2018-01-19 Public Hearing

[gview file="https://vdoe-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/PH011918.pdf"]VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS
Public Hearing for Water System Bond
Public Hearing for the 2018 Budget
January 19, 2018

The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing for a proposed water system bond and the 2018 proposed budget and warrant on Friday, January 19, 2018. In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith, Ron Sandstrom and Ralph Lutjen. 12 persons were present. The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.

At 7:00 Mike Smith calls the meeting to order.
Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to open the meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Mike Smith outlines the intent of this meeting is to review the proposed 2018 proposed budget items that will be voted on at the Annual Meeting. Questions on 2017 expenditures should be sent to the office.
The Tax Impact and Water rate calculation sheet is reviewed and explained.
At 7:05 pm Mike Smith makes a motion to open the Public Hearing on the proposed Water System Bond in the amount of $525,000. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Ralph Lutjen outlines risk status of water system assets. Items from the 2005 Master Plan for the VDOE Water System, many of which have been deferred in the past, need to be addressed. These items are significant in cost. The large bond is being proposed as a means of levelling the water rate and spreading the costs over a 15 year period while being able to complete significant improvements to the reliability and effectiveness of the water system within the next three years.
Warrant Article 2 is read aloud.
The status of the tanks and inclusion of inspection and lining funding within the bond are discussed.
Phase 1 of a planned 2-phase project for creation of the Reinach Pressure Zone is funded within the proposed bond. The direct impact on the distribution system of this project is discussed; an entire section of water users will have low pressure issues corrected.
Upgrade for the pressure reducing valve pits is included in the funding. This project will increase the ability to isolate zones of the water system for leak detection as well as add additional isolation points for system repairs.
Electrical upgrades needed throughout the water system will be funded. This project will first be completed at the DPW well site.
Muddy Beach pump station rehab phase-2 is included. This phase, as outlined last year, will include addition of the second pump, VFD, and building upgrades.
SCADA upgrades, including adding the Summit pressure zone tank to the system are included.
Security updates for the pump houses are needed and included in this proposed bond.
Discussion is held on the impact to the water usage fee if the bond is approved versus funding each project independently. The benefit to the rate and ability to level the rate for the next few years through the long term funding is outlined.
Discussion is held on the impact of the improvements going forward; the system will be more reliable and efficient, which benefits all users.
Leaks within the water system are discussed. The bond does create immediate correction for this issue. Long term planning for a pipe replacement project funded by capital reserve savings is discussed. Pipe replacement would then be completed in sections as funds allow.
The electrical upgrades needed are discussed; the Board informs those present that the District had an electrical engineer come in and review the system.
Ralph Lutjen outlines the historical issues with gaining approval for funding water system projects for political reasons; the time has come to make the needed repairs.

At 7:45 pm Mike Smith makes a motion to close the Public Hearing on the Water Bond. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
At 7:45 pm Mike Smith makes a motion to open the Public Hearing on the 2018 Budget. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Article 3 - Operations/Highway budget
Line items are reviewed and discussed. Focus on increase over $500 requested and agreed to. Evaluation for and purchase of brine system for treating roads during winter storms is outlined. The calculation and use of three-year averages for expenditures for creation of the some proposed budget numbers is outlined. The Highway equipment repair line is an example. The completed road work by the DPW is reviewed during Highway review.
The Parks & Recreation line is discussed. Recent addition of beach testing costs to this line item is discussed. Highway overtime hours for weekend beach raking is discussed. The District will post the beach raking position prior to the beginning of summer.
Water Services line items are also reviewed.
Article 4 – Lodge repairs
2017 repairs and improvements made to the interior of the lodge discussed. The need to replace the siding on the building is being proposed for funding.
Article 5 – Little Loop
Little Loop Road is shedding water onto private property. The VDOE is required to alleviate this issue. Intent is to raise the road, slope the area to the other side, and install a catch basin and culvert to direct the water into new ditch that will be established. Some tree work will be needed and has been estimated by a contractor. Article cost is based on contractor’s estimates; cost savings may be able to be obtained by having the DPW do some of the proposed work. Discussion ensues regarding possible liability for a portion of the total cost to be charged to other properties.
Article 6 – Storm Water Management
The VDOE has embarked on a program to protect the ponds. Degradation of the ponds has occurred over the years is shown on the pond quality testing results from the samples collected through the Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP). This article will fund an agreement with UNH Storm Water Management to review the watershed drainage and create a plan for storm water management for the District. Ralph Lutjen outlines the benefits of the initial review of Dr. James Houle of the UNH Storm Water Management program as he recommended creation of a natural wetland area on a lot owned by the District on Geneva Place across from the beach where a catch basin, which would disturb the natural area and require maintenance, had been recommended through standard engineering.
Discussion on possible options for obtaining grants for work that would be recommended through this review; Ralph Lutjen outlines that the ponds are classified as good shape overall and therefore grant funding is not available.

Article 7 – Eidelweiss Drive/Thusis Beach drainage
The need to replace a failed culvert under Eidelweiss Drive at Thusis Beach is outlined; the road would suffer significant damage if culvert were to collapse. The outlet area is being set for best protection of the pond. The DPW will complete this work.
Article 8 – Sherriff’s contract
This article is to request voter ratification of the renewal of the contract with the Carroll County Sherriff’s office for use of a portion of the cabana building.
Article 9 – Mailboxes
The article will include two new sets of mailboxes set on a new concrete slab, a new roof over the area and repair of the bulletin board.
Article 10 – Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund
This article saves for future known needs to replace trucks; saving annually will help smooth out tax impact going forward.
Article 11 – Water Budget
The line items were reviewed previously. No further questions were raised.
Article 12 – Agents for Tank CRF
To name the Board of Commissioners as agents to expend from the Water Tank Capital Reserve Fund.
Article 13 – Water System Pipe Replacement CRF
To begin saving annually for future pipe replacement that is needed within the distribution system of the water system. The series of leaks repaired last fall is evidence of need to replace the pipes in that area.
Article 14 – Asset Management Grant
The District has applied for the 2018 NH Department of Environmental Services Asset Management Grant. Funding is intended for completion of the mapping of all District assets.
Article 15 – Water Extension Fund
To allow the Commissioners to expend funds from the Water Extension Fund for work on the water system. This article is placed annually on the warrant and is funded by fees for new connections to the system.
Article 16 – Reinach Pressure Zone
Phase 1 as discussed during the bond hearing; separate article to address funding should recommended bond funding in Article 2 fail.
Article 17 – Muddy Beach Phase 2
As discussed during the bond hearing; separate article to address funding should recommended bond funding in Article 2 fail.
Article 18 – Reinach and Summit tank linings
As discussed during the bond hearing; separate article to address funding should recommended bond funding in Article 2 fail.
Article 19 – Jungfrau and Chocorua Tank inspections
As discussed during the bond hearing; separate article to address funding should recommended bond funding in Article 2 fail.
Article 20 – Water Tank CRF deposit
Additional saving for water tank needs. If funding through the bond is approved; this article will not be recommended.
Article 21 – Pressure Reduction Valve pits
As discussed during the bond hearing; separate article to address funding for the DPW and Upper Lakeview Drive PRV pits only should recommended bond funding in Article 2 fail.

Article 22 – Pump House Electrical updates
This article would separately fund the electrical updates to the DPW well and chemical injection site only. Funding for this and the other stations is included in the bond article.
Article 23 – Pump House Security
As discussed during the bond hearing; separate article to address funding should recommended bond funding in Article 2 fail.

Dorothy Wondolowski thanks the Board for the effort in putting this all together. The number of estimates for each project is questioned; contracted vendors were used for some estimates, an independent contractor was used for the Little Loop project estimate and additional estimates may still be obtained for larger projects. The projects are being reviewed independently to determine the best avenue for completion; VDOE contractors, VDOE DPW or outside contractor(s) based on the work to be performed and experience with VDOE systems needed to effectively execute the work in a timely and cost effective manner.

No further questions or discussion was raised.

At 9:25 pm Mike Smith makes a motion to close the Public Hearing on the 2018 Budget. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole