2 – DPW Electrical Upgrade 1/28/19

DPW Electrical Upgrade                                                                          01/28/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Upgrade of electrical systems and components at the DPW Well site.  This is a high priority as a result of the inability to maintain water supply should the DPW well be out of service due to an electrical failure.  Project corrects noted electrical code deficiencies found during the review by Electrical Engineer. 

Scope Described

Upgrade water system electrical to 480-volt service; add lightening protection for DPW well; upgrade pressure transducers; replace panel with one of proper size and add proper surge protection and grounding; add variable frequency drive control for DPW well; add proper surge protection for water computer in office.

Addition of VFD drive is anticipated to create a significant savings in electric.  In 2018, Jungfrau pump house used 30,978 kw hours where as DPW used 56,417 kw hours as shown on electric usage chart below.  Jungfrau pump house has 2-20 HP pumps where as DPW has only one; yet the DPW pump cost $4,962 more to run per year.

Break even from savings in 13 years.

Break even from line item in 2 years. 

Cost Detail



Pressure transducers and lightening protection                  $8,500

480 Volt Service work                                                                    $4,500

240 Volt Service work                                                                    $7,500

Station upgrades including code corrections                         $16,500


Pipe and materials                                                                           $6,640

Meters                                                                                                 $3,500

Labor                                                                                                     $2,200

Funding will be from $140,133.48 unexpended proceeds of the $204,930 loan authorized at the 2018 Annual Meeting

All figures are from contractor quotation and equipment price from the supplier