2020 Documents


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday December 31st, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:02 am on Thursday December 31st, 2020.

In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by Phone), Paula Doyle (by phone), Donna MacKinnon taking minutes. Dinah Reiss, Treasurer & Robert Ingram, Moderator called into the meeting. The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.                              

At 9:02 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Agenda of 12/29/2020.  Seconded by Kathy Koziell.  Motion Passed 3-0.

2. Administration Report

Discussion of Catherine Deyoe payroll proposal

Discussion of Water Project Disbursements-Waiting to hear back from Jones & Beach in regard to filling out the forms correctly.

Discussion of Copier-Roller is not working properly-Jay Buckley stated he found a HP copier and that most copiers are on back order at this time.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to purchase a HP Laser Printer for $599.99 coming from the Office Equipment CRF funds coming out of the 2021 Operating Budget.  Kathy Koziell seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley will pick up Printer.

Discussion of how to run the Annual Meeting this year due to COVID protocols-Bob Ingram the Moderator explains the optional meeting plans information budget session notify registered voters by mail with explaining the process for Annual Meeting.  Bob Ingram concerns were getting voters on board for virtual meeting.  Bob Ingram question the number of meetings to be held virtually for Annual Meeting to be done correctly either 3 or 4 according to the NHMA and Attorney from DrummondWoodsum for NHMA emails that was read at meeting. The 3 meeting would consist of posting the proposed Budget & Warrant Articles at the bulletin boards & website then have first informational meeting of how the meeting will be run and reading of the proposed Budget & Warrant Articles with no comments from the public.  Second meeting would be held 7 days later with the public comments being read with then the BOC can adjust the proposed Budget or Warrant Articles according to the public comments.  Third meeting would be the deliberative session Annual Meeting.  The 4 meeting would consist of first meeting would be the Annual Budget Hearing.  Second meeting would be for the informational meeting. Third meeting would be for virtual meeting for public. Forth meeting would be for the voting.  Discussion ensues between the BOC & Moderator.  Bob Ingram wants clarification from the Districts Attorney.  Jay Buckley will contact and ask the Districts Attorney for proper way that is required virtual meeting.  Discussion ensues of Absentee Ballots will they just be for the voting of officers or can the articles be included and how to validate the absentee ballots.  Kathy Koziell the timing of mailing out the information to the voters.  Tentative Budget Hearing is scheduled for January 27th, 2021.  Jay Buckley states we should be clarifying everything with the Districts Attorney.  Paula Doyle wants a simple email to the Attorney.

Jay Buckley would like to have finalized Proposed Budget & Warrant Articles for next Thursday meeting.

Bob Ingram asks to be sworn in as Moderator, Jay Buckley will swear in Bob Ingram today at 2:30 pm.

3. Signature Items

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the minutes of 12/21/2020.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the minutes of Non-public 12/17/2020.  Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the minutes of Non-public 12/21/2020.  Paula Doyle seconded. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Manifest of 12/30/2020 4 checks for $245.00.  Kathy Koziell seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Manifest of 12/30/2020 3 checks for $402.87.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the already approved Manifest of 12/28/2020 with the corrected check numbers of checks.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed


Discussion for 47 Eidelweiss Dr Driveway Permit for Construction.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Driveway Permit for Construction for 47 Eidelweiss Dr with conditions.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

4. Commission Reports

Jay Buckley

Discussion of small claims filing for outstanding Invoice for 4 Little Loop.

Discussion of Appraisal of the Ford 550

Discussion of Dam Emergency Action Plan

Kathy Koziell


Paula Doyle

Discussion of Water Emergency Plan-Paula Doyle talked with Ian Hayes the Water Operator regarding the Water Emergency Plan.

Paula Doyle will work on proposed Warrant Articles.

5. Correspondence

Discussion of Mark Graffam’s email regarding a Dawson Contracting machine on road.  Kathy Koziell believes there is a fine with breaking the ordinance.  Jay Buckley will look into ordinance and issue a fine if ordinance is correct.

Discussion of David Maudsley email

6. Public Comment

Dinah Reiss stated that she contacted Bank of New Hampshire regarding Truck Loan excess loan money.  Loan payment is due 1/15/2021 and the extra money from the Warrant Article can be applied towards the principle payment of the loan.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to pay the remaining money of the Truck Warrant Article to go to the principle reduction of the Truck Loan.  Kathy Koziell seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Dinah Reiss stated the Tax check should be ready January 13, 2021.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 10:44 am.  Kathy Koziell seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon



Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday December 29th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:02 am on Tuesday December 29th, 2020.

In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by Phone), Paula Doyle (by phone), Kelly Robitaille DPW Foreman, Donna MacKinnon taking minutes. Dinah Reiss, Treasurer called into the meeting. The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.                              

At 9:01 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Agenda of 12/29/2020.  Seconded by Kathy Koziell.  Motion Passed 3-0.

2. Administration Report

Discussion of Water Project Disbursements-Waiting to hear back from Jones & Beach in regard to filling out the forms correctly.

Discussion of Moderator Bob Ingram for annual meeting- Office will reach out to Bob Ingram to call into Thursday’s BOC meeting.

3. DPW Report

Discussion of Sand budget- Kelly Robitaille asks the BOC to ask if he can purchase $2K of sand in order to spend down budget.  BOC agrees with Kelly Robitaille.

Discussion of 2019 Dodge RAM 5500-Kelly Robitaille ask if the excess Warrant money can be put towards the principle of the loan.  Paula Doyle suggests asking the Treasurer if that can be done.

Discussion of DPW Building heating system-Kelly Robitaille is having a hard time getting estimates vendors are either too busy or out due to COVID.  Paula Doyle will send in a list of vendors to the office.  BOC would like two estimates for heating system.

9:20 am Dinah Reiss calls into the meeting.

Discussion of 47 Eidelweiss Dr. driveway permit approval.

Discussion of 2019 Dodge RAM 5500 loan resumes-BOC asks Dinah Reiss to find out if the excess loan money can be applied to the principle.  Dinah Reiss will call the Bank of New Hampshire to find out and will let the BOC know.

Discussion of the 11/23/2020 $15K money transfer from Operating Budget to the Water Project Budget- Dinah asks for Auditing purposes.

4. Administration Report

Resumes- Discussion of the Dept of Labor- Office received letter from Dept of Labor with closing the completed Inspection Report.

Discussion of Sun Chronicle for Annual Budget Hearing Ad-Discussion ensues as to the handling of the 2021 Budget Hearing Meeting.  Paula Doyle states she will not be physically attending the meeting as does Kathy Koziell.  Kathy Koziell asks about Warrant Articles and Budget so that she can put a Power Point together for the meeting.

Discussion of Lien Letter-

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the new Lien Letter for Water Usage Bills over $1K.  Kathy Koziell seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of turning off the homeowner’s water for unpaid Water Usage bills.  Kathy Koziell thinks a certified letter should be sent with the turn off date.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to communicate with property owners that their water will be shut off after communicating with Ian Hayes with a certain date that he can shut off the water for unpaid Water Usage Bills.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Catherine Deyoe’s payroll proposal of doing payroll in house.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the minutes of 12/10/2020.  Kathy Koziell seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the minutes of 12/17/2020.  Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Manifest of 12/28/2020 13 checks for $56,495.06.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of clothing allowance for DPW-BOC agree that receipts are needed.

5. Public Appearance

10:00 Kim Hare calls into meeting regarding Privatizing Eidelweiss Beaches.  Jay Buckley states that the water is owned by the State but that Eidelweiss can control the parking lots. Paula Doyle discusses of creating a committee to create a Policy for the Beach Parking.

Kim Hare wants to keep it as simple as possible.  Paula Doyle asks for volunteers for the committee.  Kathy Koziell asks Kim Hare to go back to her group for input that the BOC can take in count for ideas for a Policy.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Payroll of $6,370.11.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

6. Commission Reports

Jay Buckley

Discussion of 14 Bristenstock water line-Jay Buckley explains that the water line was cut by Contractor Jake Dawson during the water project and needs clarification from Jake Dawson that it is reconnected.

Discussion of class VI Road approval form- the District already has one on file for homeowners to file to the Registry of Deeds.

Discussion of CRF Funds

Discussion of Purposed Warrant Articles

Discussion of DAM Management Plan-Engineering is needed for completion of Plan.

Discussion of Reinach Place to be reclassified from Class VI to class V.

Kathy Koziell

Discussion of the Garside Estimate-Funds can not be encumbered because it has been past two years.

Discussion of reaching out to NHMA for a pro-bono form for District volunteers.

Paula Doyle

Discussion of Water Emergency Plan-Paula Doyle has reached out to Ian Hayes the Water Operator. Table it until Ian gets back to Paula.

Discussion of Newsletter- reconvene Thursday about Newsletter.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to go into Non-public at 10:55 am RSA 91-A:3, II(b).  Kathy Koziell seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

11:16 am BOC comes out of Non-public, minutes not sealed.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to send offer letter for temporary employment to Sue Stacey.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 11:17 am.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon



Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Wednesday December 16th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Wednesday, December 16th, 2020.  The meeting was held by phone.  In attendance for full meeting were Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK) and Paula Doyle (PD) and Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM).   Commissioner Jay Buckley  (JB) joined the meeting at 9:22 AM.   Kelly Robitaille (KR) was in attendance for the first half of the meeting.

1. Call to Order

At 9:07 am Commissioner Kathy Koziell called the meeting to order.    

2. Agenda

No agenda was created for this meeting, as the primary purpose was to discuss drafts for the 2021 budget and warrant.  A budget draft created by KK (2021 Proposed Buget.xlsx) and several warrant draft ideas created by JB (2020 PROPOSED WARRANTS JB.docx) were distributed prior to the meeting. (noted JB file name was labeled as 2020 and not 2021)

3. Discussion

Reviewed budget proposal on DPW costs with KR.  KK and PD discussed and agreed that costs for needed DPW 1 Bathroom renovations and a new furnace should be included in the Building & Grounds line item of the operating budget as opposed to being a separate warrant article.  Both of these projects are critical needs and risk being unfunded if proposed as warrant articles.  They can and should be funded through the operating budget as necessary maintenance for the building.  

JB joined the meeting at this point.

Under “EQUIPMENT & MAINTENANCE”, discussion on Repairs/Maintenance/Supplies.  Approx. $32K spent to date in 2020 below budget.  Concern that high maintenance costs are difficult to project.  JB recommends funding the Highway Repairs capital reserve account through a warrant article to account for future unanticipated costly repairs.  Also 2021 will hopefully be lower in repairs with 2 newer trucks in fleet.   Other items discussed with minor revisions made to several lines. 

Under, “ROADS,” reducing Salt & Sand and increasing Gravel.  Discussed that several line items saw significant deals in 2020 due to offers from vendors.  Cannot necessarily anticipate in 2021.   Other small revisions made to some line items.

Discussed four warrant recommendations from KR.

1-Reclaim and repave Chocorua View Drive.   Got estimate 1 year ago for $37,100.  This is a critical project as road is in very bad shape.  Need to confirm that this budget is still appropriate.

2-New blower for ditches and roads which could mount on backhoe for $6,000.  Many other towns in area including Madison & Tamworth are also getting these.  Will allow for more effective and efficient cleaning of leaves from ditches & culverts. 

3-Brush cutting on right side of Eidelweiss Drive for $7,000.  JB also added that we should include brush clearing along Main & Rigi water mains for ongoing maintenance to the areas above water mains as also recommended by water system engineer.  JB to work with KR to get costs.

4-Engineering for drainage work on Little Loop Rd to include survey, wetlands permit and design.  In 2020 was estimated at $14,000.

KR also pointed out that big International truck would likely need to be replaced in 2 years.

Prior to leaving the meeting, the BOC informed Kelly about the 2020 bonuses that have been allocated to him and his team.  KR expressed thank you on behalf of team. 

KR leaves the meeting.

Discussion continued on JB proposed warrant articles:

#6-Tank Pumping Maintenance to fund pumping & cleaning of DPW tight tank and beach outhouse tanks.  Discussion that beach tanks should be pumped annually and funded through “Parks & Recreation” line item on operating budget.  Discussion that tight tank pumping will likely be needed every 2-3 years so good idea to create this fund and deposit $2500 in first year followed by $2500 in years that follow so money will be there when alarm goes off and it needs to be pumped. 

#1 – Already discussed with KR.

#2 Asset Management – All agree.  Fund through unassigned fund balance.

#3-Don’t need this – already have this fund.

#4 & #5-already discussed – don’t need these – fund through operating budget.

#7-Health Care trust- agreed to fund it but lower to $5,000.

#8-Discontinue tank repair fund-after discussion, recognized that this is not designated as just a repair fund and can be used for repairs or replacement and that we should keep it for funding of future tank projects.

#9-New Truck Fund – fund $50,000 for new trucks.  Important to plan ahead especially with replacement for big white International truck will likely be needed in 2 years.  Fund through Unassigned fund balance so no new taxation needed for this.

#10-Equipment Repair Fund – fund $10,000.  All agreed important for future large, unanticipated repairs.  Fund through Unassigned Fund Balance so no new taxation needed for this.

JB made a motion to encumber $5,000 from warrant article #7 from 2020 to repair Eidelweiss Drive for use in 2021.  KK seconded motion.  Approved by vote of 3-0.

Discussion continued on proposed budget draft.

PD suggested that Salaries for Officers (Commissioners) should be increased over time to encourage more community involvement on the board.

Discussion and some revisions made to line items under Administration to reflect actual costs in 2020 and/or projected expenses in 2021.

Employee Benefits projections based on projected actual expenses.

All remaining line items discussed with some revisions incorporated where agreed.

KK reviewed bond principal & interest payments anticipated for 2021.

Water budget reviewed with some revisions incorporated where agreed.

Prior to adjourning meeting, JB noted that he was planning to attend the Madison ZBA meeting this evening to represent BOC as discussed in our prior meeting.  However, he has not been able to locate information on attending via phone.  DM and JB will both reach out to town hall to determine if this is an option per the NH RSA about Covid that requires public meetings to provide virtual attendance option.

4. Public Appearances -None

5. Public Comment - None

Paula Doyle made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:54PM.  Jay Buckley seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Doyle, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 11:00 am on Monday, December 21, 2020.  The meeting was held by phone.  In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell, and Paula Doyle.

1. Call to Order

At 11:00 am Commissioner Jay Buckley called the meeting to order.    

2. Agenda

No agenda was prepared as the primary purpose of the meeting was to enter non-public discussion for employment matters.

3. Discussion

Jay Buckley makes a motion to go into Non-Public at 11:01 for RSA 91-A:3, ll (a).  Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II(a) and return to Public Meeting at 12:10 pm. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passes 3-0.

During non-public, a motion was made to offer Su Stacey a temporary position. 

Discussion about whether there are any additional funds that need to be encumbered prior to the end of the year.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to encumber $1,957.44 that remains in Warrant Article #9 for the Burgdorf Culvert.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion passes 3-0.

Kathy Koziell asks if VDOE vehicle might have been involved in a traffic incident recently as she saw the district vehicle parked near police car, other vehicle and tow trucks during storm on previous Thursday.  Jay Buckley states that he will follow up with Kelly Robitaille to inquire. 

Jay Buckley makes a motion to Adjourn the Public Meeting at 12:16pm. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Doyle, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Thursday December 17th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, December 17th, 2020.  The meeting was held by phone.  In attendance for full meeting were Commissioners Jay Buckley Jay Buckley), Kathy Koziell (KK), and Paula Doyle (PD), and Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM) taking minutes & Dinah Reiss (TR) Treasurer called into the meeting. 

1. Call to Order

At 9:02 am Commissioner Jay Buckley called the meeting to order.    

2. Agenda

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the Agenda with the amended addition of the meeting minutes of 12/16/2020.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

3. Reinach Project

Brad Jones did not call into meeting- no discussion.

4. DPW

No report due to plowing of the snowstorm.

