Commissioners Meeting
Thursday June 4th, 2020
The Board of Commissioners met at 9:03 am on Thursday, June 04, 2020. In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone). Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes. The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call. We had Ian Hayes water operator; Chris Albert engineer & 4 residents call into the meeting.
At 9:03 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.
1. Agenda
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
2. Engineer Report
Discussion of Reinach Project status. Chris Albert calls into the meeting. Chris Albert explains the first disbursement request. The first request is for $276,529.50 which the district will get 24% reimbursed, $66,367.08. Jay Buckley asked if a retainage account has to be setup? Chris Albert verifies that a retainage account has to be setup. Chris Albert recommends two separate interest-bearing accounts, 1. For Dawson and 2. For DN Tanks.
Chris Albert states that DES goes into audit and all disbursements monies are put on hold from June 15,2020 until at least the end of July 2020. No payments will be made during that time.
Chris Albert asks BOC to sign the disbursement form and email all invoices to him regarding the water project. Chris Albert will forward the disbursement form and invoice to DES for Rick Skarinka to process. Jay Buckley would like to verify what is complete prior to signing the disbursement form.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the disbursement form out of session. Kathy Koziell seconds the motion. Motion passes 2-0.
Kathy Koziell is putting together a spread sheet for the water project for all reimbursement invoices and will forward it to Chris Albert. Kathy Koziell asked Chris Albert if the waterline break at the DPW garage can be sent in for reimbursement. Chris Albert asked if the invoices can be forwarded to him.
Dinah Reiss asked if a formal motion can be made to open the two-retainage accounts.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to open two retainage accounts that are interest-bearing. 1. For Dawson and 2. For DN Tanks. Kathy Koziell seconds the motion. Motion passed 2-0.
Discussion on the progress of the water project. Chris Albert states the DN tanks will be starting on June 29, 2020, the ledge probes are done, and Dawson has been laying pipes. Chris Albert states on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 there will be blasting being done for the winding tracks. Kathy Koziell has an email blast going out to notify the homeowners. Chris Albert sent into the office an overall project detail. Chris Albert was unaware of the number of culverts and will be looking for them going forward. Chris Albert thinks there is around 33 culverts. Jay Buckley asks to have a meeting with Chris Albert and Kelly Robitaille in regard to the culverts. Kelly Robitaille mentioned there was one metal culvert that was rotted out and after speaking with the contractor, the contractor was able to rap it with fabric. Kelly Robitaille asked if a contingency plan for culvert replacement has been factored in or will it come out of the budget for all the culverts that need to be replaced. Jay Buckley asked Chris Albert about calling into the sheriff’s department regarding the road closures. Chris Albert stated that Jake from Dawson is calling in everyday to the sheriff’s office with the information. Kelly Robitaille asked Chris Albert about replacement of the culvert before buttoning up the road. Kelly Robitaille would like to know sooner rather than later and does not think the roads should be opened up twice. Kelly Robitaille states the culvert on Salins Rd. needs to be replaced. Kelly Robitaille has a lot of frustration regarding the project and thinks he should have been included prior to the job starting. Kelly Robitaille mentions the rocks that are being removed should not be left in the woods that needs to be addressed. Jay Buckley stated the ditch line on Bristenstock has to be addressed so the roads do not get ruined. Chris Albert states he will look at the erosion control. Jay Buckley asked Chris Albert if a trench box is being used. Chris Albert states curved pipe is being used which will minimize labor and time in the ditch, it is OSHA compliant and it is on the contractor if there any problems. Chris Albert states he will be out on Tuesday and he will be out at least once a week during the project.
Jay Buckley askes Chris Albert if there is a possibility of changes to the plan of Upper Lake View. Chris Albert states he will speak to Ian Hayes and bring their ideas to the BOC, questioning the size of the pressure zone. The PRV pit is still being done.
Chris Albert speaks on what the plan is for 9 Rienach. Chris Albert states they will be putting in a four by two T-gate valve with a two-inch line to go by 9 Rienach. Jay Buckley states the owner is responsible for payment and still has to submit an application and get approval from the BOC. Kathy Koziell mentioned a water hookup for 7 Biasca which is not guaranteed. An application will have to be submitted. Ian Hayes thinks it will be required to get engineering approval. Ian Hayes stated if the water line needs to be extended it will be at the home owners expense. Ian Hayes states there is a whole new ball game up there for the old mapping.
