Commissioners Meeting
Thursday August 6th, 2020
The Board of Commissioners met at 9:02 am on Thursday, August 6th, 2020. In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone) and Paula Doyle (by phone). Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, Ian Hayes water operator, Chris Albert engineer (by phone), and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes. The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call. We had Dinah Reiss, treasurer call into the meeting.
At 9:01 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.
1. Agenda
Jay Buckley amends the agenda with the Operating Budget Manifest.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the amended agenda. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
2. Signature Items
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve minutes as is 5/28/2020, 6/1/2020, 6/4/2020, 7/16/2020 with amended of and spelling of Schwyz Street, 07/25/2020, 7/30/2020 with amended of Bryant Paving to 1.5”. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Water Project Manifest of 8/5/2020 of 2 checks for $146,558.73. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to the Operating Budget Manifest of 8/5/2020 of 8 checks for $14,022.55. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion of the Budget- Kathy Koziell updated the spreadsheet and will post it on the website.
3. Highway Department Report
Discussion of Upper Lakeview Culvert- Kelly Robitaille states that the DPW will be finishing up today.
Discussion of Kelly Robitaille will be out next week. Tony Eldridge will fill in as needed.
Discussion of Thusis culvert-Kelly Robitaille states they will wait until off season due to the District being busy at this time of year.
Discussion of Burgdorf Culvert-Kelly Robitaille has the right to go ahead with the project. Kelly would like to do it this year.
Kelly Robitaille also mentions that he passed the culvert course today.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to open the Warrant for the Burgdorf Culvert Replacement.
Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion of front tire for the Grader-Kelly Robitaille tells the BOC that the price is $1,750.00 for the front tire. Kelly needs the BOC approval for that amount.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to amend the amount of $1,700.00 from 7/30/2020 meeting to $1,750.00. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion of road shimming-Kelly Robitaille with being on light duty he will not be able to do the shimming. Kelly asks the BOC if he can have Bryant Paving give him a quote.
Discussion of the roads after the storm- Bern and Little Shore at Middle Shore are still closed.
That the DPW took care of what they could.
Discussion of picnic table at the summit-DPW will get it and deliver it to the summit.
Discussion of Dept of Labor Inspection Report-Kathy Koziell would like to meet with Jeff DeMartino on Monday to go thru the DPW building to make sure everything was taken care of.
4. Water Report
Discussion of new Water Hook Up- Ian Hayes will give the office the information.
Discussion of 12 Interlaken-Homeowner will get back to the District.
Jay Buckley makes a motion for Jay Buckley to generate a letter to Homeowner of 12 Interlaken to replace curb stop to home by October 15,2020 according to the District’s ordinance. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion of charge for Homeowner-If Ian Hayes, the water operator has to shut off water for homeowner side.
Discussion of North Conway Water Precinct Invoices.
Discussion of 7 Biasca water Hook Up-Ian Hayes has stated they ran into ledge and has gotten a ballpark estimate from Dawson of $10K-$12K. The water ordinance states homeowner is responsible for blasting. Jay Buckley asks if residing the water hook up approval or send a letter to the homeowner with the extra costs of hook up for waterline. Kathy Koziell and Paula Doyle agree to send letter. Ian will get figures for homeowner and Jay Buckley will draft a letter.
Discussion of July’s water usage.
Discussion of 9 Reinach water hook up.
Discussion of Jungfrau water outage.
Discussion of planned water outage for today-Ian Hayes the water should be running.
5. Engineer Report
Chris Albert states that Kelly Robitaille received his culvert certification today.
Discussion of a betterment type ordinance to tie into waterline.
Discussion of update of Water Project-Chris Albert states the erecting of the Tank went well. The Tank will be sprayed August 20-21. Carpenters will be here on Monday to frame the building. Still looking at the middle of September for Tank completion.
Discussion of Disbursements- Chris Albert will have the second ready for next Thursday BOC meeting.
Discussion of PRV pit on Upper Lakeview.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to be given permission to sign Bryant Paving approved contract. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Discussion of the Bond proceeds-Dinah Reiss will have everything ready for Paula Doyle to sign the wire transfer on Thursday August 13th.
Discussion of RSA 62:40a abandoned vehicles-The camper at Huttwil parking can be towed.
Paula Doyle makes a motion to have Jay Buckley call the Madison Police to have the camper towed. Jay Buckley seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion of Thank you letter to the Madison Police.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the letter to police Chief King. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion of RSA 91A.
6. Administration Report
Discussion of Department of Labor Inspection-Kathy Koziell will follow up with the Inspection Report.
Discussion of Avitar property assessments-Kathy Koziell spoke with Avitar and they are looking into Districts assessments.
Discussion of Madison TV.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to go into Non-Public RSA 91-A:3II (c & l) at 10:30 am. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
At 10:36 am exit Non-Public minutes not to be sealed.
BOC come out of Non-Public not needed.
Discussion from Adam Leiser-Adam Leiser discusses letter from NHMA and pictures from 2 days ago. Kathy Koziell states the water was diverted as it was supposed to do. The District did not cause the low driveway. Jay Buckley states 10’ of the boundary line establishes the easement and a 3’ swale was installed instead of taking 20’ as allow so as to leave his driveway with space. Adam Leiser restates the letter from NHMA and restates his facts. Paula Doyle would like to consult with the Districts Attorney with the letter from NHMA and Adam Leiser’s rational of not paying the Invoice. Adam Leiser also stated he has other reasons. Paula Doyle asks Adam Leiser to give the BOC for all his reasons so that they can take this all to the Attorney. Adam Leiser just wants the NHMA letter to go to the Districts Attorney. Adam Leiser states a phone call conversation to Natch Greyes at NHMA. The BOC has no record of verbal conversation to NHMA. Adam Leiser wants to know when the Invoice of $1069.11 will be rescinded and a public meeting stating there was no abuse of power or wrongdoing in this matter.
Discussion of Tree Removal by Shawn’s Tree Removal.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to go into Non-Public RSA 91-A:3, II (b). Paula Doyle seconds. Motion Pass 3-0.
Kathy Koziell makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 11:29 am. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna MacKinnon