2014-Commissioners Meeting

December 22, 2014

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Monday, December 22, 2014. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom, Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. Also in attendance was resident Mark Graffam. The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes. [expand title="More Text"]

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.

1. Agenda

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to add a Non-Public Session and approve the agenda as modified. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Ron Sandstrom states that the VDOE Annual Meeting will be held February 28, 2015. Ron Sandstrom requests participation of the voters and invites all tax payers to attend.

The Action list is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report

The door to bay 3 in the garage was worked on last week. The doors to DPW II and the salt shed are still to be looked at.

3. Water System Planning

Oak station pump replacement project is discussed. The electrician has recommended moving the boxes to the outside of the building in lieu of higher on the wall inside which will require building a platform to access the panels. Mike Smith states that he is against moving the electric panels outside. The quote for building the platform has been received. Larry Leonard states that he will do an additional review of the station.

The quote for installation of the chain fall system at Jungfrau is reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve $214 for the installation. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The valves on West Bergamo at Visp Road were repaired last week.

The bleeders have been turned on with the exception of the one on Altdorf which needs to be repaired.

Tom Therrien of Electrical Installation (EII) has stated he can be in Wednesday for review of the chemical injection room controls. Larry Leonard makes a motion to allow up to $1,000 for review of the controls. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Motion sensor lights at the pump houses are discussed. A quote will be requested for installation of motion sensor lights. The heater at Jungfrau has been reported as not working. This will be checked with Ian Hayes.
4. Administration

A safety meeting has been scheduled for January 14 at 12:30.

The small tree at Muddy Beach will be removed.

Asset Management is ongoing.

The Public Hearing for the proposed changes to the Driveway Ordinance is scheduled for January 23, 2015 at 6 pm at the Town Hall meeting room (downstairs at Town Hall. Use Police entrance.)

The trees at Jungfrau are to be checked to see if marked for removal.

The funds for the insurance payment have been allocated.

A proposal for a 20 month agreement with an alternative electric supplier is reviewed and discussed. The Board is advised that it is not within their authority to enter this agreement. This agreement commits funds beyond those which have been appropriated and which is a violation of RSA 32:6 and 32:8. The Board is also informed that only the voters can commit the District to a long term contract. A possible Article for the 2015 Warrant could be considered.

Oak Ridge Road Phase II redesign is expected the first week of January.

The payroll report is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $5,422.25. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

The draft for the postcard mailer is reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the wording and have the postcard sent. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

6 Lakeview Drive is discussed. A repair is needed to the interior shut off valve for the water. No card for location of the curb stop valve could be located for this property. The property was checked thoroughly for indication of location of the curb stop valve with the metal detector and nothing was found. In order to allow repair to the interior of the house, the water main will need to be shut down to the area for approximately 3 hours. Discussion on placing a curb stop valve while the main is shut down is held. Winter time excavation is more difficult and generally not done. Mike Smith makes a motion to shut down the main to allow the repair and to place a curb stop valve for the property in the spring. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to send a letter to the home owner outlining the plan to allow repair. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve a purchase order for sand up to $1,000. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The 2015 proposed budgets and Warrant for the Annual Meeting are discussed. Biggest changes within the budget from 2014 are a reduction in the health insurance line item and an increase in the gravel line item.

Line items are reviewed and discussed.

Mike Smith makes a motion to change Printing/dues/ad to $3,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to change Admin Equipment and Maintenance to $250. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to change travel to $100. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to change Telecom to $2,500. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Larry Leonard makes a motion to change Legal to $4500. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to change General Government Engineering to $500. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to change Regional Association to $900. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to change General Government Miscellaneous to $900. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to change Highway Part time to $10,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to change Highway Fuel to $14,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Discussion ensues on unpredictable nature of cost. Mike Smith moves to amend the motion to $14,500. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-0-1 with Ron Sandstrom abstaining.
Mike Smith makes a motion to change Highway Tools to $900. Motion failed for lack of a second.
Mike Smith makes a motion to change Sand to $13,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to change Dust Control to $1,200. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Larry Leonard makes a motion to change Line Painting to $300. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Larry Leonard makes a motion to change Parks and Recreation to $5,000. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion failed 1-2 with Mike Smith and Ron Sandstrom against reducing this line item for option of replacing a raft.
Larry Leonard makes a motion to change Water Services Electricity to $30,000. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

A five minute break is taken.

Proposed Articles for the 2015 Warrant are discussed.
Funding options are discussed for proposal of a new truck. Not moving forward with the approved 2014 article approving truck purchase based on available cash flow is discussed.

The budget estimate for Phase II of Oak Ridge Road reconstruction will be worked on. The drawings for the revised drainage are expected the first week of January.

Authorization for expenditure from the Water Line Extension Fund

The asset management grant article is discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to change the amount to $15,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to fund this expenditure from the water bills. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to add a safety budget of $2,500 funded by taxes to the Warrant. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

At 11:45 am Ron Sandstrom leaves the meeting.

Mike Smith makes a motion to add an article for purchase of a Billy Goat system and for Kelly Robitaille to obtain a final price. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to add an article for purchase of grader and backhoe parts. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to add an article for paving of Middle Shore at Geneva Place and an apron on Little Shore at Eidelweiss Drive. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Larry Leonard makes a motion to approve Jay Buckley’s request for reimbursement of $25 for attendance at the NH Department of Environmental Services Asset Management Seminar. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

5. Accounts Payable

The check manifest and invoices are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 11 checks for a total of $3,669.02. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

6. Minutes

The minutes of 12/15 are reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

7. Commissioners Reports

Larry Leonard makes a motion to approve the quote for building of the platform at Oak station. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Ron Sandstrom welcomes all taxpayers and encourages voters to attend the Annual Meeting on February 28, 2015 and to participate in the Public Hearings on the proposed budgets and Warrant that will be voted on at the Annual Meeting.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve up to $5,300 for signs to be ordered for the beaches and the Huttwil parking lot. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

8. Signature Items

A letter to the home owners of 31 Grison approving a temporary repair to the service line is completed now with full replacement of the line to be completed by June 1, 2015. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve and sign the letter. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Employee requests for time off are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve Kelly Robitaille’s requested absences. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve Bob Goddard’s request for December 17 and 19. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve Bob Goddard’s request for December 24 and 26. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve Nancy Cole’s request for December 26 through 31. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve Nancy Cole’s request for January 2, 2015. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

9. Correspondence

Clerk Jay Buckley has sent an email regarding a Facebook posting stating that he will refer any questions or comments to the Commissioners.

Holiday Greeting cards have been received.

10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Other Business
12. Public Comments

At 12:01 pm Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

November 3, 2014

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Monday, November 3, 2014. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom and Larry Leonard. Also in attendance were Kelly Robitaille and Bob Goddard (Highway). The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes. [expand title="More Text"]

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.

1. Agenda

Larry Leonard makes a motion to approve the agenda. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

The Action list is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille reports that Volvo was in Friday and the rear lights were placed on the grader. The quick connect for the backhoe was reviewed and the crew shown proper use and care of the connections. Kelly Robitaille adds that the Volvo technician stated that the defroster is an option that was not ordered on this grader. A price is being obtained. Discussion on how the outfitting of a machine for winter plow operations, including heat and air conditioning could not include a defroster is being held with Volvo. The Top Kick is still at Albany Service Center. The wiring issue is being traced. Cost is expected to be over the $1,000 previously approved. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to increase the amount to $2,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0. Drainage ditches will be cleaned this week and the roads will be cleared of leaves. Maintenance on sanders is being done. The approved pick of loam from Madison Transfer Station will be done at 12 pm today. The road review will be rescheduled for Friday, November 7 at 9 am. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to run the ad for part time snow plow operators again this week. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0. The bottom of Oak Ridge Road along Eidelweiss Drive is discussed. The Contractor completed the work last week. Ron Sandstrom states that he is very pleased with the way the work was done. Kelly Robitaille is instructed to turn in the truck quotes from International and Heino today for distribution and states that the quotes are downstairs; he will bring them to the office. An exposed valve cover on West Bergamo will be covered for protection during winter plow operations. A tree stump on Eidelweiss Drive will be removed. A stump grinder will be needed.

The Highway budgets are reviewed with the crew. Year-end projections will be updated.

3. Water System Planning

Ron Sandstrom announces that the District has contracted with Simply Water LLC as the new licensed water operator. Parts have been ordered for leveling of the Jungfrau pump and for the booster pump replacement at Oak station. The pump at the Summit is being worked on. Muddy Beach well #2 is being flushed and will be tested this week. Tom Therrien from EII will be contacted for availability to do a walkthrough of the water stations and discuss proposed upgrades for the SCADA system. The water main break on Geneva Place last week is discussed.

4. Administration

The insurance funds from the stolen items claim have been received and will be allocated upon receipt of the depreciation and hold back schedule.

A safety meeting will be scheduled.

The Asset Management Grant application will be submitted. Work is progressing with Thorne Surveyors for map creation.

Proposed updates to the Driveway Ordinance are reviewed and discussed. The District will remain responsible for cleaning driveway culverts while the homeowner will be responsible for repair or replacement.

The contract for third party electricity supply has expired. The contract called for an automatic return to PSNH upon expiration.

A purchase order form has been developed as a result of complying with the submission requirements for placing the order for the meters for Oak station. Larry Leonard makes a motion to adopt the purchase order form. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

The budget for 2015 is to be worked on. Projects to be included on the 2015 Warrant are to be prepared for review.

The year to date budget is reviewed and discussed.

Projects to be included on the 2015 Warrant are to be estimated for discussion on funding options.

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve Nancy Cole attending training in Concord at NH DRA and DES on November 6, 2014. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

5. Accounts Payable

13 checks are presented. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve 13 checks for a total of $24,392.95. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-0.

6. Minutes

The minutes of October 20th are reviewed. Larry Leonard makes a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

7. Commissioners Reports

Removal of a tree from 132 Eidelweiss Drive is needed to clear the antenna path for Muddy Beach. Larry Leonard makes a motion to seek approval for removal of the tree from the homeowners. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Ron Sandstrom reports that the website pictures have been updated. Documents will be updated.

8. Signature Items

Larry Leonard makes a motion to sign work order 1030 for fall water system flushing. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Larry Leonard makes a motion to sign work order 1031 for fall seasonal shut off of VDOE sites. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Larry Leonard makes a motion to sign work order 1032 for turning on of the bleeders when needed. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

A draft letter to the Madison Planning Board is presented. Larry Leonard makes a motion to sign the letter for presentation to the Planning Board. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

9. Correspondence

Health Trust has sent the renewal numbers for the health insurance plans. A 0.3% reduction in rates will take effect on January 1, 2015.

10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Other Business

Nick Sceggell of Fluet Engineering will be contacted for availability for phone discussion on Phase II of the Oak Ridge Road project.

12. Public Comments

At 9:30 am Larry Leonard makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) reputation. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 2-0.

Motions and votes of non-public session:

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion that Larry Leonard and Nancy Cole contact Attorney Dan Crean for guidance on the Geneva Place water main break. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to sign the contract for Simply Water to be the licensed water operator for the VDOE effective November 1, 2014. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

At 10:25 am Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to exit Non-Public session and adjourn the meeting. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

October 27, 2014

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Monday, October 27, 2014. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom, Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. Also in attendance was Kelly Robitaille (Highway). The meeting was taped for Madison TV. [expand title="More Text"]

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.

1. Agenda

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the agenda. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The Action list is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille reports that the grader will be worked on tomorrow by the Volvo technician. The additional rear lights will be added and the defroster will be checked. A quote for a rear wiper blade will also be requested. The Top Kick is being looked at and inspected. The fuel issue will most likely require the tank to be flushed. The cost is unknown at this time. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve up to $2,000 for the repairs to the Top Kick. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The sanders are being prepared for winter. A quote for a truck has been received from International. Cost is $109,000 plus outfitting. A quote for a Heino truck is reported to be $130,000. Discussion is held on the truck to be proposed on the 2015 Warrant. Larry Leonard outlines that the research done last year resulted in placing an F-550 on the 2014 Warrant. A quote will be
requested for an F-550 for comparison and review by the Board. The cost range and best size vehicle for the District are discussed. Funding and impact to the tax rate is discussed. Sanding capacity and the desire for a larger sander than the current F-550 has is discussed. The truck can hold a larger sander. Long term capital planning for equipment is needed. Scheduling of a road review for the Commissioners with the DPW will be done. A Road Plan needs to be developed and will be based on this review. Kelly Robitaille will send in updates to the current spreadsheet outlining the work that was done this summer. Analysis of road maintenance is needed for establishment of the road plan. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to schedule the road review for Wednesday, October 5 at 8 am. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Larry Leonard moves to amend the motion to schedule the road review from 9 to 11 am. Ron Sandstrom seconds the amendment. Motion, as amended, is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0. The old sander that was in the DPW yard has been brought to MacLean’s for a credit. Cutting edges are desired to be purchased using the credit. Kelly Robitaille states that the cutting edges will cost $202. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve $202 for cutting edges. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Sand will be picked up at High Street Sand & Gravel the end of this week. The water break on Geneva will need to be dug today; the backhoe will be used. Kelly Robitaille is brought up to speed on ongoing projects within the District. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to remove the sign at the mailboxes for no fireworks. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Kelly Robitaille will remove for winter storing.

3. Water System Planning

The Jungfrau pump needs to be leveled. Ian Hayes will be doing this work. Jeremy Reinbold of Integrated Water has stated that the chemicals are pumping properly. Service disconnections for non-payment of water bills will be put on a work order. The valve that has been exposed on Little Shore where the rock was removed will be checked.

4. Administration

A safety meeting was held last week.

Always Accurate Garage Doors is expected next week to check the salt tent door and bay doors at the garages.

A quote for replacement of the smoke detectors has been received for $1,750. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the quote. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The Asset Management Grant application is reviewed and discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to submit the application to the State. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Updates to the Driveway Ordinance are being prepared for review.

Preparation of the 2015 budgets is discussed. Warrant Article preparation is discussed. Phase II of the Oak Ridge Rd project is discussed for inclusion on the Warrant. Creation of a bid specification for the project is discussed. It is outlined that if a bid specification is developed, it will be based upon the current engineered design for the road drainage. Discussion is held on requesting the Engineer to revise the drawings. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to contact Fluet Engineering for a plan revision. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Discussion is held on the review of the revised drawings and ability to fund this engineering. The ability to request the engineer to produce an estimate for construction is discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-0-1 with Mike Smith abstaining stating that the Board is “spinning its wheels”.

The payroll report is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $5,041. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

5. Accounts Payable

One check for $571.58 previously held is presented for review. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve one check in the amount of $571.58. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. The report received from Always on Call documenting the call volume for the month of February is reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

6. Minutes

The minutes of October 6 are reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The minutes of October 10 are reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The minutes of October 17 are reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

7. Commissioners Reports

Ron Sandstrom reports that he has updated the pictures on the website. Photos submitted by resident Bill Copeland have been used.

Larry Leonard questions the location of the Asset Management information on the website adding the he could not locate anything when he checked. Ron Sandstrom states that Asset Management is located under Resources in the drop down menu. Documentation will be added to the page.

Mike Smith discusses the fall work list for the water system. Mike Smith makes a motion to have the piping at the Jungfrau station allow for addition of a flow meter next summer and for Simply Water to supply a revised quote for the correction of the piping at the station to level the pump. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith discusses the priorities for the water system stating that he believes the second 20 HP booster pump for the Jungfrau station be purchased prior to updating the control panel at Muddy Beach.

Mike Smith reports that he checked the area at 46 Aspen Drive and believes the breaking of the pavement is the entrance path for the vehicles turning into the driveway. The area will be looked at during the road review.

8. Signature Items

A duplicate original of the letter recently signed and sent to the Malkasian’s of 19 Oak Ridge is presented. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to sign and send the letter. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

A contract for Garside Construction LLC to complete the building repairs approved at the 2014 Annual Meeting is presented. As prices for supplies have changed, the contract calls for updates to the cost for each portion to be completed up to $21,000. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve and sign the contract. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

9. Correspondence

The Madison Planning Board has sent notice of a proposed change to the Madison Zoning Ordinance to allow Accessory Dwelling Units. The impact for the District should this proposed amendment be adopted is discussed. The water system would be impacted as would the amount of travel on the roads. Additional parking spaces that are required to be supplied would be difficult on most developed lots. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to request the Madison Planning Board exclude the District from the proposed update. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to have Nancy Cole attend the Planning Board meeting on November 5 and to compensate her for her time. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The Property Liability Trust has released $16,190 on the insurance claim for stolen items. A breakdown of the depreciation used as well as hold back amounts for replacement of any specific items has been requested for allocation of the funds between the highway/general operations and water budgets.

10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Other Business

Muddy Beach Well #2 needs to be flushed for additional time. The water is not yet running clean following the replacement of the pump and lines. The well will be flushed as needed prior to being tested.

Integrated Water Services has sent a counter cost for the GPS coordinates they have taken within the District.

Ralph Lutjen has notified the office that he is approaching the EPOA for a budget that would be used to add some loam, plants and mulch to the front of the office building. The Town of Madison has free loam available for pick up that the DPW could obtain and pile in front of the building for spreading. Mike Smith makes a motion to have the DPW pick up a load of loam at the Madison Transfer Station and stockpile for spreading. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to request a design for the area be submitted for approval should the EPOA approve the expenditure. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

12. Public Comments

At 10:14 am Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) reputation. Mike Smith seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

Motions and votes of Non-Public session:

Mike Smith makes a motion to change contracted water operators from Integrated Water Services (IWS) to Simply Water effective November 1, 2014. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to reject the $40 per GPS coordinate price submitted by IWS. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to have Attorney Dan Crean review the proposed contract with Simply Water LLC. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to notify the State Department of Environmental Services of the new change date for contracted licensed water operators. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

At 10:33 am Mike Smith makes a motion to exit Non-Public session and adjourn the meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

October 20, 2014

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Monday, October 20, 2014. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom, Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. Also in attendance were Kelly Robitaille (Highway), Clerk Jay Buckley and Ben from Electrical Installation Inc. (EII). The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes. [expand title="More Text"]

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.

1. Agenda

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the agenda. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The Action list is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille reports that the Top Kick is being prepared for winter. The sanders are being checked and prepared for use. The fitting on the backhoe for the sweeper attachment is not working correctly. The quick connect adaptor is set to require release of the hose connections prior to releasing. The roller is discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to obtain pricing for rental of a vibratory roller and purchase of this equipment. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Tools and other needs of the highway department are discussed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille produce a list of needed equipment. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. A tree at Boulder Beach that has come down is to be removed. Kelly Robitaille reports that the rock on Little Shore has been split. Removal of the pieces of rock will be done. Three of the five rafts have been pulled. The remaining two will be pulled next week. Gravel is needed on Presidential View and will be added. Burgdorf and Konstanz will also be graveled. Cold patch will be picked up and placed on Blinden and Aspen. A tree stump will be removed on Eidelweiss Drive. A stump grinder will be used for this. The large boulder on Burgdorf has been pushed back approximately two feet. The part time snow plow operator positions will be advertised in the Conway Daily Sun this week. The owner of 88 Oak Ridge is expected to contact the office for scheduling of a drainage review for the section of Oak Ridge in front of his property. Truck specifications are being worked on. Two quotes are expected. Sand quotes are being worked on. Chains for all equipment have been ordered.

The road priority list is discussed. A road plan for 2015 is to be worked on. A list of roads that need paving is to be developed. A road review for the Board is to be scheduled. Coordination of this review to include Tony Eldridge will be attempted. Use of the grader for shimming roads is discussed. Ron Sandstrom informs Kelly Robitaille that the Board has voted to change water system operators. 60 day notice of termination of contract has been sent to Integrated Water Systems. Simply Water will be the new operator. The change will occur no later than December 8th. Kelly Robitaille reports that a pipe was exposed when moving the rock on Little Shore and will mark the spot. It is believed to be the curb stop valve for the property. Discussion ensues on repairing while open at this time or waiting. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to mark the spot, fill the hole with sand and repair in the spring. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

3. Water System Planning

The leveling of the Jungfrau 20 HP pump is discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to have Ian Hayes of Simply Water purchase the needed parts and perform the repairs. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

A work order will be prepared for the shutting off those customers who have outstanding amounts due on water bills.

4. Administration

Mike Smith makes a motion to add a non-public session to the end of this meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Larry Leonard reports that the Asset Management Grant application is being worked on.

The proposed changes to the Driveway Ordinance are discussed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to contact Attorney Dan Crean. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Discussion with Attorney Crean is held regarding the ability of the VDOE to clean culverts while not taking the responsibility to repair or replace them. Attorney Crean states concern for performing work and being responsible for work on private property. The potential liability exposure and performance of work that benefits an individual property owner is outlined and discussed. Mike Smith discusses that the performance of the work is within the VDOE right-of-way and benefits the road drainage. Attorney Crean states that this argument would be defensible as a statement of benefit to all properties by protection of the road drainage. Concern is discussed that individuals may intentionally place leaves and debris into the drainage ditches and culverts so as to have the VDOE responsible to clean. Attorney Crean outlines that it is a violation of RSA 236 should homeowner’s place debris into the drainage ditch or roadway. Maintenance and needed repair or replacement of a driveway culvert is discussed. This is to remain property owner responsibility. Clerk Jay Buckley discusses the VDOE deeded 40 foot roadway and that some of these culverts may lie within that 40 feet. Ron Sandstrom discusses the ability to overwhelm the DPW with culvert work for driveways. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to alter the proposed changes to the Driveway Ordinance having the VDOE remain responsible for cleaning of the culverts only and to bring the updated proposed changes to Public Hearing. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to review proposals from alternative suppliers for electricity next week. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The payroll report is presented. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve payroll at $4,843.50. Mike Smith seconds the motion. Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

5. Accounts Payable

14 checks totaling $15,024.70 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 14 checks for a total of $15,024.70. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to notify Always on Call that if the requested back up documentation requested for verification of the February billing is not received, the VDOE will classify the billing incorrect and not due. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Motion to approve manifest called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

6. Minutes
7. Commissioners Reports

Mike Smith discusses the isolation valve location review scheduled for Wednesday. Due to the weather forecast, the review will be canceled. The project will be picked up in the spring. Mike Smith makes a motion to close the Lodge by November 17. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith discusses the visit to Mountain Lake Village District that was discussed early in the summer. Mike Smith makes a motion to remove this item from the action list. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The building contract for action on the 2014 Warrant Article for building repairs will be ready for next week.

Larry Leonard makes a motion to schedule a Commissioners meeting at the Lodge for discussion on asset management and overall planning around November 11. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

8. Signature Items
9. Correspondence

Granite State Analytical has sent the monthly bacteria testing results. All results are clean.

Suzanne Malkasian has sent a request for a duplicate original of the recent letter sent to her. She has a scanned copy of the original signed document, but the paper original was stated not to have been received. Mike Smith makes a motion to produce and sign a duplicate original and send via certified mail. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The NH Department of Health and Human Services has sent the arboviral bulletin. Two persons have contracted Eastern Equine Encephalitis in NH; there are no human cases of West Nile Virus this year.

10. Scheduled Appearances

Ben from Electrical Installations Inc. (EII) recommends that the meters be added to the Oak station project be Mag meters. An analog card will need to be added to the PLC for the additional signals needing to be monitored by the SCADA system. A larger box will be needed to house the electronics at both Oak station and Muddy Beach station. Trees will be checked and marked at Muddy Beach for removal. A 30 foot radius for each antenna should be cleared at these stations. The calibration of the new sensors for Oak station once installed will be handled by EII. EII will also handle the installation of the new panel. The panel will take approximately one week to come in. Purchase approval has already been given for the panel. The Oak station project will proceed in approximately two weeks; once all parts have been received. Ian Hayes of Simply Water will be coordinating the installation. The final result of the path study for the SCADA system antenna signals is expected soon.

Ben returns from measuring the boxes at Muddy Beach and Oak stations and recommends:
Muddy Beach should be changed to a 24 x 24 x 12 panel
Oak station should be changed to a 24 x 20 x 12 panel.
Pricing for the panels will be sent.

11. Other Business

Mike Smith makes a motion to formerly disband the Healthcare Committee. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to send a Thank you letter to the Committee. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

12. Public Comments

At 9:50 am Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) reputation. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

Motions and votes of Non-Public session:

No motions were made during this session.

At 9:58 am Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to exit Non-Public session and adjourn the meeting. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

October 17, 2014

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:30 am on Friday, October 17, 2014 at the Oak station pump house. In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. Also in attendance was Ian Hayes of Simply Water, LLC, Brian Bailey of Conway Electric and Norm Garside of Garside Construction. [expand title="More Text"]

At 9:30 am the meeting was called to order by Commissioner Mike Smith.

The pump replacement project is discussed. Location of the temporary pump is determined and Norm Garside will establish the needed shelf. Brian Bailey will measure the distance from the electric panel for extension of the wiring to the temporary platform location.

Installation of the new pumps and coordination between Ian Hayes, Tom Therrien and Brian Bailey is discussed.

Mike Smith makes a motion to purchase two starters for the new pumps. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to have a separate breaker installed for the new sump pump. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

At 10:15 am Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

October 10, 2014

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:30 am on Friday, October 10, 2014. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom, Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. Also in attendance was Ian Hayes of Simply Water, LLC. [expand title="More Text"]

At 9:30 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.

At 9:30 am Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) reputation. Mike Smith seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

Motions and votes of Non-Public session:

Mike Smith makes a motion to hire Simply Water, LLC as the licensed water operator effective the last date of Integrated Water’s contract. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the 60 day notice of contract termination letter for Integrated Water Service. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Larry Leonard moves to amend the letter and add ‘thank you for your service over the past year’ at the closing of the letter. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion to amend the letter and the motion, as amended, passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to notify Rick Skarinka of NH DES of the pending change in licensed water operators. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter to Integrated Water Service outlining the establishment of a deductive change order on the Jungfrau pump installation project for all costs incurred by the VDOE to level the pump. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

At 10:53 am Ron Sandstrom leaves the meeting.

Mike Smith makes a motion to exit Non-Public Session. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Discussion is held on water system projects with Ian Hayes of Simply Water. The seals and stack for the Summit pump have been received and will be installed.

Oak station pump replacement project is outlined and discussed. Ian Hayes will handle the removal of the old pumps and cinder blocks currently in the station. The location for the platform for the temporary pump is requested to be high on the building wall in the back right hand corner. An onsite meeting including Ian Hayes, Tom Therein of EII and electrician Brian Bailey will be scheduled for next week.
Larry Leonard makes a motion to approve a work order for EII for production of the new panel for Oak station up to $3,000 including installation.

At 12:15 pm Larry Leonard makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

October 6, 2014

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Monday, October 6, 2014. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom, Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. Also in attendance were Kelly Robitaille and Bob Goddard (Highway). The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes. [expand title="More Text"]

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.

1. Agenda

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the agenda. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The Action list is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille reports that all trucks are in good shape. Rear lights are needed for the road grader. A rear wiper is also needed. A quote will be obtained for review. The Top Kick is discussed. The frame for the wing plow needs to be welded. The chain quote is discussed. Kelly Robitaille outlines that B-B Chain had the best price for chains for the equipment and Windy Ridge had the best prices for the truck chains. The numbers submitted reflect the best quote obtained for each vehicle. $4,185 is total cost. Budget reviews are discussed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve up to $4,200 for chains. Mike Smith seconds the motion. Discussion on funding is held. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0. Kelly Robitaille reports that Sarnen will be graded this week. Upper Oak Ridge will also be worked on. Low hanging branches will be removed in areas as they are worked on. A culvert is exposed on Porridge Shore and will be covered. Pot holes on Little Shore are discussed. This area will be checked. The large rock across from 33 Little Shore will be removed. The rip rap at the intersection of Eidelweiss Drive and Oak Ridge Road is discussed. The availability of the DPW to remove the stone and place the fill over the culvert once placed is discussed. The quote accepted for the work includes removal of the stone and placing of the fill. Mike Smith makes a motion to have contractor Bob Wirling complete the entire project. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0-1 with Larry Leonard abstaining. Discussion is held on the road review planned to be completed by the Board. The road list is to be updated to reflect the recent work completed. Truck specifications for the new truck to be quoted are discussed. International and Heino are being checked into at this time. Mike Smith makes a motion to focus on International and Heino at this time with consideration for other manufacturers if needed. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion is held on price range, style of truck needed and evaluation of the trucks based upon VDOE terrain. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0. Discussion is held on replacing the pavement on Blinden and Aspen where pavement was removed to place water lines. Blinden can be cold patched for the winter. The area of Aspen where the line was placed is in poor shape and can be reclaimed. Mike Smith makes a motion to pave the areas in the spring. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Budget line items are reviewed and discussed. Purchase of sand from High Street Sand & Gravel is discussed. The DPW will schedule time to pick up sand and stock pile it. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve up to $2,500 for sand. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The gravel line item is discussed as is the withdrawal request for $5,000 from the Road Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund for the purchase of gravel. Water projects completed last week with the DPW are discussed. One valve repair on Aspen remains to be completed. UNH T2 Center is offering Gravel Road Maintenance in Ossipee on Wednesday of this week. There is room in the class. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to have the DPW attend Gravel Road Maintenance on Wednesday. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

