Technicians hired by the Village of Eidelweiss will be doing field work

Dear Eidelweiss Resident,

Starting on Saturday, July 25, technicians hired by the Village of Eidelweiss will be doing field work near or possibly on your property to look for and verify the location of the districts water curb stop valve. This is all part of the districts ongoing Asset Management Program.

These individuals will be wearing fluorescent orange or green vests while conducting their work.
They may be taking measurements from corners of your house to the curb stop to get precise location readings. They will also be acquiring GPS readings of these valves. The technicians will then mark the valve location for future reference.

Please allow them access to do their work and don't be afraid to say "Hello!!" .

They should only be at any one location for no more than 20 minutes as they have a lot of valves to locate in the next few months.

This data gathering effort will allow the Village District to better respond to a water emergency at your home in the future as well as better facilitate any routine water system maintenance to your home .

Thank you for your patience and cooperation with this project.