2015-09-26 Public Hearing on Oak Ridge Road

SEPTEMBER 26, 2015

The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on the proposed reconstruction of Oak Ridge Road at 12 noon at the Lodge on Saturday, September 26, 2015. 10 persons present. Meeting was taped for Madison TV by Amy Boyd.

Call to order 12:00 pm by Ron Sandstrom.

Oak Ridge Road reconstruction plans reviewed. Outline of planned phases from 2012 is given.
Discussion on all costs are Engineering estimates, not bid prices at this time. Engineering estimates are generally considered to be higher than actual costs.
Phase 1 construction discussed. Change of focus following construction on phase 1 outlined.
Lack of project management created additional challenges during phase 1.

Remaining work required for completing this project outlined and discussed, including road bed reconstruction, drainage construction and replacement of water lines. Each segment is reviewed and discussed with costs.

Drainage options discussed. Two options for drainage outlined, open ditches or closed culverts with catch basins. Closed ditch design with buried culverts estimated cost $103,011. With project management as a stand-alone project cost is $113,312. Differences between the two options for drainage outlined. Depth of ditches is primary difference at 1 foot versus 2 foot. Difference in cost is $30,000.

Water lines as an option for inclusion in the project discussed. Cost for water line replacement is $180,000. With project management as a stand-alone project cost is $198,000.

Road reconstruction discussed. Reconstruction of road with a proper road bed and tied into proper drainage is goal. Asphalt currently anticipated to last 7 years. Maintenance done after construction over the years will alter this expectancy for when road would need to be redone. Estimated cost for road reconstruction is $193,688. With project management as a stand –alone project cost is $213,056.

Total costs for options reviewed and discussed. Outlined options include road only, road open drainage, road closed drainage or road, drainage option and water lines.

Road only - $193,000
Road –open drainage - $267,000
Road – closed drainage - $297,000
Road – open drainage – water lines $447,000
Road – closed drainage – water lines $477,000
Funding and options for financing outlined and reviewed.

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to post financial draft information onto website. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Ralph Lutjen questions how project fits in with long term plan for asphalt roads within the VDOE. Ron Sandstrom outlines agreement that long term planning is needed within the VDOE. Concern for long term tax rates and tax impact discussed.

Dinah Reiss states road with open drainage most reasonable manner of proceeding.
Prioritizing of work to be planned is discussed.

Ralph Lutjen questions statement of safety for ditches, stating that ditches slow down cars prior to hitting a tree.

Drainage should be included for road protection is stated by Dorothy Wondolowski.

Discussion on proceeding with repairs to Oak Ridge is discussed.
Poll for plans discussed and taken.
Plan A – none
Plan B – 9 votes
Plan C – 1 vote
Plan D – none

Adjourn 1:15 pm