2018-11-13 Asset Management Meeting

Asset Management Committee Meeting
November 14th, 2018
The Asset Management Committee met at 1:00 pm exactly on Tuesday, November 13th ,

  1. In attendance were Committee members Nancy Cole, Tommy Gunn, Mike Smith and
    Ralph Lutjen. Committee member Dinah Reiss was not present at the meeting. No guests
    were in attendance. The meeting was filmed.
    At 1:04 pm the meeting was called to order by Chairwomen Nancy Cole.
    Chairwomen Nancy Cole passed out documents to include the Agenda and Updated CIP plan.
    Mike Smith makes a motion to accept the agenda as presented, Nancy Cole seconds and all
    vote yes.
    Mike Smith makes a motion to hold all public comment from any guests present at today’s
    Asset Management meeting until the planned content of the meeting is completed. Ralph
    Lutjen seconds and all members in attendance vote yes. Motion passes. There were no guests
    present at today’s meeting.
    Nancy Cole makes a motion to accept the minutes from October 16th, 2018 as presented, Mike
    Smith seconds, all members voted yes for approval.
    Capital Reserve Fund (CRF) review:
    Ralph Lutjen discusses the warrant article to replace the current Ford Motor Company F550.
    The current bid for a Dodge 3500 and associated uplifting has an estimated cost of
    $110,000.02. The current uplifting includes plow and sander and the necessary support
    equipment. The Ford F550 has experienced very high maintenance costs, has been unreliable
    at critical times and has reached the end of its useful life and requires replacement, What is
    unclear will be sale and or salvage value of the current Ford F550 and sander and plow
    equipment and where to place those monies. The Commissioners are evaluating trade-in
    value, outright sale with sander and plow and sale or truck, sander and plow as separate
    items. The current Capital Reserve Fund has $25,000 as a down payment for the replacement
    vehicle, question at hand should the sale value of the current Ford F550 and its equipment be
    applied to the purchase price of the new vehicle or redeposited back into the Capital Reserve
    Fund, no decision or recommendation resulted at today’s meeting. The current expected life of
    the new Dodge 3500 is five (5) years.
    Mike Smith questions the timing of the replacement of the Ford F550 and the current planned
    replacement Terra-Star and the 7400. The timing would have a replacement vehicle each year
    in 2023, 2034 and 2025.
    Ralph Lutjen discuss the strategy of the vehicle replacement program and the ongoing
    deposits to the CRF to target a flat tax rate impact in the future.
    Review of the buildings was lead by Chairperson Nancy Cole no new information was
    available. Review of the planned or identified scope for the Lodge project in 2020. The current
    project is a full renovation of the first floor to include electrical and plumbing. The 2019 scope
    involved replacement of the exterior siding.
    No other building line items were discussed this meeting.
    Discussion around the road projects and information provided by Kelly on the estimated cost of
    gravel and shim as well as the prioritization of the proposed projects. Ralph Lutjen suggests
    greater detail needs to be developed by kelly and included in the upcoming annual meeting. As
    well discussion around evolution the timing of various tank projects to insure road upgrades
    will not be completed before planned tank replacements which may require extensive heavy
    equipment use of the roads and damage new or upgraded road surfaces. A review will be
    Mike Smith asks if we should budget an additional $1,000.00 in the gravel budget should extra
    work be needed, it was also suggested the tank project could carry a contingency amount for
    potential road repairs that result from the tank replacement.
    Discussion on the closing of the Grison and Burgdorf was included as part of the roads CIP
    review. Nancy Cole provided an update on creating the two dead end streets, she has reached
    out for input from local officials, more to follow in December.
    H2O and Tanks:
    The committee reviewed the tank replaced dates and priorities currently in the CIP.
    Discussion around the high pressure issue and reported Paul Fluent is working on a technical
    solutions, to be completed in December.
    Nancy will make adjustments to the CRF in years 2020 and 2021 given current priorities.
    Much discussion revolved around the Reinach tank replacement its timing and the cost
    differences between a State of New Hampshire funded loan and a Bank loan. Benefits and
    detriments of each were discussed with estimated cost differences, it was agreed to table and
    only report details once the actual contractor sealed bids are opened and reviewed on
    December 4th, 2018. The results and recommendation will be discussed at the next meeting in
    As no guests were present there was no public discussion at this meeting.
    At 2:12 pm Nancy Cole a motion to adjourn the meeting. Tommy Gunn seconds. Motion
    passed unanimously with all members voting yes.
    The next meetings will be held on Tuesday December 11th, 2018 @ 1:00 PM.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Tommy Gunn
    Committee Member