2019-01-24 Asset Management Meeting

Asset Management Committee Meeting
January 24th, 2019
The Asset Management Committee met at 1:00 pm exactly on Thursday, January 24th, 2019.
In attendance were Committee members Nancy Cole, Tommy Gunn, Mike Smith and Ralph Lutjen. Committee member Dinah Reiss was not present at the meeting. Mr. Jay Buckley was in attendance as a guest. The meeting was filmed.
At 1:02 pm the meeting was called to order by Chairwomen Nancy Cole.
Chairwomen Nancy Cole passed out documents to include the Agenda and warrant project sheets to be reviewed and updated at today’s meeting.
Mike Smith makes a motion to accept the agenda as presented, Tommy Gunn seconds and all vote yes.
Mike Smith notes, as reflected in the agenda, to hold all public comment from any guests present at today’s Asset Management meeting until the planned content of the meeting is completed.
Mike Smith makes a motion to accept the minutes from December18th, 2018 as presented, Nancy Cole seconds, all members voted yes for approval.
Warrant project sheet review:
Note a summary of the edits and updates will be captured here but final content detail will be posted on the VDOE website once approved by the commissioners targeted for Tuesday January 29th 2019.

  1. Engineering upgrading Grandval and Burgdorf to Class V standards - Updated language to include existing staff limitations on engineering design, include road width required and existing and include current conditions (large bolder needing removal)
  2. Thesis culvert replacement - add language to include work performed by in-house DPW staff.
  3. Asphalt road shimming - Minor language change and include exact description of where work is to be performed.
  4. Gravel road repairs - Minor language updates to include these undertakings have been identified as specific projects and outside the scope of the normal road maintenance and budget.
  5. Front runner rake - No change but note added language of product specifics.
  6. F-550 replacement - Add language to include recent concerns from DPW staff on safety of
    the vehicle as well as lead time for replacement and up-fitting.
  7. Upper Lake View / Rigi Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) pit - No edits needed
  8. Muddy beach 5,000 gallons tank replacement - see note at end of document of resident question. Edits to include language of the recent outage and how the Muddy Beach tank supported the village district over high use period and its critical importance to overall strategy
    to provide continuous service to residents as displayed recently.
  9. Chocorua Pump house overhaul - Minor edits to include adding balance of previously approved warrant article budget.
  10. Summit pump house electrical updates - Minor edits to include adding balance of previously approved warrant article budget.
  11. Reinach 90,000 gallon cast in place concrete tank - Adjust first year payment and interest rate numbers and insert bid sheet cost summary.
  12. DPW Electrical - Minor edits to include adding balance of previously approved warrant article budget and include the offset of savings which will be generated with the installation of the Variable Frequency Drive (VFD).
    General note all warrant article tax/water rate impact will be provided on a separate sheet to be included in package so residents will know the impact of each proposed warrant article.
    At the conclusion of the agenda content Chairperson Nancy Cole engages Mr. Jay Buckley as the guest in attendance and asks if he has any comments or questions. Mr. Buckley comments most of his questions were addressed during todays meeting but had one additional question.
    Q1 - “Did the warrant project sheet cost estimate include MassTanks cost estimate include the recent pricing increase in steel?” Nancy responded no it did not as the increase would be included in the contingency funding line item.
    A comment from the recent budget meeting was brought up at this time where a resident asked if the Commissioners had considered having the existing non-tank modified with he addition of a inspection port, Nancy responded given the age, non-tank was installed in 1970, age prevented this from being considered.
    At 1:47 pm Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Nancy Cole seconds.
    Motion passed unanimously with all members voting yes.
    The next meetings will be held on Tuesday February 12th, 2019 @ 1:00 PM.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Tommy Gunn
    Committee Member