3. Administration

Discussion of Jones & Beach Invoices-Waiting to hear back from Brad Jones regarding old Invoices.

Discussion of Annual Meeting-Discussed the dates that the Budget hearing must take place by and posted. 

Discussion of Petition Warrant Articles for Madison Town meeting-Jay Buckley discusses the room & board tax petition that should be pursued. Jay Buckley discusses of Household Trash Dumpsters as a zoning change for Madison.  Paula Doyle asks if an individual can bring this up to Madison and not the BOC as a petition.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the payroll of $11,643.24 which includes the Dec Commissioner’s and Treasurer pay and employee bonuses.  Paula Doyle seconded.

Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the unsealed Nonpublic minutes of 12/3/2020.

Kathy Koziell seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the unsealed Nonpublic minutes of 12/10/2020.

Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to approve the BOC minutes of 12/16/2020.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

4. Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Manifest of 12/16/2020, 9 checks for $5,395.13.  Kathy Koziell seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of the 2021 Granite State Analytical Contract-Paula will read the contract over.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion for Paula Doyle to sign the Granite State Analytical 2021 contract after reading it over.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Paula Doyle states that Donna MacKinnon can sign the contract.

Paula Doyle makes a motion to withdraw previous motion of signing the Granite State Analytical Contract due to the Administrator can sign it.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Tabled Item of snowmobile access will be tabled until next year.

5. Commissioner’s Reports

Jay Buckley

Discussion of Surveyors for sale of the Lodge-Jay Buckley will send into the office of names so the District can get 3 quotes.

Discussion of Madison ZBA meeting 12/16/2020-Jay Buckley had to inquire about virtually attending meeting which Madison accommodated. ZBA meeting was about a variance for 13 East Bergamo.  Homeowner came with new designed plans.  No variance needed for septic and house size was downsized.  Variance was needed for the 35’ buffer for wetlands. Homeowner wanted house set back for road.  Jay Buckley objected to the variance to the buffer zone and to move the house closer to the road.  The ZBA board split the difference so not to violate the wetlands. 

Discussion of appraiser for value of Ford 550-Office will reach out to Primex & MacDonald Ford for prices.

Discussion of Action Log-Lynne is working on it.

Discussion of Inspection of Lodge fire extinguisher-Kathy Koziell will go up to Lodge to check the expiration date of extinguisher. 

Kathy Koziell

Discussion of Dept of Labor report-Kathy Koziell received notice from Dept of Labor that inspection is complete, and case closed.

Discussion of Propane Invoices-Kathy Koziell worked with Donna MacKinnon and all AmeriGas Invoices have been put into the right accounts for QuickBooks.

Discussion of Google Hub-Kathy Koziell states it has been received and is in the process to connect it.

Discussion of purposed Budget of 2021-BOC had a great meeting yesterday.

Paula Doyle

Discussion of Water Emergency Plan-Paula Doyle will reach out to Ian Hayes with her draft of the Plan.

Jay Buckley brings up that there is another Warrant Article that should be added to the Annual Meeting for the reclassification of Reinach Place for from 5 Reinach Place to the new Pumphouse from class Vl to class V.

Dinah Reiss, Treasurer

Dinah Reiss would like the BOC to be aware that she made the $25K CRF deposit.  Also stating the Madison tax check should be coming and that no TAN was needed.

Dinah asks about the transfer of the Water Hookup fees to the Operating Budget Account that need to be made before the end of the year.  Donna MacKinnon asks for clarification of the fees for 7 Biasca that were encountered if they should come from the extension fund.  Kathy Koziell thinks they should come from the extension fund as does Jay Buckley.  Dinah Reiss states that the Policy should be clarified.  Kathy Koziell states that is on the list for Ordinance changes. Paula Doyle there should be a non-refundable amount stated in the Ordinance.

BOC agree that for 7 Biasca costs should come from the water extension fund.

Discussion of Emergency Snowplow during COVID19-Plans were discussed and Jay Buckley will reach out to Kelly Robitaille for input.

6. Correspondence

Discussion of Adam Leiser certified letter-Kathy Koziell states that no action is need at this time from the BOC Paula Doyle agrees.  Office will respond back to Adam Leiser in response to his letter of 12/12/2020.  Jay Buckley brings up Invoice.

Discuss of NHPWMA email-Donna MacKinnon will update emergency contact information for them.

Discussion of Terri Warren email regarding pond level. Discussion ensues and Jay Buckley spoke with Terri.  Paula Doyle will draft a letter to Terri.  Jay Buckley does not think one is necessary after taking to her.  BOC asks the office to acknowledge her email and send the Audio file of this meeting to her.

7. Public Appearances -None

8. Public Comment – Dinah Reiss asks if the new tank was drained and if the lines to it were also drained.  Jay Buckley states no, the tank was not drained but the lines were.

Kathy Koziell asks the BOC to pick a date for the Budget Public Hearing.  The BOC agree on January 27th, 2020 at 7:00 pm and second date if needed or snow date for February 3rd, 2020 at 7:00pm.  Discussion of holding the meeting virtually takes place.  Paula Doyle states that we should have someone professionally help the District and whether it could be Andrew Harteveldt or Ron Sandstrom.  Kathy Koziell asks if she can reach out to Andrew. Paula Doyle and Jay Buckley agrees.

Discussion of Garage camera-Jay Buckley will address it.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to go into Non-Public at 11:09 for RSA 91-A:3, ll (a).  Paula Doyle seconded. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II(a) and return to Public Meeting at 11:33 am. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

During non-public, Commissioners approved a motion to seal the minutes of the non-public meeting.

Jay Buckley stated that he would like to attend the NHMA meeting that was discussed earlier that includes a section on how to hold a public meeting during a pandemic.  The cost for attending this meeting is $60.   Jay will also reach out to Moderator Bob Ingram to see if he is planning to attend and will inform the office to sign him and possibly Bob up for the event. 

Jay Buckley made a Motion to Adjourn the Public Meeting at 11:35 am. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon, Administrator


Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Thursday December 10th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, December 10th, 2020. In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley (by phone), Kathy Koziell (by phone), Paula Doyle (by phone), Administrator Donna MacKinnon, and Administrator Lynne Baker (by phone) taking minutes. The meeting was held at the Office of the Village District of Eidelweiss. Residents could call into the meeting via conference call.

1. Call to Order

At 9:00 am Commissioner Jay Buckley called the meeting to order.  

2. Agenda

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

3. Administration

Reinach Tank Status Report: Brad Jones did not call in to the meeting.

Discussion of Disbursements

Water System Report: Ian Hayes did not call in to the meeting.

DPW Report: Kelly Robitaille

Discussion of Misc. Items:

Kelly Robitaille affirmed that the new truck has been acquired and is up and running.

Kelly reported that Jeff DeMartino has tested negative for Covid-19 after Jeff’s wife had contracted the virus. Kelly said Jeff will need to be tested again this coming week.

Paula Doyle inquired as to the ice accumulating at the school bus stop.

Kelly stated it had been addressed.

Kathy Koziell asked if there was a need to rent another dumpster to rid the VDOE of debris.

Kelly stated that was not necessary, the VDOE had been cleaned up and was past that point.

Discussion of Department of Labor Requirements:

Kathy Koziell stated she would reply to the DOL inquiry as to the old truck and notify them it was going to be sold.

Discussion of DPW Budget:

Jay Buckley reported that the DPW Budget came in under budget due to Kelly Robitaille capitalizing on Coleman’s gravel sale.

Kathy Koziell stated there were funds in the DPW Highway Trucks and Repairs budget if needed for more winter supplies.

Discussion of the Sale of the Old Truck:

Jay Buckley inquired as to the status of determining value of the truck to determine a minimum bid, should it be offered for public sale.

Lynne baker reported she had contacted Primex Insurance (at Jay’s request) to determine an exact value of the truck as is. Lynne spoke to a representative at Primex who suggested we contact one of their contracted auto appraisers who could provide a complete appraisal, and provide documentation for a potential sale, at a fee.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve up to $300.00 from the equipment and supply budget to hire a professional appraiser to determine the value on the old truck, with plow and sander body, to sell. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley remarked that the BOC will enter a Non-Public meeting to address end-of-year bonuses for employees under RSA 91-A:3,II (a). No motion was made at this time.

At this time VDOE resident Sally Hassey called into the meeting.

Discussion of rocks that had not been removed on Sally Hassey’s property.

Jay Buckley agreed to meet with a member of the Hassey family to define which rocks she is referring to, mark them with paint, and inform the homeowner that nothing more would be done until the spring.

Jay requested that the office provide Sally Hassey with his contact information.

Discussion of Certified Letter from the Madison Zoning Board re:13 East Bergamo Road:

Donna MacKinnon presented the notification letter the VDOE received from the MZB regarding 3 setback variance requests from the homeowner at 13 East Bergamo Road.

The setback variances requested are for the house, the leach field, and the driveway.

Kathy Koziell stated that the location of the septic system was a critical concern.

Paula Doyle and Jay Buckley agreed that anything that would hurt the ponds should be opposed.

Kathy Koziell asked if the homeowner could provide an alternative solution for the BOC to consider.

Jay Buckley made a motion that the BOC authorize him to attend the Madison Zoning Board meeting of December 16th, 2020, to voice opposition as an abutter and request an alternative be presented. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Administrator Report: Donna MacKinnon and Lynne Baker

Discussion of Employee Health Plan Options for 2021:

Donna MacKinnon affirmed that Kelly Robitaille and Jeff DeMartino had submitted their options for 2021. She also reported the office had received an email from Nancy Cole stating she has been on the 1-person plan and will continue to be under Cobra.

Donna MacKinnon stated the payment had been received for the 47 Eidelweiss culvert.

Discussion of fund transfer from the Water System Budget to the CRF:

Kathy Koziell stated that no more funds should be taken from the CRF, as payments for the bleeders can come out of the water budget instead.

Discussion of Deadline to register for candidacy:

Donna MacKinnon stated the deadline to file an application to run for candidacy of an open board position is January 29th, 2021. Positions are for a 3-year term.

Kathy Koziell asked about the term length for the Clerk position.

Paula Doyle offered to draft a notice for the opening on the next newsletter requesting more people be involved in the process.

Discussion of the Minutes of November 25th, 2020:

Paula Doyle and Kathy Koziell requested some changes be made to the minutes.

Lynne baker agreed to make the changes as requested.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the minutes of November 25th, 2020, with the changes requested by Paula Doyle and Kathy Koziell. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of the Minutes of December 3rd, 2020:

Paula Doyle and Kathy Koziell requested some changes be made to the minutes.

Lynne baker agreed to make the changes as requested.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the minutes of December 3rd, 2020, with the changes requested by Paula Doyle and Kathy Koziell. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

4. Tabled Items

Mark McConkey variance correspondence, Jurji Czernow’s Snowmobile Access request, Policy and Ordinance Changes, Dam Management Policy.

5. Accounts Payable

Discussion of Manifest:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the manifest of 9 checks in the amount of $9,612.29. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

6. Signature Items

Discussion of second Driveway Permit for 7 Biasca Place:

Jay Buckley stated that the driveway does need a culvert for proper drainage and that the homeowner must apply for a new driveway permit.

Kathy Koziell suggested waiving the fee for the homeowner filing a second permit application.

Jay Buckley made a motion to waive the fee for a second driveway permit for 7 Biasca Place. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of 2021 Eastern Propane Certificate:

Donna MacKinnon presented a new certificate for 2021, required from Eastern Propane for all places where diesel fuel is delivered.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve signing the 2021 certificate for Eastern Propane. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of proposed Granite State Analytical Fees for 2021:

Donna MacKinnon presented the 2021 proposed contract for water testing fees of $7,962.00 from Granite State Analytical (GSA), mentioning that radon testing was not included.

Lynne Baker indicated that Lead & Copper testing was also not included in the presented fees.

Kathy Koziell asked if the VDOE had been billed from GSA as to the samples that Jay Buckley and Donna MacKinnon had collected and delivered.

Jay Buckley requested that the office contact GSA for clarification.

Discussion of 9 Reinach Place:

Jay Buckley drafted a letter to the homeowner regarding there will be no more work done on the water project until the spring of 2021, therefore they would not have water this winter.

Kathy Koziell made a motion to sign and send the letter to the property owner of 9 Reinach Place, with the changes requested by her. Jay Buckley seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of 17 East Bergamo Road:

Donna stated the Driveway permit had been approved in last week’s meeting but was not signed.

Jay Buckley made a motion to respond to the homeowner’s email. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

7. Commissioners Report

Discussion of Year-End Employee Bonuses:

Jay Buckley reported he had clarified with the NHMA that employee bonuses are considered income, therefore, both employee and municipality must pay the regular taxes, and go through standard payroll.

Discussion of 2020 Budget:

Kathy Koziell stated the 2020 budget was in good shape with $113,400.00 remaining.

Discussion of 2021 Budget and Warrant Article Meeting:

Kathy Koziell inquired as to having a meeting next week to solely address the 2021 budget and warrant articles next Wednesday at 9:00 am.

Paula Doyle offered to take the minutes and requested that Kelly Robitaille

Discussion of Taking of Meeting Minutes:

Kathy Koziell asked if Lynne Baker could begin typing the minutes at meetings, instead of handwriting them during the meeting then spending additional time transcribing them.

Lynne Baker agreed to attempt going forward.

Discussion of Replacing Badger Meters:

Kathy Koziell reported that the 2 Badger Meters needed for the Summit pumphouse had been allocated to the Chocorua pumphouse and needed to be replaced.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve $5,000.00 from the water system budget be used to replace the 2 Badger Meters used at the Summit pumphouse. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Andrew Harteveldt Email:

Paula Doyle read the email aloud.

Discussion Covid-19 Contingency Plan:

Jay Buckley indicated he had spoken with Kelly Robitaille and that a back-up plan was needed in the event both DPW employees were sick and/or quarantined, due to Covid-19.

Jay offered the suggestion that one option was to engage resident-based snowplow operators to assist if needed.

Kathy Koziell stated the VDOE should speak with Kelly Robitaille as he is in contact with the resident plow contractors and could suggest a few that the DPW is comfortable working with.

Discussion of Working from Home Policy:

Kathy Koziell identified the need to create a set policy as to the Administrators working from home, as the VDOE only has the one laptop that can access all files, excluding QuickBooks.

Kathy requested this be addressed at next week’s meeting.

8. Correspondence

Discussion of Doug Prescott Email:

Donna MacKinnon presented an email received from the homeowner.

Kathy Koziell requested Kelly Robitaille speak with him.

Jay Buckley made a motion to respond to the homeowner’s email. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

9. Public Appearances


10. Public Comment


Jay Buckley made a motion to enter Non-Public meeting RSA 91-A:3,II (a), to discuss employee year-end bonuses, without the Administrators present. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

The BOC will continue with the minutes from the Non-Public meeting RSA 91-A:3,II (a).

Jay Buckley made a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II(a) and return to Public Meeting at 12:26 pm. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to adjourn the Public Meeting at 12:27 pm. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Baker, Administrator


Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Thursday December 3rd, 2020

Revised Friday, December 11th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, December 3rd, 2020. In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone), Paula Doyle (by phone), Treasurer Dinah Reiss (by phone), Engineer Chris Albert (by phone), Engineer Brad Jones (by phone), Water Operator Ian Hayes (by phone), Septic Designer Mark McConkey (by phone), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (by phone), and Administrator Lynne Baker taking minutes. The meeting was held at the Office of the Village District of Eidelweiss. Residents could call into the meeting via conference call.

1. Call to Order:

At 9:02 am Commissioner Jay Buckley called the meeting to order.  

2. Agenda:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

3. Administration:

Reinach Tank Status Report – Brad Jones, of Jones & Beach Engineering, Chris Albert of CSA Engineering

DPW Report: Kelly Robitaille

Floor was turned over to Chris Albert, of CSA Engineering, and Brad Jones, of Jones & Beach Engineering, and Ian Hayes of Simply Water.

Discussion of Reinach Tank Project Status and Water System.
Brad Jones stated that Chris Albert had done another walk-through of the project and created a new punch-list of items to be addressed.

Kelly Robitaille inquired as to the paving status of Bristenstock, and the cut where the bleeder is washing dirt down into the culvert as the road was not done.

Ian Hayes stated that is not related to the water project.

Chris Albert stated he spoke with Jake Dawson about the lack of gravel on the low sections of Reinach.

Jay Buckley inquired as to the flooding of the old pumphouse.

Kelly stated there is a need to re-direct the water as the swale is full of debris and the culvert is not usable.

Ian Hayes replied that he will do some pumphouse work over the winter. He also stated that the best fix would be reverting to the old configuration as a temporary solution.

Donna MacKinnon inquired of Brad Jones as to the status of the Bryant Paving invoice as relating to the 3rd Disbursement.

Brad stated he would send it to the office today.

Brad stated that he would ask Jake Dawson to send an email to the VDOE formally requesting the Winter Shut Down to have in writing and sent to Rick Skarinka, per Rick’s request.

Discussion of Invoice for Contract #1:

Jay Buckley inquired as to the allocations for contract coordination and contract supervision.

Kathy Koziell inquired if there are any more charges forthcoming from Jones & Beach.

Discussion of Contract #2:

Jay Buckley inquired as to a possible duplicate charge.

Discussion of Contract #6:

Jay Buckley inquired about the contract administration and inspection.

Brad Jones stated he reviewed the contract and that all charges are time based and that the estimate was based on inspection and the pace of the job.

Chris Albert conveyed the possibility of balancing the contracts with a change order and that he will work with Jones & Beach on that.

Discussion of Upper Lakeview PRV Pit:

Kathy Koziell inquired if upper Lakeview was part of the original contract.

Chris Albert reiterated that installing 2 PRV pits was the better solution allowing for more future hookups.

Brad Jones left the meeting at 9:45 am.

Discussion of Asset Management Grant for 2021:

Jay Buckley clarified that the grant is for water line mapping

Ian Hayes stated this would help find the older mains as well, i.e., where the dead ends and loop lines are located.

Chris Albert stated an Asset Management Plan was critical as it is the beginning of an infrastructure implementation plan to help with acquiring loans, government funding, etc.

Jay Buckley stated there had been an Asset Management Plan done in 2015. It was a $15,000.00 grant for the curb stop shut off valves, but the mapping was not done due to time constraints.

Ian Hayes stated that 400+ Curb Stop Valves were located with that 2015 grant.

Chris recommended the software created by Wright & Pierce as highly detailed mapping.

Jay Buckley stated that Emerald Lake and Rock House Mountain had used Wright & Pierce.

Jay Buckley made a motion to submit the grant application to NH DES as written in the amount of $20,000.00 for Asset Management. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Chris Albert left the meeting at 10:00 am.

Mark McConkey, septic designer, joined the meeting at 10:05 am.

Discussion of Setback Requirements for 39 Interlaken Circle and 54 Huttwil Drive.

Mark McConkey wished to know the VDOE’s thoughts before filing for variances.

Jay Buckley and Paula Doyle stated the need to keep the ponds pristine.

Kathy Koziell stated there had been a homeowner who had a special septic designed and installed to increase the setback and allow for protection of the wetlands.

Paula Doyle inquired as to the next Town of Madison Zoning Board Meeting (which is in 2021 and suggested the item be tabled until then.

Kathy Koziell conveyed that all the BOC can do is voice concerns, not make zoning decisions.

Jay Buckley thanked Mark McConkey for being the first septic designer to contact the BOC.

Discussion of 7 Biasca Place:

Kelly Robitaille stated there is an issue with the placement of the driveway. It is not in the position that was approved for the Driveway Permit

Kathy Koziell stated she would draft a letter to the homeowner.

Kathy Koziell left the meeting at 10:32 am.

Discussion of Leak at 34 Interlaken Circle:

Jay Buckley stated there is a 1” service line in the woods that has been there for years.

Ian Hayes confirmed he did not know that existed.

Kelly Robitaille stated that if Simply Water was not going to dig, they need to fill the sink home as gravel is not helping. The driveway already had issues and the digging only exacerbated the situation.

Ian relayed that he would address the issue and ensure it is not a break.

Kelly confirmed he will accompany Ian to address this today.

Discussion of Samples for Granite State Analytical:

Ian Hayes confirmed they will use broad samples i.e., Little Shore Drive, Interlaken Circle, Huttwil Drive, Upper Lakeview Drive, etc.

Discussion of Road Project:

Kelly Robitaille stated there are ongoing issues with the road project after settling has occurred. The DPW is willing to address those issues and charge the Water System for DPW time and gravel to remedy the situation.

Ian Hayes confirmed he is fine with that option.

Kelly stated he would like to inspect each project before it is considered complete.

Paula Doyle inquired if there is any other alternative or repair costs available as there are a few road crossings to be done.

Ian Hayes replied that the time and materials involved with hiring Dawson to do the repairs is not cost effective.

Discussion of Leftover Water Cash and Tasks for 2020:

Jay Buckley inquired if there were any large fiscal funds remaining.

Ian Hayes stated he would like any remaining money to be allocated to the DPW.

Ian conveyed he will be addressing service calls and bleeders during the month of December.

Ian Hayes left the meeting at 10:45 am.

Discussion of Driveway Permit Application for 17 East Bergamo Road:

Jay Buckley made a Motion to allow the 15” by 20’ culvert to the road and approve the Driveway Permit for Construction for 17 East Bergamo Road. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 2-0.

Discussion of 7 Biasca Place:

Kelly Robitaille stated to protect the road the water must be re-routed.

Jay Buckley replied that the homeowner’s original Driveway Permit was approved, but the   homeowner must now re-apply to address the drainage.

Discussion of 16 Huttwil Drive:

Kelly Robitaille reported that there are trees on the side of the road that must be removed for plowing.

Discussion of DPW Activities:

Kelly Robitaille reported that the new DPW truck will be picked up on Friday and there will then be a full fleet of trucks for the winter, until the old one is sold.

Kelly stated that the DPW was all set for sand and salt, and was addressing issues as to potholes, drainage.

Kelly Robitaille left the meeting at 11:04 am.

Administrators Report: Donna MacKinnon and Lynne Baker

Discussion of changing meetings to a Zoom format due to increasing Covd-19 concerns.

Donna MacKinnon stated she had contacted Noreen from Madison TV, who suggested going to a Zoom meeting format as the BOC had decided not to have meetings at the Madison Town Hall for now.
Donna stated Noreen told her there was a 40-minute limit on Zoom meetings.

The BOC decided to table this for later as there are still issues with cameras on the laptop, desktop, tablets, and phones.

Discussion of Payroll:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the payroll of December 4th, 2020 in the amount of $5,717.97. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 2-0.

Discussion of Andrew Harteveldt:

Donna MacKinnon reported there had been a notice regarding a limit on the encryption certificate for the kayak portal, and the office sent the communication to Andrew Harteveldt.

Donna stated she discovered that Andrew had his own Callcentric account and that is why the email seemed to be coming through him. He had simply forwarded them to the VDOE in case the VDOE was unaware of them.

4. Tabled Items

Policy and Ordinance Changes, Dam Management Policy, Jurji Czernow’s Snowmobile Access Request.

5.  Accounts Payable

Discussion of Manifest:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the manifest of 11 checks in the amount of $3,707.77. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 2-0.

6. Signature Items

Discussion of Plodzik and Sanderson Official Contract:

Lynne Baker reported that Plodzik and Sanderson had provided a hard copy original of the contract previously signed and emailed to them.

Lynne stated that the original copy required 2 signatures.

Paula Doyle requested Lynne contact Plodzik and Sanderson to determine the difference between a management and guarantor signature to ensure the first copy was correct to sign the original.

7. Commissioners Report:

Paula Doyle

Discussion of Employee Health Plan Changes:

Paula Doyle conveyed that the VDOE would need something in writing from Nancy Cole regarding her choice of plan for 2021.

Lynne Baker presented Kelly Robitaille with the HealthTrust forms required for any change in plan for 2021.

Jay Buckley

Discussion on selling the old F-550 truck:

Jay Buckley inquired as to gathering information from Kelly on the F-550 truck and make a draft to approve for advertising for bids in the local paper with a minimum bid amount.

Discussion of 47 Eidelweiss Drive:

Jay Buckley provided pictures and proof that the temporary gravel fix had been completed and requested the office send an email stating this.

Discussion of Abandoned Vehicle on Bristenstock Drive:

Jay Buckley stated the need for an abandoned vehicle on Bristenstock Drive to be removed as it is leading oil and other fluid and could contaminate the ponds.

Kathy Koziell

Discussion of the Budget and Reinach Spreadsheet, Google Nest, Badger Meters, and the Portal Encryption Certificate:

Jay Buckley stated all topics above had been previously covered.

8. Correspondence

Discussion with Mark McConkey via phone

Jay Buckley stated Mark’s email had been covered.

9. Public Appearances – None

10. Public Comment – None

Jay Buckley made a motion to enter Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II(a). Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 2-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II(a) and return to Public Meeting. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 2-0.

Jay Buckley made a Motion to Adjourn the Public Meeting at 11:50 am. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Baker, Administrator

2020-11-25 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

Amended Friday, December 11. 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Wednesday, November 25th, 2020. In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone), Paula Doyle (by phone), Treasurer Dinah Reiss (by phone), Engineer Chris Albert, Engineer Brad Jones (by phone), Administrator Donna MacKinnon, and Administrator Lynne Baker taking minutes. The meeting was held at the Madison Town Hall and was filmed by Carol Dandeneau for Madison TV. Residents could call into the meeting via conference call.

1. Call to Order:

At 9:05 am Commissioner Jay Buckley called the meeting to order.  

2. Agenda:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

3. Administration:

Reinach Tank Status Report – Brad Jones, of Jones & Beach Engineering, Chris Albert of CSA Engineering

DPW Report - Kelly Robitaille was not available to attend.

Floor was then turned over to Chris Albert, of CSA Engineering, and Brad Jones, of Jones & Beach Engineering.

Discussion of DN Water Tank and Winter Shut Down:

Brad Jones confirmed he received a response letter from DN Tanks stating that the tank could be left full for the winter had spoken with Rick Skarinka of DES, who agreed.

Brad conveyed that Rick had suggested Jake Dawson, of Dawson Excavating, issue a letter to all involved, requesting a winter shut down date, and if approved, that would be the official contractor stop date for the season.

Brad will reach out to Jake regarding Rick’s request.

Discussion of Final Seasonal Walkthrough:

Chris Albert indicated his attending the meeting this week was also to complete a second walkthrough to ensure all unfinished items had been addressed before a winter shut down.

Kathy Koziell inquired if all debris had been cleaned up around the rear of the pump house.

Chris stated this had been done and would be confirmed on the upcoming walkthrough.

Discussion of Reinach Drawings, Maps and Surveyor Report:

Chris Albert stressed the need to acquire the drawings from Dawson Excavating that show the location of valves, ties, etc., around Reinach loop.

Chris notified the BOC that the map from the surveyor was done, but the ties, etc., need to be put on the map for ease of location.

Chris indicated the Reinach loop is ready for a 2” water main.

Kathy Koziell questioned the use of resources for only “potential” water hook ups.

Chris replied that the lots are attractive and quite saleable, and quoted the adage “if you build it, they will come”, hence the value of the Reinach Loop extension.

Jay Buckley made a motion to ask Jake Dawson, of Dawson Excavating, to replace the 1” main from the curb stop with a 2”. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Brad Jones stated he would contact Dawson to address the error and unauthorized installation.

Discussion of Outstanding Bryant Paving Invoices:

Chris Albert agreed to work with Page, of Jones & Beach, to assist getting outstanding invoices, up to the date of Winter Shut Down, signed and sent to Rick Skarinka at the DES.

Chris stated that according to Jake Dawson, of Dawson Excavating, no additional work that had been completed in 2020, would be billed until 2021.

Chris agreed to get the amount of work to be billed for work done in 2020 to be forthcoming.

Discussion of Overcharge on Last Bryant Paving Invoice:

Jay Buckley communicated to Brad Jones the BOC concern with the additional (approximate) $2,000.00 charge from Jones & Beach, that differed from the agreed upon amount.

Brad Jones reported that the contract was reviewed and as the project is ongoing and suggested a possible contract amendment.

Chris Albert stated he provided the numbers for the original contract and requested Brad Jones look at the contracts and determine what has been spent, and what has been billed.

Kathy Koziell stated the original allocation for engineering project management had not yet been consumed, that there was $21,000.00 remaining.

Brad Jones agreed to address the contract concerns.

Discussion of the Pressure Zone on Upper Lakeview Drive:

Chris Albert indicated that replacing the PRV pit may not be the best value solution, and come spring, replacing 2 PRV pits could be an option depending on cost. Chris mentioned that Rick Skarinka, of the DES, would like to see the maps of the hydraulics.

Chris indicated he would work with Ian Hayes, of Simply Water, to find a solution come spring, even though the current maps are outdated.

Discussion of Luis Adorno and Grant Information:

Jay Buckley requested looking at the grant information recently sent from Luis Adorno of the DES.

Chris Albert offered his assistance with any technical writing required for the grant, as his expense.

Jay Buckley stated the grant opportunity will be addressed at next week’s meeting.

Chris Albert and Brad Jones left the meeting at 9:50 am.

Administrators Report: Donna MacKinnon and Lynne Baker

Discussion of Final Notice Letter for Past Due Water Usage Invoices over $1,000.00:

Donna MacKinnon presented a draft letter to be sent with the final bills going out on December 1st, 2020, stating if not paid within 30 days, the VDOE has the option to shut off their water.

Kathy Koziell stated the letter should include the statement “without further notice” regarding the VDOE option to shut off a resident’s water.

Paula Doyle offered to purchase a “FINAL NOTICE” stamp.

Kathy Koziell suggested the letter be put on colored paper as well.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the content of the final notice letter, with the addition of “without further notice”, to be sent with the final notice bills on December 1st, 2020. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley requested Donna MacKinnon reach out to the NHMA on how to follow up after final notice and determine the cost of recording a lien if necessary.

Discussion of Capital Reserve Fund:

Donna MacKinnon conveyed items that needed attention.

Discussion of Change to the Water Ordinance Hook Up Fee Refunds:

Kathy Koziell stated the ordinance should clarify that of the $8,000.00, water hook up fee, only part is refundable.

Discussion of Transfer to Water Capital Reserve Account:

Dinah Reiss inquired about a proposed transfer and requested the BOC sign a memo allowing her to do the transfer.

Kathy Koziell made a motion to transfer $25,000.00, from the Water Usage Account to the Water Capital Reserve Account. Jay Buckley seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Loan Payments:

Dinah Reiss stated she estimated the payment for the Line of Credit Loan as follows:

$175,000.00 principal, over 12 years, at 2.75%, would be approximately $17,000.00.

Dinah conveyed that half of this would be paid in August out of the water project budget.

Kathy Koziell stated that the truck loan would be $11,500.00 twice per year.

Discussion of DOT Water and Wastewater Rate Survey:

Lynne Baker relayed the request from UNH to participate in a survey of the rates in NH.

The BOC decided to take the survey to provide an idea of what the current rates are.

Lynne Baker agreed to do the survey on behalf of the VDOE.

Discussion of Minutes of October 29th, 2020, and November 19th, 2020.

Jay Buckley stated he had sent some requested changes he would like made to the minutes of October 29th, 2020 to the BOC for their approval.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the amended minutes of October 29th, 2020. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the minutes of November 19th, 2020, with a change to the spelling of Ralph Lutjen. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of New Motion and Action Log Approval:

Jay Buckley stated this would be addressed at next week’s meeting.

Discussion of Enrolling in Google Cloud Plan for Nest Security Videos.

Donna MacKinnon and Lynne Baker will continue to monitor videos. No need to enroll in a plan.

4. Tabled Items:

Policy and Ordinance Changes, Dam Management Policy, Jurij Czernow’s Snowmobile Access Request

5. Accounts Payable:

No Manifest

6. Signature Items:

Signed or amended as motions warranted.

7. Commissioners Reports:

Paula Doyle:

Discussion of Letters to Roberts & Greene:

Paula Doyle drafted a letter to Tamar Roberts, of Roberts & Greene PLLC, informing her of the BOC decision to hire Plodzik and Sanderson, PA, for audit services for 2020-2023.

Paula requested the letter provided by Plodzik and Sanderson, be sent to Roberts & Green, PLLC as prior auditor, to authorize them to provide Plodzik and Sanderson, PA, access to prior audit records as intended auditor.

Paula provided the Commissioners with a copy of the agreement for services from Plodzik and Sanderson, PA.

Paula conveyed concern over the services page in the agreement as to additional charges possibly incurred.

Plodzik and Sanderson, PA, stated they would inform the BOC of any significant increase in unexpected service costs, and will bill the VDOE monthly.

Kathy Koziell suggested informing Plodzik and Sanderson, PA, that they are to have no contact with any homeowners in the District, due to past incidents.

Jay Buckley made a motion to sign and hold the letters to both Tamar Roberts, and to Roberts and Greene, PLLC, until the agreement with Plodzik and Sanderson, PA was signed. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to sign the agreement with Plodzik and Sanderson, PA, out of session. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley:

Discussion of RFQ Letter to Prospective Surveyors:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve and sign the letter he drafted to be sent to at least 3 surveyors requesting quotes for determining the lot lines for possible sale of the Lodge. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of time spent on 91A requests:

Jay Buckley inquired as to how much time was being spent on each 91A request.

Donna MacKinnon requested Jay’s assistance to help locate documents from years ago.

Discussion of Hiring a Part-time Plow Driver:

Jay Buckley inquired as to the need to have back-up for plowing this winter, in the event a DPW employee becomes ill due to Covid-19 and needs to quarantine.

Kathy Koziell stated that had been tried in the past to no avail.

Donna MacKinnon suggested the BOC speak with Kelly Robitaille as he may already have a backup plan in place.

Discussion of 13 East Bergamo Road:

Jay Buckley reported that no decision was made at the last Town of Madison Zoning Board meeting as to the setback variance request for 13 East Bergamo Road.

Jay stated that the ZBA warned the homeowner since they had not applied for a driveway, or leach field variance previously, any member of the public could appeal either request now. The Madison ZBA will hear on this at the next meeting, and will address 3 setback variance requests: driveway, leach field, and home. 

Jay Buckley made a motion to contact Mark McConkey and invite him to attend the BOC meeting of December 3rd, 2020 and discuss his plan for the property. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Pumping the Outhouses:

Donna MacKinnon suggested contacting Kelly Robitaille to inquire if he had a set schedule.

Jay Buckley made a motion to revert to having the BOC meetings at the VDOE office due to recent Covid-19 concerns, instead of at the Madison Town Hall, until further notice. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Drinking Water Emergency Plan:

Paula Doyle requested the office try to locate an electronic version of the plan from back in 2009 as that is the most recent one available.

Discussion of HealthTrust Employee Plan Offerings:

Jay Buckley made a motion to offer the HealthTrust Family Plan to full time employees at no cost to them as the VDOE will pay 100% of the plan premium. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of expanding Health Plan Offerings:

Jay Buckley stated that possibly adding more coverage for deductibles and adding dental coverage to the plan would be addressed next year.

8. Correspondence:

Discussion of Letter from Philip Barlow requesting waiver:

Philip Barlow was requesting a waiver from submitting a water hook up application this year as he only wanted to determine if there is water available at 21 Upper Lakeview Drive.

Jay Buckley stated to determine the presence of a water line, the pavement must be dug up and the VDOE will not do any more digging until the spring.

Kathy Koziell stated if a water hook-up application were submitted this year, along with the $8,000.00 fee, they would be first on the list come spring. If it were determined water was not available, the entire $8,000.00 fee would be returned. If they wait until next year to apply, only a portion of the fee would be returned.

9. Public Appearances:


10. Public Comment:


Jay Buckley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:54 pm. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Baker, Administrator


Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Thursday, November 19th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, November 19th, 2020. In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone), Paula Doyle, Treasurer Dinah Reiss (by phone), DPW Foreman Kelly Robitaille, DPW Assistant Jeff DeMartino, Engineer Chris Albert (by phone), Engineer Brad Jones (by phone), Administrator Donna MacKinnon, and Administrator Lynne Baker taking minutes. The meeting was held at the Madison Town Hall and was filmed by Carol Dandeneau for Madison TV. Residents could call into the meeting via conference call.

At 9:01 am Commissioner Jay Buckley called the meeting to order.  

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the agenda. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

2. DPW Report: Kelly Robitaille

Discussion of DPW Seasonal Status:

Kelly Robitaille reported that the DPW is in the process of outfitting for the winter.

Kelly reported that with the new truck they will have 3 outfitted by the end of the week.

Kelly confirmed 2 trucks are already on target and that the carbide edges are in good shape.

Kelly stated the big truck will be outfitted last as it is needed for hauling gravel for potholes, etc.

Discussion of 17 East Bergamo Road:

Kelly inquired as to the class of the road at 17 East Bergamo Road.

Donna MacKinnon replied that this had not yet been verified with the Town of Madison.

Discussion of 19 East Bergamo Road:

Kelly conveyed he would meet with the homeowner and their contractor, regarding upgrading of the road.

Discussion of DPW Budget Through the End of the Year:

Jay Buckley inquired as to the status of the old 550 truck.

Kelly Robitaille reported there was no value in keeping it maintained.

Kelly indicated he would reach out to some people for an estimated value.

Paula Doyle suggested this be discussed at next week’s meeting.

Kathy Koziell inquired if the DPW required more funding for sand, salt, etc.

Kelly stated that there is currently no room to store any until after the first storm.

Kathy inquired as to if additional funds of $2000.00 to both salt and sand budgets are needed.

Kelly agreed those funds, and an additional $1000.00 for tools and equipment, would help.

Discussion of Available Health Care Plans for Employees.

Discussion of Recent Emergency Water Response:

Jay Buckley reported there had been a lack of understanding of the ‘chain of command’ in reporting and responding to an emergency water issue within the district.

Jay stated that the homeowner had called the Sheriff, who in turn called the Fire Department, who in turn called DPW. No one called Ian Hayes, the water operator.


Chris Albert joined the meeting at 9:12 am.

Discussion of Items Brought up at the BOC Meeting of November 5th, 2020:

Jay Buckley reported to Chris Albert all the changes that were discussed with Jake Dawson (of Dawson Excavating), Ian Hayes (of Simply Water), and Brad Jones (of Jones & Beach Engineering), during the BOC meeting of Thursday, November 5th, 2020.

Jay reported that as of November 19th, 2020, the following list had still not been completed:

  • Pump house is not complete or operational
  • Only 1 pump supplied, not 2 as agreed
  • No new connections have been able to be made
  • Gate was not installed
  • Vault was not covered
  • Holes in pump house door were not repaired
  • Final cleanup of road areas was not done

Jay Buckley conveyed that both Ian Hayes, and Jake Dawson had been invited to participate in this meeting, but neither were available.

Discussion of Winterizing the Water Tank:

Jay Buckley stated to Chris Albert he had contacted Rick Skarinka (of DES), regarding the water tank.

Rick followed up with DN Tanks to determine if the tank could be left full for the winter.

Chris stated the reason for the extra gravel under the tank was specifically done to allow the tank to sit for the winter

Chris indicated he would follow up with DN Tanks.

Jay stated he would send Corey notice that Chris will be contacting him.

Jay inquired about the tank warranty expiring before the new system goes live.

Chris stated that the warranty on the tank would be covered if it is full or empty for the winter.

Kelly Robitaille inquired as to how the tank would be drained and where the water would go.

Chris replied that it would not go into the overflow as that is only for an emergency break, and that a hose would be used for better disbursement of the water.

Discussion of Completion of Tasks from Contractors:

Paula Doyle conveyed that she thought there had been a good discussion on November 5th, 2020 with all the contractors, and that now the BOC needs to understand what happened, and why the tasks were not completed.

Chris indicated he would follow up with Brad Jones and Jake Dawson to get these tasks done by next week and that he would attend the next meeting in person, to address the BOC concerns, and ensure the tasks had been completed.

Jay Buckley stated he would let Chris know the time and location of the next meeting.

Discussion of 3rd and 4th Disbursements:

Donna MacKinnon inquired as to the status of the 3rd and 4th Disbursements for the DES.

Chris Albert replied he had sent them to Jones & Beach Engineering.

Brad Jones joined the meeting at 9:40 am.

Continued Discussion of Items Brought up at the BOC Meeting of November 5th, 2020:

Jay Buckley inquired of Brad Jones as to why nothing had been done from the discussion of November 5th, 2020.

Kathy Koziell inquired if the lack of a transfer switch and redundancy was the general reason for the winter shut down decision.

Jay Buckley stated that Rick Skarinka was concerned that due diligence had not been done, i.e., why the pumps were not ordered on day, why was the back switch not ordered earlier, etc.

Kathy Koziell inquired as to using the old pumps until the new parts are acquired and installed.

Chris Alberts replied that it would not be feasible.

Paula Doyle conveyed to Brad Jones that the issue with the tank could have been a severe problem had the VDOE not been made aware.

Jay inquired if the connections could still be made before the Annual Meeting.

Chris Albert replied that operating with only 1 pump was not a completed contract.

Discussion of Overages:

Jay Buckley inquired as to why the VDOE was charged approximately $7,000.00, when the contract (#6) was signed for only up to $5,000.00.

Brad Jones replied the amount is based on an hourly rate for construction, drawings, and reviews.

Chris Albert indicated he will re-address the overages, numbers, etc.

Jay Buckley inquired as to providing a waiver for the additional $1,832.50 overage.

Brad Jones said he will address this.

Chris Albert and Brad Jones left the meeting at 10:05 am.

3. Administration Report: Donna MacKinnon and Lynne Baker

Discussion of Andrew Harteveldt involvement with Callcentric:

Jay Buckley inquired as to why Andrew Harteveldt is the only point of contact for phone services with Callcentric, and why all pertinent emails go to him.

Paula Doyle made a motion to approve changing the administrative notifications to go through the office instead. Jay Buckley seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of December BOC meeting dates:

Donna MacKinnon inquired as to setting the meeting dates for December 2020.

Donna confirmed meetings are already set for December 3, 10, and 17th, 2020.

Paula Doyle suggested combining meetings of the 24th & 31st, to 1 meeting on the 29th.

The BOC agreed unless other business would require another meeting on the 31st.

Follow up discussion of pests in the office attic.

Donna MacKinnon reported that Modern Pest would be coming to the VDOE later that day.

Approval of Minutes of October 29th, 2020.

Jay Buckley stated he would send out some changes to the BOC to be voted on during next week’s meeting.

Approval of Minutes of November 5th, and November 12th, 2020:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the minutes of November 5th, and November 12th, 2020. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

4. Accounts Payable


Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the payroll for November 20th, 2020 in the amount of $6,404.75. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Paula Doyle stated that come winter the BOC might want to begin reading timecards again due to overtime from plowing, etc.


Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the operating budget manifest of 3 checks, totaling $18,490.37. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the water budget manifest of 1 check in the amount of $37,240.00. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Bryant Paving Invoice:

Donna MacKinnon reported the water project budget could not cover that part of the invoice, as we are still awaiting DES Disbursements #3 and #4.

Kathy Koziell stated how Bryant Paving had gone ‘above and beyond’ to accommodate the VDOE.

Jay Buckley made a motion to transfer $15,000.00 from the operating budget, to the water project budget. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Bank Transfer:

Dinah Reiss requested the BOC sign a memo she can take to the bank to do the transfer.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve signing a memo for Dinah Reiss to allow the bank transfer, out of session. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of DRA:

Donna MacKinnon stated that the DRA requirements were complete.

Donna indicated that the tax rate would hopefully be set today by the Town of Madison.

Discussion of Overdue Invoices:

Donna MacKinnon reported that 2 letters sent out had been returned with address unknown.

Paula Doyle inquired if there was any recourse in finding those addresses.

Kathy Koziell inquired if the addressees still owned the properties

Donna MacKinnon affirmed she will reach out to Linda Shackford of the Town of Madison for guidance.

5. Commissioners Reports

Jay Buckley:

Jay Buckley stated the BOC should send a thank you letter to Ralph Lutjen for efforts maintaining the Village grounds.

Jay confirmed he would send a draft letter to the office.

Discussion of Town of Madison Zoning Board Meeting.

Jay Buckley stated he attended the Madison Zoning Board Meeting of November 18th, 2020.

During the meeting, there was a request for a 50’ setback variance for 13 East Bergamo Road. Jay Buckley, on behalf of the VDOE stated a 65’ setback was preferred. The hearing was continued as the homeowner had never applied for a previous variance and that the leach field is in violation and encroaching on the wetlands. Jay Buckley requested the office send copies to the BOC of the drawings from the driveway application.

During the meeting, there was a setback variance request for 11 Blinden Drive, also regarding the wetlands. The variance was approved by the Madison Zoning Board. There was no additional opposition other than that voiced by Jay Buckley on behalf of the VDOE.

During the meeting, there was a setback variance request for 29 Oak Ridge Road. The variance was approved.

Discussion of Potential Sale of the Lodge:

Jay Buckley confirmed he will draft a letter to potential surveyors regarding dividing the lots as follows: the lot with the cabana will be 1.7 acres, the remaining lot with the Lodge will be 1.6 acres, while abiding by all the Town of Madison Ordinances.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve a letter requesting quotes from a minimum of 3 surveyors. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Nest Security System:

Jay Buckley inquired as to changing the password for access to the Nest Security System.

Kathy Koziell specified the access needed to be via a phone app.

Kathy Koziell stated she will purchase the Nest Home Hub on Black Friday for the office, with the VDOE debit card.

Paula Doyle made a motion to authorize Kathy Koziell to purchase a Nest Home Hub up to $60.00. Jay Buckley seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Legal Recourse:

Commissioners agreed it was too soon to address any legal actions against contractors.

Discussion of Current Dam Policy:

Kathy Koziell stated she had provided the last version she had found.

Discussion of Drinking Water Emergency Plan:

Kathy Koziell specified that the policy should be updated.

Paula Doyle stated she will look at the existing plan.

Kathy Koziell:

Discussion of Budget:

Kathy Koziell reported she had sent out the latest budget to the BOC as of November 18th, 2020.

Donna MacKinnon stated that Kelly Robitaille had come in $1,000.00 under budget for asphalt and paving.

Donna MacKinnon stated there should be a Budget Hearing at least 1 month prior to the Annual Meeting.

Paula Doyle:

Discussion of RFP for Audit Services:

Paula Doyle confirmed the BOC had received a positive review on Plodzik and Sanderson from Karen Anthony, the Town of Tamworth’s Administrator and Financial Officer.

Paula reported that Plodzik and Sanderson had also come in with the best price for services.

Paula Doyle made a motion to hire Plodzik and Sanderson, P.A. to perform audit services for the next 3 years. Jay Buckley seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Paula Doyle indicated she would draft a thank you letter to Tamar Roberts.

Jay Buckley made a motion to send a thank you letter to Tamar Roberts, thanking her for her years of service. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

6. Correspondence

Discussion of Letter from Stacey Sand regarding drainage at 10 St. Moritz Drive:

Jay Buckley made a motion to notify Stacey Sand, via email, that the original Oak Ridge Road Project was for re-surfacing and re-grading the area to ensure proper drainage, and if she would like copies of the original plans, she should request them from the office via a 91A request. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Lynne Baker confirmed she would reply to Stacey Sand’s email with the above information.

Jay Buckley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:58 am. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Baker, Administrator