3. Water System Planning

Discussion is held on next Monday being a holiday. Ray Seeley of Integrated Water Services will be asked to attend October 20. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to not have a Commissioners meeting next Monday. Mike Smith seconds the motion. Discussion is held on approval for the Oak Station pump replacement project which would require a meeting. Vote tabled to end of meeting. The Jungfrau pump replacement project is discussed. Leveling of the pump is the remaining item on the punch list. Integrated Water has stated intention to purchase the flexible adaptor needed. Mike Smith makes a motion to add a Non-Public Session to the agenda for this meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The Oak Station pump replacement project is discussed. Two quotes have been received. Quotes are reviewed and discussed. Larry Leonard makes a motion to select Simply Water for the project. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion is held on materials to be used and the purchase of all materials either by the VDOE or on VDOE accounts. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0. Larry Leonard makes a motion to select Simply Water to replace the seal and stack kit at the Summit. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. All gaskets that will be needed will be on hand prior to scheduling the work. Work orders will be produced. Muddy Beach Well #2 is discussed. The pump and pipes have been replaced and chlorinated but still need to be flushed and tested. Larry Leonard discusses a work order that has been produced for Electrical Installation (EII) to replace two antennas. Larry Leonard makes a motion to approve the work order for EII to replace two antennas at a cost not to exceed $1,200. Mike Smith seconds the motion. Mike Smith discusses receipt of the quote by Larry Leonard directly instead of the office. Everything is to go through the office. Larry Leonard responds that he received the quote and coordinated directly with EII over the weekend to have the information ready for this meeting. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to add review of trees at all stations for recommendation on trimming or removal. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Isolation valves locations are discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to hire Scott Hayes for an additional 4 hours the week of October 20th to locate valves. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

4. Administration

A safety meeting is scheduled for October 15.

The bulletin boards proposed for the beaches are being quoted by Norm Garside.

The application for the Asset Management grant is being worked on. Discussion on Asset Management is held. Larry Leonard and Nancy Cole will be attending the NH DES seminar on Asset Management this Thursday. A proposed work order for Thorne Surveyors to review information for mapping purposes up to $2,000 is reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve map work by Thorne Surveyors up to $2,000. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Budgets are reviewed and discussed. Year-end budget projections have been updated and are reviewed and discussed.

The list for compilation of 2015 Warrant Articles is discussed.

A disconnection notice for all accounts with unpaid water bills has been drafted and is reviewed. Mike smith makes a motion to send the disconnection notice with the invoice for the $100 90 day late fee. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to shut off service for non-payment after October 20. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

September daily water usage and the quarterly water usage report have been completed and distributed.

5. Accounts Payable

Checks for a total of $5,110.84 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the manifest for $5,110.84. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. The Integrated Water Service invoice is discussed. 4 hours are charged for isolation valve location with no additional information. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to email a request for documentation on the charge for isolation valve locating. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

6. Minutes

The minutes of 9/29 are reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

7. Commissioners Reports

Larry Leonard reports that he has reviewed the electrical usage at the pump houses.

8. Signature Items

Habitat for Humanity has requested renewal of the Driveway Permit for Construction for 26 Grison Road. A renewal letter for the Driveway Permit for Construction is presented for review. Documentation and original site inspection for initial approval of the Permit is reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the request for renewal of the Driveway Permit for Construction for 26 Grison Road and sign the letter. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

A follow up letter to the Town of Madison Board of Selectmen regarding the property at 14 Aspen is presented for review. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to sign the letter. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

9. Correspondence

Granite State Rural Water is offering classes on the new Total Coliform bacteria testing rules. This test is completed on the District water system monthly to comply with NH DES regulations. The new rules change the manner in which the results are calculated.

The NH Department of Revenue is holding training classes on the implementation of electronic filing for all NH DRA required forms. A session will be signed up for.

Pike Industries has sent notification of inventory for sale.

Property-Liability Trust and Health Trust have sent notice of upcoming Annual Meetings and elections for Board of Director positions for each Trust.

Monthly rent has been received for the Coleman Tower Site.

NH Municipal Association has sent the monthly News Link bulletin.

NH Department of Health and Human Services has sent the final arboviral bulletin for the season.

NH Retirement System has sent annual notification for return on investments. Performance was better than estimated.

10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Other Business

Mike Smith makes a motion to formerly disband the Healthcare Committee. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to send a Thank you letter to the Committee. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

12. Public Comments

At 10:35 am Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) reputation. Mike Smith seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

Motions and votes of Non-Public session:

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to seal the minutes of the Non-Public session. Mike Smith seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

At 11:54 am Mike Smith makes a motion to exit Non-Public session and adjourn the meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

September 29, 2014

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Monday, September 29, 2014. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom, Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. Also in attendance was resident John Lynch. The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Carol Dandeneau. [expand title="More Text"]

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.

1. Agenda

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to amend the agenda to hear appearances first and approve the agenda as amended. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

2. Highway Department Report

The DPW team is attending UNH Technology Transfer grader operator class today and tomorrow. The roads and intended road view by the Commissioners is discussed. The final quote for the installation of the proposed new beach signs is expected this week. Eidelweiss Drive was graded last week. The S-turn and upper section of Oak Ridge Road are this week’s intended target area. The quote for the chains needed for all vehicles prior to winter will be reviewed next week. The expected updated quote from the paving company will be discussed with Kelly Robitaille. A budget review will be done next week.

3. Water System Planning

The Jungfrau punch list is discussed. The bleeder valve wanted for the pump will be checked into. Larry Leonard outlines the need to add a flexible adaptor to level and properly secure the pump. Quotes for the needed adaptor are expected this week. Invoices relating to work on the Jungfrau pump house are discussed. Invoices will continue to be held until the work is completed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to add a non-public session at the end of the meeting. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Oak Station is discussed. The flanges and pipe needed will be ordered by the contractor on VDOE accounts. A stock list of needed valves will be requested. The seals and stack kit for the Summit station are in process of quoting. The preliminary communication study completed by Electrical Installations is discussed. Additional information on the communication pathways is still expected. The initial review states that 2 antennae are bad and the radios used are an older technology. Mike Smith makes a motion to obtain a price for two antennae and installation. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion ensues on pricing needed for other work in addition to the antennae. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-0-1 with Larry Leonard abstaining as he states this is already in progress. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to price radios for the pump stations. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The water hook up was completed on Aspen Drive last week. Charges to the water system for DPW hours and equipment are discussed. The VDOE policy outlining the hourly charges for personnel and equipment is reviewed. The water outage at 18 Aspen reported the end of last week is discussed. The homeowner had not been at the house since the installation was completed. A new isolation valve was installed on the water main during the excavation and installation of the service line for the new hook up. This valve was left off as it was believed that the service line for 18 Aspen was prior to the new valve. The new valve was opened and the service was restored. The records will be marked to show that the service line for 18 Aspen is beyond the new isolation valve. Isolation valve locations will continue to be pursued with Scott Hayes of Iron Mountain Water this Thursday at 9:30 am. The curb stop valve for 14 Upper Lakeview was requested for turn off. Ray Seeley has reported that the curb stop does not turn and will need to be replaced. Due to landscaping and large granite pillars near the location of the valve, Ray Seeley has stated he is not comfortable with digging this valve. Property manager Jim Everett stated that Bob Wirling did the installation of this line and recommends he be contacted to do the replacement. Mike Smith makes a motion to have Bob Wirling look at and price the work for 14 Upper Lakeview. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The bottom of Oak Ridge Road is discussed. The contractor is expected to be in to discuss the work this week. The homeowners at 34 Eidelweiss Drive and 1 Oak Ridge Road are to be notified.

John Hartley of Hartley Well contacts Larry Leonard by phone regarding Muddy Beach Well #2. 105 feet of galvanized pipe needs to be replaced, as does the pump and control box. A bad breaker in the control box will be replaced. Discussion on placing a transducer to measure the static level of the well is discussed. An update to the estimate received which includes the price for the piping will be received for approval prior to completion of the work. Discussion is held on authorizing a not to exceed number so that the quote can be approved without an additional meeting. Discussion on the option of placing a transducer in the well with intention to connect to the SCADA system in the future is held.

At 10:37 am Public Session is resumed. Commissioners Ron Sandstrom and Larry Leonard are present.

Discussion on the estimate to replace the pipe is held. A 2 HP motor was in the well, not the 5 HP believed to be there. Larry Leonard makes a motion to approve replacement of the Muddy Beach Well #2 with a 2 HP, 33 GPM pump and motor. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve up to $2,000 additional for Hartley Well to complete the rehabilitation of Muddy Beach Well #2 including pump, motor, piping and control box. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

4. Administration

A safety meeting will be held Wednesday, October 15. Always Accurate Garage Doors has been contacted and will be in to look at the garage doors and salt shed door in two weeks. Updating of smoke detectors is expected to be quoted this week.

Larry Leonard is working on the Asset Management Grant Application and will distribute the application for review.

The Driveway Ordinance proposed updates are discussed. A list is to be compiled of available vendors to clean driveway culverts. Mike Smith states that he is against the change to put the responsibility to the homeowner. Ron Sandstrom suggests discussion with Attorney Dan Crean on the matter. This will be set up for next Monday at 9:30 am. Mike Smith adds that public opinion at the meeting was against this proposed change.

The quote for trimming of trees is to be reviewed. A second quote will be sought.

Mike Smith makes a motion to discuss electric supply options on October 15. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

An initial list of items to be considered for the 2015 Warrant has been distributed by Ron Sandstrom. The list will be reviewed and updated.

The payroll reported is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $5,145.88. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

5. Accounts Payable
6. Minutes

The minutes of 9/12 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 9/12 as presented. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The minutes of 9/15 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 9/15 as presented. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The minutes of 9/22 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 9/22 as presented. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The minutes of 9/23 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 9/23 as presented. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0-1 with Larry Leonard abstaining as he was not in attendance at that meeting.

7. Commissioners Reports

Mike Smith discusses the possible release of email addresses by the VDOE and is informed that no request for this information under RSA 91-A has been received. Ron Sandstrom discusses other mechanisms in which persons can receive notification of updates to the web site such as an RSS feed. The instructions to update to this feature have been added to the VDOE website. Larry Leonard makes a motion to post a notice on the website regarding the possible release of email addresses should they be requested and the ability to unsubscribe your email address and sign up for the RSS feed. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to prepare shut off notices for overdue water bills for mailing after 10-1. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to start non-pay shut offs on October 15. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion is held on timing. Mike Smith moves to amend the motion to start non-pay shut offs on October 20. Ron Sandstrom seconds the amendment. Motion is called to a vote and the motion, as amended, passed 3-0. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to post the approved shut off notice on the website. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to send the notices by registered mail. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to send a second letter to Madison for securing of 14 Aspen Drive. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

A report of DPW personnel speeding within the District has been received. The report is for speeding on Huttwil Drive and Eidelweiss Drive. Mike Smith makes a motion to reinforce the speed limit with the DPW crew. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to send an email thanking the resident for the report and to advise that the matter is being addressed with the crew. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith discusses beach cleaning and the expected reduction in hours after Labor Day, with completion of beach raking after Columbus Day. Mike Smith outlines that the beaches should be prepared for weekend use only. Larry Leonard responds that weekend preparation and checking of the outhouse supplies is all that has been done since Labor Day. Mike Smith makes a motion to have the DPW crew pull the rafts at the beaches. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Larry Leonard discusses need for a higher level of awareness of DPW work and scheduling for the Commissioners. A work plan needs to be developed and implemented. A weekly/monthly/seasonal outline should exist. Mike Smith states that verbal reports on Monday are his preferred manner of receiving updates. Larry Leonard outlines the need to be able to track completed work and identify areas that require frequent repair.

Ron Sandstrom discusses meeting with the Healthcare Committee and Water Operations Committee last week. A proposal for review by the Board has been submitted by the Healthcare Committee. Discussion is held on the benefits to the budget should the Committee recommendation of limiting the VDOE portion of the premiums to the 2 person level. The recommendation of the Committee is read. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to move forward with the recommendation of the Committee. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith discusses looking into the establishment of a Healthcare Capital Reserve Fund. Unexpended funds from the medical benefits line item could be voted for placement into the fund. Discussion on the procedure for establishing a Capital Reserve Fund is held. Mike Smith makes a motion to place establishment of a Healthcare Capital Reserve Fund with a proposed deposit equal to the amount of any unexpended budget funds for medical insurance. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Information from the Water Operations meeting of last week is outlined and discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to cancel tomorrow’s scheduled meeting and send an email to the Committee for rescheduling. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

8. Signature Items

The drafted Visitation Policy is presented for review. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve and post the Visitation Policy. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

An application for a Driveway Permit for Construction for 12 Blinden Drive is reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Driveway Permit for Construction. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

9. Correspondence

NH Retirement System has sent information on training sessions for the implementation of Government Accounting Standards Bureau (GASB) Regulations 67 and 68.

Primex and HealthTrust have sent notifications on upcoming Public Hearings scheduled for 2015 rate establishment and Annual Meetings.

10. Scheduled Appearances

John Lynch of 4 Porridge View Drive has attended the meeting to discuss drainage on this road. The road is in need of gravel and grading. The road gets very muddy in the middle section during and after rain. This road is relatively hidden, and pulling onto Oak Ridge Road from Porridge View Drive can be challenging. The residents of Porridge View Drive would like to donate a mirror which could be attached at the intersection to show any vehicles traveling down Oak Ridge. Resident Patricia Farren has offered to purchase the mirror. The mirror would be donated to the District for installation by the DPW. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion that if a mirror is donated, the DPW will install. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Discussion ensues on the need to fix the low area on this road to stop the puddle from forming.

11. Other Business

The provider looking to quote alternative energy suppliers for the VDOE has sent an email stating that the VDOE will not be responsible for charges incurred for obtaining information from PSNH. The form requested to be signed states that the VDOE will be held responsible. As form will not be altered by the provider, it will not be signed.

12. Public Comments

At 10:15 am Mike Smith makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a) employment matters. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

No motions were made during Non-Public Session.

At 10:36 am Mike Smith makes a motion to exit Non-Public session. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith leaves the meeting at this time.

At 11:27 am Larry Leonard makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

September 22, 2014

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Monday, September 22, 2014. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom, Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Carol Dandeneau. [expand title="More Text"]

At 8:02 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.

1. Agenda

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to add a non-public session and budget discussion and approve the agenda as amended. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille is not in attendance at today’s meeting. Ron Sandstrom discusses completing the Oak Ridge Road project at the intersection with Eidelweiss Drive this year. Discussion is held on the update of additional funds available that can be expended within the budgets. Ron Sandstrom discusses the benefits of completing phase 1 construction prior to placing phase 2 or phase 3 of the Oak Ridge Reconstruction Project onto the Warrant for voter approval. Mike Smith makes a motion to move forward with the placement of the catch basin and culvert for $7,760. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to have a final cost for all chains needed for next week for approval. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

3. Water System Planning

Mike Smith makes a motion to send an email to Integrated Water Services stating that any items on the Jungfrau pump installation punch list that are still outstanding Friday, September 26 will be hired out to a different contractor with a deductive change order to IWS for any charges incurred. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion on contact with IWS prior to sending this email is held. Mike Smith moves to amend the motion to include a call to IWS prior to sending the email. Ron Sandstrom seconds the amendment. Motion is called to a vote and the motion, as amended to include a call first and then deductive change order if work remains incomplete, passed 3-0. Oak station is discussed. A request for proposal has been completed. Bid request is reviewed and discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to add placement of a sump pump at ground level and approve the bid request. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Larry Leonard makes a motion to have the bid request sent to Iron Mountain Water, L.R.W., FX Lyons, IWS and Simply Water. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The Summit station is discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to purchase the seal kit from Maltz Pump. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion on purchase of the stack assembly in addition to the seal kit is held. Discussion on installation and bidding the work is held. Larry Leonard outlines second need to open the pump if the stack is needed and not available while the seals are being replaced. Motion is called to a vote and the motion failed 1-2 with Ron Sandstrom and Larry Leonard against purchase of the seal kit only. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to purchase the seal kit and stack kit from Maltz Pump. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to hire Maltz Pump to do the installation of the seals and stack kit. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion is held on bidding the work. Motion is called to a vote and the motion failed 1-2 with Larry Leonard and Ron Sandstrom against assigning the project without a bid process for the work. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to request bids for the work from Iron Mountain, LRW, FX Lyons, Simply Water and Maltz Pump. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-1 with Mike Smith against bidding this work. Mike Smith makes a motion to order two CR-20-2 single phase pumps for Oak Station. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Muddy Beach is discussed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve and sign the work order for the diagnosis and repair of Well #2 to be completed by Hartley Well Co. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. A transducer may be needed for the well. Mike Smith makes a motion to obtain pricing for two transducers for the Muddy Beach well field. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The concrete pad needed for the new pump installation at Oak Station is discussed. Gilbert Block can fabricate off site and deliver the pad to the station. A quote has not yet been received. Mike Smith makes a motion to order the concrete pad from Gilbert Block. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Information from Electrical Installations Inc on the SCADA antennas and radios for the water system was received yesterday. Information will be forwarded for review and discussion. Mike Smith makes a motion to obtain a quote from EI on the sensors and SCADA tie in for Oak station. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Installation dates for approved work orders are expected this week for scheduling additional valve work needed within the District. Mike Smith will schedule Scott Hayes for an additional 4 hours for isolation valve and water system review.

4. Administration

Budgets and yearend projections are discussed. It is outlined that the yearend projections included funds for medical insurance for all employees. It has since been learned that the highway crew will not be taking benefits through the VDOE this year. This will leave additional funds available at the end of the year than originally projected. The spreadsheet will be redone and distributed for future discussion.

The grant request submission for the Asset Management Grant being offered by NH Department of Environmental Services is being worked on. The application will be completed and submitted to the Board for review and approval.

The Driveway Ordinance proposed updates are discussed. The document incorporating all changes is reviewed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve the updates to the Ordinance and sign the document. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Discussion is held on implementing the change back to property owner responsibility for the maintenance of driveway culverts. Mike Smith states that the property owners’ lack of cleaning the culverts over many years was creating road damage situations. It is outlined that this was the reasoning for altering the Ordinance two years ago. Mike Smith suggests that a list of available parties to clean culverts for homeowners be available at the office prior to implementing the change in the Ordinance. Ron Sandstrom withdraws the motion pending receipt of additional information on the available options for a homeowner to contract culvert cleaning services.

Ron Sandstrom will produce a list of proposed warrant article projects for next week.

5. Accounts Payable

19 checks for a total of $7,816.62 are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 19 checks for a total of $7,816.62. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

6. Minutes

Minutes of 9/12 and 9/15 will be reviewed next week.

7. Commissioners Reports

Mike Smith makes a motion to have the DPW grade Lucerne Drive following replacement of the valve at #13 Lucerne. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to have the gravel section of Aspen graded following the placement of the new water service at #19 Aspen. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

8. Signature Items

The withdrawal form for the funds voted to be withdrawn from the Road Construction Capital Reserve Fund is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to request the withdrawal and sign the form. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

A draft letter to the owners of 34 Eidelweiss Drive regarding work on the ditch in front of their property as previously discussed is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to not send this letter based on the vote taken earlier today. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. A new letter will be drafted outlining today’s vote to proceed with the work.

A draft letter to the owners of 19 Oak Ridge Road regarding reinstating the protective berm that was removed by the DPW in 2012 is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign and send the letter. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The Driveway Ordinance will be held as discussed earlier.

The Muddy Beach well #2 repair work order was signed previously in this meeting.

Energy supply alternative providers have sent forms for authorization of release of information from PSNH for obtaining usage information needed to provide quotes. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the Energy Professionals order form for quote. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to reject the proposal from Northeast Utilities which requires a $50 payment for production of a quote. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
9. Correspondence

NH Department of Health and Human Services has sent the weekly arboviral bulletin.

NH Municipal Association has sent the monthly NewsLink magazine.

10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Other Business

Information on the VDOE web site viewing and pages reviewed by persons visiting the site has been compiled by Ron Sandstrom. Visits to the site are increasing.

New chairs for the office are discussed. Ergonomic mesh chairs can be purchased for $199 each. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the purchase of 4 chairs at $199 each. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

12. Public Comments

At 9:24 am Mike Smith makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a) employment matters. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to establish a non-public session with each member of the highway department. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

At 9:37 am Mike Smith makes a motion to exit Non-Public session and adjourn the meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Ron Sandstrom yea, Mike Smith yea, Larry Leonard yea and the motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

September 15, 2014

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Monday, September 15, 2014. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom, Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. Also in attendance were Kelly Robitaille (Highway) and Ray Seeley of Integrated Water Systems (water operator). Resident Bob Simmons joined the meeting in progress. The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes and Carol Dandeneau. [expand title="More Text"]

At 8:02 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Sandstrom.

