total of $90,858.82. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

6. Minutes

The minutes of 8/11 are reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

7. Commissioners Reports

Ron Sandstrom outlines attendance at a round table discussion with NH Governor Maggie Hassan last week. Upgrading and documentation needed for changing a Class VI road to a Class V road is discussed. Ed Foley is asked if he has documentation on the maintenance of Grachen Extension, which he has requested be re-categorized to Class V. Ed Foley requests a trim back of brush along Grachen Drive at the intersection with Aspen Drive. This corner currently has extremely reduced visibility due to overgrowth. Dead End signs for roads are discussed. Ed Foley is informed that 6 Dead End signs will be ordered next year for placement within the VDOE as previously voted by the Board.

Mike Smith makes a motion to place an ad for part time snow plow operators. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith states that he inspected Jungfrau station yesterday and that no action has been taken on the IWS punch list. The status of the water bills and collection is discussed. A report will be generated for review in conjunction with the September budget review planned for September 8. Mike Smith requests that the Commissioners enter Non-Public session at the conclusion of the public meeting.

8. Signature Items

An updated purchase and sales agreement for the 2014 Volvo Backhoe which includes the serial numbers and prices for the thumb and bucket that were ordered is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the document. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

9. Correspondence

A letter from the homeowner at 21 Chocorua View Drive has been received. The request to clean this culvert has been on the Action list since first received and Kelly Robitaille has reported that the culvert and ditch have been cleaned at this location. Mike Smith makes a motion to send the homeowner a response outlining the completion of the request. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The Town of Madison has sent correspondence to the owner of 14 Aspen to clean the lot of remaining fire debris and secure the lot for safety.

The Town of Madison has sent correspondence enforcing the Eidelweiss Sign Regulation to the owners of 1512 Conway Road for removal of the sign advertizing their business.

The EPOA has requested use of the Lodge prior to Friday, August 29 scheduled star gazing.
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the EPOA using the Lodge. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The NH Municipal Association has sent the NewsLink.

NH Department of Environmental Services has sent bulletins outlining upcoming grant opportunities and upcoming seminars.

NH Department of Health and Human Services has announced the first positive testing of a batch of mosquitoes for Eastern Equine Encephalitis.

Granite State Rural Water has sent information on an upcoming expo.
EFCN has sent information on an upcoming Asset Management Webinar.

Granite State Analytical has sent the monthly bacteria test results and the results of the 3rd quarter Lead and Copper Testing.

A resident has sent information from the NH DOT that shows that the State intends to repave Route 113 next year.

10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Other Business

A request has been received to allow a trailer to park at the Huttwil parking lot. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to allow the trailer to park in the lot. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0-1 with Larry Leonard abstaining as he owns the trailer.

12. Public Comments

At 11:11 am Mike Smith makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) reputations. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Motion is voted via roll call vote, Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea, and the motion passed 3-0.

At 11:30 am Mike Smith makes a motion to seal the minutes of the Non-Public Session. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

At 11:31 am Mike Smith makes a motion exit Non-Public Session and adjourn the meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote, Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole