In This Issue:
Commissioner News
2018 Audit
Grader Repairs
Public Hearing Results
Letter to Madison police
Employment Opportunity
Upcoming Meetings
Tax Bills
Fire Permits
No Fireworks Reminder
Pond Levels & Loon News
Volunteer Update
Bear Sightings
EPOA Summer Events
The 2018 Financial Audit is now available on the VDOE website. Click Here to view.
The Road Grader is out of service for a mechanical issue. Unfortunately that has slowed down the DPW’s ability to fill potholes in a timely manner. As a stopgap, they are filling where most critical and smoothing areas using the backhoe. Please exercise additional caution while driving on the gravel roads. We expect to have the grader back in service the week of July 15th. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your patience.
Public Hearing Results: At the June 1 Public Hearing a decision was made to update the highway ordinance to remove overnight parking at the beach parking lots. Also, the water ordinance was revised to update the process and add a charge for seasonal valve turn on & shut off. The updates have been made to both ordinances and can be viewed by clicking here.
Commissioners are drafting a letter to Madison police asking for increased patrol of beaches to assist us in enforcing the “No Dogs Allowed on Beaches” regulation.
Employee Opportunity: Looking for individual(s) to rake 4 of the Eidelweiss beaches, 2-5 days during the week in July and August.
3 early morning hours per day at $13.00/hr. $50 referral fee paid at the end of summer for successful hiring of employee. Contact the office at
for employment application.
Canoe/Kayak Racks: All available spaces have been assigned. Thank you to Kelly for making the necessary repairs to the racks and to Nancy for managing the numerous requests and getting the assignments out by the deadline.
Upcoming Meetings
Check the VDOE website for all meetings & locations.
You should have received the first 2019 tax bill from Madison which is due July 11th. This bill is 50% of the 2018 tax rate of $24.98 per thousand. Any change in the tax rate from 2018 to 2019 will be reflected in the 2nd 2019 tax bill once the rate is set by the Department of Revenue. Currently 24% of the property taxes go to the Village District of Eidelweiss with the remaining 76% to the Town of Madison, Carroll County and the State.
In addition to property owners obtaining permits as usual (see basic info here), any renters of your property will also each need to obtain their own permit. To get one, they must get a signed application (click here) from you that allows them to apply. You can email these directly to the Madison fire warden ( in advance or you can leave these for the renters at your property or email to them in advance with your signature. When the renter arrives on site, they need to call a fire warden who will come to the property with final approval of the application. A list of fire wardens and their phone numbers is available here.
Just a friendly reminder that fireworks are not permitted in Eidelweiss or in the Town of Madison. If you see or hear any fireworks, please contact the Madison Police Department at 603-367-8334.
There have been several discussions and debates at various Commissioner meetings over the last 2 months about the water levels in our ponds and how it affects the loon nest on Little Pea as well as how it affects many homeowners. The Commissioners and a new Environmental Committee have heard various points of view from property owners as well as from experts at the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES), the Loon Preservation Committee (LPC) and, NH Fish and Game. A Dam Engineer with DES is currently undertaking a study of our dam and the water flows of our ponds. Upon completion, our hope is that it will enable us to make informed decisions going forward that will best meet the needs for all constituents. The Commissioners plan to hold a public meeting at a future date when more information is available. Unfortunately, the loons lost their chick to a bald eagle shortly after emerging on Sunday morning June 23rd. In light of the recent loss of the loon chick, LPC issued the following as part of the blog on
“LPC has been considering putting a raft on this site because of water level fluctuation issues. Now we have another reason. An avian predator guard, which we use on all our rafts now, almost certainly would have prevented loss of the chick, although it would have been likely the eagle would have made some attempts after the chick was in the water.”
We have a lot of volunteers for weekend beach raking this summer
but still need people for August. Please
send an email to Mike Dolan ( if you can
Two additional projects are being coordinated by Jay Buckley for July & August – specific dates TBD.
1-Reconstruction of the bulletin board at the Huttwil parking area.
2-Line stripe painting of the basketball court at Eidelweiss Beach.
Anyone who would like to volunteer to work with Jay on these projects should email him directly. (
There have been multiple bear (some too big, some too small and some just right) sightings in and around Eidelweiss over the last several weeks. Please do not feed the bears and remember to keep all trash contained and inside.

EPOA Board meeting July 6th at 9 am at the Lodge. Beach cook out at Eidelweiss Beach July 13th (rain date July 20th).
Pig roast – August 17th. Details to follow in the July newsletter