2015-01-23 Budget Hearing

Public Hearing on 2015 Budget
January 23, 2015

The Board of Commissioners held the Public Hearing on the 2015 proposed Budget and Warrant on Friday, January 23, 2015 at 7 pm in the Town Hall meeting room. In attendance were Commissioners Ron Sandstrom, Mike Smith and Larry Leonard. 10 persons were present. [Expand Title="More Text"]

At 7:00 pm the Public Hearing on the Budget was opened.

Ron Sandstrom outlines the order of discussion for items tonight.

At 7:02 pm the Public Hearing for a bond over $100,000 for purchase of a truck is opened by Ron Sandstrom.

Bond over $100,000 for purchase of a new truck is to replace the 2005 Top Kick. Proposed truck is International TerraStar, cost is $114,000. Process of review outlined. Discussion ensues on choosing this truck over a second F-550. Durability of the TerraStar as a heavier framed truck is outlined. Larger sander capacity discussed. Discussion on cost is held.

Discussion on the choice of the Commissioners to not purchase a truck in 2014 is held. TAN notes are discussed. Cash flow is discussed. Use of the Unassigned Fund Balance is discussed. Use of the road grader as a primary snow fighting tool is discussed. Safety and the ability of the crew to keep the roads open are discussed. Mark Graffam states that he will present an amendment to this Article at the Annual Meeting reducing the funds and proposing purchase of an F-550. Recommendation is to place larger truck on Warrant and allow the voters to debate at the Annual Meeting.

Truck Article hearing closed at 7:33 pm.

At 7:34 pm the Public Hearing for a bond over $100,000 for water system improvements is opened by Ron Sandstrom.

Bond over $100,000 for the purpose of water system improvements is to inspect and line the water tanks. State Revolving Loan Fund is discussed as source of financing for this Article. Water system improvements are needed and the concern for the age of the tanks has been discussed for over 10 years. Inspection of tanks followed by tank lining, if appropriate, is intent for these funds.

Discussion on replacing the tanks one at a time instead of lining is held. Recommendation for estimated cost for replacement of tanks be available at the Annual Meeting is made.
Recommendation on listing the specifics of tank lining as project within Warrant Article is made. Recommendation on attention to funding options is held. Split between taxes and water bills and history of loans being turned down by the voters based on funding is outlined and discussed. The need to inspect the tanks is discussed. Proceeding without an inspection to create the compelling reason for the voters to approve this project is discussed. Recommendation to include this article with the wording updated to include inspection of tanks and to include the order in which the project would proceed is made.

SRF Bond article for long term debt for the water system is closed at 8:05.

At 8:06 pm the Public Hearing for the 2015 Budget is opened by Ron Sandstrom.

Budgets discussed.

Ron Sandstrom outlines budget changes from 2014 to 2015.
Budget line items reviewed and discussed.

Highway repairs and maintenance discussed extensively. Funds expended in 2014 on the Top Kick are discussed. Difference in annual cost of maintenance for a truck under warranty from a truck for which the warranty has expired is discussed.
Creation of a plan for culvert cleaning and replacement recommended.

Line item for gravel discussed extensively. The roads planned to receive the gravel is questioned. The outline that all roads will be done over a course of 4 years is discussed. Specific roads will be determined in the spring. Use of the road grader and the continued use of a part time expert grader operator for placing the gravel are discussed.

Parks and Recreation is discussed. The difference between Parks and Recreation and Buildings and Grounds is outlined. The ability to purchase swim rafts is discussed. Wooden rafts will be inspected in the spring and the option to replace any damaged rafts with yellow plastic rafts as was done at Boulder Beach is primary reason line item is not being reduced.

All other proposed budget expenditures for 2015 within the budget detail are reviewed.

The proposed 2015 Water Budget is outlined and discussed. Line items are reviewed and discussed. The cost of monthly water monitoring for the licensed water operator is discussed.

All other Articles within Warrant are outlined and discussed.

Article for purchase of a small size truck is discussed. Trucks have already been discussed. This article is recommended for removal by the attendees with the additional recommendation the Board focus on the details for the larger truck previously discussed at this meeting.

Article for accepting grant funds for Asset Management is discussed. Discussion on movement on last year’s Article. Doubling of the cost from last year’s approved amount and the limits of this article on water only is discussed. Discussion on the funding this article from the 2014 Article, which was funded from the Unassigned Fund Balance, is held. Recommendation is made that a plan be presented for how these funds, if approved, would be expended.

Approval to expend from the Water Extension fund article is discussed.

Purchase of an articulating bucket for the Backhoe is discussed.

Request for approval of a budget for Safety is outlined and discussed. Cost of article, location of first aid kits, cost of fire extinguishers, and general need to include details in the planned spending for this article is stressed by attendees.

An article for placement of Asphalt on Middle Shore at Geneva Place and Little Shore at the intersection of Eidelweiss Drive is reviewed. Discussion on the details of this project is held. The need to have the details on preparation of the road for rebuilding, including any drainage needs, prior to placing asphalt is discussed. Removal of Little Shore apron from this article recommended as that area needs drainage corrections which may alleviate the need for the apron.

Capital reserve fund articles are reviewed and discussed. These two articles will correct old records held by the Town of Madison, Trustees of the Trust Funds and the NH Department of Revenue as well as close the Highway Equipment Expendable Trust by transfer of all assets to the Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.

Ability to enter an agreement for electricity supply up to 36 months is outlined and discussed. Based on lack of specifics for a contract, the ability to pass this article is questioned. Department of Revenue and legal review has not yet been completed on this Warrant; should the article not be adoptable, it will be removed.

Three petitioned warrant articles have been received; creation of a road plan in the amount of $20,000; creation of an expendable trust fund for medical insurance in the amount of $52,360 and a recommendation to enforce the parking regulations in place for the Huttwil parking lot

Ron Sandstrom announces that he is withdrawing his Declaration for Candidacy and will not be running for re-election. Ron Sandstrom adds that Ralph Lutjen is running for Commissioner and as Ralph would be a good choice for Commissioner, Ron is going to step aside.

At 10:20 pm Ron Sandstrom closes the Public Hearing on the Budget and Warrant.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole