Commissioners Meeting
Thursday April 2, 2020
The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, April 2, 2020. In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone) and Adam Leiser (by phone). Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes. The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call. We had 6 people call into the meeting
At 9:05 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.
1. Agenda
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconds. Adam Leiser abstains. Motion passed 2-0.
2. Highway Department Report
Kelly Robitaille had his report on the driveway permit for 51 Bern Dr. did not find any problems with the driveway to be paved. He had the driveway plans from the contractor and as long as the contractor goes by the plans he approves.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the driveway permit for 51 Bern Dr. as per the contractor’s plan. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Discussion on the Tight Tank project- Kelly Robitaille gives an update on the issues with the project.
Kelly Robitaille brings up the situation of no water in the building and is overly concerned with no way to wash hands especially with the COVID-19 pandemic going on.
Discussion on new water line to go out in front of building. 300 to 400’ shorter line fix. 1-day project Dawson will do on Monday. It will get rid of the bleeder valve at DPW building. Kathy Koziell asks Kelly for a price; he has no idea currently. Kelly states he can do back up work after. Adam Leiser questions decisions on project.
Kelly Robitaille there was no engineer plans and unknown water line. Adam Leiser is confused wants to know whose is paying for waterline. Kelly Robitaille takes offense and wants to defend the project and that the warrant should have been for 20K not 17K. Also states that G.W. Brooks had no wrong doing. Kelly Robitaille thinks that it should be his job to so that he is in the loop for all DPW projects. Adam Leiser states the project was mishandled. Jay Buckley asks who reached out to Fluet engineering. Kathy Koziell reached out to White Mountain. Adam Leiser wants this figured out. Kathy Koziell accepts some of the responsibility for the problem but states that the waterline has to be fixed. Adam Leiser questions why the waterline has to be moved and to have the contractor accept responsibility. Kelly Robitaille states the line has to be moved due to regulations. Kathy Koziell says she only saw a hand drawing with no measurements or boundaries. Jay Buckley states the new water line will be around 4-5K.
Jay Buckley make a motion to appropriate up to $5,500. To install a new water service line from DWP well to the DPW Building. Paying it from CRF waterline extension and pipeline fund. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Adam Leiser wants an email to go out to Rick Skarinka to see if the waterline project would be cover for 24% reimbursement. DES wants to see upgrades to the water system. Adam Leiser will draft email, Jay Buckley and Kathy Koziell agree.
Kathy Koziell wants Administration to send 3/12/2020 commissioners meeting minutes
Discussion on Kayak Portal- Jay Buckley asks about the problems with the portal. Kathy Koziell states that it has been fixed. Jay Buckley asks how Andrew Harteveldt is answering resident emails regarding the portal. Jay Buckley recommends that all the Passwords be changed in the office.
Isabelle Pais asks if the communication is still intact. She has not been notified when the meetings are being held. Kathy Koziell says it is and no meeting in March due to her traveling.
Discussion on the 2020 Water Bills- Jay Buckley states that they have printed and ready to go out. Board makes decision to table the decision on the late fee. Also, to add Water bill ordinance for an upcoming Public Hearing.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to stuff the water bills after being approved by the Board of Commissioners. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion on the filling to the DRA-Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley thanks Donna for figuring out the MS232 form that was filed on time. Also, the auditor Tamar Roberts has to file MS535 to the DRA. BOC will have to write the management report once the figures come in from the Audit.
Jay Buckley lets the board know that Primex contacted the office regarding accident in Jan.
A claim has been filed.
Discussion on Granite State Analytical bill it seemed higher than usual. Administration will investigate it and let the BOC know.
Discussion on memorials. Will be put on the list for a Public Hearing.
Discussion on the Loons-Mike Smith sent info to the BOC. Adam Leiser questions on the use of floating nests and lowering the boards which is limited by the State. Jay Buckley wants to wait until next week for discussion after we hear back from Fire Chief Clark on his position.
Discussion David Maudsley email. Kathy Koziell has not had a chance to read it and wants to table it until next week.
Kelly Robitaille brings up how to handle going forward with the pandemic COVID-19. There is no running water even to wash hands. Donna MacKinnon states this is unacceptable. Discussion ensues about the COVID-19 regarding the office. Office is closed until the water is restored to the office.
Discussion on the Tight Tank project- Concrete was estimated to be 6” deep but it was actually 30” deep. There was a second pad poured over the first pad. There will be an add on expense due to this. This will be over the warrant amount and the district will be stuck for the over expenditure. Jay Buckley will reach out to NHMA on how to handle this. Kathy Koziell thinks it can come out of the operating budget. Kelly Robitaille has no idea of what the costs will be until the bill comes in.
Discussion on the Reinach pump house building- Adam Leiser sent in pictures to the office. Ian Hayes estimates it would cost around $250.00 to change the grading around the building. Kelly Robitaille says the pipe is not working, exit to the pipe, there is little water coming out. Kelly wants to use the old water pipe as a temporary and he does not want to put any money into it. Kathy Koziell defers to Kelly Robitaille for temporary fix. Board of Commissioners agree.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to spend up to $250.00 for Kelly Robitaille to work with Ian Hayes to fix grading at Reinach Tank building. Adam Leiser seconds.
Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion about security of the office. Kelly Robitaille questions the security of information being secure such as personal emails. Adam Leiser questions if Nancy changed passwords.
Kelly Robitaille is overly concerned with a computer breach.
Jay Buckley opens the meeting for public comment. Adam Leiser interrupts with his letter to DES Rick Skarinka.
Kelly Robitaille asks if there are any other questions for him before he leaves. Adam Leiser asks about the Little Loop project. Kelly Robitaille is questioning the email that was sent by Adam Leiser as a commissioner. Adam Leiser says it should have been sent as a property owner not as a commissioner. Kelly Robitaille thinks the project should wait until the weather is better. Jay Buckley and Kathy Koziell defers to Kelly Robitaille to the start of the project.
Dorothy Wondalowski brings up two points for the commissioners one is the late fee for the water bill. She thinks it should be waived due to COVID-19. Paula Doyle supports Dorothy’s position. Dorothy also asks if there is a plan to help people out during this time? Jay Buckley knows the Madison Church is helping people and to check with the Town of Madison. Kathy Koziell asks Jay Buckley to get the information so that she can post it.
Discussion on the Loons. Paula Doyle feels that an email should go out to John Cooley at the Loon preservation. Mike Smith has been in touch with the Loon Preservation.
Dorothy Wondalowski asks about the kayak racks. Kathy Koziell explains the procedure. Paula Doyle feels the directions are not clear. Adam Leiser recommends not opening the beaches and boat racks and to bring it up at the next meeting.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the manifest of 6 checks for $12,489.63.
Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the certified letter for 49 Eidelweiss Dr. Adam Leiser seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion on garage doors. Kathy Koziell feels the garage doors should be repaired for health and safety reasons. Jay Buckley wants to put them off until the fall, Jay feels the budget is tight now and for an unbudgeted item they would know better in the fall if there is money available to fix them. Adam and Kathy want to fix them now.
Discussion of Out Houses. Adam Leiser would like to get the out houses demolished. Kelly Robitaille says that they would have to be shoveled out because you cannot get the trucks in close enough. Kelly asks if the exterior should be covered, mounded, and seeded. Adam Leiser would like to know the costs.
11:15am Adam Leiser has to leave the meeting.
Isabel Pais attended the January communication committee not the March meeting. Kathy Koziell takes the blame for being out of the area. Isabel asks about the website and calendar updates. Isabel asks about mission goals being used appropriately. She thinks only 1 commissioner and Kelly can sign off. Legally 2 commissioners have to sign off on projects. Kelly Robitaille states on projects in the past wording gets skewed by interpretation.
11:20am meeting is adjourned due to call being disconnected.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna MacKinnon