2019-09-16 Environmental Committee Meeting DRAFT

Environmental Committee VDOE September 16, 2019 DRAFT

Committee members in attendance:  Paula Doyle, Patti Aliventi, Jane Gunn, Adam Leiser, Larry Leonard 

Public in attendance: Meta Stahlberg

Meeting was not filmed                Call to order 8:05pm

Motion to approve the 8/29/19 minutes – Adam made – second by Paula – 3-0

Patti and Jane don’t vote because they were not in attendance at that meeting

Report is 172 feet from the water to the rocks at cul-de-sac on Porridge Shore

Sand can’t be added except at the very end of the path to the beach and even that requires permission from abutters because area is less than 40 feet wide – Gravel can be added

Peter Cooperdock is coming tomorrow to meet with Beth Gagnon, Meta Stahlberg, Jane Gunn, Donna Lane and Adam Leiser

Meta summarizes a conversation she had with Ron Briggs

Algae fungus is starting to spread in the ponds.  Meta and Jane both report seeing a lot of it.  The algae is brown and looks like “cotton candy”.  Jane recommends scooping it out.  It’s not harmful to dogs.  Supposedly a pool skimmer is necessary to remove this.  Patti says she will research it and get more information for the committee.  Larry says it looks like fish eggs.

Adam reports that Donna Lane wants to help us with watershed assistance grant.

Paula asks “what problem are we solving”?  Explanation is that water runoff is hurting our ponds.

Larry and Paula state that we are “looking for a problem”.

The committee wonders if Porridge Shore should simply be a boat launch. 

Patti reports she’s done a lot of research on beach water testing:  e coli is in the water and we are actually testing for the level not for presence.  Patti reports the testing time frame doesn’t help us.  Jane says nobody else does weekly testing. 

Adam asks Patti for a timeline of testing.  Patti says she’s working on it.

Patti reports that Nancy has not yet sent her the contract for the water testing.

Larry reports no new data. 

Paula has not yet heard from the UNH stormwater management person.  Paula to call instead of email.

Paula asks if the brine sprayer is working?  Adam reports that he thinks he asked the DPW and the answer is yes.