Commissioners Meeting
Thursday June 25th, 2020
The Board of Commissioners met at 9:03 am on Thursday, June 25th, 2020. In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone), and Paula Doyle (by phone). Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes. The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call. We had Chris Albert, engineer, Dinah Reiss Treasurer, and 2 residents call into the meeting.
At 9:03 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.
1. Agenda
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve agenda. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Jay Buckley welcomes Paula Doyle as the new commissioner. Paula Doyle was sworn in at the office by Donna MacKinnon 6/23/2020.
2. Engineer Report
Chris Albert calls into the meeting. Chris Albert welcomes Paula Doyle. Chris Albert updates the BOC about the Water Project.
Discussion of test pits at Aspen wants to run the waterline next to the old trench.
Discussion of foundation walls of building.
Discussion of DN Tanks Cody Donaldson is the foreman for DN Tanks.
Discussion of Dawson schedule-week or 2 will be done with water line and is ahead of schedule.
Chris Albert will be working on PRV pits with Ian Hayes.
Chris Albert would like to work with Kelly Robitaille Thursday to do a walk thru to start addressing the roads.
Jay Buckley states that he checked with the Town of Madison for the building permit and there is still nothing filed yet by Dawson. Chris Albert will follow up with Dawson.
Discussion of the three alternatives for the project-The BOC all agree with the 3rd option of digging the waterline next to the old trench with a savings of $50K on the project.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to adopt the third option for digging next to the old trench per Chris Albert’s email. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Jay Buckley states the BOC will table contracts until next week.
Discussion of SW Cole billing. Dinah Reiss questions the bill to come out of the CRF funds to spend down the $85K. Kathy Koziell states it was in the minutes. Dinah Reiss asks if it should go to the DES reimbursement. Kathy Koziell states she is working on a spreadsheet for the Water Project for reimbursement. Kathy Koziell will work Dinah Reiss & Donna MacKinnon.
3. DPW Report
Kelly Robitaille states the DPW is working on Grisson & Barden drainage issues. The rafts and picnic tables are out. There is a snag of the Thusis Culvert the homeowners do not want any drainage going onto their property and if the drainage goes onto to the beach, we will lose a lot of the beach area. One option is just to replace to damage pipe with a lot of unknown. Jay Buckley questions to put a swale right up to the property and plant a berm on the other side. Kelly states no way of hiding drainage. Jay Buckley asks Kelly Robitaille to get an estimate for a camera to find out what size pipe is under the road. Kathy Koziell asks what would a camera do? Kelly Robitaille states it would give him a better view for doing the project. Discussion of easement of property. Kathy Koziell states there is $1,300 or $1,400. left in Thusis WA budget.
Discussion of 33 Upper Lakeview.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the letter to The Taylors at 33 Upper Lakeview.
Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion of 10 Porridge Shore.
Discussion of 7 Biasca Driveway-Kelly Robitaille states the driveway is not located where the approval was given to the homeowner. Homeowner will have a lot of work to do for drainage for the District road to be protected. Paula Doyle would like to meet with the homeowner. Kathy Koziell would like to call the homeowner to find out his plans.
Discussion of 19 East Bergamo driveway permit-it is a class VI road which will have to be brought up to class V road standards at the homeowner’s expense. Kelly Robitaille will inspect it as a class V road.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve to sign 19 East Bergamo driveway inspection with a letter going to the homeowner. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion of Rock House Mountain spreading of Calcium Chloride by the DPW.
Discussion of 9 Reinach driveway permit.
Discussion of 47 Eidelweiss driveway permit-Homeowner has to send full application into the District office will reach out to homeowner.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve fill application for 1 Little Loop Road. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Discussion of Kayak racks-Kathy Koziell is addressing the problem.
Discussion of speed bumps-Kelly Robitaille thinks they will be damaged with the ongoing project. Jay Buckley wants a slow sign to put up, Kelly Robitaille agrees.
Kathy Koziell makes a motion to appropriate up to $200 from buildings & grounds line item for caution sign on Eidelweiss Drive. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion of Outhouses sanitizers-Jay Buckley can not order receive any before August but will install brackets himself.
Discussion of reaching out to Gina Murphy for cleaning of Outhouses.
4. Administration
Discussion of Camper park at the Huttwil parking lot-It has been parked since May 9th, 2020.
Paula Doyle suggests putting it in the Newsletter.
Discussion of part time Admin job opening.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the meeting minutes of May 7th.
Kathy Koziell seconds. Paula Doyle abstains. Motion Passed 2-1.
Kathy Koziell makes a motion to approve the meeting minutes of June 22nd. Jay Buckley seconds. Paula Doyle abstains. Motion Passed 2-1.
5. Accounts Payable
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Manifest of 8 checks for $7,310.46. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 2-0.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve payroll of $5,703.30. Kathy Koziell seconds.
Motion Passed 2-0.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Manifest of 6/24/2020 of 5 checks for $11,956.22
Discussion of Simply Water Invoice-holding check until clarification from Ian Hayes regarding invoice.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to amended Manifest of 6/24/2020 of 4 checks for $3,186.22. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve executive payroll for month of June for $850.00. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motions Passed 3-0.
6. Signature Item
Discussion of approved CRF funds for SW Cole Invoice-Kathy Koziell is finding the minutes.
Discussion of 7 Biasca Water Hook-Up.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve 7 Biasca water hook-up. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion of 21 Upper Lakeview Dr Robert Nelson email for water hook-up-Jay Buckley will send email to Mr. Nelson.
Discussion of water service line in vacant lot-Jay Buckley spoke with Jake Dawson. Jay Buckley send out work order number to Ian Hayes.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to create a work order number for curb stop at 14 Bristenstock. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion of Radio Tower coming-Jay Buckley asks Kathy Koziell to put notice in the newsletter.
Discussion of pumphouses-Kathy Koziell reached out to Ian Hayes.
7. Correspondence Report
Discussion of lawn mowing.
Discussion from Dorothy Wondalowski-She would like public meetings held again. Paula Doyle thinks it should stay the way we are doing holding them during this time, Jay Buckley agrees with Paula.
Discussion of Boulder Beach Raft.
Discussion of June Newsletter.
Paula Doyle would like to talk about committees next week put it on the agenda for next week.
Discussion for EPOA to buy lawnmower-Kathy Koziell would like to ask the EPOA to purchase lawnmower for the District, Dinah Reiss agrees with Kathy, Jay Buckley disagrees.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:05 pm. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna MacKinnon