Kelly Robitaille askes Ian Hayes about the water leak on Aspen. Ian Hayes stated Dawson will have time on Monday to do that, it is under the pavement and Ian Hayes is questioning were the leak is because it is under the pavement. Ian Hayes will be sending an email to the office for cutting into the pavement for fixing. Ian Hayes stated this leak is off the Jungfrau main and not part of the new project. Ian Hayes asked the BOC if they want to wait to find out where the leak is.
Jay Buckley brings up the water usage for last month and stated it is up 60,000 from last year. Ian Hayes states that is in reach for what is now going on in the district.
Jay Buckley thanks Chris Albert for calling into the meeting.
Kathy Koziell states the BOC approved $1,000 for digging pits on Barden for finding the water line. Ian Hayes does not think this amount will cover the cost for finding the dead end. Ian Hayes has no idea how much is between the dead ends. Ian Hayes states it could take up to four days to find and probably would cost up to $6,000. Jay Buckley wants to put off the project due to budget concerns. Ian Hayes would like to have more conversation with the BOC before doing anything.
3. Highway Department Report
Jay Buckley asked Kelly Robitaille for the estimate of Little Loop. Kelly Robitaille measuring of the driveway and easement was 20 feet. Kelly Robitaille would not have put ¾ inch gravel in the easement and the gravel will need to come out. Kelly Robitaille’s measurements would be 10 feet for the driveway and 10 feet for the easement to be fair to cut in half. Kathy Koziell questions if we should go into non-public for this matter. Jay Buckley agreed for discussion purposes.
Kelly Robitaille states the DPW is still doing ditch and culvert cleaning, the roads are in great shape and will hopefully start the Little Loop project next week.
Jay Buckley states there was correspondence from a homeowner from Porridge Shore that there was a bolder in front of the culvert which looks damaged and asked for extra dirt or sand if available. Kelly Robitaille states he will take a look at the giant rock and a form has to be filled out at the office for fill requests.
Kelly Robitaille states the new truck outfitting deposit was forwarded to the office. Jay Buckley mentioned that Primex will be notified for the purchase of the new truck.
Correspondence from a homeowner at One Aspen regarding drainage.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to contact the homeowner to meet on site with the DPW. Kathy Koziell seconds the motion. Motion passed 2-0.
Administration Report
Jay Buckley asked if there was any response for the administration position that was posted in the Conway Sun. Donna MacKinnon stated there was no response and will be reaching out to Cathy Deyoe.
Jay Buckley asked about the timeframe for uploading the audio portion of the commissions meeting to the website. Kathy Koziell stated she is working on it.
Donna MacKinnon stated the phone system was down last week due to overage of usage minutes. Andrew Harteveldt upped the minutes to one thousand from five hundred which will cost $12.95 per month going forward.
Discussion on BOC meeting minutes.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the draft minutes as they are, and they can be amended after. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 2-0.
Discussion on Truck Loan-Dinah Reiss states all the forms were filed to BNH.
Discussion VLAP program.
Discussion of Kayak Racks.
3. Accounts Payable
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Manifest of 8 checks for a total of $3,796.20. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve payroll for $5,537.55. Kathy Koziell seconds the motion. Motion passed 2-0.
4. Commissioners Reports
Discussion of Boat Auction. Jay Buckley states 15 people showed up for the Auction and $670.00 was received.
Discussion of Audit.
Discussion of the DRA. Jay Buckley will reach out to Michelle Clark.
Discussion of Blasting. Kathy Koziell will send out an email blast.
Discussion of Water Outages and Road closures.
Discussion of Kayak Racks.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to open Kayak Rack Portal for registration on June 12th, 2020. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 2-0.
Kathy Koziell will work with Andrew Harteveldt to update dates and opening of Kayak Portal.
Discussion of Outhouses.
Discussion of trash in the District.
5. Correspondence
Jay Buckley reads letter from Gloria Aspinall.
Discussion of 4 Grachen Drive culvert. Kelly Robitaille has to get the cost of the culvert for the homeowner then can go ahead with the project.
Discussion of 47-49 Eidelweiss Dr. Need approval in writing from 49 Eidelweiss Dr. and Driveway permit application from 47 Eidelweiss Dr homeowner.
Discussion of 116 Eidelweiss Dr Thusis culvert. Kelly Robitaille wants to meet on site with the BOC.
Discussion of 91A requests.
Discussion of EPOA BBQ request.
Discussion of cutting trees from Stan Lewis homeowner.
There will be a BOC meeting June 9th, 2020 @ 9:00am and will go into Non-Public right after.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 11:18 am. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna MacKinnon