2017-08-22 Commissioners Meeting

[gview file="https://vdoe-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/CM082217.pdf"]VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS
Commissioners Meeting
August 22, 2017

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, August 22, 2017. In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith, Ron Sandstrom and Ralph Lutjen. Also in attendance were Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, Treasurer Dinah Reiss, Water Operator Ian Hayes and resident Andrew Harteveldt. The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.

1. Agenda

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to add a non-public session for contract renewal. Ralph Lutjen seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The action list is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille reports that a quote has been received for the catch basin needed at the culvert for Eidelweiss Drive. Cost is $764.63. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve up to $800 for the catch basin for Eidelweiss Drive including shipping. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. The time table for installation is discussed; after Labor Day. Tony Eldridge will be in during install as a third person will be needed. Estimate of 2 days to install. The home owner has been notified of the work that will be done. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.
Application for a driveway permit for construction for 80 Oak Ridge Road is discussed. Drainage for the road way will be included in the paving. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Driveway Permit for Construction for paving at 80 Oak Ridge Road. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Ralph Lutjen questions if this work will have an effect on plowing. Kelly Robitaille states that paving this area will help with plowing. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.
Ralph Lutjen questions the two driveways that were paved prior to application for a permit. Contact was made with the contractor last week who stated that both applications are being submitted. Discussion is held on compliance with ordinances. Mike Smith makes a motion to bring an updated Driveway Ordinance to the public hearing October 14. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Discussion is held on limiting the Oct 14 meeting to the Beach Ordinance and the status of District assets. Mike Smith states that if this public hearing isn’t used, another will be needed. Ralph Lutjen highlights that paving prior to a permit would result in disconnection from the road. Additional discussion ensues on compliance. Education regarding ordinances is needed. Kelly Robitaille outlines that 3 paving companies are seen working in the District most often; two of the three always have permits. Updating the Ordinance to state pavement will be removed to 10 feet within the road is discussed.
Kelly Robitaille discusses the driveway at 15 Jungfrau. This driveway is very steep and the pavement extends into the roadway under the gravel. The long term fix for this driveway and the road is to place a driveway culvert. Placing this culvert will require removal of many feet of the pavement that extends beyond this driveway. Ralph Lutjen discusses placing the road culvert beyond the driveway as the more cost effective repair for this area. Kelly Robitaille outlines that the driveway and pavement under the road will still create issues; the driveway culvert is the best long term option. Kelly Robitaille will supply an estimate of work time expected and cost for the culvert and any rental equipment needed to break the pavement.
Kelly Robitaille states that grader blades are needed; cost is $270. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve up to $275 for grader blades including shipping. Ralph Lutjen seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Speed limit within the District is discussed. Madison police have stated that 25 mph is the lowest enforceable speed limit. The number of signs needed will be counted and a cost for replacing the signs with 25 mph will be estimated. Mike Smith makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille count the number of speed limit signs in the District for pricing replacements. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Discussion is held on the need to have a traffic survey done in order to enforce a limit of 20 mph; Andrew Harteveldt points out that every road would need to be done separately. Contacting Madison police regarding the requirements of a road survey is discussed. Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to contact the Madison Police regarding the option of surveying the roads in Eidelweiss for speed limit purposes. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Kelly Robitaille discusses an email that was forwarded regarding a trash dump at the edge of Eidelweiss Drive that was placed on a website without the issue being sent to the office. The resident did not flag down or otherwise motion to the DPW crew that he was cleaning up a trash dump.
Ralph Lutjen questions the piles of dirt left roadside along Grison. Kelly Robitaille states that the piles will be removed next week.

3. Water

Ian Hayes states that a new leak has been located on Interlaken. This will need to be dug to the water main for repair. Ron Sandstrom discusses placing the proposed road culvert at the same time as the excavation for the water repair. This will be discussed with Kelly Robitaille. Ian Hayes states that repair is scheduled for the end of next week. An outage in that area of the District will be posted. The repair is to be completed prior to the next leak detection effort with Granite State Rural Water. Ralph Lutjen questions the amount of water zones that have been checked for leaks at this time. Ian Hayes outlines that every effort starts at the same location to check for new leaks that may have occurred after the previously discovered leaks were repaired. Therefore, once leaks are found, the effort is suspended for repair to be completed. The Jungfrau zone is next to be checked; that will complete three zones. Ian Hayes adds that with the new water meter at Reinach, outages while checking an area for a leak have been minimized. Continued effort on leak detection will be made.
Mike Smith discusses following up with SCADA programmer Tom Therrien with a copy to his boss, for a delivery date for the as built drawing for the chemical injection room.
Ian Hayes reports that the flood alarms have been placed and will be added into the SCADA panel.
The SCADA system and the ability of the system to auto-generate reports is discussed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to ask Tom Therrien for information regarding the reports available and the costs associated with auto-generated reports. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Muddy Beach is discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve purchase of the badger meters not to exceed $3,000. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
Ian Hayes discusses placing of inlet meters from the wells instead of replacing the failed chamber style meters and ad-packs. A representative from Everett J Prescott is needed to program the chamber meters; this service is not readily available. Replacing with 2” in-line meters would be the recommended option. Ian Hayes will send pricing; the original estimate was $1,200.
Mike Smith states that if the engineers set the Muddy Beach booster pump size at 15 HP; the order should be released for the Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) from Tom Therrien. Contact with the engineers regarding the final recommendation for the booster pump size will be made. Discussion on pump costs is held. Allocation on list used to generate the warrant article is $4,817 plus $140 for shipping. Removal of the contract pad that is currently in the station and placing of a new pad which is much lower is discussed. Ian Hayes will get a price for the ne 3” concrete slab. Demolition of the current pad will be done prior to the delivery date for the new pump.
Andrew Harteveldt questions persons being able to identify leaks while walking. Ian Hayes responds that any suspicious water; a wet area that is normally dry, a stream running when it is dry, or water that is ‘bubbling’ should be reported to the office. Andrew questions sending notice to residents of what to look for. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to send a communication to residents regarding identifying water leaks. Mike Smith seconds the motion. Verbiage is discussed for the communication; it will be up to the VDOE to allocate resources on any reported suspected leak.
Ian Hayes is reminded to send all updates on valve work; installation and repairs, to the office or payment may be withheld.

4. Administration

A safety meeting was held last week.
The motion log will be reviewed next week.
The monthly cash flow report is presented. Treasurer Dinah Reiss outlines that the loan payments were included in today’s manifest.
Treasurer Dinah Reiss outlines that the transfer of the $20,000 from the water usage account to the new Capital Reserve Fund for Tanks as authorized at the annual meeting can be done at any time. This will be prepared for next week.
A possible increase to the TAN loan will be looked into.
The unassigned fund balance and the effect on cash flow are discussed.
Mike Smith makes a motion to request an increase in the TAN to $125,000. Ralph Lutjen seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

5. Accounts Payable

The check manifest is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 21 checks in the amount of $42,360.68. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Motion is called to a vote and the motion passed 3-0.

6. Minutes

7. Commissioners Reports

Ralph Lutjen discusses the timing of information to be received from the engineers. The December time table for receipt of the design for Little Loop may be too late to obtain bids prior to establishment of the Warrant. Ralph Lutjen suggests sending a note to the engineers to move the timing up; the sooner the better for receipt. A logical time table based on the needs of the VDOE is to be established. A recommended time table for all information being requested from the engineers will be developed for review.
Ron Sandstrom outlines that the asset management database has been updated.
Mike Smith requests that the outline of lightening protection and electrical upgrades from Engineer Lee Carroll be resent to the Board for review.

8. Signature Items

The Lodge use policy draft is presented. Mike Smith makes a motion to adopt the lodge use policy. Ralph Lutjen seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

9. Correspondence

Granite State Analytical has sent the weekly beach testing results; all are within limits.
The copy of the drainage report from Engineer Paul Fluet has been received.
Photos of a messy area at Reinach have been received.
Questions regarding the status of Geneva Beach have been received and responded to.
The third party electric provider has sent the monthly summary report.
NH Municipal Association has sent the bi-weekly News Link report.

10. Scheduled Appearances

Andrew Harteveldt has come to the meeting to discuss the drainage easement needed with the neighboring property secondary to the direction of flow of the culvert installed at his property. The wording of the easement that Mr. Harteveldt has drafted will be submitted to the office.
Andrew Harteveldt requests an amendment to his driveway permit to allow the driveway pavement to intersect with the road pavement. This will be reviewed. Information regarding the cap which will be placed over the curb stop valve will be sent for review by Ian Hayes.
Andrew Harteveldt states that the goal of the EPOA and himself is to build bridges to work constructively with the VDOE.
Summer beach water testing is discussed. Andrew Harteveldt informs the Commissioners that Paul Mattatall will no longer be able to perform the weekly testing after this season. Mike Smith makes a motion to hire Gloria Aspinall to complete the weekly beach testing. Ralph Lutjen seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
The letter requesting facility inspection from the EPOA and the VDOE response are discussed. Andrew Harteveldt states that the inspection would be looking at maintenance and function of the VDOE assets. Mike Smith states that the Board has already responded to this request; access to public areas only is granted. Inspections of areas not generally accessible to the public will not be allowed. Inspections of facilities are performed by many sources, including the insurance company, fire department, code enforcement, and the NH Department of Environmental Services. Joining of the asset management team for a better understanding of the VDOE assets is discussed with Andrew.
Andrew discusses the EPOA’s desire to send communication to its members regarding the District. Ron Sandstrom discusses fake news sites; stating it is unfortunate that these sites exist. Persons could be more constructive sending issues with options for correction to the District office for review and consideration by the Board. The Commissioners do not want an adverse relationship with any of the District residents.
Andrew Harteveldt is thanked for his approach to looking for means to find solutions.
Ralph Lutjen outlines that the intent of the meeting scheduled for October 14th is to cover the status of District assets and outline known capital needs; adding that the Board recognizes the importance of communication and information.
Andrew is informed that the history of the District is being compiled.

11. Other Business

Locks have been replaced on the Lodge, Oak station, Jungfrau station, Chocorua station and Reinach station.
The outline for the meeting on October 14 is reviewed. A beginning point for the presentation has been developed. Ralph Lutjen states that additional information will be drafted for review by the Board. Information will be made available at the meeting.
The drafted updates to the Beach Ordinance will be distributed to the Board for discussion.

12. Public Comments

Dinah Reiss discusses adding warrant article status information to the action list. Mike Smith makes a motion to add warrant article status to the action list. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

At 10:25 am Mike Smith makes a motion to enter Non-Public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) contract negotiations. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion. Motion is called via roll call vote Mike Smith yea, Ron Sandstrom yea, Ralph Lutjen yea and the motion passed 3-0.

Motions and votes of non-public session:

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to add wording as recommended to the water operator’s contract. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve renewal of the Sheriff’s contract for use of the cabana building. Ralph Lutjen seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

At 10:35 am Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to exit non-public session and adjourn the meeting. Mike Smith seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole