2020-03-05 Commissioners Meeting

Village District of Eidelweiss – Commissioners Meeting

March 5, 2020

10am Adam calls the meeting to order

 Kathy Koziell and Adam Leiser are present

Ron Sandstrom arrived for 10 minutes

The meeting was not filmed by Madison TV

Meeting opens – no agenda to approve

Slide discussion

Kathy suggests moving Burgdorf to article 3.  Adam agrees.  Bob will be contacted.

Ron Sandstrom arrives and shares that he is in opposition with nearly all the warrant articles.  Adam asks which article he supports.  Answer – beach testing

Ron believes more information should be presented to the public.  Ron is concerned that the tax rate will be greater than $6.02.  Ron informs the board that he will support a 12k expense on the truck. 

Discussion about amending budget for garage doors ($6500), furnace ($9,000), legal ($3,000), sander ($1500).  Kathy and Adam agree this needs to be included in the budget.

Adam motion to call Bob Ingram. Kathy second.  Vote yes 2-0

Discussion with Bob about amending the articles.

Bob expresses concern about the personal attacks that will likely happen.

Bob suggests we get additional supporting documents.

Phone call ends.

Kathy asks Adam to present all the articles. 

Adam motion:  Kathy be permitted to get information to Bob Ingram without BOC approval.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 2-0.

Further discussion about start of meeting.  Kathy and Adam agree to keep it brief.

Adam motion to adjourn at 1pm.  Kathy seconds.  Vote yes 2-0