1. Agenda

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the agenda. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille reports that all equipment is in good shape. Bristenstock, Salins and Appenvel have been worked on. This area will be finished this week. Discussion is held on the amount of gravel needed. Mike Smith makes a motion to withdraw $5,000 from the Road Construction Capital Reserve Fund for the purchase of gravel. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion is held on road needs and continued maintenance. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0. The gravel will be purchased and stockpiled. The top of Oak Ridge Road where the pavement was removed is discussed. This area will be checked for repair. The culvert at the corner of Grachen, Aspen and Grachen Extension is discussed. Kelly Robitaille reports that this culvert has been crushed and needs to be replaced. Discussion is held on the possibility of intentional abandonment of the culvert around 5 years ago. This will be looked into. An updated quote from the asphalt company has been requested. Chains for winter use for all equipment have been quoted at $3,200. The road review by the Board of Commissioners is to be scheduled. The crew is learning to operate the grader. Graffiti was placed on the road signs and entry sign over the weekend. Clerk Jay Buckley left a message informing the office of the graffiti and stated he was notifying the Sherriff’s department of the vandalism. The crew will clean the road signs. Madison Police will be notified. Specifications are being worked on for obtaining quotes for a new truck to replace the Top Kick. 19 Oak Ridge Road is discussed. Area is to be checked for replacement of the berm that was previously removed. 6” rip rap has been placed in the swale in front of 23 Oak Ridge Road.

3. Water System Planning

Ray Seeley states that he will plan the installation work for the new water system hook ups for Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. An email confirming this will be sent. The water system budget is reviewed with Ray Seeley. Line items are discussed. Pump house heat is discussed. Ray Seeley is informed that November or December is normal time frame for turning on the heat. Tree removal is needed around the pump houses. Ray Seeley is informed that a quote is being worked on for trimming of trees around the stations. Information relating to the antenna pathways for the SCADA system is expected from Electrical Installations Inc. The Jungfrau pump replacement project is discussed. Mike Smith and Ray Seeley will meet at the pump house later this morning to review the remaining items on the punch list. Oak station is discussed. Placing of the pump that will remain in service to the system outside the pump house during the installation of the new concrete slab, pumps and piping is discussed. Mike Smith suggests building a shelf that would hold the pump inside the building for security purposes. Discussion turns to pouring of the new concrete slab. Pouring the slab outside and moving it into the building once cured is discussed. Gilbert Block will be asked for a price to fabricate the slab. A bid sheet will be developed this week for review. Coordination of delivery of the slab and pumps in one day to maximize use of the crane that will be needed to lower these items into the building is discussed. All parts for the job are to be on site prior to the beginning of installation. Discussion turns to the option of a VFD control panel or a soft start set up for the new pumps. The engineer has stated that a soft start set up would be alright for use in this station as this station is an in line booster station only. Minimal benefit would be gained by a full VFD control panel. Discussion is held on addition of a flow switch or pressure sensor on the inlet sides of the pumps so as to protect the pumps. Options for replacing the seals on the pump at the Summit station are discussed including having a factory technician do the work. Discussion is held on a reduction in confidence in the work of Integrated Water Systems based on the Jungfrau pump replacement project. The pump seals that were replaced but also leaked at the Jungfrau station earlier in the year are discussed. Ray Seeley responds that the shaft was damaged on the pump, which caused the seizing. Mike Smith states that the shaft on the pump at the Summit has been checked and moves freely. Ray Seeley states that the VDOE should schedule the factory rep for the install; he will not be bidding on the work. Muddy Beach Well #2 is discussed. An estimate from Hartley Well has been received for the Well #2 work. Discussion on the unknown status of the piping and potential replacement as stated on the Hartley Well estimate is held. The work order will be developed to state that additional costs for piping or other repairs determined to be needed once the well is opened will need approval prior to completing the work. The option of adding a transducer in the well to measure well draw down and recovery times while pumping is discussed.

4. Administration

A safety meeting was held last week. Mike Smith makes a motion to add a safety line item to the budget for next year. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Larry Leonard discusses Asset Management. A statement of work for the proposal from Thorne Surveyors is to be drafted. Larry Leonard will handle development of the initial draft. Pictures of water stations are being taken and schematics of piping are being produced. A grant is being offered by NH DES for development of Asset Management programs that Larry Leonard suggests the VDOE consider applying for.

The revised Driveway Ordinance will be updated and sent to legal counsel for review and discussion of adoption by the Commissioners. Mike Smith makes a motion to define “driveway”, “curb cut” and “road access” as interchangeable terms in the Driveway Ordinance. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Discussion is held on notification from the insurance company that a release of funds for reimbursement of the stolen inventory items is pending.
Options for alternative electricity suppliers are being reviewed. The current agreement with First Point Power as electricity supplier ends November 1.

An ad for part time snow plow drivers is presented and reviewed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve the ad for publication Wednesday and Saturday. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

A request for submission of prices for the shoveling of pump stations following any snowfall event of greater than 2 inches is presented and reviewed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to post the request for pricing. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith leaves the meeting to meet with Ray Seeley at the Jungfrau pump station.

The payroll report is presented for review. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $6,442. Larry Leonard seconds the motion. Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 2-0.

5. Accounts Payable
6. Minutes

The minutes of 8/29 are presented for review. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The minutes of 9/8 are presented for review. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The Asset Management Committee minutes of 9/8 have been distributed.

The Safety meeting minutes have been distributed.

7. Commissioners Reports

Mike Smith discusses the Hartley Well quote for work at Muddy Beach Well #2, stating that this work is just a part of what is needed at that station. Discussion ensues on three projects for Muddy Beach station; the well, the booster pumps, the communication/SCADA issues. Discussion continues on the project and the acknowledgement that the condition of the pipes will be unknown until the well is opened. It is stressed that any additional costs related to this well will need to be approved by the Commissioners prior to any work being authorized. A review of the proposed pump for the well by Engineer Paul Fluet will be done. Larry Leonard states that prior approval for additional costs will be stated in the work order. Mike Smith discusses the Asset Management Committee as the group that is to be obtaining information in one central location to make the information usable by the Commissioners for planning purposes. Mike Smith adds that the managing of the assets, including establishment of a long term plan to identify future replacement and upgrade needs is the responsibility of the Board of Commissioners; not the Asset Management Committee. The Committee should be focused on listing the assets and not on making suggestions on how to handle those assets. Mike smith reiterates the need to keep the Committee focused and to keep clear the responsibilities.

Larry Leonard is in possession of the GPS coordinate sample that was requested from Integrated Water Systems. The information will be scanned and distributed.

8. Signature Items

The proposed work orders for repair of the curb stop valve at 13 Lucerne and the valve box on Appenvel Way are presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve and sign work order 1016 for repair on Appenvel Way. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve and sign the work order for repair of the curb stop valve at 13 Lucerne. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

9. Correspondence

The owner of 23 Oak Ridge Road has sent a thank you to the office for notification of approval of the work to be done in front of this property.

The NH Retirement System has sent the contribution rates for 2015/2016 for employees and employers. The VDOE portion will be calculated for the 2015 proposed budgets.

The NH Department of Health and Human Services has sent notification of additional mosquito pools testing positive for Eastern Equine Encephalitis. The threat from mosquitoes will remain active until the first hard frost.

The NH Department of Health and Human Services has sent notification of the first positive influenza case for the 2014/2015 flu season. The department recognizes that it is very early in the flu season for the first positive case.

10. Scheduled Appearances

Bob Simmons questions if an agreement exists for discounts on propane that the VDOE may have negotiated that would be available to residents. Mr. Simmons is informed that the Eidelweiss Property Owners Association has an agreement for residents with AmeriGas.

11. Other Business
12. Public Comments

At 10:35 am Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Larry Leonard seconds the motion and the motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole